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Archive through January 13, 2006 | Anonymous | 100 |
Lucie Unregistered guest | can anyone tell me whether i can recharge my AAA rechargeable battery through my LOGIK MP3 player, or do I have to buy a separate AAA battery recharger? thanks. |
Anonymous | I was given a Logik Mp3 player for Christmas and like many others managed to get the music into the player but was unable to hear it. Not being a whizz on computers and the instructions being useless I took it back to Currys today. I paid a few more pounds and bought a different model, got it home, down loaded my tunes and was plugged in listerning to them in about 10 minutes.My advice , GET RID OF THE JUNK AND BUY ANOTHER ONE! |
Unregistered guest | I tried to format an mp3 player but always says write protected. How to remove it?? and no there is no physical lock/unlock button. Please help me |
Unregistered guest | hi ive bought a logik 1Gb Mp3 player for christmas but everytime i try to install it it says theres something missing and i dont know what at all has anyone any ideas? |
Unregistered guest | Have a 1gb logic mp3 player. Does anyone know how the voice recorder works. Wasn't too impressed that it came with NO instructions. |
Boogleshake Unregistered guest | Hi, I got a 256MB Logik Mp3 Player for christmas, and so far its working fine. But Ive lost the CD with the DRIVER and now I cant put any music more on it, unless I have better than Windows 98, which I dont (I did have XP before but not now)!!!! Can someone pleassssssssssse help me...... also does anyone know how we can contact Logik? Please email me at: Thanks! - Louise |
New member Username: Chunkeymonkey77Post Number: 1 Registered: Jan-06 | Hi, I've got a Logik 1GB Mp3 player and i have managed to get 270 WMA tracks on there but now it is saying that it is full, I thought it was supposed to hold more than this or is this normal? Can any body help. Thanks Rebecca |
New member Username: EfnissienPost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-06 | Hi, I've no idea whats wrong. I'm able to download my cd's onto windows media and then onto the logik mp3, but while the mp3 tells me the windows music files are there, it won't play them. The track timer counts down, but nothing can be heard. Any ideas? |
Unregistered guest | I lost my CD with drivers and Manual for Logik 256MB MP3 player. Would anyone be able to tell me where I can download the drivers and manual from? Thanks! |
Anonymous | Hi, could anyone tell me please how the player Logik hdd33 plays the music? What is the quality of sound? Thanks! |
SallyannW Unregistered guest | bought my daughter a Logik 256 MB MP3 player which is supposed to support WMA and MP3 but it won't play WMA. Any suggestions? We're using Windows XP with SP2. |
New member Username: VickyannPost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-06 | ive got the logik mp3 player and have uploaded some Window media player files. The logik mp3 displays the song and artist, etc. but I can't hear the songs! I have tested the earphones on another device and they work fine. What am I doing wrong? |
New member Username: VickyannPost Number: 2 Registered: Jan-06 | I have found the answer to my query regarding not being able to hear the music. The files I uploaded from my windon media player were not compatible. To resolve it I burned all the tracks to CD then saved the files on the CD to a place on my PC which made them .cda files. I then converted them to mp3 files. To do this I download a free application. Please see following link gclid=CLGOm4Gn34ICFQ14Qgod6QvJkw. Once I had converted them I uploaded them again. Bingo!! Everything working OK. Not bad for a girl.... |
torakuk1 Unregistered guest | is there a website for logik other than the one half way up this page??????????? i am having problems with the freezing but it happened on a previous player, there is two versions of the 1 gb one with cd and accessories and one without Mine with is ok my partners was without (bought 3 months later) hers is the problem!!!!!! |
New member Username: TinkerPost Number: 3 Registered: Jan-06 | for those of you who are downloading songs and they are not playing but are listed on the mp3, here is the answer to your problem... delete all of the songs from your mp3 start again. before you rip the songs from your cd go into the tool menu at the top of your media window > click on options > then rip music or copy music > untick the box labeled copy protect music > apply, then re-rip your disc. copy it again from your media player library and it should work |
New member Username: TinkerPost Number: 4 Registered: Jan-06 | I have a logik 512 MB mp3 and am wondeing if anyone has worked out how to sort their music into files on the mp3. |
marky Unregistered guest | Hi I bought two logik 3.3 mp3 for my kids for xmas,I spent hours trying to get them to work,in the end returned them to dixons .my son exchanged for a rio 6gb £20 more but he had it working in mins with all tracks downloaded.lifes too short ,suggest anyone who has bought one to return and get thei money back. marky |
SallyannW Unregistered guest | Thank you Tinker for the advice on getting WMA to work. I tried it and got them to play. Can't understand it as my eldest daughter has a different MP3 and it didn't affect hers. Oh well at least I have got the Logik one to work! |
nakeeye Unregistered guest | re logik 1gb mp3 player give it some thought and it is easy to use & mine works perfectly. |
N Halton Unregistered guest | I bought the 3.3 in November, as I always read the manual first, had a good idea what my options were-asked my teenage sons what to do. Use media player they said, but I knew different, ended up using media player. In time had to reformat, run scandisk and install firmware. eventually the disk completely failed, would not boot when switched on, could hear it clicking when held up to my ear. Took it back to dixons," vicky pollard" behind the counter said "have you got the packaging and receipt cos we can't---,you had it longer than 28 days so we can't----. After a row, manager gave me my money back in full with the words 'we've had a lot of trouble with these". Hope this answers some of your questions, its a piece of crap. |
