Interconnects and wires


New member
Username: Joelmoore498

Post Number: 1
Registered: Oct-05
Im new here and thinking of buying a cambridge 640a and 640c along with quad 11l much should i spend on wires and interconnects (i heard about 10%) and are there any particular ones you would reccomend. thanks Joel

Gold Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 4109
Registered: Dec-03
Don't try to put a spending ratio on your cables. Just get some quality built interconnects and you will be fine, a lot of people will claim otherwise but that is their choice. A lot of differing camps on this one so prepare for a lot of different answers, which might confuse you even more so prepare to also make up your own mind.

Unregistered guest
I'd recommend the best looking for the cheapest price if possible. :-)

I recently put my great looking blue Wireworld oasis III interconnects (+/- $80) to the test, I compared them with the freebies I got...the test was nothing more than switching back to the freebies after 3 years of listening to the Wireworlds...maybe I suddenly would be missing something or the sound would loose its finesse?
Nothing happened, it all sounded very familiair, identical to the sound I had listened to for over three years.

But maybe I could make just one recommendation: stay away from silver cables...not out of experience, but when reading audio magazines and forums, everyone seems to agree that silver cables brighten the sound...although I doubt if I would hear a difference between copper and silver...
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