Bronze Member Username: RaksPost Number: 78 Registered: Aug-05 | Hi, Can anyone from Dallas Fort Worth Area allow me to audition their Totem Home Theater Set-Up ? I will highly appreciate your help. HT performance is the only one that is stopping me from settling down with Totem Speakers. Thanks Raks |
Bronze Member Username: BritthoFrisco, TX USA Post Number: 94 Registered: May-05 | Hey Raks, Maybe you have already been there but Krystal Clear Audio is in Dallas. Totem's with an Arcam home theatre receiver can be arranged. They are close to downtown and the "AA". It's great to have quite a few folks from the DFW area on this forum. ![]() The Rotel and ProAc gear was set up for me last week here at home. The Studio 140's are much more mellow than I remembered hearing them in the store. Rotel and ProAc together has me a bit smitten at the moment. If you go back to Audio Solutions deal with Gary. He was fantastic with me from May all the way until September and never ever tried to hurry up the sale. Have fun! Britt |
Bronze Member Username: RaksPost Number: 81 Registered: Aug-05 | Britt, Krystal Clear is where I have auditioned Totems. But they do not carry Hawks and I doubt whether they carry Model - 1 Signature Center. So it is very tough to audition the HT set-ups I am looking for ProAc Studio 140, ProAc Response CC2 and are also under consideration for my HT / Music set-up in addition to Totems. I have visited Audio Concepts already. There was one guy ( forgot his name ), who was very very patient and allowed me to audition for a long time. I am assuming he is Gary. But un-fortunatyekly that was his last working day there. He moved out of Audio Concepts. The new guy is kinda hurrying up the sale. I wish you had a HT set-up so that I could have requested you for an audition. Thanks for responding to my question Raks |
Bronze Member Username: BritthoFrisco, TX USA Post Number: 96 Registered: May-05 | Hey Raks, Of course. There seems to be limited help on this forum sometimes as certain members are really doing nothing more than bickering. Gary should still be there at Audio Concepts. He is pretty much the head salesman there. They are hiring for someone now and may have already filled the position but most likely the one you dealt with may have been the one on the way out. Get in that last sale before you leave was probably on his mind! Did you get invited to the Linn open house that was last week on Wednesday night. They had the guys there from Scotland. You know if it "isn't Scottish it's crap!" (SNL quote) I wish that i could have been there. It would have been really cool to meet those guys. A very cool company. Linn will be an upgrade from the Rotel gear in the future and then to upgrade up to Audio Research if they get in a used Solid state amp at some point. I'm sorry to dissapoint on the HT setup for a home audition. Every salesman is so different you know. Gary was so very patient and so was Greg at KCaudio. However the owner of KCAudio, I think his name was Don, was like talking to a used car salesman on the phone. My head was spinning after speaking with him about coming in for an audition. Make an appointment with Gary and he will honor it at Audio Concepts to audition a Home Theatre setup. Do you mind if I throw an option out there for you? Here is a link to their used equiptment page. Take a look at the speakers that they have that are used. Maybe it is just me or there is a really nice Linn set up just waiting for an audition. If I was trying to set up a HT system I would be blazing a trail to audition the 5140 towers that are used with the Unik speakers on stands for the surround sound rear channels. Try out the B&W center channel to see if it sounds fairly similar in voicing. If I were doing a HT room black would be a great color since the lights would be down anyway. Add a sub and there you have it. The Unik speakers really are a HT driven line from what I can tell but the 5140's excell at nearly anything that you throw at them. Everyone is different but if it were me for HT that I wanted to sound musical as well for a budget The used Linn set up at Audio Concepts would be ideal. Call and talk to Gary and have him set you up in a HT room with whatever speakers you would like to audition. Shoot tell him that Britt sent you with a positive review about how well he treated me. The best kind of advertising is good customer service and word of mouth! He is a fairly quiet and shy fellow so don't be put off by not having a lot of attention being placed on you while in the store. I personally perfer being the outgoing one while in the store and not the salesman so this personality type was perfect for me. Let us know how it goes if you get a chance to hear the Linn setup and what your opinions are! Sorry for the really long post...:-/ Britt |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 1042 Registered: Jun-05 | Britt,what do you mean limited help on this forum,she has been given many choices from me and others on several occasions,you dont know what the hell you are talking about,your just blowing hot air running your mouth,why dont you try getting 100 posts first before you start pointing fingers.Rekesha you have to make a decision have listen to all the speakers from Totem and the Pro Acs?You have to listen and find out what kind of sound you like. |