Roodaynah Unregistered guest | i got a logik mp3 player 128MB and it advertised 40 songs and MAX i can get on is only 25!!! Whenever i bought it i didnt need to do anything, just plug it in and upload using windows media player (you put ur cd in and add to library, then sync et voila!) i have had no problems with it except low battery life, it states 8 hours, but frankly, i only get an hour and a half. its ok for a first mp3 player but its not the best. i didnt even hav to glance at the cd that came with it, ithink its sumwer with the other unwanted things... btw ive searched for the logik website, but there isint one, strange! thx 4 reading! |
Unregistered guest | i think virtually everyone here has been taken for a fool by the idiots atlogik after weve all spent a large ammount of money. i got 3 different mates all complaining when i went to return mine for repairs the technition sed himself i qoute " not another one of those.its the 7th one this week" god they r idiots |
Anonymous | I purchased the Logik HDD33 MP3 player for my daughter for xmas but she lost the CD and power supply I have found a replacement CD at for £5.99 (£10.98 inc. VAT and p&p) Needed the CD as the message reinstall F/W was displayed. Still looking for a power supply replacement ?? |
Anonymous | As with loads of people on this forum I am pissed of with Logik! I have a 512mb mp3 player and put all my songs on fine. I then eventually find out how to put them in folders and i lose over half of my songs. Im supposed to have 428 songs but when i put them in album folders i only get 161! Can anyone help me with this? The whole idea of an mp3 player is to put music on and select what song you want but with a Logik they obviosuly want you to get very frustrated! |
ronbo Unregistered guest | Have got LOGIK3502-1GB But it looks as if it thinks it is a 256MB !!! Have written 171 songs, USED SPACE 255MB, FREE SPACE 743MB. When try to copy next song comes up with error - unable to write file or folder. This happens when using Windows Media and 'copy' !! When I delete songs I can write again, but only up to the magic 255MB !! How do you get it to use the full 1GB ???? |
Anonymous | hi annonymous, I too have a 512 mp3. I dont have the answer to the problem you are having but pleeeease can you tell me how you managed to get your songs into folders??? It is getting annoying now because I just cant work it out. |
HELP NEEDED Unregistered guest | how to you change WMA files to MP3?,Any help would be great! thanks |
New member Username: InsanekidPost Number: 1 Registered: Feb-06 | hey i got a logik mp3 player 2 iev got the 4gig 1 it worked fine be4 i dropped it and i got a new 1 to get the songs onto the player when the songs wont play you just need to use windows media player to convert the files other ys it wont even recognise they are on there. also you need to make sure you have got it into the right directory on the player its either k2 or just put one in each and see wich 1 it playes they place all your songs into tht file any problems email me |
Anonymous | to change the files from wma to mp3 you need to follow these instructions open up your windows media player > click on tools > options > rip music > in the format little box choose the option mp3 > ok it should be ok now. You will have to re-rip your cd's to change the format of them and re-enter them onto your mp3 hope this helps |
Unregistered guest | hi. I have a problem with my Logik mp3 player (256mb), it just keep coming the message: incorrect format, refromat player) How can I solve this problem... Please I just tried to format to Fat32 but my pc dont allow it, is there any way to solve this prob;lem? I already formated to fat but the message keep coming... |
Unregistered guest | where can i download driver for 256 logik mp3 player? or Firmware? does anyone knows? if anyone knows or have it please send to my email: I'll be most grateful. thansks and best regards |
needing_assistence Unregistered guest | my mp3 is not beeing detected by my pc do someone knows what is happening. yesterday i updated my mp3 player with sigmatel mscn firmware and because of this m mp3 player is dead. do anyone knows how to fix this. i don't have the cd of the player. my mp3 player is LOGIK 256mb lcd... HELP.... |
Mad Jade Unregistered guest | "hey i got a logik hdd33 (3.3) for christmas but when i turn it on its says "HDD access error" and turns off!" - I have the same MP3 and mine is doing the exact same thing and I don't know what to do about it. *pulls out hair* Stupid pile of crap MP3...just wanna listen to some music, is that too much to ask? |
Unregistered guest | Doe anyone know where i can get a new set of headphones for my logik 512mb |
Anonymous | Does anyone know why my daughter's brand new 256 mb flash memory logik mp3 player mismatches the song title displayed to the song playing.... but only on some of the tracks!? Something to do with the id3 tag but what? Obviously, we are thrilled that it actually plays but.... |
Anonymous | Does anyone know why my daughter's brand new 256 mb flash memory logik mp3 player mismatches the song title displayed to the song playing.... but only on some of the tracks!? Something to do with the id3 tag but what? Obviously, we are thrilled that it actually plays but.... |
Anonymous | yes anonymous, i had the same problem as you. plug in the mp3 into your usb port. You need to click on start > my computer and find the removeable disc that your mp3 is plugged into. you will find a list of your songs that are on the player. Make a new folder and name it. then put all of the songs into it from the same artist. then come out of there and she will have them all listed as per artist. Dont have any ideas how to put them into little folders on the player tho, if any one knows how to do it please post with the solution. |
logik user Unregistered guest | i use a logik mp3 player and i uses up the battery really fast. I was wondering can you is use rechargable batteries |
Anonymous | hi. had a problem, when I turn my logik mp3 (256)player on it automatic restarts. what can I do. and were can a found a manual for my logik mp3 player, or if is there any address on the web. I live in mexico and is to hard to get a manual. thanks. |
Ivo costa Unregistered guest | Hi guys Anyone knows where i can download the firmware upgrade or a recovery tool for a 1g logik ? if someone can formward me the a link or mail me the software i would be very gratefull Thanks Ivo |
GeeW Unregistered guest | Hi, I have got a Logik 256MB MP3 player and am having the same problems as others - I can download the songs and they display on the LCD screen fine, but I can't play them! Any suggestions? |
