Thread | Last Poster | Posts | Last Post | |
Archive through January 31, 2006 | Reilly | 100 | ||
Archive through August 03, 2005 | Kirk Ward | 100 | ||
Archive through February 13, 2005 | Meagan | 100 |
GrapeSteinbeck Unregistered guest | Save your mp3's in ID3 v2.3 (iTunes is best for converting ID3 tags, just select, right-click, then click "convert ID3") |
Unregistered guest | TECH. HELP!! We got a RCA RD2826A it came with a universal charger ( select a volt from 3v-12v) well it was on a higher voltage. When my son plugged it in everything went black and hasn't turned on again. I am assuming that there is a chip / diode/ resister or? that burns up. Can anyone shed some light on this. The thing is brand new . Are we totally screwed or can it be fixed? Thanks, Dave |
Unregistered guest | hey, i have a RCA lyra and i have the problem of i/o error. that i can not access the device .. but i fixed with the firmware upgrate .. at first it doesnt detect the unit but when searching i just unpluged and plug and i take it and a start the update , then it ask . if u want to format the data and say yes.., and after that it works perfect the internal memory start working again.!! |
Unregistered guest | i don't know how to downlaod songs on my memory card with windows media player and i have RCA_Lyra and i have this one brother and he is really smart with technology and he couldn't even figure it out to make it work so any body out there if you can help me then you can leave me an e-mail at: thx i would really appreciate it!!! luv laura |
Unregistered guest | I have a Rca lyra RD1028A i first had a problem where i had all my music working and I just added new songs and while i was out skateboarding my Rca lyra froze up and wouldn't change at all so i popped out the battery and put it back in, when it came up it just froze right as it start up, after about 2 weeks of looking up, i formated it and it worked again, i put all my music on and everything, about 2 weeks later, it did the same thing only this time when i formatted it, after i put music back on or even right after the format it says RCA then goes to a screen and says please wait, and does that over and over, and nothing else i would like to know how to fix it if you can help at all it would be greatly apreciated thank you.. James |
Unregistered guest | I have a Rca lyra RD1028A i first had a problem where i had all my music working and I just added new songs and while i was out skateboarding my Rca lyra froze up and wouldn't change at all so i popped out the battery and put it back in, when it came up it just froze right as it start up, after about 2 weeks of looking up, i formated it and it worked again, i put all my music on and everything, about 2 weeks later, it did the same thing only this time when i formatted it, after i put music back on or even right after the format it says RCA then goes to a screen and says please wait, and does that over and over, and nothing else i would like to know how to fix it if you can help at all it would be greatly apreciated thank you.. James |
Sunshine K Unregistered guest | I own an RCA RD1028A with a 1g sandisk card. For the MOST part My player works well. My issue is that no matter how i format or upload songs to it, the songlist MAXes out at 238. i emailed the company, but I am not going to hold my breath. Any Ideas? |
Sunshine K Unregistered guest | I own an RCA RD1028A with a 1g sandisk card. For the MOST part My player works well. My issue is that no matter how i format or upload songs to it, the songlist MAXes out at 238. i emailed the company, but I am not going to hold my breath. Any Ideas? |
Anonymous | I just cured the prob, upload the latest firmware from rca, then use your favorite method to put the mp3 on the rca. Then just simply rename the mp3 to .mpy Of corse you got to "show file extensions" |
Unregistered guest | I just got an rd2315a. I got the fm to work. But the system locked up in the radio function. I take out the battery and hold the stop button down for 10 seconds. But when I load the battery and turn the device on it goes back to the radio. Menu does not seem to work. Called help line and was told to send the puppy back for a replacement. Is this my best course? I will be using linux and am not looking for trouble. Am I just seeking grief? |
New member Username: DavaLynnwood, WA Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-06 | I have a RCA Lyra RD1080 I am in need of a user manual, I have a P displyed on the screen and the player only plays two songs when yesterday I had 20 songs on it what do I do? |
Unregistered guest | Hi, i have an rca lyra 2780a. I recently put this wmv. format video on it. I went to play it-the audio worked, however, the screen just came up with purple and green stripes. What should i do? please help! |
New member Username: Scarri2016Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-06 | Do you know where I can get a 5.5v charger for the rca lyra rd2826? Rca charges $50 and i was wondering if there is any other brand that will work |
CF Unregistered guest | Okay...I'm having problems. I just downloaded as much music as I can to my RCA 1028 and now I need more space. Some of the songs that are on there AREN'T suppossed to be there. I'm following the little manual thing and it's telling me to push mode and dsp and all that, but when I do that, the Lyra just keeps making me change the "DSP" from jazz to rock to all that nice stuff. Anyone have any ideas? I feel really dumb right now...thanks a bunch. |
Unregistered guest | my rd 2315a only read 512megas from sd of 1 giga. Can i read all the sd memory ( 1 giga)?. |
Unregistered guest | my mp3 just froze and wont turn off or anything!It just displays the sand dial and doesn't do anything else. Nothing works! please help ASAP! |
Unregistered guest | my mp3 just froze and wont turn off or anything!It just displays the sand dial and doesn't do anything else. Nothing works! please help ASAP! |
Unregistered guest | my mp3 just froze and wont turn off or anything!It just displays the sand dial and doesn't do anything else. Nothing works! please help ASAP! im sorry to keep resending this message but my email isnt working so please send it to this one /\ above |
Unregistered guest | hello i have a problem with my lyra sport model # rd2215b my problem is that i deleted all the songs that i put on my lyra but it still says that i have no space available to put new songs on it PLEASE HELP ME! |