Silver Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 906 Registered: Sep-04 | Tawaun I think your response is exactly what Britt was complaining about. Britt I thought your response was excellent. Don't go away. Oh, and when it comes to upgrade get Audio Concepts to play you some Naim stuff. Trust me...and now Naim has announced an all-in-one HTIB (for around $5000). Rakesh, I just looked at Audio Concepts' website. Careful, they've got some seriously nice kit in there. Regards, Frank. |
Bronze Member Username: BritthoFrisco, TX USA Post Number: 98 Registered: May-05 | Tawaun, Ouch man. I don't remember offending you personally but if I did I totally apologize. Personally I thought that we had a decent rapport between the two of us. I was slow to make a decision as well for my final choices and there were many folks on this forum that were very helpful. Tawaun, you were one of the helpful folks and Frank was as well. There are others of course but I really don't remember saying anything to you personally that would cause an angry response. I was speaking about the hijacking that takes place on many threads as well as the name calling that has occured. Raks, Take your time with the audition and I do hope that your next visit to Audio Concepts is more productive than your first. ![]() Frank, Thanks so much for the affirming feedback. You seem to be a class act! I was able to listen to NAIM with the ProAc's while at Audio Concepts. I really liked the sound of NAIM with the Rega speakers as well. My wife liked the bass response of the Rotel and the the video switching abilities of the 1052 as well. My old TV only has one video in on the back so the 1052 was heaven sent. Naim would be a great upgrade I would totally agree ![]() Oh and I bet the Totem Arro's would sound totally awesome with Naim equiptment Raks. |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 1043 Registered: Jun-05 | Sorry Britt its just a couple of clowns on here are giving this forum a bad name,thanks for reminding me Frank. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 2254 Registered: Mar-05 | TW man, where is that Lings review??? (tapping toes...) |
Silver Member Username: BritthoFrisco, TX USA Post Number: 101 Registered: May-05 | Tawaun, No problem I can see how my commment could be viewed as "out of line". Have you ever heard Naim being used with the Arros? The Arros do not work for me now in the den but in due time I will have a pair of those little buggers I just don't know what to do about driving them. They would make a great set up in a small/medium listening room. Like an extra 10x11 bedroom that is not being used. Hmmm another excuse to think about 5 bedrooms instead of 4 when we move in 3 years. Naim would be a cool way to go but I will never have the opportunity to hear the combo together since the two brands are not sold at the same store. ![]() Britt |
Bronze Member Username: RaksPost Number: 82 Registered: Aug-05 | Britt, I heard Naim with ProAcs, Regas and Spendorf's. It is very good. But I heard that Musical Fidelity X-150, Musical Fidelity A3.5 may be better. But I have not listened to this Totem / Musical Fidelity combo though. The same KCAudio carries both Totems and Musical Fidelity. But they always demo Totems with Arcam A60 / A80. I dont know whether Arcam is a better fit than Musical Fidelity with Arros / any Totem Speaker. May be folks here can comment on that Raks |
Silver Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 908 Registered: Sep-04 | Naim and Totem are a very strong combination. Oddly enough, the entry level Naim CD5i/Nait5i into Arros is one of the most fun and enjoyable combinations I know. Musical Fidelity is about as far from Naim in presentation as you can get. Definitely not my bag since I find it very uninvolving. It has great resolution and space and all that kind of thing, but this is not important to me. Swing and the ability to put a smile on my face is important to me so MF loses and Naim wins for me in that comparison. Naim's own speakers are also worth a look since they do things quite differently to most but I imagine that they are not such good value for money against Totem which suffers a lot less from travel and distribution costs than the Naim speakers do. Regards, Frank. |