Woodrick Unregistered guest | Logik MP3 1GB - I had no problems until the number of folders got to about 40 and then I could not select files in any new folders that I added. In fact the available music files declined with every additional folder. If you sync in WMP or copy from your Music library album sub folders are created for every artist. This means. 20 artistis might comprise 40+ folders. The Logik doesn't seem to cope with this. Having added 137 music files in this way I could not access anymore even though they were there if you looked in Windows explorer. If you reduce the sub folders by limiting yourself to one folder pewr artist then you can add many more music files. We are up to 239 music files now. I knew that it would take more beacuse if you checked the removable USB device properties in Windows you could see that it was only half full. I think for the price this is a great mp3. But the instructions could be vastly improved! |
sammy-j Unregistered guest | I recieved a 3.3 for Christmas and after 2 months of trying to download music on to the bl**dy thing, it now tells me that it is corrupt and unreadable! I am going to give up, try to return it to Curry's and hope that I dont get "vicky Pollard" on customer sevices. |
Anonymous | i have a LOGIK 256mb USB pen MP3 player. it was working fine and then when i turn it on, it just continually resets on me. i have to take the battery out just to stop it from switching of and on all the time. has anyone else had this problem and if so, please let me know how you fixed it or i'm afraid i will end up throwing the piece of junk out the window!!!! |
batgirl2010 Unregistered guest | hi can someoneplease help my dad got a logik hdd33 for crimbo and i cant get the thing to work ive tried the cd but the driver doesnt install compleately and when windows trys to install it it doesnt install correctly i know as soon as i can get my comp to recognise it how to get it sorted but untill then am stuck please email me with any help |
Unregistered guest | Hi..Can anyone send me logik's manual...I lost the cd included.. Send it to : Thanks |
Unregistered guest | I have the same problem as someone above in that everything loaded on the computer OK but player keeps saying "HDD access error" when I try to switch it on. How do I get past this? |
1GB player error Unregistered guest | Hey there! If anyone's having trouble with the 1GB logik mp3 player because of the error "Cannot copy {SONG TITLE} : The directory or file cannot be created" as "frustrated" mentioned, i got rid of the WMA files i had on it, then the error stopped coming up and it let me send files to the player again. WMA's are sure dodgy, eh? |
New member Username: Lil_kirstyManchester, United Kingdom England Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-06 | well my problem is mostly the same as the other peoples its askin me to reinstall F/W and i followed the instructions to fix it and it didn't work, it kept crashin to and sed HDD ERROR whateva that means so am takin my mp3 playa back! |
xini Unregistered guest | Some of you might find this program of use, it converts wma to mp3, avoids all that microsoft rubbish and in my opinion gives excellent results. Best of all, it's freeware. |
Unregistered guest | Hi I have a Logik MP3 player which has been working fine until the other day, I switch it on and it said incorrect format please reformat the player which I have tried to do on windows xp in fat it says it has been formatted but when I switch it on it still says the same on the mp3 player and it wont format it in fat32, anyone got any ideas dont no whether to download the driver again to the computer any help appreciated |
New member Username: 14stuUK Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-06 | Hi Does anybody knows where i can get that firmware/CD or a copy for the logik hdd33? is there any link where i can get this?. |
New member Username: NinjadinglePost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-06 | Hi all, I have the dreaded Logik HDD33 player - and have had no real problems - apart from low battery life. I'm using the CD that came with it - use the Audiophile software! Yes it's a bit dated but it gets the job done. I can play wma's and mp3's no problems. (I'm listening to a .wma right now on it!) Also the songs come out in album order. As for iTunes songs - the DRM on it means it can't be played. Burn it from iTunes to a CD then re-rip it. This is the only way I know of getting your iTunes songs onto this mp3 player. I've made a Nero disc image of the CD for anyone who needs it to download - Hope this helps. |
New member Username: Johnheeuk2Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-06 | .....and here's the manual for the 1GB MP3 player if it's of any help |
New member Username: ColindEssex, Essex Uk Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-06 | Hi there, I bought my son the Logik HDD33 for Xmas which developed a fault (kept saying reinstal F/W but our pc wouldn't recognise the device) within a few days which couldn't be rectified. We got a refund from Currys and thought we'd just been unlucky but our 2nd purchase of the same model has done exactly the same thing. PLEASE can anyone help and does anyone know whey there is no telephone number, email or website for Logik? It's rather worrying there's no support for these models. |
New member Username: AthirasreePost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-06 | I have a LOGIK MP3-512 LCD. It cant be formatted. Track 0 unusable message displaying. What to do? |
New member Username: AthirasreePost Number: 2 Registered: Mar-06 | LOGIK MP3-512 LCD. When formatting Unable to format message appears. S/N: 511062413. Please help. |
New member Username: MelianPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | Thanks to Steve Mcqueen. I bought my husband a logik mp3 and we could not work it. I lost my reciept so could not take it back. But finally after 4 months of tearing our hair out, thanks to the information you posted, my husband can finally use his christmas present. Cheers |
New member Username: Woody2609Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | Logik HDD40 - As Steve McQueen posts, it will take WMA or MP3 but tracks must be ripped unprotected (WMP10, tools, options, Rip music settings. Then start HDD40 before connecting, and use Audiophile supplied on CD...but it's taken an age to get there! |