New member Username: Help_plzPost Number: 5 Registered: Feb-06 | help my lyra is stuck at the RCA scren and wont do anything HELP |
abcdefghijklmnopqrst Unregistered guest | my lyra rd1028a says it holds 4 hours but barley holds 1 hour |
Unregistered guest | help my eamil is i don't know how to turn the volume off |
FRANK1234564 Unregistered guest | WELL NOT OFF BUT DOWN U KNOW lower volume |
New member Username: Big_dLe Grand , C.A USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-06 | I bought a rca lyra mp3 player model RD1028a it was working fine but now it won't when I turn it it on it says please wait and then it turns off and when I connect it to my computer it says that the usb cable it connect but my computer says that nothing it connect to it so can u help me out? |
Unregistered guest | I have a RCA Lyra 1028a, why can I only get 23 songs on it? That is a total of 90 minutes. According to the information it should hold more. Any thoughts? |
Unregistered guest | Help --- I just purchased an RCA LYRA Model RD2212 - it's the sport MP3 player. I am having nothing but problems installing it. My computer which is using XP indcates it cannot find the driver for this after I have hooked up the USB.. Any ideas? The drivers apparently on the CD that came with are for Win98... I installed what downloads were available from the RCA site but I am pretty sure they didn't include drivers. All help and suggestions appreciated. |
Unregistered guest | Update.. I need the drivers for my computer for this. When I tried to install them from the CD provided they are Win98 stuff and won't load on my winXP.. help.. I actually did call the non-toll free RCA number and they were ZERO Help. Thanks |
New member Username: JessheytPost Number: 1 Registered: Feb-06 | I recently purchased music through iTunes and thought I transferred it onto the Lyra. Well from the computer, when hooked up via USB, it says that the songs are on the Lyra, but when I unplug it, they are not available to play. I don't understand at all. It looks like the music files are in folders, they don't look the same as the songs I ripped from CDs. I've already spent hours trying to figure this out on my own, and it seems useless. Any advice.... other than to go buy a new MP3 player? |
iamcool_____________ Unregistered guest | i have a rca rd1071a, does any1 kno of a SD card that works in it? b/c i need more memory. also i cant figure out how to program it and i thought you were supposed to be able to. adn sometimes it keeps shutting off, i dont know if its the battery or what my email is |
Unregistered guest | Hi....any help would be appreciated. I have an RCA RD1076A, no memory card. I downloaded maybe 40 songs to it, I can play them all, no worries. Now I want to add more songs, but now when I plug it into the USB port my computer doesn't recognize it. It comes up in my computer as drives E and F...but when I click on not accessible. I tried a friends computer and it worked, the computer recognized it. What am I doing wrong on my computer |
PicketFence Unregistered guest | Please help, when i try to turn on my RCA it just says RCA and stays at that loading place. i have no idea how to fix this. |
PULL10K Unregistered guest | I Have a RD1076B Lyra player. It is the 512MB player. Here is what I have found. It plays songs in alphabetical order. It CANNOT understand numbers. So if you have files named 101.mp3 102.mp3 etc it plays them in RANDOM order. What stupid engineers. Also I think it is limited to reading the 1st 8 charecters, then it again is random. This makes listening to books on tape not work at all. You need to go to and download the freeware rename software and add Alphabetical renumbering... IE: AA, AB, AC. only way it works. Also if you want more than 138 files to show up make a folder for each 138 files. Even though it lists 512 as the largest SD card supported, I have a SanDisk 2 gigabyte card that fully works. Although it only supports 600 total files. ALso if you have a small version of the player IE 128 K use GOLDWAVE (shareware) to compress MP3's to 64K WMA's. Saves around half the disk space and sounds exactly the same in my ears. Use the batch rename feature |
PULL10K Unregistered guest | The Player only supports 600 files. not the SD card |
Anonymous | I have a RCA 2825a it works fine but I can't find a battery for it any where.Can any one help? |
Unregistered guest | Hey can anyone help, I turned on my RCA RD2762A and it says "File system corrupted" message. My computer is not recognizing the device. Does anyone know how to fix it? Please Help.... |
Unregistered guest | I'm having the exact same problem as Allison Rose. I have an RD2765A... it was working just fine last night. I went to turn it on tonight and got the File system corrupted.. then it shut down. I went to RCA's website... absolutely useless!! Any help would be greatly appreciated. |
New member Username: OakbranPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-06 | I put music on my lyra and it was working fine. And then it just stopped. When I turn it and look 4 the music it says there are "No playlists found", but when I plug it into the computer, all the music is on there. HELP ME PLEASE!!! |
New member Username: T_mccartPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-06 | Please Help with my RCA LYRA MP3 PLAYER!!! I put music onto my player following the directions, and when I went to play it, it only allowed certain songs to be played...however, when i went to see if the songs were on there they all were and it says the my selections is full and i have no more memory space...No matter what I do I can't hear the other songs they just won't play- if anyone knows what I should do please help asap!!! otherwise I will go insane listening to the same 8 songs over and over!!! thank you! |
New member Username: ScrawnDenmark, WI/USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-06 | I just got RCA LYRA RD1021A but I never got the cd brother bought it on ebay now i just need the program to put music on there. If you can send it to |
