Connecting Onkyo SR702 to a Yamaha 215 SUB


New member
Username: Bfrankie

Post Number: 3
Registered: Sep-05
I have an Onkyo SR 702 with Bose AM7. Bass was lousy so I bought a Yamaha HT215 to supplement it.

Problem is the SR702 has only one Pre-out for a Sub. Yamaha manual indicates if this is the case then I need to use the speaker Level lines from my Amp. But these are already in use for the AM7.

Is it OK to connect the only PRE AMP output pin jack from the SR702 with a Y connector to L&R Inputs on the Sub?

Help Please

Gold Member
Username: Edster922

Abubala, Ababala The Occupation

Post Number: 2880
Registered: Mar-05
> Is it OK to connect the only PRE AMP output pin jack from the SR702 with a Y connector to L&R Inputs on the Sub?


Better yet would be to get a better sub. How much did you pay for the Yamaha?

New member
Username: Bfrankie

Post Number: 4
Registered: Sep-05
The Yamaha 215 is a cheap sub, market cost 149, got it from Amazon for 99 and free shippiing.

Update my entire HT system and wanted a cheap quick fix till I could get a better sub.
Thanks for the help will get a Y connector.
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