Computer soundcard --> amp/receiver ---> speakers??


Unregistered guest
How good would this be? I've read around here that hooking up a computer with digital coaxial out or analog out(y adaptor) to a receiver or an integrated amp wouldn't do it justice - but with a high quality soundcard like the more expensive M-Audio or Terratec ones, would this be?? I play 99% of my music off the computer, and would like to be able to hook this up to a hi-fi instead of burning over 20 GB of music and using it with a CD player(which would cost more money) and constantly changing discs.. that would be quite annoying.

Also, since all the integrated amps I've seen only have RCA input jacks, would it be that bad to use a Y adaptor and use the analog outs on the soundcard to output to the amp? Or would it come out a lot better if I connected it digital coaxial out to a receiver of high quality?

Thanks! :-)

Silver Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 471
Registered: Dec-03
it would be a lot better to use the digital coaxial from your computer to the receiver. The limitations will be inherent, if you are critical about sound as a lot of music on the computer has been compressed.

Unregistered guest

Do any integrated amps have the digital coaxial input?

I was going to use FLAC and APE lossless audio formats so I wouldn't be worried about compression.

i was looking at the M-Audio Audiophile USB just now, so the digital-analog conversion is done outside the computer, it looks nice.

Silver Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 478
Registered: Dec-03
yes, there are integrated amps out there with digital coaxial inputs. Have fun with your search!
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