New member Username: Markp313Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-06 | RCA RD2010A Been using this for some time now. Works great, except for the fact 1gb cards that are filled with more than I think 256 tracks will not play all tracks. They can be under different directories, named in different ways, with tags, without tags, seems to not matter. Any suggestions would be helpful. Possibly a hardware limitation due to the random play feature (creates a list, not random). I have the latest firmware v1.51. Any other firmware? Any better sd player out there? |
New member Username: RvinsonPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-06 | Does anybody know how to re-format this mp3 player? Every time i turn it on or try to add songs it says file system corrupt. Thanks |
New member Username: Markp313Post Number: 2 Registered: Mar-06 | possibly reflash, or format the drive letter fat32. |
New member Username: AshleebHicktown, Maine USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-06 | My Player keeps saying System Files Corrupt. I cant even turn it on anymore. Please Help! |
New member Username: Zipper369Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | I got a RCA Lyra RD2765A. I had just unplugged my Lyra from my computer after I finished adding some more songs. Later when I hooked it back up, my computer said something about it not being able to recognize the USB device because it had malfunctioned. I looked at my Lyra and the screen was off. I then unplugged it and ti=ried to turn it on. Still all I got was a blank screen. Usually I can hear the harddrive inside spinning and feel it heating up. I noticed that it was heating up but I did not hear the harddrive spinning. Can anyone help me out here? |
New member Username: ChivisazTrujillo, La Libertad Peru Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | Hi, I need help!!! I got a RCA Lyra RD1072, I try to turn on my RCA it just says RCA and turn off.Then I format it and it says usb connected but it wont do anything. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!! |
New member Username: MabrightPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | Had my RCA Lyra RD2780A for a month now. When I first bought it off of EBAY, I first updated the softway with the latest download from RCA. After that I when I rebooted I only get two notches on the reboot percentage and it stays there. I reinstalled, rest andrebooted so many times I give up. HELP ME PLEASE!!! |
New member Username: Ardent04Wenatchee, Washington Us Post Number: 10 Registered: Feb-06 | Well I have been gone for awhile. I had my LYRA RD 2010 start having some of the problems listed above.. but the most annoying one that caused me to put it up for awhile was the replaying of the same few songs. That was horrible. One of the first things that i have done since i have gotten it back out is to put that thing into it. the neoprene case..{as I MAY have droped it 2x}. AS far as putting songs on it... i have given up using the onboad memory as I too have a 1gig card that i have as yet to completely fill as to move onto the onboard256. AS far as the right card. I bought 3 cards before finding that LEXOR... {bought at SAM"S} finally worked. AS far as the cord issue .. when it says use the cord that comes with you device what ever device that might be I am beginning to believe it. AS for the 2.0 cord that i don't have a 2.0 usb intake mine works fine.....SO FAR. I too am concerned about where are all those songs that i put on my 1 GIG are as i have over 150 and I am certain that either the shuffle doesnt reach them or there is another issue. Got any ideas?? And after going over my post.. sorry guys for using AS FAR AS sooooooooo much!! |
New member Username: FighterjetVirginia beach, Va Usa Post Number: 4 Registered: Apr-06 | the solution to loading music to an sd card is installing musicmatch 10. this solved my problems. I now have loaded 110 songs on my unit. |
New member Username: Lunchbox181Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | how do i make a playlist on my rca lyra |
New member Username: Rafarocha10Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | I just bought a Lyra 2312 and I have a very stupid question after dowloading a 8CD audio book... HOW DO I STOP AND RESUME WHERE I WAS PLAYING?? If I press anything different than PAUSE I'll go back to the beginning! HELP PLEASE!!! Thanks Rafa |
New member Username: Druid54usWindham , Connecticut USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | ok same preoblem here i bbought a Lyrac RCA mp3 1072 player and then i bought a memory upgrade 256 mb sd card, i download music to it and well it just frooze after playing like 2 seconds of a song, is there and expecific sd card i should get for it and i agree RCA is crap last time im gething anything from them |
New member Username: Druid54usWindham , Connecticut USA Post Number: 2 Registered: Apr-06 | ok same preoblem here i bought a Lyrac RCA mp3 1072 player and then i bought a memory upgrade 256 mb sd card, i download music to it and well it just frooze after playing like 2 seconds of a song, is there and expecific sd card i should get for it and i agree RCA is crap last time im gething anything from them |
New member Username: GenericusernamePost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | Rafa, I'm right there with you. I've been an Audible user for a few years now getting by with just the most basic of mp3 players. I bought the RCA Lyra 2312 on-line 1 month ago as an upgrade to what I had been using. It's been working fine but the one thing it can't do that my "cheap-o" player could do was "bookmark" your spot in the audiobook. It's is really frustrating on the Lyra to always make a mental note of the hour, minute, second position in the audiobook before hitting "stop" and then having to FF to get back there to begin listening again. I just sent an e-mail to RCA and was looking for other help on-line when I found this forum. If I hear back from them I'll post it here. Don't worry, your's was not a "stupid" question. |
New member Username: UssrbreadPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | I have a rd1021 and it wont turn on. I have a warrenty but its for a diffrent lyra. What should i do |
