Silver Member Username: Stu_pittNYC, NY Post Number: 485 Registered: May-05 | You'll never guess what I saw in Best Buy tonight. From what I gathered from a manager, BB owns part of a chain store called Magnolia Home Theater. They are bringing Magnolia into "select" BB's. It's a seperate room in the store. Now for the good stuff... Pioneer Elite, Denon, Definitive Technologies (DefTech), Vienna Acoustics, Martin Logan, AudioQuest, and Primmare... Sold by people who have about a day's more training than the average BB clown. I thought I'd seen it all until now. The manager of the Magnolia section didn't know anything about the Martin Logan electrostats. He thought the top grill part was empty and used as a way to divert the sound waves from the drivers in the base. I loved his descpription of how it was a new spin on bi-poles. He even tried to get scientific. Then when I asked him about specs, he had no idea what impedence and sensitivity were. He said they put out 150 watts rms and 200 peak. The ports on the back of the non-powered versions were the 'powered sub.' He couldn't exactly explain how to get power without a power cord though. He's looking into that one for me. It got even better when a couple of jokers came in and said that their Acoustamass system was "way better than this crap." Something about how their bass module has 2 12" drivers and a 500 watt amp. The french doors "aren't ratteling... for all that money, they should shatter." I have to admit, I love going into BB and hearing about how great the Bose Acoustamass system is. I tell them I have a McIntosh and Wilson set up. Not that I have anything near that, but I get a kick out of how they are 'low end gear' that the Acoustamass will run circles around, guaranteed. I never thought I'd see this stuff being sold an isle or two away from $50 KLH speakers and $75 Insignia receivers. All in all, it was a very educational and entertaining night. Who said learning new things wasn't fun? I guess I can't tell people to stay away from Best Buy any more. I gotta run, there's a great snowball fight going on in hell right now that's calling my name... |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittNYC, NY Post Number: 486 Registered: May-05 | One more thing - apparently any dvd player will outperform a stand alone cd player. The componentry inside of the cheapest dvd player are far advanced than the best cd players could ever imagine. this is why they used a dvd player instead of a cd player for a source. Also, vinyl is a horrible medium, and mp3 is much cleaner and better sounding than vinly could ever dream of due to digital technology and modern comperssion methods. Gottan run again... S A T A N throws a 200 mph snowball... |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1822 Registered: Mar-05 | geez, I'd love to spend some time in YOUR neighborhood Best Buy, sounds like a real hoot! I haven't been to my own local BB for a long while, I'll have to swing by soon to see if they're also expanding into this high end stuff...seems hard to believe! |
Bronze Member Username: BlastermanPost Number: 20 Registered: Mar-05 | I can't wait to see the Martin Logan's shoved againt a back wall and playing P Diddy. |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittNYC, NY Post Number: 487 Registered: May-05 | For a location near you - I'm wondering how Circuit City is going to counter. Maybe Krell and Magnepan... Edster - This wasn't in an 'upscale' location. It was in a big mall though. Sam - Suprisingly enough, the guy knew enough to pull the speakers away from the wall. The port from the powered sub needs room to breathe I guess. No P.Diddy either. 'Drop it like it's hot' by Snoop was on when I walked in. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1823 Registered: Mar-05 | shy-zuh, 4 stores in the entire state of TX and not one of them anywhere close to the 4th biggest city in the country! |
Silver Member Username: Timn8terSeattle, WA USA Post Number: 520 Registered: Dec-03 | Magnolia Hi-Fi has been a reputable audio dealer in the Seattle area for over 50 years. It appears they are expanding significantly after being acquired by BB about 5 years ago. "High end" is a relative term. Certainly they bring higher quality components than BB has been associated with in the past. Thanks for posting this Stu. I didn't realize what our former little local company was doing in other states. |
Anoynymous Unregistered guest | Sorry edster, don't you envy Jan? all four stores are in the DFW area! That certainly proves that size does not matter ! ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2356 Registered: Jan-05 | I agree that BB has a nice TV selection, but their receiver and speaker selection is less than impressive. Basically lower end stuff. |
Anonymous | Very old news. This has been public knowledge for around two years. |
