Stereo..back to the future


Silver Member
Username: Nuck

Parkhill, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 234
Registered: Dec-04
I tried playing 'SRV Live at Montreaux' on the pioneer, but it wouldn't co-operate in dts or Dolby.
I selected 'stereo' on the player and the same on the H/K pre.

Oh my goodness.
The amp just lit up and delivered the best sound I have heard yet from the Rotel/PSB combo.

Is al this extra stuff necessary? yes. for movies.

Otherwise, the stereo setup is the most rewarding I can imagine.

I can see Jan and the stereo boys nodding.
Now about that turntable...

Gold Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 6457
Registered: May-04

Nuck - Go back to the very beginnings of Old Dogs and read why that is. Pick a time when you have plenty of time since there are over 6,000 posts on that thread.


Silver Member
Username: Nuck

Parkhill, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 237
Registered: Dec-04
Should have dug that up 2 wks ago sick at home, Jan.
That thread or link brought me here in the first place. For good or bad!

I will dig it up.

The amp is no longer held back by the extra channels, and I think the PSB's are fairly low inpedance, thus opening up the power vault and quite frankly, blowing my head off at the normal volume setting.
WAY tuned down now.
Can't do Norah Jones, more like James Taylor, although if Tim sends the Emma's , I could use a reference, and Norah seems to be the one for female vocals.

Nice to be back, SRV sounds great!

Silver Member
Username: Nuck

Parkhill, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 238
Registered: Dec-04
As well, Jan, that blog you saw now has my stuff on it. If you look, do you think it will do the Emm's justice?

Bronze Member
Username: Fps_dean

Williamstown, MA USA

Post Number: 90
Registered: Oct-05
I agree with the stereo part, but where do turntables come in?

Silver Member
Username: Nuck

Parkhill, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 287
Registered: Dec-04
It's back to the future, Dean.
A lot of dust on it

Unregistered guest
CD stereo playback, especially through anaolgue connections, will easilly surpass pushing the 2 channels through DD or DTS processing which are no more than a matrix multi channel solution for those who wish to utilise multi speakers. DVD movies encoded with DD or DTS in 5.1 is another matter, but still the sound is compressed. DVD-A and SACD in multichannel surpasses all imho (assuming good recording and mixing of course).

Silver Member
Username: Nuck

Parkhill, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 289
Registered: Dec-04
And the Eagles "hell freezes over' is a good example, Rantz. The sacd is very, very good(to me)
The 'live' recording is good as well(on dvd),especially in 3.1 channel, but better in stereo(encoded 2.1)

Quality music for the masses.
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