Your opinion: Athena Audition AS-B1 or Klipsch SB-1?


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Username: Adventus

Post Number: 1
Registered: Sep-05
with Yamaha RX596 (80w/ch) and Pioneer DV588as (SACD + DVD-A).

Which wouuld you choose for a dorm room cabinet and why?


New member
Username: Adventus

Post Number: 2
Registered: Sep-05
Or any different suggestions??

Gold Member
Username: Edster922

Abubala, Ababala The Occupation

Post Number: 1819
Registered: Mar-05
Yikes, with that receiver and DVD player either of these speakers are sure to be very bright and harsh.

I'd look into a warm speaker, in the under $200 price range the Infinity Primus 150 or 160 maybe. Or spend an extra $150 and move to a REALLY warm speaker like these:

Like any budget speaker these will do some things much better than others, but the extra money spent on a pair of these should still be less than getting a new receiver and dvd/cd player.

New member
Username: Adventus

Post Number: 3
Registered: Sep-05
Food for thought, Edster - thanks.

The receiver is set; it claims to be designed for stereo listening - warmer than most HT equipment?

The DVD player hasn't been purchased yet - any suggestions for SACD capable players around $130, or should I look to a warmer non-SACD unit?

Unregistered guest
Sorry man, don't take me wrong but for $130.00 not much of high quality out there, however, you can look into the Pioneer DV 563A. It plays DVD's, DVDA's, SACD's and CD's. If budget is tight, it may worth considering this unit, the sound quality is somewhat limited but for the price it gets the Job done. It must be around $140.00 - $150.00
I know edster does not like it but it is an alternative though


Silver Member
Username: Devils_advocate

Post Number: 323
Registered: Jul-05
I would suggest the CSW Model Six for your application. It regularly goes for 150 a pair but can be had for about 105 for B stock. It has a fairly laid back sound that is pretty forgiving of bright/harsh components, and delivers pretty good sound IMO. There is a thread on here of someone who got a pair. Check it out.

Gold Member
Username: Edster922

Abubala, Ababala The Occupation

Post Number: 1821
Registered: Mar-05
Greg, I have a couple of questions about your desire to have a SACD/DVD-A capable player.

1. Do you already have a collection of SACD/DVD-As, or do you see yourself amassing a collection of them in the near future?

2. Are you aware of their exorbitant cost and meager selection?

3. Since you are already on a fairly limited anyways, do you see yourself getting some DECENT surround speakers for them (as opposed to any mediocre surrounds that'd be ok for HT-only use) that will really justify their cost by providing true multi-channel music?

I guess what I'm trying to get at is that a universal player only makes sense if one answers "yes" to those 3 questions. Otherwise with a budget universal player like the Pioneer you are going to be stuck with mediocre-at-best music performance on normal 2-channel CDs. I tested the Pioneer 563 that Anoynymous mentioned against 3 other CD-only players in a shop and the Pioneer was the only one that I eliminated within the first 10 minutes, the other 3 players came much closer to each other.

If your CDP budget is around $130 I'd recommend the Marantz 4300 which is $142 shipped from --- they intrigued me in the showroom and blew me away when I had them at home running off some much better speakers.

That Marantz and a warm speaker like the Alegria Ling would go a long way to offset the Yammie's brightness.

Here's my review of the Lings (click on the archive link at the top):

New member
Username: Adventus

Post Number: 4
Registered: Sep-05
Thanks for your good suggestions, and if I may continue to solicit your wisdom and experience further, I should be more prcise about the specifications of this application.

The units are for my daughter's dorm room; the audio / tv will all go in a built-in cabinet with fixed shelves, so the height of the speakers can't be over 13", and they should probably be shielded.

She listens to classical, pop, county, mp3 discs (no heavy metal), and she needs DVD player. Volume level will be low to moderate. She is a two-channel person, surround and HT will probably never be a consideration.

I was looking at the Pioneer DV588as only because it is highly regarded by some for sound and video, and because it plays multiple formats, including SACD / DVD-A (if the prices ever come down). But for now, standard CD, mp3, and DVD are the most likely uses.