New member Username: JephCanada Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | hey everybody. it seems like these little pieces give people a lot of trouble. i'm pretty ok with mine (lyra RD2315A) other then the song order. i tried renaming all the songs into just 3 letter alphabeticals (AAA, AAB....ADA, ADB...) but when i put them on the lyra they still have the original song names. so my questions: 1. where do you put the original name onto a file? 2. what was all that formatting talk earlier? 3. do any of you actually use musicmatch jukebox to line things up? does that work? it seemed like just a piece of junk to me. if there is anything i can do to make the songs go in order i'll be happy. thanks. ps. if anyone can answer just post on here so everyone can know as well. |
New member Username: Timsimm2Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | ok my problem is: how do u delete songs from it? i read in the manual how to do it, but i dont know how to save it. some1 plz help |
New member Username: JephCanada Post Number: 2 Registered: Apr-06 | how have you been putting songs on it? drag and drop? if this is the case, you just have to connect the device to your computer open the folder, highlight the songs you want to delete, right click, "delete". only do this if you were copying songs from your computer and not moving them because in that case you would lose the songs forever and have to dowload/rip them again. |
New member Username: Timsimm2Post Number: 3 Registered: Apr-06 | i have been using musicmatch |
New member Username: GenericusernamePost Number: 2 Registered: Apr-06 | Hey Rafa, I got the following response from RCA when inquiring about the problem of not being able to bookmark an audiobook. Good luck. ----------------------------------------- Dear Customer: Thank you for your recent inquiry concerning your Lyra Player. We believe we can best answer your question by having you call a Thomson representative on our direct Lyra line at 580-634-0115 Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. and Saturday - Sunday 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. (EST). Please have the model and serial number of the product available when you call. If you have questions about how to use your product or how to connect it to other products, we recommend you are with the product and have your owner's manual available at the time of your call. If you cannot locate your owner's manual/instruction book, please visit and click on Instruction Books. Thank you for contacting us and giving us this opportunity to assist you. [Q110487004600010] Sincerely, Kristi 0604201064 This response is being provided by Thomson Inc., the manufacturer of RCA consumer electronics products. |
New member Username: JephCanada Post Number: 3 Registered: Apr-06 | i can't believe i've been so dumb! all you have to do is use the stupid product they want you to use and then everything works. i can't believe i didn't try this months ago. |
New member Username: Lasha123Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | help meeeeeeeee! I delete in my RCA LYRa mp3 player folder with settings. what can I do? |
New member Username: Jezabel41Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | Hello! I just purchased a RCA Lyra RD2780A. My audio files are neatly organized on my computer's hard drive. When I move these files to the player, some files become unrecognized artists or albums. Some of the files transfer exactly the same. I copy and past my files from my hard drive to the player then profile the contents. Is there some "back-end" or "master" way of naming your audio files so that the artist and title is always recognized? Thx! |
New member Username: MusicrockssoxPost Number: 1 Registered: May-06 | I'm having problems with my RCA Lyra RD1028A. I just got it and its been working fine. But now When I turn it on it just says RCA And Please Wait... Then it turns off. I've put new batteries in, its not on hold, and when I hook it up to the SCB Cable and bring up Media Player its says no device detected!! Some one please Help Me!!! |
New member Username: JehsdrummerPost Number: 1 Registered: May-06 | So i bought an RCA Lyra 1028A. Then my brother got me a Sabdick 512 mb Memory stick. When i first got it i had no trouble at all, but now. When ever i get to the songs that are on the memory stick, my lyra freezes up. I've tried deleteing only the songs on the mp3 player itseld and putting all my songs on the memory stick, but it freezes. Some one suggested that I connect the mp3 player to the computer and upload a song, disconnect it, and continue...basically one song at a time, but still, it freezes. Can anyone help me figure out what is wrong with my Sandisk 512mb Memory Stick?! Thanks |
New member Username: The_b_in_canadaAlberta Canada Post Number: 1 Registered: May-06 | okay, apparently I'm not the only person who has this problem. I have a 20GB RD2825A lukebox thingy, yes older but hey it still works. wait that's my problem. every time I try to turn it on, it says corrupted lyra_sys folder. I can still download onto it but I cannot turn it on if it isn't plugged into the computer. can I download a new system folder? what do I have to do? email me if u know cause it's really bugging me thanks... |
New member Username: FoxfirePost Number: 1 Registered: May-06 | The RCA LYRA 256mb device is crappy anyway. But it starts having problem later on due to overused circuts (in other words, it's hella old) but alot of problems are due to dropping it on hard ground. It can lag, corrupt files, and even skip (whaaaat!). So be carful with it, and if it's been acting up take the battery out bfor 24 hours. Then put a BRAND NEW battery in and it should resolve any phyical or operational issues. As for the corrupt files, you'll have to get the actual system files from RCA otherwise ur MP3 player will remain a mindless heap of Plastic, Sylicon, and metal. |
New member Username: Ddts1Post Number: 1 Registered: May-06 | i have the rca lyra RD1028A and wanted to know if i can fit more than the 26 songs that i have on the player now with the memory that came with it without buying a mem card? thanks |
