cerwin vega avs 5.1


Kane D
Unregistered guest
I recently purchased and set-up the AVS 5.1 system with a Kenwood VR707 receiver using the included speaker/sub wires. It sounds great when it is working, but there are two issues I have noticed so far.

1) the sub does not always turn on when a movie begins. It usually will eventually kick on during a loud scene in a movie. Can this be alleviated by increasing the signal to the sub (+1-10dB...) and then turning the sub volume down. Will purchasing a better sub cable and Ysplitter help? Or do you have any other suggestions?

2) When the system is first turned off, there is a noticible hum coming from the sub until it goes into stand-by mode. There is no hum when the system is on for all functions (music, dvd, vhs). Do you have any clue what would cause this?

Rob P
Unregistered guest
The problem lies in the way the sub was set by the manufacturer. This has the sub go into a 'sleep' mode if it does not get a strong enough signal. The fix can be found at the following link: http://www.dealtime.com/xPR-Cerwin_Vega_AVS_5_1

Hope this helps...
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