Where is everyone from?


Silver Member
Username: Tpizzle

Post Number: 426
Registered: Apr-05
hope you guys dont care im posting more of a laid back thread. i was just thinking how crazy it would be to come across someone from this forum in say a sports bar or something like that. being from bozeman, MT i dont think this will ever happen but just curious. im hoping to upgrade to a city with at least a Walmart in the future (thats a joke-we have one, but a circut city or best buy would be nice, maybe even a higher end retailer). i just googled "circut city in montana" and we dont even have one, im ashamed.

What!!! No Neiman Marcus?!?!?

Silver Member
Username: Dakulis

Spokane, Washington United States

Post Number: 629
Registered: May-05

Could happen. I was in Las Vegas, Nevada in a Sports Book watching the 1st round of the NCAA basketball tournament, the second round in St. George, UT and home in Spokane for 16 to finals. So, let me know where you're going to be and we'll meet up.

Also, I've been to Bozeman many times. Yeah, no Circuit City but quit your gripin', you've got Vanns and they carry much nicer stuff than CC or BB generally. And, they're in the same ball park price way and better on some of the higher end stuff. YOU DON'T KNOW AUDIO DESERT, come to Spokane. Yeah, we've got CC and BB but I'd take Vanns hands down.


Silver Member
Username: Dakulis

Spokane, Washington United States

Post Number: 630
Registered: May-05
Whoops, I meant in Vanns in MT. Don't know if you've got one in Bozeman. Sorry about that.

Gold Member
Username: Artk

Albany, Oregon USA

Post Number: 2017
Registered: Feb-05
No CC in Montana, you should be proud! :-)

Listen to Dave gripe. C'mon Dave it don't take much to get to Seattle or Portland especially for a barrister like yourself...lol! You might be in the desert but you can see the water.

Silver Member
Username: Gavincumm

Post Number: 257
Registered: Feb-05
Upstate NY here! I live near Utica, and go to school in Oswego. Love being near Lake Ontario, but the winters are kinda cold to say the least. lol

Silver Member
Username: Stu_pitt


Post Number: 674
Registered: May-05
Utica/Rome and Syracuse have to be the worst places in the Northeast to live during the winter. When I used to drive from Albany to Niagara Falls for grad school, it was ALWAYS snowing. Not just regular snow either. People think the Buffalo/Niagara area is bad... It doesn't hold a candle to 'Cuse.

I grew up next door to Albany, NY. Watervliet to be exact. I moved to Irvington, NY (about 15-20 min north of NYC) about a year ago.

Silver Member
Username: Exerciseguy

Brooklyn, NY USA

Post Number: 164
Registered: Oct-04
From Peoples Republic of Brooklyn, where we lost the cold war.

Silver Member
Username: Sem

New York USA

Post Number: 519
Registered: Mar-04


Upstate NY here! I live near Utica, and go to school in Oswego. Love being near Lake Ontario, but the winters are kinda cold to say the least. lol

Gavin, my son is also going to school in Oswego. Even more snow in Oswego/Fulton area than in 'Cuse. I remember a couple years ago they had close to 70 inches of snow in 48 hours just a little NE of Oswego. That lake-effect snow is brutal.


Silver Member
Username: Gavincumm

Post Number: 258
Registered: Feb-05
Really? What is his major? I am an anthropology major, switched from meteorology.

Silver Member
Username: Twebbz

Ann Arbor, Michigan USA

Post Number: 260
Registered: Apr-04
Peoples Republic of Ann Arbor, Michigan here....Best city in Michigan, very liberal and upscale.
That said, I'm moving to Fort Lauderdale, Florida soon. The long winters here suck bigtime. I'm switching to hurricanes!

Silver Member
Username: Tpizzle

Post Number: 427
Registered: Apr-05
i have the winter problem too here in Bozeman, MT. those 20" snow storms are crazy, i wouldnt complain if school got cancelled! if buses (or cars) dont run, time to walk!!! Its Subaru haven around here, lol.
our vanns is closed until february so its Walmart speakers or the net for me, which is the reason ive put so many hours into this forum lately.
i have yet to visit the east, ive had friends from eastern colleges come back and tell about the lack of politness they experienced but ill be sure to keep an open mind when i venture over there.