Many of you may well be more familiar with the Yamaha RX 596 than I, especially since I've never heard how it sounds. It is (was) advertised as a "natural sound" two-channel system, designed and produsced just before the beginning of the boom in HT products, so I'm hoping it won't sound as harsh as most HT units seem to be for pleasurable listening.

Personally I prefer the "warm" sound as evidenced by the fact that I am attached at the hip to two original Advents and a Sansui 4000 receiver from the present back thirty years ago. But this purchase isn't about me (sigh), it's about my daughter. She is vehemently adverse to spending "a lot" of money for this outfit (by her definition, anything over $100), so I have to try to keep the cost down, and minimize the volume of electronics space consumed in her dorm room. In spite of that, would like to get her components that are pleasurable to listen to for long periods of time, in part because I may end up with them eventually myself. She does have an ear for audio.

The CSW Model Six appeals to me for all the reasons DA noted, but they exceed the height requirement and are not sheilded, although the price is certainly right. The Lings also sound perfectly suited for her kind of listening, but $350 + ship is beyond the price ceiling. I might be able to get her to tollerate something $100 - $250.

Not to cast about blindly, but what do you think of the Canton LE102 for this purpose?

Thank you, and all further suggestions greatly appreciated.


Silver Member
Username: Devils_advocate

Post Number: 326
Registered: Jul-05
Can't comment on the Canton unfortunately.

Some notes though. Any speaker that will fit in there will need to be front ported or sealed, as a rear ported design will have issues being so close to a wall (boomy bass). Your daughter may or may not care about this however.

Also, have you considered a modest stereo sub-sat system? It would be likely to deliver fuller, more pleasing sound, than a single pair of fairly small bookshelf speakers.

Silver Member
Username: Stu_pitt


Post Number: 484
Registered: May-05
Greg - For speakers, this may be the way to go -

$178, 12 7/8" high, front ported, video sheilded, yadda yadda yadda. PSB's are a very good speaker. They are on closeout. They are new, not B-stock, refurb, etc. They are that cheap because they no longer sell the brand and are trying to get rid of what they have.

I've bought a lot of stuff from this store in the past as they are right around the corner from where I grew up, and have nothing but good things to say about them.

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Username: Project6

Post Number: 3928
Registered: Dec-03
Good tip Stu...I'll be checking those out

New member
Username: Adventus

Post Number: 5
Registered: Sep-05
Thank you Stu. The PSB's fit the bill, but I'm having diffculty finding any reviews. I'll plunge ahead anyway.

Do you all know anything about the Fosgate fa51.0 or the fa61.0, or KEF Coda 70 (refurbs)? Too bright? -C44&ic=FOS%2DFA61%2E0%2FPR&tpc= -C44&ic=FOS%2DFA51%2E0%2FPR&cc=&tpc= -C44&ic=KEF%2DCODA70%2FMA&cc=&tpc=

Gold Member
Username: Edster922

Abubala, Ababala The Occupation

Post Number: 1829
Registered: Mar-05

for the CD/DVD player you might want to look into is the Toshiba 3980, BestBuy has it for $60. Here's why: e=Tosh_3960&Category_Code=MODS

I'm thinking of buying one just to hear it myself, BB sells plenty of Bose and can afford to give me a refund. LOL

Gold Member
Username: Petergalbraith

Rimouski, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 1406
Registered: Feb-04
Didn't you just buy a Marantz CD changer?

Gold Member
Username: Edster922

Abubala, Ababala The Occupation

Post Number: 1833
Registered: Mar-05
yeah I did. (grins sheepishly)

The thing is, with my new all-digital Panny (see my new additions to that thread in the Receivers section) my cheapo $60 Panny DVD player sounds basically just as good as the Marantz using a digital connection.

Looks like I'll be moving the Marantz cdp and NAD to the bedroom and selling off the Marantz receiver and old Sony ES player...
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