I know this is the receiver forum, but I thought a post here might give some sooner results.
I am going to Saturday Audio tomorrow (April 17) and really need more advice from before then (Beacuse of their limited hours, this is the only time I can get there-I live in the Chicago area). I have decided to purchse NAD equipment (integrated amp and Cd player) to go with my Paradigm Monitor 7 v3's. I have eliminated the C350/C352 series because of quality questions. My choices are as follows:
I would like to get the best bang for my buck, and still get the best sound for my Monitor 7's. (14x20 room, classic rock, average to slightly above aaverage volume levels, Budget $700-$1000)
Here are my questions:
Do I need the extra power of the C370 and C372 for the additional dollars, to have better sound?
If I need the extra power, would the C370 be almost as good as the C372, but at a savings of around $200-$300? Or, have the newer model NAD's (C372/C542)been improved that much to justify the increaed cost?????????????
If (this is the big IF) the newer models are very much better (C372 over C370????), would the BEE's be sufficient for my needs?
I am leaning toward the more power, older model combination of the NAD C370 and C541i for around $800 new at Saturday Audio. The real question remains: Are the newer C372/C542 models that much better to justify the increased prcices, compared to the closeout prices for the C370/C541i????? How much better are they???
Thanks for your help everyone. I need quick advice if possible
Posted on
Well the 320bee increased it's power to 50w right?and i think it has like up to 200-300 w peak power so I suspect it would drive your speakers with no problem.The 521bee cd player is i think much improved over the non bee version(I think)so you would probably be very happy with it as well.