Silver Member Username: KanoPost Number: 656 Registered: Oct-04 | First time I've heard of it. Anybody know if the higher end gear will appear in Future Shop? (ie Canadian Best Buy) |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittNYC, NY Post Number: 489 Registered: May-05 | Thanks Anon. I guess were all a little slow over here... |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittNYC, NY Post Number: 490 Registered: May-05 | Paul - "I agree that BB has a nice TV selection, but their receiver and speaker selection is less than impressive. Basically lower end stuff." This is why I found it very odd. Have you heard of Vienna's or Martin Logan? I don't think that speakers starting at about $2000 a pair on the lowest models is too low end. Even if you don't think any of these brands sound very good, you can't doubt that they are quality-built and expensive brands being sold under the same roof as some of the cheapest garbage there is. |
Silver Member Username: Timn8terSeattle, WA USA Post Number: 522 Registered: Dec-03 | Here in Seattle, the home of Magnolia Hi-Fi, none of the Best Buy stores have Magnolia Home Theater, for obvious reasons. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1830 Registered: Mar-05 | > Even if you don't think any of these brands sound very good, you can't doubt that they are quality-built and expensive brands being sold under the same roof as some of the cheapest garbage there is. It's probably more about marketing and salesmanship than anything. BB will probably sell the high end stuff at or near MSRP, which will drive customers into the low end stuff which can then be inflated and still seem like bargains. HomeDepot does this with HunterDouglas blinds for example, that's how they get people to buy crap for almost the same money as the HD blinds sold online or by shop-at-home dealers. I call this "Inflate and Switch." Same reason that most salespeople---audio, cars, etc.---almost always like to start by showing you the most expensive stuff first, then slowly move into the middle and the low end which they can pad generously. |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittNYC, NY Post Number: 492 Registered: May-05 | Ed - I agree with what you're saying, but that wasn't my point. Paul sounded like he never heard of this stuff and was telling me that they don't sell any expensive or good audio products in BB. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1831 Registered: Mar-05 | oh, I see. well, Paul will be Paul... |
Silver Member Username: Devils_advocatePost Number: 334 Registered: Jul-05 | My local BB has had the Magnolia HT section for almost a year now. Of course I have a regular Magnolia hi-fi about 15 minutes away with a larger selection so its kind of useless to me.. |
Silver Member Username: KanoPost Number: 661 Registered: Oct-04 | Unlike blinds, it will be expensive for Best Buy to stock these items and not sell them by the time next year's stock rolls through. I think their prices will be quite competitive, the BB employees have a lot of discretion when it comes to slashing prices. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 1627 Registered: Feb-05 | DA are you out here on the west coast. Magnolia used to only be here in Oregon, Washington and California. They have some decent gear but like all other "like" stores they have 12 yr old sales people who don't know hifi from wifi. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1847 Registered: Mar-05 | > Unlike blinds, it will be expensive for Best Buy to stock these items and not sell them by the time next year's stock rolls through. They'll have Christmas markdowns I'm sure, but for the rest of the year those high dollar items will have the desired effect of making the low dollar items sellable at higher markups. |
Silver Member Username: Devils_advocatePost Number: 335 Registered: Jul-05 | Yes Art; I live in the San Francisco bay area. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 948 Registered: Jun-05 | I first encountered Magnoilia HiFi in Oakland California about 3 years I had heard about them years before that.You are right Stu most of the guys their are hired from BB,I was shocked to see how their staff were impaired for audio,but the store I was at it was ran by 3 guys who had tons of experiance in audio and i had one of my best demoes ever listening to the VA Strausses run thrue a all Krell setup it was very impressive to say the least,but im sure every dealer wont have that kind of experiance.They carry Sonous Faber to, could you imagine walking past some Ceromonas with all kind of scrates on them Yikes!Hey I think this is the worst move in high end audio history,if I want to audition a quality system I want to hear it set up properly not with some 16 year old snot nose punk hanging over my shoulder asking me silly questions with less knowlege in audio than my 9 year old daughter it wont work some places are what they are BB is cheap chain store and high end audio dealers are high end audio dealers,Magnoilia Hi Fi big thumbs down!!!! |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2360 Registered: Jan-05 | I dont know stu... n_US/catalog/fragments/product/olslinelistingsortfilter.jsp Their selection looks pretty 'entry level', if you ask me. Of all the brands they carry, the only brand they carry that I would be remotely interested in is possibly Klipsch, but I have no interest in the models they carry. They only go "UP" to the Synergy F-3s, and that's a pretty weak selection.....IMO. It's as if they carry the cheap version of everything, whether it's receivers or speakers or just about any HiFi electronics.