ITunes can't locate file on nfs


Unregistered guest
I have a gentoo linux server running samaba with a designated harddrive for my mp3s. I mapped the share as the z:\ on my Win XP Home machine. I then set my iTunes directory to z:\

This works great... for a while. Twice now iTunes has decided not to be able to locate any of the mp3s anymore. The z:\ is there, I can click the file and locate the mp3 manually and it works fine. The problem is there's lots of them and I can't locate them all by hand.

Right now my only real option is to export the playlists as xml, clear all the mp3s and then reload them and then reload the playlists. This takes forever and is really annoying. Also it's only a matter of time before this happens when I really need the music (parties, etc.).

- Does anyone know why this is happening?
- Is ther anything I can do to prevent it?
- Is there any quick way to find the files again once iTunes show me the exclamation point of death?

- AA
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