New member Username: Scotman6Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | Logik MP3-512 LCD. For those that don't know Logik is a Dixons Group own Brand name and for the smaller players it's classed as a non repairable item. If it breaks down, doesn't behave properly or throws a hairy fit then march down to dixons and demand a repair since it's covered by consumer warranty, because they can't repair it (it's a non-repairable item) they have to give you a new one or your money back. Be prepared to demonstrate the fault if your to succed. I'm on my third one and finally have a decent MP3 player thats been trouble free. It pays to moan ![]() |
New member Username: BumpyPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | Hi Have got the Logik 1GB MP3 player & after an hour continual play it freezes, track is still displayed in display. I unlock the player press the play button and orft we go again. Anybody else come across this problem or is not aproblem ? |
New member Username: Josh_cornellPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | hi all i have a 3.5 gig logik mp3 player was workin fine till i took the songs off it and now when i turn it on it comes up sayin "please re-install FW" any help would be great thnx |
New member Username: PhilbozzPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | Hiya folks, I bought a HDD40 (4gb) just over a week ago. I switched it on to find it saying 'HDD Access Error', it did it a few days ago but went away the next time i tried it. But it just won't go away, I've plugged it into my computer and it doesn't appear on the list of drives in My Compooter. Anyway to fix this, or is it a case of back to dixons and argue to the death with an idiot that it doesnt work and i want my money back(had to do this with my old mp3 player when the headphone socket bent :-/)? |
New member Username: AlexeyRussia Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | hi from russia!!! i need your help! can you send me firmware and software from your LOGIk mp3 player on my emale(last summer i was in england and buyed logik ofm 256 mb, but cd with fitmware i lost). I need upgrade my player |
New member Username: AlexeyRussia Post Number: 2 Registered: Apr-06 | hi from russia!!! i need your help! can you send me firmware and software from your LOGIk mp3 player on my emale summer i was in england and buyed logik ofm 256 mb, but cd with fitmware i lost). I need upgrade my player |
New member Username: Joanna40Post Number: 1 Registered: May-06 | Logik 256. Plays mp3 format and works great, has done since Christmas 2005, but it wont play wma format (although it loads it). How on earth do I listen to cd tracks on it? Any ideas I would be very grateful. |
New member Username: ProvistaPost Number: 1 Registered: May-06 | If someone have the logik mini cd (does'nt matter which model) containing the firmware and apps, could you please upload it to or some other filesharing service?I would really appreciate! |
New member Username: MisstPost Number: 1 Registered: May-06 | I have a logik MP3 player, and recently when I press the menu button the playback pauses, skips back a a few seconds then continues playing. If I press the menu button again it stops and goes to the first song on the player (as if you've pressed stop twice) and I cant reach the menu at all. Any ideas on how I can fix it? I've had it less then 6 months... |
New member Username: HarkaPost Number: 2 Registered: May-06 | I have a problem with my logik mp3 player. It works I meen plays songs and etc. but when I plug it in USB port computer do not recognise it and LCD do not turn ON as it was before What are possible problems for this? (USB pors works fine on my PC) Thanks |
New member Username: TrinkiePost Number: 1 Registered: May-06 | hey i just brought a logik 6gb mp3 and im taking it back, as it seems loads of ppl have had problems, also i can smell buring when it play's (had it for 1 day). i cant find a website or number for them, which i find is weird. |
New member Username: MaltrayPost Number: 1 Registered: May-06 | Don't buy this device it's sh*t, I've had, not formated, disk error and other problems. The device is supposed to be 1G and all it will hold is 459MB As for the disk that came with the player forget it even the manual is in Engrish in parts |
New member Username: UffesteenbergPost Number: 1 Registered: May-06 | Does your comments on the hdd33 apply to this one as well (especially the album sort function)?? (Blue 1 gb) Tried this one once and couldn't figure out how to sort by album... it just started from titles A and you had to skip all the way to get to Z.. |
New member Username: KatriPost Number: 1 Registered: May-06 | I haven't found any other solution for playing protected purchased wma's than burning them onto a CD-audio (RW, so it won't be wasted), as someone suggested above, and then ripping them into MP3s with Windows Media player. (Also explained above).Time-consuming, but legal, and works. But if anyone has an easier solution, please let me know. Anyone found the logik net pages? |
New member Username: VedantLondon, London Uk Post Number: 1 Registered: Jun-06 | i bought logik mp3 player now it says "incorrect format,reformat the player". can you please tell me how to reformat the player? |
New member Username: Deep_blue_cPost Number: 1 Registered: Jun-06 | Katri We avoid this problem by not using Windows media player. We have Musicmatch Jukebox -(basic version only) which came with my PC) and it rips CD's straight to MP3 format. Perhaps a similar player can be downloaded fee from the web somewhere? |
New member Username: LesleylYeovil, Somerset England Post Number: 1 Registered: Jun-06 | i have just bought a logik log3502 -1gb i have been able to put music onto it but i am unable to hear any of the music, can anyone give me some idea as to rectify this |
New member Username: LesleylYeovil, Somerset England Post Number: 3 Registered: Jun-06 | i have just bought an logik mp3 player a log3502-igb i can not thear anything on my player after i have downloaded music onto the player,could someone advise me on how to rectify this problem |
New member Username: Deep_blue_cPost Number: 2 Registered: Jun-06 | Lesley, Can you give us a few more details. Do the files download to the player? Does the player indicate that the files are "playing" when you can't hear anything? Do the headphones have their own volume control (sorry- I don't mean to insult your intelligence, but you never know) What format are the files? (MP3/WMA- see messages above) |