(minus TVs) |
Silver Member Username: Devils_advocatePost Number: 346 Registered: Jul-05 | Paul: In the Magnolia section they carry Vienna Acoustics, Martin Logan, Boston Acoustics, Def Tech, & M&K. Not cheap or low end by any stretch of the imagination. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2362 Registered: Jan-05 | Why arent they on the website?? |
Silver Member Username: Devils_advocatePost Number: 365 Registered: Jul-05 | Don't know. It wouldn't be a bad idea for BB to put up a seperate Magnolia HT section on their site. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2375 Registered: Jan-05 | True... Not a bad Idea, especially if they intend to sell any. |
Anonymous | The problem I have with Magnolia inside BB is that they sell the products at msrp and don!t appear to budge. |
Silver Member Username: Devils_advocatePost Number: 389 Registered: Jul-05 | I have that problem in a lot of places. I tried to go into Safeway and haggle over the price of grapes one time. After an hour of arguing, they had the nerve to escort me out of the store! Can you believe it! |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 1653 Registered: Feb-05 | LOL............ |
Silver Member Username: ChitownPost Number: 310 Registered: Apr-05 | DA and Art you laugh, but grapes aside, I haggle and I don't care what I'm buying. Even at Best Buy I showed them a lower price on a camera in their store and they went back and forth with their manager, but they did match it. I filled out a form where they had a checkbox saying "Matching prices from the web". |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2405 Registered: Jan-05 | I always negotiate price too. That's the fun part of shopping for me. |
Silver Member Username: Devils_advocatePost Number: 393 Registered: Jul-05 | There is nothing wrong with a little negotiation, but saying you have a problem with a place because they don't budge from their advertised pricing is a little much. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2410 Registered: Jan-05 | That would only depend on how good the price is. |
Silver Member Username: Devils_advocatePost Number: 394 Registered: Jul-05 | *shrug* If people feel their products don't present a good value, thats a different problem. |
Silver Member Username: StoneWest CoastUSA Post Number: 168 Registered: Dec-03 | Most of the employees at Magnolia in the Seattle area do know what that are talking about. I have spent many hours demoing higher end gear like Sonas Faber, Krell, McIntosh Labs and the like. Bought my TV and all my cabling there. They only sell audioquest cables these days. Magnolia has it's own website under Magnolia Audio Video.It looks like the Magnolia Home Theater stores are the ones in Best Buy. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2414 Registered: Jan-05 | Well, from what I have seen, BB only sells low end HiFi and speaker combos. I went to the magnolia website, and they dont even list which models they sell.....only brand names. That must mean they sell junk, or otherwise they'd advertise their great products. Yea, they might sell respected names, but it's probably their bottom end stuff. |
Silver Member Username: Devils_advocatePost Number: 396 Registered: Jul-05 | Their product selection is actually pretty deep in the regular stores. Not so much in the BB versions though. |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittNYC, NY Post Number: 537 Registered: May-05 | The stores in BB don't have a huge selection. They had a room filled, but that's about it. They've got 4-5 towers, and 5-6 bookshelves from every company they carry. They are the low end for the companies they carry, but that doesn't mean they were low end. The cheapest Martin Logans cost about $1600 a pair, cheapest DefTechs are about $900. The guy working that night said they could get anything from the companies they carry, and you can hear it in the store before you buy it. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2428 Registered: Jan-05 | IMO, the boutique brands offer a big brandname coupled with tiny output. I demo'd a pair of $4,000 DefTechs, and was left shaking my head thinking........"Is that it?" |