New member Username: LynsiePost Number: 2 Registered: May-06 | i have just purchased the rca lyra rd1072a and i downloaded 45 songs on it just fine. i was using my music downloading program and sending them into the lyra folder on my C drive in "my computer" but there is a problem..i am supposed to be able to load 125 songs. well i right clicked the mp3 to move to C:Lyra and a message popped up that stated "the disk in the destination drive is full please insert a new disk to continue" funny it isnt a disk its an mp3 but thats not the point. i need to load 125 songs and it will only allow 54. is there something i can do? HELP! and i also read the messages about converting the MBs into kpgs but i have no idea how to do that..and also musicmatch doesnt have my player available to recognize so i cant put my music on there if thats what i was supposed to do. is it possible that this happened because i disconnected without letting my com know? i heard that could damage your mp3 player but i didnt think it would just enable it from having more files. PLEASE HELP. |
New member Username: SburkePost Number: 1 Registered: Jun-06 | I've had a Lyra 1028 for about a year and a half now, and I've run into three problems with it, which I've solved: 0) discarded items staying on the drive and using space 1) files not playing in a sane order 2) every so often, the Lyra just won't start. Turning it on just shows "RCA" on the screen forever. Problem 0 is (as others have noted) actually a problem with my drive-viewing interface-- in my case, Nautilus (under Gnome under Redhat Fedora Linux), where deleted items actually end up in a directory called ".Trash-myusername" in the root of the Lyra's filesystem. So every time I'm finished putting stuff on the Lyra, I do "rm -rf /media/THM_LYRA/.Trash-$LOGNAME" Under MSWindows, I don't know what the command would be. Maybe just emptying the trash icon would do it. (More general tip: to see where all the space on a drive is going, use SpaceMonger under MSWin, or tkdu for Unix.) Problem 1, files not playing in a sane order, is something I've found a workaround for: It turns out that the Lyra is playing them in the order that they are in on the filesystem-- an order that one normally can't view or alter because normally that order makes no difference. In any case, I found a way to sort the files into a sane order: I had to write a program called "sortdir". I use it now under Unix, but it also runs under MSDOS if you install ActiveState Perl and run it as "perl -S c:\wherever\sortdir e:\music" where e:\ is the Lyra's drive name, and "music" is the subdir on the Lyra where I keep all the music. (For some reason, this seems to work right only if I keep things in that subdir, instead of putting everything in the root; program can't sort drives, just subdirs of drives.) I this all everytime I've had the Lyra connected to the computer and have been moving stuff around: "chmod -R a+rwX /media/THM_LYRA/music; sortdir /media/THM_LYRA/music" but it's important that you don't do this while files are actually still copying onto the Lyra. (This manual workaround usually works too: let's say you have a dir "Satie" with three files, "01.mp3", "02.mp3", "03.mp3", and the Lyra is stubbornly playing them in some onder other than 1,2,3. In that case, make a directory in the directory that contains "Satie" and call it "SatieB". Move "01.mp3" into that directory, then "02.mp3", then "03.mp3". Then you can delete the original (now-empty) "Satie" dir and presumably rename "SatieB" to "Satie". Once you disconnect the Lyra and try playing the files, they should now play in the proper order. My sortdir program simply automates this whole moving-files progress and applies it recursively to whole directory structures.) Problem 2, the lockups, was pretty serious. Sometimes I go weeks without a lockup, sometimes several times a day. The one thing that seems to always always fix it, is to use this RCA utility to reformat the drive: RD1022_28_72_76FWUpgrade_v1002.exe That's the firmware upgrade for Lyra 1022s, 1028s, 1072s, and 1076s -- and the firmware was actually quite up-to-date in my Lyra 1028A, but I really use the utility for reformatting the Lyra's filesystem. "[_] Reformat Data Area" is the option to check off on the updater program. After I have backed up everything from the Lyra (minus the SETTINGS.DAT), I run that utility, and then I copy back the backup, and then my Lyra always comes back from its lockup. One note about that firmware program's installer: You must keep your Lyra unplugged from the computer when you run the installer. (Otherwise, for no sane reason at all, the installer tries pathetically to be an uninstaller.) Once it has installed, then you can plug in your Lyra and start the updater from the Start Menu - Programs - Lyra Digital Audio Player - RD1022... - Update Firmware. Once it locates your drive (and probably notes that its firmware is already up to date), check off Format Data Area, confirm if it asks you if you're sure, and hit Start/Go/Kerjigger/whatever. Sometimes I don't have to actually do all that just to get the MP3 player to stop hanging when I restart it-- sometimes just putting a new battery in, and/or connecting the Lyra to the USB and then disconnecting it, and/or deleting the SETTINGS.DAT file will bring it back. But when that doesn't work, I haul out the firmware upgrader just so I can use that Data Area Formatter option. (And since that program runs only under MSWin, I have to go boot my old MSWin laptop to do it.) That's all I've figured out about this crazy mp3-mo-tron device! Now if only I could figure out why the player doesn't recognize more than two hundred and thirty-something mp3s. That's a real problem since I got a 1GB memory card. |
New member Username: Shane_hyattPost Number: 1 Registered: Jun-06 | Im having lots of TROUBLE with my RCA LYRA RD 1076A it freezes up on the first rca intro SCREEN . I tried unstalling and then reinstalling it and thatr didnt work i deleted all my mucis on it and not it has the wierd jukebox folder and this wierd ibd system file thats takes up alot of space on the mp3 player it doesnt make sense i cant delete it wont let me move it or anything i cant start it up and i cant put music on it ..IF YOU CAN PLEASE HELP i will do anything |
New member Username: AyrisesiranPost Number: 1 Registered: Jun-06 | I have an RCA Lyra 2762, and I've go that acursed "FILE SYSTEM CORRUPTED" Error and my computer will not recognize it for me to reformat it. It never has problems with recognization. And because ,y warrenty went out I can't get a new one and I can't afford a new MP3 Player. I Really need to know how to get rid of "File system corrupted" and to get it to work. Please Help! I'm desperate! |