New member Username: YinyanPost Number: 1 Registered: Jun-06 | Hi Could someone please help, I have a 2gb Logik Mp3 Player, (LOG3503). The problem I have is the files download fine and play fine but I want to arrange them into my own folders, which I do through my PC, but when I come to look for them on the MP3 player they aren't there, what am I doing wrong. I want folders for music for things like gym music, relaxation etc... I used to do this on my old mp3 player). Any help would be appreciated. |
New member Username: LesleylYeovil, Somerset England Post Number: 4 Registered: Jun-06 | Hi deep Blue C I am trying to download a data cd that is several albums formatted in wma format but I cannot hear these song. The player can identify the song but it just won't play |
New member Username: Deep_blue_cPost Number: 3 Registered: Jun-06 | Lesley, I'm pretty new to MP3 players myself, but I know we had the same problem. Even though the player is supposed to play WMA format, it doesn't (I think there's some kind of security thing with WMA that prevent's them playing unless they are genuine legal copies- but I don't really know) However, we overcame the problem by saving them as MP3 format instead. You may find that the windows media player (version 9?) won't do this, so you'll need a different piece of music software. We have Musicmatch jukebox which came free with the computer, but there must be loads of other programs available. Perhaps someone else could advise? Hope that helps, Deep |
New member Username: ScanasLondon, UK United Kingdom Post Number: 1 Registered: Jun-06 | I bought a 2gb logik mp3 player and i uploaded about 70 songs.Now if i want to listen to ,lets say song number 34, do i have to go through all the previous songs?I state in advance that i organised each album in differents folders despite the fact that on the bottom of the display they all appears as folder a.I use an iMac can anyone help please?And also which softwares can i download to convert cd tracks into mp3 or wma format? |
New member Username: PhilbozzPost Number: 2 Registered: Apr-06 | Argh, I took my original one back, and got a replacement which has been working fine, no problems, but the on/off slider has broken now so I daresay the replacement will be crap again, or have the problems been fixed? |
New member Username: Lillora_xPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-06 | How do you upload your songs on to your Mp3? The instructions arnt clear at all |
New member Username: Gazmaz62Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-06 | I have a LOG3503 2Gb MP3 Player. I have the Cd I can reformat the unit through WIN2K, but the unit after I turn it on starts it's search then turns off and starts again, it does this repeatedly. Does anyone have any idea's how to fix this? |
New member Username: DonsajidPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-06 | These players are quirky, but if you can work out how to use them, they do offer superb value for money. Especially at _Converter.asp where they are being sold for £34.99!!! |
New member Username: MarchbrownPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-06 | I have bought a 'Logik LOG DAX 1GB' MP3 player with DAB Radio from Dixons ... It is amazing and battery life is fifty hours on MP3 and sixteen hours on DAB ... All this on one AA rechargeable battery ... The sound quality is superb using my good headphones ... It is easy to put CDs on and I have put fifteen CDs on it ... Now for the problem ... although I can get 16 radio stations , I can not get any of the BBC radio channels or Classic fm, Virgin and some others ... I live six miles (line of sight) from the Kilvey Hill ( Swansea) transmitter which transmits all its DAB stations on four MUXs ... I can receive 'UTV-Emap Mux 12A' (six radio channels) and MXR Mux 12C (nine radio channels) , but I can not tune into Mux 12B or Mux 11D ... I think that this is due to a software problem on the Logik player and would like to have it resolved ... Currys do not have a telephone number for Logic or a Website ... If the problem can be resolved , then this would be an unbeatable player in all respects ... George |
New member Username: NethrixPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-06 | All hail me, hehe... ive just zipped up the restore tool so if you download it, its should install the firmware back on to your Logik Mp3 player. Be aware this is for the HD33. I had the f/w problem and couldnt find the cd and found this place. but i thought hey i found it now so ill share. I take no blame for loss of information or damage to anything.... Etc. Virus Scanned. |
New member Username: Boburt941Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-06 | we hav jus formatted or logic 1gb mp3 and it wont turn on but it is recongised by the computer plz help |
New member Username: Boburt941Post Number: 2 Registered: Jul-06 | has any 1 gt any answers plz help |
New member Username: MarchbrownPost Number: 2 Registered: Jul-06 | Re:- My previous post on July 22nd ... I went to the Currys shop at Cribbs Causeway and tried one of their 'Logic LOG DAX 1GB MP3' players ... It could not tune in to any of the DAB BBC stations , so the fault is definitely the Player rather than the signal strength ... I wrote to on 22nd July and have not yet had a reply ... so I have written again today ... Hopefully I will get a reply to this one ... It is a wonderful set if only it could receive all four of the MUXs instead of only two. |
New member Username: AndrewdlPost Number: 1 Registered: Aug-06 | I have just purchased a Logik HDD40 I can upload wma's and MP3's without a problem, but when I rip a CD in wma format the tracks do not play in the order of the tracks in the original album. In Windows Media Player the tracks on the Logik are recognised in order. Help please?? |
New member Username: MarchbrownPost Number: 3 Registered: Jul-06 | Re:- My previous post on July 29th ... I wrote to the Chairman of the parent Company (Sir John Collins) at , and have had several replies from a high level ... They are looking into my query as to why Currys are selling a MP3 / DAB player, when there is obviously a fault on all this particular model, in that it will only receive two of the four MUXs ... I am satisfied that they are doing all that they can to find out why this defect has been allowed to slip through their purchasing department ... If this fault can be rectified, this set will be absolutely superb and the best in its class irrespective of price. |
New member Username: ZibiPost Number: 1 Registered: Aug-06 | software for my logik log3503-2gb? hi,I bought this logik at the carboot, with no software. So please could you tell me where i could get the disc from? or is there a program i can download to get music on it? thanks |