Bronze Member Username: RsxmanPost Number: 41 Registered: Jul-05 | Best buy does carry athena and Yamaha, which is pretty good for the price. I agree with Paul on the higher end stuff, it looks nice but performance never seems to be on par with the price |
Silver Member Username: StoneWest CoastUSA Post Number: 169 Registered: Dec-03 | That must mean they sell junk, or otherwise they'd advertise their great products. Yea, they might sell respected names, but it's probably their bottom end stuff ----------- Silly comment. Many hi-fi shops just post the manufacturers on a website. Anyway, Magnolia audio video does carry the complete line of Sonus Faber. They currently have a separate room dedicated to the Stradavari driven by monoblocks. You could easily drop 100k taking home the gear over in there high end HT room. Entry level gear by high end brands like SF speakers is not junk. The whole marriage with BB seems to be an uneasy one. BB bought out Magnolia. A lot of the employees were not comfortable with the buyout when it happened. It looks like BB is keeping the separate stores on the west coast and incorporating Magnolia gear into BB stores nation wide. My guess is that only the more affordable gear they carry like Boston Acoustics will stick in BB stores. |
Silver Member Username: JimvmLouisiana U.S.A. Post Number: 202 Registered: Apr-05 | Paul wrote: "IMO, the boutique brands offer a big brandname coupled with tiny output." ![]() Focal JMLab Alto Utopia Be Loudspeakers Boutique brand = tiny sound. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2442 Registered: Jan-05 | Everything boutique under 10k, yes. Sure, if you want to spend $50k on a pair of speakers, I'd expect them to be monsters, but all those boutique $2-3,000 speakers are weak, dainty, and unimpressive. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 1674 Registered: Feb-05 | I've heard an all Paradigm Studio 100 (CC450 center) home theater that sounded awesome. My friend Jim owns it. He uses a Rotel processor with a Sherbourn multichannel amp. He also uses 2 Servo 15's. Kaboom. |
Silver Member Username: JimvmLouisiana U.S.A. Post Number: 204 Registered: Apr-05 | Paul wrote: ". . .all those boutique $2-3000 speakers are weak, dainty, and unimpressive." And you have come to this conclusion because . . . . you've auditioned each and every $2-3000 "boutique" speaker made? You read it somewhere? You took a poll? You pulled it out of your butt? That's as silly as someone saying, "All large speakers produce sound which is bloated, boomy and boxy." |
Silver Member Username: DakulisSpokane, Washington United States Post Number: 509 Registered: May-05 | All I can say is, they took the dang Magnolia HiFi out of Spokane, built a new BB and added one in Coeur d'Alene and still we don't get a Magnolia room back in any of these stores. I'm about ready to open a decent hi-fi store in Spokane and retire from law. Hey Tim, you want to market your speakers in Spokane at a new retail outlet? LOL |
Silver Member Username: Timn8terSeattle, WA USA Post Number: 531 Registered: Dec-03 | In spite of the non-stop rain I like where I live. You could always ask Murray Huppin if he wants to add a new line (hint, hint). |
Anoynymous Unregistered guest | Paul, You are indeed very funny and ignorant. I do own a pair of Paradigms 100 v3....Sorry to disappoint you sir but they are not weak, dainty, or unimpressive by any means. You really need to start thinking about what you are going to say before you open that redneck mouth of yours.....Then again; there is probably nothing to think about since your brain seems to be pretty much fried out |
Silver Member Username: DakulisSpokane, Washington United States Post Number: 510 Registered: May-05 | Tim, Actually, I know Gene quite well, he's Murray's brother and I've met Murray's son a couple of times. I may have to do that. Frankly, as you know, I've listened to everything they've got up to about $1000/each and the Lings out perform them. Tim, let me explore this a little more. I might be able to get you in the door, here. BUT, there's going to be a payoff, you know that, don't ya? LOL |
Silver Member Username: Timn8terSeattle, WA USA Post Number: 532 Registered: Dec-03 | You're starting to sound like a guy over here I set up a HT for. |
Bronze Member Username: Frostyda9Calgary, AB Canada Post Number: 63 Registered: May-05 | "You are indeed very funny and ignorant. I do own a pair of Paradigms 100 v3....Sorry to disappoint you sir but they are not weak, dainty, or unimpressive by any means." Paradigms boast about the same level of boutique status as a roast beef sandwich. |
Silver Member Username: JimvmLouisiana U.S.A. Post Number: 205 Registered: Apr-05 | Frosty wrote: "Paradigms boast about the same level of boutique status as a roast beef sandwich." As a Paradigm Reference Studio owner, I take great umbrage to your remark. Paradigms are more akin to a Reuben sandwich than a roast beef sandwich. ![]() Seriously though, I think that many consider Paradigm's Signature series as being in the "boutique" arena. |