New member Username: KaeleneWashington U.S Post Number: 1 Registered: Jun-06 | wow.. And i thought i was the only person with problems... Well hopefully someone can take a whack at mine. It would be greatly appriciated. My email is If anyone KNOWS why this is happening or how to fix it, PLEASE PLEASE email me. Thanks in advance.. NOW to the problem. I have had my player for a while now its the RD1028 version on the RCA LYRA. I downloaded about 40 songs to it and everything was working fine. I had the same random problems with it dying and whatnot just like everyone else on here, but found that taking out the battery and putting it back in worked fine for me. I recently bought a memory card and downloaded some music to it off of my labtop. I didnt download to teh card while it was in the player because my computer wouldnt let me do it. Why not? I have no idea. My problem however is that the device says that my card is regestering the the device. (the little icon shows up) but the songs dont play. My sister has the same player and the songs will play in hers. SO i know that it cannot be a problem with the card. I was wondering if maybe the readers inside the device had a problem? does anyone know why this is happening, or have any ideas on how to fix it? Thanks ! # ![]() |
New member Username: Julien24Post Number: 1 Registered: Jun-06 | ¤¤¤solution¤¤¤ if someone have trouble with a lyra mp3 player, like your computer work with windows xp and it does not recognize the player, i have the solution. you have to find the correct driver because the one wich is on the cd seems to don't work with win xp. i tried to upgrade it but it does not work. please note: to find the right driver, it will take a lot of time. try use an search motor, like google and enter the code behind your mp3 player, like rd1076a, and add the word: driver. i tell you that you will not find the driver at the first try. after, search the web and always use the code of the mp3 player or the name. i had this problem but i fix it with this way. hope this will help you. for more details, my email is : |
New member Username: Tb884Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-06 | Whenever I plug my MP3 player an (RCA Lyra RD1072A) into the computer, it is recognized twice, as removable disk G: and H:. It will play once through fine the first time, right after I remove it. After that, when I turn it off and on again, I get this weird little popping noise, and it skips half to most of the tracks, insisting on playing at best, five or six of 65+ tracks. |
New member Username: StarlaPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-06 | I borrowed my friends RCA Lyra 2760 and now anytime i turn it on the RCA logo comes on then just shuts off, I tried plugging it to my computer and it doesn't software that comes with the lyra says its not there, but i can see it in device manager, but the usb says the location is 0 does anyone know how to fix this??? please email help to or my friend is going to kill me. Thanks |
New member Username: EconradPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-06 | I have pretty much everything figured out, but HOW CAN I MAKE A PLAYLIST? Thanks!! |
New member Username: 2132guyOntario Canada Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-06 | Here's what I have learned about the 2132: - If you arrange the mp3 files in the SD card in directories, it plays the files one directory at a time in alphabetical order. You can sort of make playlists by making directories on the SD card, then choose that folder. - Inside the directory, it plays them in alphabetical order, but in only looks at the first 5 or 6 letters, so if every file starts with "Norah Jones -" then it won't see any more letters and play it in random order. You have to rename them to be something like "01-Norah Jones -". - To listen to audio books and usefully pause it, go into settings and turn off "powersave". Now, if you press pause, it will stay there and in a low power mode. Mine can go for 12 - 24 hours with nimh batteries like this. |
New member Username: JoethemobsterPost Number: 1 Registered: Aug-06 | My MP3 player is a Lyra RD2312A (v3.11) My first one I smashed to oblivion today, and went and bought the same unit again! I smashed it in frustration in that as mentioned above, I had run into a wall with the MP3 player recognizing the expanded SD card. I have tried one 64Mb Kodak card, Two Lexar 256Mb cards, one 512Mb SanDisk card, and finally one 1.0Gb PNY card. Smashed the corner of the 512er' also, in my fit of rage. I feel stupid now..... After buying the second one to replace the one I smashed while acting on my bad temper, I actually sat down this time with the new one, and solved my problem! The maximum amount of folders you can have on this player is 50!!!!!!! DOH! There was nothing wrong with the first unit, I just lost my brain is all. If I pile lots of songs in one folder, the limitations are side stepped, and I can now fill my gig card plus the onboard 256Mb! |
New member Username: JoethemobsterPost Number: 2 Registered: Aug-06 | Just noticed now, in reading something off the RCA website, in fine print it says the maximum card supported is 512Mb. Thanks RCA, for putting it on the OUTSIDE of the package like everyone else (/sarcasm off) Like I posted above, 1.0Gb card works good so far. Bought a two pack of them today for $40! |
New member Username: ImeatbagPost Number: 2 Registered: Aug-06 | Okay, here's the deal. I'm running Windows XP Home edition on the service pack 1 - 5.1.2600 build. I've installed everything on the disc that came with the player, yet my computer STILL can't detect it. Further, this is a fresh reinstall. I just finished about 13 hours ago. This player hasn't worked from day one on this computer dispite having them [the store] replace the entire packaging twice. Fortunately then, I had a second computer I could transfer files onto it with. Now, I do not have that luxury and am in need of some sort of assistance whether it be in the form of working drivers or advice on how to get working drivers. Thanks in advance. PS. it's not just the player. I've tried a few different MP3 players. My computer just does not detect external storage devices. |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 9310 Registered: Dec-03 | How are you connecting to the PC? If you are connecting via USB, check your device manager and check if the USB port is enabled. |
