i about purchase rotel product to drive my b&w 604s2. i want the preamp 1070. and just wonder the set of power amp which is the best for whose b&w 1. 2x rb1070 ( set as mono each) 2 1 rb1080 ( which is THX cer) any ideal please????
I think that just 1 RB1070 is enough to drive the 604s at very good levels.I don't think that you need to spend $1000 for the RB1080 to drive those speakers neither you need 2 RB1070. I have the 1070 preamp and like it a lot.
thanks for your commend i have got the set today.all work perfect. with my old DVD player(pioneer DV 355). I also want to get other player just for music and good CD player for under $1000 and work good with my rotel&B&W set.please???