Bronze Member Username: Frostyda9Calgary, AB Canada Post Number: 64 Registered: May-05 | Jim - "brands" was the key statement. Paradigm is a well known, common brand...available at quite a few places. They do not have that oooh-la-la impact that true one-off boutique brands do, IMO. |
Silver Member Username: Devils_advocatePost Number: 397 Registered: Jul-05 | Depends on how one wishes to define the term brand. "Reference" or "Monitor" could fit the role as well as the manufacturers name. They are after all brands that the manufacturer created to distinguish among its own products. |
Silver Member Username: JimvmLouisiana U.S.A. Post Number: 207 Registered: Apr-05 | Given Paradigm's broad range of speakers and their reputation for giving a lot of value for your money, I can't disagree with you that they are generally not perceived of as a "boutique" brand. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 1677 Registered: Feb-05 | Can you get them at a Best Buy or Circuit City, how about at the local Good Guys? Can you get them from an etailer? The answer to all of the above is no. So where can you get them? In my state there is only one type of store that you can get Paradigm speakers and that would be your boutique. How do I know anything about where you can and can't get Paradigm speakers? I have 2 friends who own boutiques that carry Paradigm along with their Magnepans and Vandersteens. All pretty good cuts for that roast beef sandwich. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1973 Registered: Mar-05 | Guys, you're all missing the obvious here: "boutique" as used by Paul simply refers to any speakers not sold at big-box stores. |
Bronze Member Username: Frostyda9Calgary, AB Canada Post Number: 65 Registered: May-05 | Edster - if you are correct in that statement then Paul must be off his rocker. Everything boutique under $10k? He couldn't have... even for him that would be absurd. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2446 Registered: Jan-05 | I have no need, and would never consider girlyman Paradigm speakers. The 100s are nothing but boutique with a weak bottom of the line sub included. You'd be just as well off buying a pair of studio 40s and buying a cheap Dayton sub. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1976 Registered: Mar-05 | LOL Frosty, Paul knows no limits when it comes to absurdity...the man's a walking Dada! Half the time it's an attention grab, the other half he's just being Paul. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 1679 Registered: Feb-05 | The 100's have no sub. That would be the Paradigm Monitor 90P. I would put my Studio 40v3's against your CV's anyday. I'll let the "girlyman" comment go as we all know you are mentally challenged. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1981 Registered: Mar-05 | > I'll let the "girlyman" comment go as we all know you are mentally challenged. Amen to that! (and it ain't even Sunday yet...LOL) |
Anoynymous Unregistered guest | I have no need, and would never consider girlyman Paradigm speakers. The 100s are nothing but boutique with a weak bottom of the line sub included Paul, I thought I already said that you are very ignorant....with every post you confirm more and more this Boutique or not.....Tha paradigms have made me very happy...and I agree with Art, can anyone, specially frosty, suggest a place where you can audition the Studio's 100 v3? Thanks |
Silver Member Username: JimvmLouisiana U.S.A. Post Number: 209 Registered: Apr-05 | Sure. Click on Then click on "Locate US Dealer." Then follow the instructions. Disregard Paul. His only agenda in making such ignorant and troll-like comments is to get a rise out of people. He owns Cerwin Vegas and Bose. Need I say more? |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 1685 Registered: Feb-05 | LOL!!!!!! How true. You will find however that those dealers on the locator are boutiques (as used by us not Paul for whom Eddie so aptly pointed out is anything outside of a big box store). |
Bronze Member Username: Frostyda9Calgary, AB Canada Post Number: 68 Registered: May-05 | "Can anyone, specially frosty, suggest a place where you can audition the Studio's 100 v3?" Why especially me? Where are you located? |
Bronze Member Username: SteelhrdPost Number: 25 Registered: Jul-05 | Paul i have not heard paradigm speakers but i am very interseted in doing so. i noticed you live in the same area as me. Where can i demo some |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1989 Registered: Mar-05 | Better yet, Reginald why not go to Paul's house and demo his stupendous Cerwin Vegas and share your impressions with us? |
