Receiver Longevity


Gold Member
Username: Dmwiley

Post Number: 1093
Registered: Feb-05
Are there any definitive studies or reliable information regarding the affect of playing habits on receiver longevity? For example, are they most likely to last longer if they are consistently run hard or played softly? What about leaving them on for extended periods of time as opposed to shutting them down for an hour or two and starting them up again? How do these things affect longtevity?

Gold Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 5759
Registered: May-04

Wiley - You should know heat is the enemy of electronic components and light bulbs usually burn out when you turn them on not while you're reading the newspaper.


Gold Member
Username: Dmwiley

Post Number: 1094
Registered: Feb-05
Yeah. But I'm not asking about light bulbs. If you don't know the answer, just say so.

Gold Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 5761
Registered: May-04

You have been a complete pain in the butt lately. That is the answer, idiot. If you don't know how to ask a question, don't blame me.

Gold Member
Username: Dmwiley

Post Number: 1097
Registered: Feb-05
According to Jan, if you want maximum life out of your receiver, I guess you leave it off or perhaps leave it on at the lowest possible setting. Thanks for your typically useless response. How about some others who have more than an analogy or anecdote to share?

Gold Member
Username: Dmwiley

Post Number: 1098
Registered: Feb-05
Yeah, it's an answer. Just like me asking what time it is and you answering with information as to how to build a watch. Name calling? Best you can do, I guess.

Gold Member
Username: Samijubal

Post Number: 1637
Registered: Jul-04
I use a couple of PC power supply fans on mine when I listen to music, it doesn't get hot enough to worry about it when watching TV, but it gets cooking when listening to music. With the fans it stays nice and cool, so I don't worry about having it on for a long time. I used my last one without any cooling for hours at a time for 7 years without any problems. It still works, I just decided it was time to upgrade. It never got as hot as the new one does though. My 14 year old Technics has a cooling fan built in, so I never worried about leaving it on either, it still works too.

Silver Member
Username: Devils_advocate

Post Number: 403
Registered: Jul-05
A translation of what Jan said is...

1: Don't play it so hard that it heats up significantly.
2: Leave it on for an extended period as opposed to switching it off and on every hour or so.

Gold Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 5762
Registered: May-04

Wiley - I can do much better than call you names. I can provide an answer that is correct. You, on the other hand, seem unable to comprehend a basic concept. You also seem either unwilling or unable to find where this question - and the same answer - have been posted on this forum dozens of times before you got around to it.

With those three simple facts I have no need to call you anything. What you are is plain to see.

BTW, have you checked for receivers without phono pre amps yet? Do you understand why checking the anti skating when the tonearm slides across the record is as stupid as the question you posed here? You don't know much, Wiley, and you get p.o.'d when someone else does.

Time to grow up.


Gold Member
Username: Paul_ohstbucks

Post Number: 2455
Registered: Jan-05
New receivers dont even turn off. They go into standby mode:-)

Silver Member
Username: Touche6784


Post Number: 609
Registered: Nov-04
haha, dale got owned.

Gold Member
Username: Dmwiley

Post Number: 1100
Registered: Feb-05
David and DA, thanks for your constructive advice. Jan and Chris, two peas in a pod. Feel sorry for the pod.

Gold Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 5778
Registered: May-04

I feel sorry for anyone so stupid as you, Wiley.

And, before you make some "snappy" reply, there is nothing that is required, Wiley. You have convinced us all you have nothing to contribute.


Gold Member
Username: Dmwiley

Post Number: 1103
Registered: Feb-05
Judging from the traffic on this forum, sounds like you have perfectly described yourself. Good job. Couldn't have done it better myself.

Silver Member
Username: Stu_pitt


Post Number: 549
Registered: May-05

If you are so much smarter and better than everyone else here, why do you stick around?

Being the all knowing all wise person that you think you are, why would you waste your time and energy on a bunch of idiots like us? Shouldn't we all be beneath your impeccible standards of excellence and wisdom?

Einstien would try to explain nuclear physics to Lloyd Christmas (Dumb & Dumber), so why should you try to explain home audio to the pathetic losers that make up e-coustics?

Maybe you're not as sharp as you thought you are.

Silver Member
Username: Stu_pitt


Post Number: 550
Registered: May-05
Here's an even better one - Why ask a question to a bunch of idiots? Especially when you're just going to argue with anyone who gives you an answer and then insult and belittle them?

We're such a waste of your time.

Gold Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 5784
Registered: May-04

Yes, I will pile on, thank you.

I have not the slightest idea what your last post was meant to imply. It seems you will resort to the most ignorant of "snappy" replies when wit escapes you or, more likely, doesn't even pass by on your street.

Wiley, as has been suggested, you consider yourself to be superior in so many ways to those who politely and intelligently posted here. Need I remind you; it was you who asked the question and we were the ones who knew the answer.

You, Wiley, are the human equivalent of cockroach dung.

"Snappy" reply or shall we call an end to this?


Gold Member
Username: Dmwiley

Post Number: 1111
Registered: Feb-05
Never said or even suggested I was better or smarter. Actually, the thought never occurred to me, but it feels good when someone else thinks so.

Gold Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 5789
Registered: May-04

You catch on to irony and sarcasm so well. You comprehend so poorly.

Silver Member
Username: Danman


Post Number: 531
Registered: Apr-04
Calm down boys............or maybe Dale is a girl????????? Must be his (oooops!) her time of the month!

Gold Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 5791
Registered: May-04

That's less than great, Danman. It has been a full moon this weekend. Possibly Wiley got a pass for this weekend.

Silver Member
Username: Danman


Post Number: 532
Registered: Apr-04
LOL!!!!!!!!!! Don't you just love these people that think they know it all?

Silver Member
Username: Stu_pitt


Post Number: 551
Registered: May-05
Dale -
No point in arguing with you. Everyone here sees the same thing. Too bad you don't.


Gold Member
Username: Dmwiley

Post Number: 1114
Registered: Feb-05
Yeah, just like "everyone" in 1940 Germany saw the Jews as inferior and in early America viewed African Americans as property. Thanks, but no thanks. Going against the grain-now that's where it's at. Too bad your "everyone" hasn't figured that out. Like sheep to the slaughter...

Unregistered guest

You really suck! Come to think of it, that could be one of your greatest assets, if you know what I mean. :-)

Unregistered guest
Wiley e una Putana

engine giver
Unregistered guest
Anonni no speakum english good. El dumo. Dale no takem stuff from nobody. Me like that. Make good warrior.

Silver Member
Username: Danman


Post Number: 536
Registered: Apr-04
Dale.....your example of Germany and Jews is plain rediculous!!!!!!!! You obviously have problems!

Going against the grain is once thing but have some brains and back up your comments with some real experience.

Gold Member
Username: Dmwiley

Post Number: 1116
Registered: Feb-05
"rediculous" "Going against the grain is once thing" "but have some brains" OK Danman, whatever you say.
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