Silver Member
Username: Sem

New York USA

Post Number: 520
Registered: Mar-04


i have yet to visit the east, ive had friends from eastern colleges come back and tell about the lack of politness they experienced but ill be sure to keep an open mind when i venture over there.

I've never been to Bozeman, for all I know its the polite capital of the world. But I have heard negative comments about the east, NYC in particular. Honestly, in my travels I find that to be largely exagerated. For the most part "people in the east" are no different than anyone anywhere else. Perhaps that lack of politeness speaks more to society as a whole than it does to different regions of the country.

Gavin - I sent you a P.M.


Silver Member
Username: Brittho

Frisco, TX USA

Post Number: 109
Registered: May-05

The end of the Michigan vs. Penn State was really fantastic this year. Always a good game between those two schools. Fort Lauderdale would be a great choice in Florida since it is on the Atlantic side. There are considerably more folks from the northern states that retire down on that side of the state as compared to the Gulf side. The state is split politically more or less as well. Definitly a fun place to live! I am down in Florida a few times a year but my extended family lives on the Gulf side since we are all from the South. Are you about to retire?

Silver Member
Username: Twebbz

Ann Arbor, Michigan USA

Post Number: 261
Registered: Apr-04
Britt...Have not worked since 1999...Got laid off after 22 years working for a first tier auto supplier. Company was sold and they lost a huge GM contract. Thought I'd push papers at the University but never did...I "married well" so we don't have to work.

Silver Member
Username: Dakulis

Spokane, Washington United States

Post Number: 631
Registered: May-05
Christopher M,

BROOKLYN, I'm a transplanted LA boy and diehard Dodgers fan. BTW, when are they going to get a coach, a GM and anyone who can put them back together? I've become a Mariners fan because they're close and the management seems to go about things the right way. BUT, I miss the Dodgers reloading year after year with talent coming from their minor league teams. I'm afraid those days are gone. GO BUMS!!!

db, sorry to hear about your Vanns, they're a really good store and I've bought quite a bit of electronics gear by mail order from them. Better than what we've got in town. YEAH, I'M STILL GRIPIN', Art.

OK, I'll get to Seattle some time. I'm in beautiful Yakima on Monday, that's almost like Seattle, right? (It's the "Palms Springs" of Washington, anyway?) LOL

Silver Member
Username: Exerciseguy

Brooklyn, NY USA

Post Number: 171
Registered: Oct-04

The Dodgers were long gone by time I was born, there are fewer & fewer people who speak english. let alone remember THOSE BUMS! Like I said, Brooklyn lost the cold war.

Silver Member
Username: Chitown

Post Number: 377
Registered: Apr-05

Went to Michigan, but have lived in Chicago now for the past 15 years. Db we have all the big stores here and they mostly suck so you don't really miss much there. However big cities do offer gems of little stores that are so awesome.

i.e. I spend yesterday evening at Saturday Audio Exchange (http://saturdayaudio.com) and walked out with an older NAD CD player for $50. It has problems with the display, but the transport and DAC work flawlessly. Absolutely a great match for my semi-retired Rotel that I will be putting into our bedroom. I was on cloud nine when I walked out.


Silver Member
Username: Nuck

Parkhill, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 153
Registered: Dec-04
Born and raised a Canadian boy.
Hockey and lacrosse. Grew up in Brantford(home of Wayne Gretzky) and livr in the middle of farm country.When I get home, its lovely.

I travel extensively across north America, and look at addy's here to see if ive been there or may go there. I could, potentially be found in said sports bar. one near you. or the one down the street, but I will be found in one.somewhere.

Unregistered guest

no no NJ actually

Silver Member
Username: Shahrukhd

Mumbai, Maharashtra India

Post Number: 131
Registered: Nov-04
Mumbai, India. But then, a lot of you actually know that.
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