Bronze Member Username: SteelhrdPost Number: 26 Registered: Jul-05 | Actually i have heard and owned cv's not a bad speaker but not a great one either. Bought them from a roommate when i was in the rangers. He needed the money and was to proud to take a loan. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 998 Registered: Jun-05 | Eddie, Reginald wouldnt have anywhere to sit the CVs,Bigscreen TV,The SVS and Pauls old AMC Gremlin takes up his whole garage!!! |
anonymousll Unregistered guest | Paul, Paul Paul, Guys, Question: Why someone stays with speakers that are 20 or so years old thinking that there is nothing better out there to "probably" improve his sound? And how is it that he appears not to be informed of new technology? Answer: No stores available within 200 miles (Radius) of "Hilly Billy" country. The only store he can buy electronics at is the old "Peabody Manure and Extras" located right next to the "Sac-o-Suds", same place where he purchased his CV's long, long, long ago . Paul is excited to know that a large Electronics store (called Best Buy) will soon open its doors close to home, he is even happier because he has learned that this is no a boutique shop so he will be able to find "stuff" made just according to his standards. Hidee ya'll! |
T2T Unregistered guest | I thought Paul referred to "boutique" brands as those speakers that were not sold by his local and faithful Wal-Mart. I've been a long-time reader of this forum and many others on the 'Net. I'm not aiming to pick on Paul, but does he go out of his way to show his ignorance, or does it come much more natural with him? Every response I've read from that guy kind of makes me feel like he's wasting oxygen we all could be breathing instead. Sheesh ... what a bonehead. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2458 Registered: Jan-05 | I live in a metro with about 2 million and have demo'd plenty of speakers, and anything made today that isnt the price of a budget automobile are sissy halfpints, or skinny weakling towers that can be tipped over by your pet cat that sound equally weak. I've listened to $8,000 pairs of speakers that sounded like sh!t which only shows that todays speakers are nothing but snake oil filled garbage. |
Bronze Member Username: SteelhrdPost Number: 29 Registered: Jul-05 | Paul where do you demo at as i live in Belleville. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 1686 Registered: Feb-05 | I'd still put my Studio 40v3's against those CV's anytime. With a listening panel of 10 experienced audio enthusiasts at least 9 would favor mine (allowing for one random hillbilly). I can think of a whole bunch of under 1k speakers that would bury those CV's. Paul why don't you take some of that ready cash you have to a boutique and buy a pair 1k PSB floorstanders with the rest of the accompanying speakers to complete a home theater package, bring them home and give them 1 month in your home theater. I'd bet money to marbles you'd be runnin' around ecoustics like a barefoot hillbilly in clover touting PSB speakers as the best thing since Jesus. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1999 Registered: Mar-05 | LOL guys, Paul has not mentioned his PATENTED, WORLD-FAMOUS SPEAKER AUDITIONING METHOD which he confessed to on this forum a long time ago: he sticks his head about six inches from the woofer and has the salesperson crank the speakers, that's how he determines if the speaker has adequate "manliness" for him. gentlemen I am not making that up, this is really how he evaluates speakers! Every time I think about this I laugh so hard I almost wet my pants... thank you Paul, as they say laughter is the best medicine and you are time and again our summa c um laude Harvard Medical School DOCTOR! |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 2000 Registered: Mar-05 | T2T, > I've been a long-time reader of this forum and many others on the 'Net. I'm not aiming to pick on Paul, but does he go out of his way to show his ignorance, or does it come much more natural with him? Every response I've read from that guy kind of makes me feel like he's wasting oxygen we all could be breathing instead. Yes, yes, and yes. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 2001 Registered: Mar-05 | > a barefoot hillbilly in clover Art, I had no idea you were so poetic! ah, I guess with Paul as the Muse who wouldn't be? LOL |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 1688 Registered: Feb-05 | He does provide!! |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 5768 Registered: May-04 | Think of it this way; if Paul were a squirrel in the street, everyone of us would swerve to run over him. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 2008 Registered: Mar-05 | OUCH!!! |
