I'm researching to get a new, small stereo. I've basically narrowed it down to two mini systems: the Sony MHC-GX450 and the Panasonic SC-AK630. Are there any obvious advantages or disadvantages to one system or the other?
Also, the Sony model advertises a feature that allows you to play video game audio on it. Is it compatible with a computer? The only audio ports I think I have on my PC are for the headphones.
You can mix videogame audio with the Sony, but the music will be far louder than the sound FX of the game. Sony CD changers/lasers tend to go dead all of a sudden. Probably fixable, but quite a hassle. On one system I had the changer died after a month. I didn't bother fixing it. Panasonic is very loud, present audio. This works well for recreating voice. I owned a mini system by Panasonic. There wasn't much bass, but when I think about how realistic the singing sounded, I want to buy another. Sony has better bass, but very fragile mechanics.
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Look into vintage audio is ponzorz everything, I laugh at best buys sucky sound equipment. No good amps their best thing they got is athena speakers that are hooked up to junk. Watt ratings are a lie on those little systems. I buy at thrift stores but my 100$ at a thrift owns anything at Best buy. Good Luck!!
JVC -EX-A10E. This looks not only great but sounds great too.Not really cheap but worth the money.It also plays DVD-audio.In the separate amp there is place for a sub to have more bass if necessary