My subwoofer makes this gurgling sounds. Instead of hard thumps I get this thunder-like gurgling rumbling sound. I had this problem with the subwoofer that originally came with my receiver so I replaced it. Everything was fine for many months but now it's back.
I keep fidling with setting I don't understand like crossover and phase but nothing seems to work.
Did I blow out my subwoofer? I don't blast my sound system.
I have a cheap old Kenwood VR-407 Receiver and an Infinity subwoofer.
yo man i have a 5.1 set of logitech Z-5300e computer speakers with an 100W 6.5 sub in a Bandpass box. i played a bass test and noticed the gurgling only happens at 170-180 cycles. it is a big piss off and it constantly annoys me. it seems if i put my hand in front of the port it stops the gurgling. it always happens at high volume. also it sounds like something is inside the box flying around. maybe its blown, or i maxxin the Xmax. i dunno. im only 15 and cant wait to get a car so i can put in a system and if all subs make this noise im hearing right now, then my dreams are crushed.hopefully not.