T2T Unregistered guest | "Paul has not mentioned his PATENTED, WORLD-FAMOUS SPEAKER AUDITIONING METHOD which he confessed to on this forum a long time ago: he sticks his head about six inches from the woofer and has the salesperson crank the speakers, that's how he determines if the speaker has adequate "manliness" for him. I guess I've never thought of the CV speakers with those pink woofer surrounds as being manly speakers. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2459 Registered: Jan-05 | It looks like several people here have an inferiority complex regarding their sissy misnamed "loud" speakers. If you're into cheese munching music, there is nothing wrong with that, but it's laughable when you include those as part of a theater soundsystem. |
Silver Member Username: JimvmLouisiana U.S.A. Post Number: 212 Registered: Apr-05 | No, Paul, for the "several people" you mentioned, it has nothing to do with complexes. It has everything to do with your constant juvenile disparagement of others' choices in speakers. Many on this forum have asked you very politely, and then increasingly less politely, to stop making fun of the choices they have made in audio equipment. But, you have proven to be either too stupid to understand or too ill-mannered to stop. You are not unlike the "redneck" who continues to fly the Confederate battle flag in his front yard even after his neighbors have told him that it is insulting to them. Initially people "turned the other cheek" but people can only take so much before they get a little hot under the collar and strike back. You have taken pleasure in the fact that your smart-alec remarks have gotten a rise out of people. Now folks are taking pleasure in knowing that you have become the laughing stock of this forum. So, it is your boorish and ill-mannered behavior on this forum which is resulting in a constant barrage of insults directed toward you. You have, in essence, called in artillery strikes on your own position. If you enjoy being the brunt of insulting comments, then by all means continue with your ignorant, ill-mannered and smart-alec remarks. It seems to me to be as simple as that. I'd like to think it's so simple that even you can understand it. |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittNYC, NY Post Number: 553 Registered: May-05 | "Think of it this way; if Paul were a squirrel in the street, everyone of us would swerve to run over him." I wouldn't. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 2042 Registered: Mar-05 | AWWWWWWWWWWWW! |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 2043 Registered: Mar-05 | Jim, Well to be accurate, Paul's been the laughingstock of this forum for a long time now. Recently he has become more aggressively ignorant and rude, so everyone has just been throwing it back in his face more and more. When even someone as normally gracious and mild-mannered as Art takes a whack at him, you know the boy's just been begging for it. Kind of like a bawling little baby sometimes just needs to be slapped once and ding! he wakes up and starts to behave. Not sure if Paul will show even that much sense though. The thing is, this kind of dysfunctional personality often finds self-validation in alienating everyone around him, in fact they often seek it actively. Better to have everyone hate you than to be unsure if anyone actually likes you---classical profile of an Internet troll. |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittNYC, NY Post Number: 555 Registered: May-05 | Everyone takes the guy way too seriously. You can't say he isn't good for a laugh. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 2044 Registered: Mar-05 | No, but even the best comedian in the world gets tiresome after telling the same joke 10,000 times. |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 1003 Registered: Jun-05 | Well I say as long as he keeps up his gurley man speaker antics,just keep throwing the the garage at him with his bigscreen Zenith(1996 model without picture and picture},pink sissy ring CVs,and his bloated gob of bass SVS that should have a tablecloth and a plant pot sitting on it,and last but least that overrated watted glorified alarm clock Yammie of his this goes out to the hillbilly Yeah! you Paul!! |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 5801 Registered: May-04 | "You can't say he isn't good for a laugh." Yes, I can! Now that I think about it though, I have to agree with you about the squirrel in the road thing. If most of us actually knew for certain it was Paul in the middle of the street, we would not swerve to hit him. That's way to chancey. We would probably stop and chase him down and beat him to a pulp with a hammer just to be certain he was never going to return to the living. Oh, well, at least I would. You guys can make up your own minds. Y'all got gun racks? |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 2052 Registered: Mar-05 | (visualizes Jan waving a hammer chasing down a furry little 4 legged bushy-tailed Paul) ROTFL... |