Silver Member Username: BritthoFrisco, TX USA Post Number: 103 Registered: May-05 | Cool Frank! Thanks for the info! Raks, if it were possible with my budget the Naim gear with ProAc's would have been a really good combo. I really wanted to audition the Audio Research solid state amp 150.2 with the Naim CD5i. It is listed as one of their systems on the website. Too much $$$ for me though at the moment. The Naim with the Regas are a much better combination than what Rotel can offer. NAD sounded good with the Regas as well. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 5871 Registered: May-04 | This may be nit-picking or the information may have been exchanged in another thread; but it seems odd to give system recommendations when no one has asked RG what is important in music reproduction. Yes, NAD electronics sound good with Rega speakers as do Naim and ProAcs. To some people. And not to others. RG - Do you have an idea what qualities you want in a system and what are you comparing this ideal against? Do you listen to live music and what sorts of music do you listen to? Have you established a budget for this purchase? Do you have an idea what will make the purchase real? In other words, what is it going to take to convince you this is the stuff to buy now? |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 1044 Registered: Jun-05 | Eddie I talked to Tim im down here in Texas with my wife they ordered her unit down here to help for a week so ill be down here in Texas until thursday and ill post the the review saturday before 3 p.m.Frank I totally dissagree with you on the Musical Fidelity being uninvolving,exactly the opposite compared to the Naims thats not true but every amp on the planet seems slow compared to the Naim so thats a inacurate observation.The X-150 would work fantastic with the Arros,it will deffinetly be a ton a detail on hand with that combination. |
Bronze Member Username: RaksPost Number: 83 Registered: Aug-05 | Tawaun, You mean Naim suits Arros better than Musical Fidelity ? Raks |
Silver Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 916 Registered: Sep-04 | Jan Although well intentioned I think your post will only serve to derail the thread into a discussion on the nature of presentation rather than a discussion on the possible options available to Raks. Given the meandering and inconclusive nature of the threads you opened on this subject, I don't think this would be a wise way to move forward. It seems to me that Raks has a pretty good dealer in his area. He should listen to the options available and make his own decision on what's important to him there in my view. Regards, Frank. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 5877 Registered: May-04 | I agree, Frank. The poster should make their own decision. That's why suggesting "this" goes with "that" seems to be futile also. Particularly when you know little to nothing about RG's tastes in system, music or the room the gear will go in. I'm not sure how you sell in your shop, Frank, but I seldom sold two systems that were even close to being identical unless it was the lowest priced system we could put together. I would suspect you've sold speakers and amplifier together that you wouldn't own. But it's the buyer's choice to make; not yours. I've been in the shops that have been mentioned and they all should be capable of giving good advice and demonstrating the differences between the various components. Sales personnel travel around between shops in DFW and the better folks will do a good job at assisting RG. The sales people who think selling audio is easy will be at the tire shop soon. Given a good demonstration at any one of the shops, RG should be able to decide what is the most appropriate combination of pieces for RG's situation. There are many good combinations of gear and stress caused by wondering which is the "best" based on someone else's recommendation is not productive. Suppose RG likes the sound of MF but has it in the back of his head you said you didn't care for it. That could easily put an impediment in the path of RG finding a good system with the minimal amount of remorse over whether this is the "best" available. If anyone is going to suggest Naim sounds this way or that way or this speaker suits this amplifier, what purpose does that serve? Particularly if you have no idea what the poster is listening for or how they hear a piece of gear? I injected my thoughts into the middle of this thread. I felt continuing with "this is good with that" might only further confuse the issue when RG hears a good demonstration. It is somewhat like having the "expert friend" who comes in with the client and "assists" them in purchasing not what the client likes but what the "friend" prefers. I'll back out since I don't normally make recommendations based on the very reasons I have stated above. If RG finds the recommedations helpful, by all means continue. |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 1047 Registered: Jun-05 | They both work well,Rekesha the Naim is gonna give you more pace and rythym,and timing,which the Arro has in abundance in the first place.The Musical Fidelity will give you more detail better soundstaging and better textural colors something MF is known like Naim is known for pace and timing.They both will work well it just depends on the vitues you value most,one good thing about the Arros they are the most capable in their pricerange in showing the differences in amps and cd players different intangibles,their good points and their bad points.So Rekesha pick your poison which amps virtues do you value the most? |