New member Username: 2132guyOntario Canada Post Number: 3 Registered: Jul-06 | 1. plug the lyra into the computer. 2. In Windows XP, go to control panel, system, device manager, then see if any of the usb devices has a yellow question mark next to it. If so, right click on it and choose "remove" or "uninstall". 3. Unplug the lyra, wait 10 seconds, plug it in again, see if it works now. |
New member Username: ImeatbagPost Number: 3 Registered: Aug-06 | I just finished trying that, and nothing. It detects it immediately as what it is, and then through the process of trying to install it over and over again, it shifts to an unusable USB mass storage device. The disc that came with it is no use and I know it's not the USB slot because my digital camera works just fine. It gives me a few different warning messages at different stages: "There was a problem with the installation of your new hardware. It might not work properly." "No drivers have been installed for this device." |
New member Username: ShamrockjuliePost Number: 1 Registered: Sep-06 | I found an old RCA lyra player that I purchased in 2001 I can load it onto my computer and see the mpy files. How do I transfer or convert those files into mp3 or wma files so I can play on my newer player? |
New member Username: Masterniles44Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-06 | I purchased the 4 GB RCA Lyra. I have had it for about 2 months. I started it up and I went into the "Folders" option. It came up with a blank screen. I plugged it into my PC and it wouldn't read it at all. It keeps saying, "Please profile RCA Lyra contents". If anyone has a solution I would be very greatful if you would send it to Thanks for the help people! |
New member Username: JayebPine Ridge, South Dakta United States Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-06 | My RCA Lyra RD2762 will not charge,a dn only turns on sometimes..i need help with how to fix it. |
New member Username: LyraPost Number: 1 Registered: Oct-06 | sooo here is my problem; i plugged in the usb to charge my battery.. it was working like it should then i jsut held down the pause/play button to switch to usb connection so i could put music on it.. well i went to test it, and it wouldnt turn on so i thought well it prolly wasnt charged enough well when i went to go put it back in.. nothing happened... nothing showed up on the screen, it wasnt turning on... what happened?? how can i fix it??? pleaseeee helpp meeee sincerely ~Lyra .F ( yes my name is Lyra) |
New member Username: BearcubguiPost Number: 1 Registered: Nov-06 | Hey there everybody... I have been having some problems lately with my RCA RD2028... All of a suddent, it does not want to play mp3PRO files any longer... everytime I try to make it play something encoded MPEG-Layer2, it simply crashes but does not reboot... it just freezes. Any clue on what it might be? Something I could do to maybe fix it? It still seems to read regular mp3 files just fine, but having the files compressed at a larger rate makes the entire library impossible to fit into the lyra. If anybody knows anything about that. please give a holler Thanks a lot Gui. |
New member Username: Darbaka_alabanCAIROEGYPT Post Number: 1 Registered: Nov-06 | I have been having some problems lately with my RCA lyra 2765a it write on screen file system corrupted i need solution for this problems plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz |
New member Username: Darbaka_alabanCAIROEGYPT Post Number: 2 Registered: Nov-06 | I have been having some problems lately with my RCA lyra 2765a it write on screen file system corrupted i need solution for this problems plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz |
New member Username: Helper_01Clarissa, Minnesota United states Post Number: 3 Registered: Jan-07 | go to this site find product and download newest firmware or the have troubleshooting stuff just look around on the site |
New member Username: Helper_01Clarissa, Minnesota United states Post Number: 4 Registered: Jan-07 | if peaple are haing trouble e mail me |
New member Username: EmplosionPost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-07 | my 1028a works great. ive had it for 3 years almost no problems wen i did get problems like rca just showing up or freezing i just rmoved the battery mine holds 27 songs and i just got a scandisk memorycard today and my lyra recognises it but i cant put songs on it if u do have advice email me at (i no its long) any help will be apreciated thank you |
New member Username: EmplosionPost Number: 2 Registered: Jan-07 | i figured out how to the easiest way to delete songs. this is wut u do go to my computer click on wut ever the cumputer nmed ur device (for me it is removeable disk f)then right click on wut u want to delete and click delete simple as that even works for demo song |
New member Username: Helper_01Clarissa, Minnesota United states Post Number: 5 Registered: Jan-07 | dude you should have got a charger with it when you bought it |
New member Username: SwaneePost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-07 | As many of you are, I'm have probluems with my RCA Lyra RD2762A. It got a static shock from my jacket, and now, when I try to turn it on, it sounds like the gears are grinding, and it says, "File System Corrupted!" I don't know what to do! I tryed the RCA site...Complete BS! I tried the manual...JUNK! My computer won't even recognize it anymore. I NEED HELP....PLEASE!!! Email my ASAP! PLEASE!! |
New member Username: LltompkinsPost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-07 | I am very sorry to hear all the problems people have had with their older Lyra MP3 players. It was the very first MP3 Player with nested menus and this has become the industry standard. They were way ahead of their time and I used my 1022a Lyra for a very long time, you had to use specific Compact flash cards with it, this had more to do with the voltage requirements of the Memory cards rather than any "Flaw" in the design of the Lyra. If I had not dropped mine on the pavement and busted it I would still be using it. There are a couple of tricks to the older Lyra's; 1. you need the profile on each memory stick ( this is one of the Lyra system files). There are several places you can download this from the web for free. 2.You cannot fill the memory card completely up or the processor will run out of temp space to decode the digital file. the WMA file and convert your Lyra to a windows media player, this will give you the best audio reproduction from the Lyra but, the file sizes are larger than MP3s. 4.use the Sandisk compact flash cards, you can pick them up at walmart and format them as (fat-16) never (fat-32) create the lyra folder and place the operating system(Lyra files) in the folder [ I have used 64, 128, 256, and 512 sticks in My Lyra and they have all worked]. 5.Never drop your MP3 player on concrete, they don't work well after that. |