New member Username: TourambarPost Number: 1 Registered: Sep-06 | Hi! I have a logik mp3 player (4GB) and the power button has been broken and I do not have the reiceipt. do you know where I can fix it??? |
New member Username: JattiPost Number: 1 Registered: Sep-06 | i just got a new mp3 player 4 gigz right but its frozen comp cnt read it and i cnt do anything with it dnt no wht 2 do can any1 help me |
New member Username: IhateevilbillPost Number: 1 Registered: Sep-06 | ************* LISTEN UP EVERYONE ************* *** FIX FOR SONGS PLAYING IN CORRECT ORDER *** After much gnashing of teeth I have finally found out how to make the songs that you copy onto the Logik 2Gb Player (Will probably work with the rest of the Logik Range). Download WinAMP ( Load all the songs from 1 album into WinAMP. Modify the file info (Alt-3 in my version). MAKE SURE that ID3 V1 is NOT ticked. MAKE SURE that ID3 V2 IS ticked. Set the Track number to whatever track number is for the song i.e 1 Set the Track Name to whatever the track is called Set <u>BOTH<u> the Artist and Album to [Artist] - [Album Name] EXAMPLE: Artist and Album = EMF - Schuberts Dip Track = 1 Song Title = Children Also note: for the software in the Logik MP3 Player to see the changes that you have made you will have to DELETE the album from your MP3 player, unplug it from the USB, reconnect it and copy over the new FIXED folder for your album. Now when you search either by artist or album, all you have to look for is whatever you put in the album / artist section of the ID3 v2 section Hope this helps, took me 3 hours to figure out this, lol Version of Firmware: 2.6.033 (Found in the about menu) Best of luck, Steven Freeman |
New member Username: IhateevilbillPost Number: 2 Registered: Sep-06 | *After much gnashing of teeth I have finally found out how to make the songs that you copy onto the Logik 2Gb Player (Will probably work with the rest of the Logik Range). Should have read: After much gnashing of teeth I have finally found out how to make the songs that you copy onto the Logik 2Gb Player (Will probably work with the rest of the Logik Range) work, play in order and show up correctly. Was just a little over excited that I forgot to finish my sentense, lol |
New member Username: JenallanPost Number: 1 Registered: Sep-06 | Hi George, we have bought the same Logik Mp3/DAB player as you and are having exactly the same problem - we live in London and the DAB signal is fine, we have another bigger DAB radio which works fine 99.9% of the time. Did you get anywhere with a solution to this from Curry's / Dixons? Would much appreciate any help! I am going to call up and complain in a minute too. Cheers |
New member Username: MarchbrownPost Number: 4 Registered: Jul-06 | Hi Jennifer , I have had several E-Mails from (the Dixons group) at a high level, and it seems that they are looking into this problem after I brought it to their attention . Their senior purchasing officer is in contact with Logik at the moment and I will be informed when a solution is found . See their E-Mail address on my posting dated August 21st for your complaint to the Dixons/Currys group . I think that this little player is absolutely superb and is well worth the price if they can sort out the missing two MUXs containing all the missing channels . I think that to get 50 hours of MP3 music out of the single AA battery is amazing . I use 2700mAh NiMH rechargeable batteries which are the same capacity as Duracells and can be recharged many hundreds of times . It will reinforce my complaint if you also complain about the player . The worst thing that can happen is that I will have to return the player before it is one year old , but I am hoping that a software fix will enable it to pick up the missing MUXs . I would then be totally happy with it . By the way it is even better when you use good quality headphones . Anyway , good luck with your complaint , Kind Regards , George. |
New member Username: JenallanPost Number: 2 Registered: Sep-06 | Hi George, thanks for your reply. I have emailed the addresses you gave to complain about the missing radio channels. I agree the player is really good otherwise, but the missing channels have all the best radio on, that's what we bought it for! Well I will hope for the best and await a reply from Dixons, otherwise will return it at some point. cheers, Jen |
New member Username: Slammer1Post Number: 1 Registered: Sep-06 | well i've tried 4 different ones from the same currys digital shop and sent numerous emails and no-one has been any help whatsover. It would be good if it worked but I'm not wasting any of my time trying to persuade them that something is actually wrong with the machine. A had a £100 to give them and their attitude was 'can't help'. Rubbish. |
New member Username: ShaksLondon, Dahfdsyh London Post Number: 1 Registered: Sep-06 | Hello my name is shaks. I bought a logic 1 GB mp3 player and it wont respond when I plug in to my computer could u please send me the software using my e-mail: Thanks... |
New member Username: MarchbrownPost Number: 5 Registered: Jul-06 | Hi Shaks ... As long as your computer uses Windows ME, 2000 or XP, it should just be a simple matter of plugging the device into the USB socket and the computer should recognise that a new storage device has been connected ... When I plug my MP3 player into the USB socket, the player automatically switches itself on and is recognised by the computer ... If you go to 'Start' then 'My computer', you should see a new removeable media device appear there ... If it appears there, then you can send your MP3 music files to it as normal ... I am using Windows XP and I didn't have to put any additional software onto my computer ... Good Luck ... George. |
New member Username: DeaconlinePost Number: 1 Registered: Sep-06 | Hi, I have just bought a Logik 2Gb player and have the same problem as Shaks. When I plug it in to the USB socket nothing happens. I don't get a message saying 'connected'. I've tried it in 2 XP PCs. The player is switched off and the headphones are unplugged. |
New member Username: MarchbrownPost Number: 6 Registered: Jul-06 | Re:- my posting on September 9th. At last after many E-Mails to the Dixons Group, the LOGIK DAX 1GB players have been recalled for firmware updates ... The new firmware version is v8.75 + 0.56 ... I sent my player away and had it returned in two days and it now gets all the channels ... In South Wales, I get 34 channels now ... I am absolutely delighted with it now and I think that it is the best player of its type available particularly if you use better headphones ... It took a while to get it sorted, but if you go to a high enough level with the complaints you get results ... I suggest that anyone with this player either sends it for the firmware update or exchanges it for an updated one at Currys shop when they are back in stock ... Good Luck. |
