Hi wise people, I am new on hifi world. I am considering to match my BW 602S3 with NAD C320BEE or Marantz 7200KI. I have read many review about good macthed BW602S3-NAD320BEE, but have not heard both of amps. Has anybody compared both amps macthing with BW? Please feel free to put your input to me. Thanks in advance. PS: Please forgive me for my bad english!
i love my super detailed (and CHEAP) panasonic SA-XR55 reciever which walks all over my old onkyo which i liked better than my NAD stereo reciever for better treble extension and imaging, but the panny has even better treble detail with an amazing relaxed midrange that makes female vocals super sexy and realistic. it even tamed my 2nd pr. mission M71s which were unbearable to listen to on the onkyo.
the panny is both warm and detailed at the same time. it's a great bang for the buck, and i've heard of people ditching $1000 denons for it. owning one, i believe it. the soundsage is HUGE!