New member Username: XxmusiicPost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-07 | My system keeps saying 'File System Corrupted' if you know how to fix this or anything.. because RCA isnt replying |
New member Username: OblachubsPost Number: 1 Registered: Feb-07 | RCA Lyra 2826A I have the same problems as you with my Lyra after a static shock. I was wondering if you figured out what the problem with yours was. I disassembled mine and the hard drive tests out ok. The USB to the PC will not work so I'm sure it's the main board possibly a fuse soldered to teh board. Anyone know how to test the circutits on the board? Let me know. Thanks. oblachubs a t yahoo d o t com Joe |
New member Username: KandikidraverviaglowMonessen, PA Untes States Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-07 | Ok. I have an RCA Lyra RD2762B and I just put about 6 new songs on it this morning. I was working fine then. But when I went to turn it back on about 1o minutes later it said "FILE SYSTEM CORRUPTED!" And now it won't even turn on! How can I fix it!?! I need help ASAP! Thanks |
New member Username: OblachubsPost Number: 2 Registered: Feb-07 | It's not helping that everyone is just posting the same ploblem here. It's painfully obvious that the problem is related. In my mind it's not worth fixing as this static discharge or overload it's getting will happen again eventually. Unless someone posts a resolution here I suggest showing restraint. |
New member Username: KyemschickPost Number: 2 Registered: Mar-07 | How do you get the songs onto the external memory card on the 1072A? |
New member Username: OblachubsPost Number: 3 Registered: Feb-07 | It would help if you posted in the right place. This discussion is about the 2826 series dude. |
New member Username: Redriver2590Post Number: 1 Registered: May-07 | hello. i have an rca rd1028 lyra. I screwed my player up by puting the wrong firmware on it. it wont turn on and the computer wont reconize it. i have tried taking the back part off the play and when i plug it into the computer it comes up as player recovery device. when i trie to install the new firmware it says itnitailizing and go all the way up the status bar and say searching for devices connected to computer. after i put the player togather it still does the say thing, not turning on. PLZZZZZ HELP!! email: |
New member Username: Redriver2590Post Number: 2 Registered: May-07 | srry for all the typos i was in a hurry |
New member Username: EstefGUATEMALA, GUATEMALA GUATEMALA Post Number: 1 Registered: Jun-07 | my lyra rd2765a says it holds 136 hours but barley holds 3 minutes, what I can do?? please answer me to my mail. pleaseeeeeeeeee! thanks you! |
New member Username: SalvadoralmonteDominican Re... Post Number: 2 Registered: Jun-07 | I Got a RCA Lyra RD1028A and it couldn't be detected by my Windows XP, also as soon as i connected to the USB it get frozen, Please Tell me what can i do.!!! |
New member Username: Playboyz_bunnyMedicine Hat, Alberta Canada Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-07 | I have the new Lyra Diamond HC308A and i can't seem to get it to work on my dads mac book pro. Is there any way i can get the downloadable software for it i lost my start up disk. It worked fine on my computer @ home with Windows XP. |
New member Username: FlarhPost Number: 1 Registered: Oct-07 | I need help re-formatting my RCA Lyra RD1028A. I have looked everywhere and can not find the code for it. Can some one help me? |
New member Username: AmadeovNew Orleans, LA United States Post Number: 1 Registered: Dec-07 | I actually fixed this!!! Mine had been giving me the "file system corrupted" error. So, I opened it up (unscrew the screw on the back, pry the back cover off with a small flat head screwdriver or a key, etc.) and saw that the connector between the CF drive and the motherboard had come apart. I re-inserted the cable into the groove of the connector on the motherboard, pushed the broken/separated piece of plastic that serves as a retainer for the cable back down, held it in place, and taped it down with a 1/4 inch wide strip of duct tape (taped all the way around the connector/cable to help keep it in). I put the Lyra back together and then turned it on... and it WORKED! It came right on into the normal menu! Yay! Good luck other people, I hope that this is the same thing that happened to your player and that you can also fix it! =) |
New member Username: RajibdmcPost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-08 | i have formated data area of RCA 1072A.What can I do Now?Please tell |
New member Username: AcseazzuPost Number: 1 Registered: Feb-08 | Do you have a manual for it. |
New member Username: Kamal012345Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-08 | i have rca lyra, when i press the 'PLAY' button to turn on my player, after a while it just turns off automatically and turns on again repeating the very fist song. i guess there is some problem related to 'power save'. but when i click on powersave, it doesnt show the options that have been described in the manual, there r five oprtions: off/1 min/2 min/ 3 min/4 min/ 5 min. but when we click on the powersave button in the menu mode, it doesnt show any of the above options. also when i change some settings like dsp, to change it from normal to repeat or even from normal to repeat all, it changes itself back to normal, which is ok, but accordingly, its another problem. not only this, now its getting worse. after when i turn on my mp3 pressing 'play' button, it turns off automatically by itself, this is when i press any button on my mp3; eg. play/mode/volume/previos/next. i charge my mp3, nd then once its charged, it tells me 'full bettery' but then once i switch on to play music files, the charge goes down again in about few seconds. i even tried resetting my mp3 player but nothing works. please help asap! thank u! my email is: |