New member Username: JenallanPost Number: 3 Registered: Sep-06 | Glad you got it fixed at last George After several weeks of emailing back and forth with the currys aftersales people they have just (on friday) put the firmware update on their website (accessible from the currys website using The Techguys link) - follow product support>other products>audio>logik to get the relevant stuff. HOWEVER having installed the update as instructed our player STILL does not work - so beware - I am not convinced that this update works! still it's worth a try... |
New member Username: MarchbrownPost Number: 7 Registered: Jul-06 | Hi Jennifer ... Our local Currys shop has had their players recalled, so I assume that all the other Currys shops are the same ... If I were you, I would wait till the players are back on the shelves again and take the defective one back for an exchange ... Your one year guarantee would start again from the exchange date ... Test the new one in the shop though ... I had an Executive E-Mail saying ''Our buying department has arranged a recall of the Logik DAX 1GB MP3 player for a software update. Please can you arrange for your MP3 player to be sent for the attention of Graham Rayner , Building One , Dixons Stores Group , Maylands Avenue , Hemel Hempstead , S2 5YA, to enable him to complete your upgrade personally''... It was back in two days and as I said earlier , I am delighted with the results ... Even the fifteen CDs that I loaded onto the player earlier are still intact ... This quality is exactly what I wanted from an MP3 / DAB player ... It was returned to me from ''The Techguys'' though it was from a different postcode HP2 7TG with a telephone number of 0870 850 333 ... Don't give up on the set as it is well worth persevering with the firmware upgrade ... I am currently listening to BBC Radio 2 and if anything it seems to sound better than before when I could only get 16 commercial channels ... Good Luck ... George. |
New member Username: Jules1818Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-06 | How do i unlock the keys on my logik 1GB mp3? they have frozen and it says on screen 'unlock keys!' but i don't know how please help!! |
New member Username: Rich_maccaPost Number: 1 Registered: Oct-06 | Quick message to George - I've just got one of these received today and am not that impressed yet! You said you've got a new pair of headphones for your DAX player and still appear to be able to use the DAB but I find that any new pair of headphone instantly cancels out any receiving of DAB signals - may I ask what brand/type headphones you're using as the standard logik ones are rubbish (keep falling out of my ears!) |
New member Username: MarchbrownPost Number: 8 Registered: Jul-06 | Hi Rich ... I was not too enamoured with the in-ear phones that came with the set as I don't really like things poked in my ears and I must admit that they did fall out occasionally ... I bought some Sony MDR-A34 headphones that have a thin head-band ... The small transducers sit across the ear opening and are very comfortable for me to use ... They also fold down very small ... I have not had any problems at all with DAB reception ... I never use the DAB whilst travelling long distance as I prefer to listen to my own particular choice of music on the MP3 part of the player and as it holds about 15 CDs, I can put a good selection on ... When I get to my destination, I have again never had any DAB reception problems ... I am still delighted with the DAX player and perhaps was lucky with my choice of headphone ... Perhaps you could find a retailer that would let you try some headphones as you would only need to look at the signal strength indicator to check the DAB reception ... Some of the headphones use screened leads to prevent pickup of electrical noise which possibly means that they would not act as an aerial ... Do you have any friends that own headphones as it might be worthwhile trying them ... You could also E-Mail Sony UK and some other companies and ask for their recommendations of headphones with built in aerials ... Good Luck ... George. |
New member Username: Sammy3945Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-06 | hi, i got a logik mp3 player for xmas but then got an ipod. i recently gave my mp3 player to my boyfriend and now it comes up with the message saying that the player needs reformatting and he has tried to do this and the cd doesnt work. does anyoe know how to sort this out, thnx |
New member Username: ChriscwharrisPost Number: 1 Registered: Nov-06 | I brought one of these 1GB DAB MP3 players. I already had an 1GB MP3 player but I really wanted a portable DAB radio so this knocks 2 birds on the head. Anyway, I dug it out and after working out how to get the DAB working I tried a scan. No signals! So I found this thread and followed the flash upgrade, still no Signals. Eventually I tried moving about the house and I've found a couple of locations where I get signal. I'm fine if I'm in the toilet or in front of the kitchen sink! I'm wondering if I would have been better to buy one that had an extendable arial like the perstel one. Not sure whether I'll keep it yet, seems a bit restricted on where I can listen which defeats the point of having it as a portable really. |
Bronze Member Username: MarchbrownPost Number: 11 Registered: Jul-06 | Hi Chris ... Have you tried to see whether you are in a good reception area ... You just put the postcode in and it will check the probable (or possible) signal strength ... Do you know which direction you are from the transmitter and the distance ... Is the transmitter shielded from your location by a hill or block of flats or similar ... Also, make sure that the headphones have a built-in aerial ... If you have the original headphones then they should be OK ... If you bought a dedicated DAB radio without the MP3 , you would probably find that the reception would be better than with the LOGIC LOG DAX as they are physically larger and have more room for extra components ... I have a good signal strength at home and my DAX works well most of the time ... There are a couple of places in the garden where it is patchy reception , but overall it is great ... You could always take yours back to Currys and ask to compare reception to a new one ... Assuming that you have the receipt , you could then either swop it or get your money back ... Good Luck ... George. |