Bronze Member Username: RaksPost Number: 85 Registered: Aug-05 | Tawaun and Frank, Thanks for providing valuable info to me. I liked Naim with Spenndorf's and Linn. I have auditioned this combination. But I have not listened to Totems with Naim. I auditioned Totem Arros with Arcam A80. But here is my scenario...I was planning to get Musical Fidelity A3.5 with 150 watts @ 8 ohms and 240 watts @ 4 ohms. It also has a HT direct mode where you can essentially use it as a 2 channel amplifier that can feed my HT Front speakers. More like dual purpose. But when I checked Naim5i, it has only 30 watts per channel @ 8 ohms. That is way too low compared to MF and particularly too low to power a HT front pair. Can you let me know Naim is still a good option compared to MF ? Raks |
Bronze Member Username: RaksPost Number: 86 Registered: Aug-05 | bump |
Bronze Member Username: RaksPost Number: 88 Registered: Aug-05 | Any coments from anyone |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 5924 Registered: May-04 | The power outpt of the Naim may be low on paper but that is not what you are hooking it up to. Amplifiers and speakers form a system and it is the system you must consider and not just one piece of the pie. All 30 watt amplifiers are not the same 30 watts. While there are benefits to more power, there are also disadvantages to how to get that amount of power. When it gets beyond the Best Buy/Circuit City stuff, there are as many people who prefer the simple signal path of a small wattage amplifier as there are those who want brute strength. Some people would not part with their 250 watt solid state amps. Others would sell their first born child before they would let go of their 2 1/2 watt S.E.T. tube amps. When considering volume level potential it is more imporatant to look first at the sensitivity specification of the speakers you will use. The speaker plays a more important role in determining how loud the system will go than any other component. The second most important is your room and listening position. The third is your taste in music and movies and finally you can consider the amplifier. But, the amplifier must be taken into consideration as a part of the other three. There are plenty of 30 watt amps which sound more than loud enough when the other three are put into the equation. Let the shops give you an audition and decide if what you hear will work for you. |
Silver Member Username: Jamesp, Post Number: 138 Registered: Apr-04 | Rakesh, Have you made your decision yet? |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 1108 Registered: Jun-05 | Jan an added bonus for the Naim Nait 5 is its now 50 watts,he has to figure out what kind of sound he is looking for,you need to get with your dealer and take a look at all your options,your dealers seems to have a very good variety of gear with different attributes from to choose from.Make sure its the sound you want not the salesman,and if the price doesent justify the means in your ears pay attention to that as well. |
Silver Member Username: Jamesp, Post Number: 139 Registered: Apr-04 | The best question to ask is which is more important HT/multichannel or 2 channel music for Rakesh. If 2 channel is a priority from which it sounds like maybe two separate systems would save you money in the long run. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 6087 Registered: May-04 | I've never seen two separate systems save anyone any money. It's like the idea owning a truck and a sports car will save you money. |
Silver Member Username: NuckParkhill, Ontario Canada Post Number: 149 Registered: Dec-04 | Still waiting for my savings to show up. Check in the mail? |
Silver Member Username: Jamesp, Post Number: 141 Registered: Apr-04 | Jan, You are right again. What was I thinking? |
Bronze Member Username: RikmeisterHometown, Pa Usa Post Number: 44 Registered: Jun-05 | does that mean that i will not be saving any money since i bought my aston martin . I thought i could save money not using my hummer all the time. sheesh wrong again, hehehe. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 6100 Registered: May-04 | I guess that depends on what you traded down from. |
Silver Member Username: Jamesp, Post Number: 143 Registered: Apr-04 | All right that's enough. I know I opened the door now I am closing it. |
Silver Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 943 Registered: Sep-04 | Raks, there are watts and there are watts. Naim watts are big beefy watts, and so are MF watts. Naomi Watts is nothing like... ![]() The Nait5i is 50w/ch (the old Nait5 and Nait3 were 30w/ch) and it can drive Arros quite happily all day long. It also has a programmable HT direct mode (called unity gain) which allows you to tell the amp that the A/V input is HT direct, or not if you don't want it to be, so you can insert it into an AV system cleanly. I'm not suggesting the Naim is the only option. You should listen to both, or as many as possible, before deciding on a choice. Regards, Frank. |