Can this work


Unregistered guest
i want to hook up a car amp but cant i use the power supply out of a old stereo reciever? cuz it transfers the ac to dc right? i dont wnat to use a pc ps because i need more amps

Silver Member
Username: Cheapskate

Post Number: 338
Registered: Mar-04
actually reciever transformers "power supplies" convert AC to DC, but there's no way of knowing what voltage the transformer is rated at. it could be 48v when your amps are rated at 12v.

just get a 12V power supply, but by the time you plunk $80 for one with enough current to drive an amp, you could just buy a $100 100wpc stereo reciever, or even less if you buy used and not have to mess with a fugly cobbled setup.
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