New member Username: Martypants2006Post Number: 1 Registered: Nov-06 | I would again be grateful if someone could send me on the software for the firmware or send me on a link to it for the 1GB player. Thanks community yous are great. M |
New member Username: Lynette_macSurrey Post Number: 1 Registered: Dec-06 | Hello all! I have the 512mb logik mp3 player... I can't seem to get the album folders to appear on the player - I just have a HUGE list of songs! How do I fix this????? Thanks (any advice is appreciated!!!) Also I would say that I bought mine from currys refurbished and it arrived with yellow and green tape around the headphones! So beware! I really use mine in the car with the tape adapter, but for everyday use I think you could get better. Lynette ![]() |
New member Username: NudgerkPost Number: 1 Registered: Dec-06 | i have a hdd40. now i keep getting a hdd format error, i reformat and restore firmware but everytime i turn off and on i get the same message! any help please |
New member Username: MilomanaraPost Number: 1 Registered: Dec-06 | hi, just bought a Logik 2Gb, and it doesn't read all the files, does anybody know about some codecs or programs to install in my Logik so it can read all the files? thanks |
New member Username: Andy_x65Post Number: 1 Registered: Dec-06 | Does anyone know where to find downloads for the Logik HDD 40? Firmware, Software, a new version of Audiophile? Thanks in advance |
New member Username: Lonely_wolfThessaloniki Greece Post Number: 1 Registered: Jan-07 | Hallo all. I just bought my Logic HDD 4gb in discount price of 70 euros. I used the Audiophile to upload songs but after i found that "drag & copy" is more easy. To hear song when you upload them directly by "drag & copy" just go to Explorer. My only consideration is about the battery life time, and how i can change it in case it will be dead?? thanks} |
New member Username: BarrymacTo be suplied, To be supplied To be supplied Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-07 | Dont buy the LOGIK MP3 player. I bought two for my kids from Currys.They refused to refund the money and they have never worked properly.The charge is random the batteries did not last and the quality of music is not that good. Lastly dont buy anying from Currys (in theUK)is my recommendation. John Lewis gives a longer guarentee and no quibbles about returns |
New member Username: DumPost Number: 2 Registered: Feb-07 | I have Logik 3503 mp3 player(2 GB). There was no problem with it in the begining. After I have downloaded some music I'm not able to switch it on - it's just blinking. Think the issue is in damaged firmware. Have anybody this logic 3503 firmware please send it to my email: |
New member Username: IdididPost Number: 1 Registered: Feb-07 | I got a Logik Orbit 2GB for xmas. I haven't had the problems that most seem to have had but when I first switch it on i get the message "Internal updating music library", then "Internal finalizing update" and finally "Create new music playlist". This can take between 5-10 minutes which I can't believe to be correct. Any ideas?? I've asked people with other makes and they don't seem to suffer this delay when switching on. |
New member Username: AngelsnurseryPost Number: 1 Registered: Feb-07 | i am helping my sister who is five to use her mp3 is a Logik brand in brand new.I am ok with computers and electronics but this thing has driven me to the point of nearly chopping off the nearset persons head with a meat cleaver. ahem. I HATE THIS BL**DY MACHIENE!!!!!!! i have charged it and charged it and i know i have because i read the manual a billion times *my mother made me* and it says that this shows up when its charging and it shows a little picture of a battery charging away so im like ok then thats fine its charged.then after about ten mins of being un plugged from the computer it turns itself off and wont turn on again.its a vicious cicle thats driving me to throwing of the nearest 5 storey building. if anyone can help me anyone AT ALL it would be very much appreciated as right now i must deal with a annoying 5 year old yelling "I WANT MY MP3 NOW!NOW!NOW!" PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! ![]() |
New member Username: YoungtuggmcLondon, Chingford England Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-07 | My LOGIK 2GB ORBIT mp3 player won't let me access it's folder 2 put music on it it says that the file is corrupted can anybody help me PLEASE? |
New member Username: Mustapha202000Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-07 | hey, my logik orbit mp3 player freezes when i try playing music and it has been doing that for a long time now, please help me to fix that you can send me a solution through my e-mail: and if somebody has the manual of the mp3player in pdf format he can alsoo send it to me so please help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee |
Bronze Member Username: Shane24Post Number: 70 Registered: Mar-07 | mustapha, wht kinda nickname is that.. never heard that one before.. |
New member Username: DanutzzzPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-07 | Hello! I need Help! I lost my driver CD for a MP3 player LOGIC HDD33 . Can anybody HELP ME?? PLSS!!! I need the driver. email: |
New member Username: MastermindPost Number: 3 Registered: Feb-07 | Hi I have a Logik orbit 1GB and it won't charge from my USB connection. It's pulsing the battery charging symbol but when I turn it on it goes through the startup sequence then says there is insufficient battery power. Any ideas? Can I get a new battery? |
New member Username: GlasterPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-07 | Please upload CD for Logik Pink-O 512MB and Logik OII-512 or send my e-mail: Pleasssseeee!!!!!!!!! Thanks |
New member Username: Jakub87Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-07 | Hi Anyone knows where i can download the firmware upgrade or a recovery tool for logik HDD40 ? if someone can forward me a link or mail me the software i would be very gratefull THX |
New member Username: RatoneCroydon, Surrey UK Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-08 | Logik 3503 LOG - I wish to re-flash the firmware but have lost disk. ??Any good samaritan to post on 'divshare', or others, the image file for replication?? Thanks! |