New member Username: Matt1234Post Number: 9 Registered: Aug-05 | Hey, guys. I have another question for y'all about receivers. How good are Harman Kardon receivers? I want to know everything about them, including radio reception, sound quality, and reliability. Suggestions anyone? |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1664 Registered: Mar-05 | don't know about radio reception because FM in most cities is all Clear Channel Communications owned garbage anyways, but HK is famous for their conservative power ratings and excellent sound quality especially for music. Reliability has been an issue with a few models in the past but there are very few budget receiver makers who haven't had issues at one time or another. Denon and Marantz IMO are the only other budget makes who can keep up with HK in sound quality. HKs do have a reputation of being slightly more difficult to setup compared to say Onkyo or Sony which are famous for their user-friendliness but IMO entail sonic compromises. Matt to get a broad crossection of feedback on your question, I'd repost it on other audio forums like and where there are often audio installers and sales staff posting in addition to consumers like us, just sift through. |
Bronze Member Username: Matt1234Post Number: 11 Registered: Aug-05 | Thanks for your help, Eddie. |
anonymousII Unregistered guest | HK receivers are excellent sounding and unique looking and are pretty fairly priced. They are a bit limited in inputs, having only six even on the 7300. I have heard them all and over the last couple of model runs and I like the sonics of the Marantz, HK and Pioneer Elite's the best. Denon's are fine when paired with a warmer speaker and the last two model runs of Yamaha's have been a huge improvement over their past years models, so much so that I might consider them in the future. Onkyo's are better than the general regard they get on this forum but are not in my first tier. You should hear as many as possible and buy what you are most attracted to and feel most comfortable with. When you audition them try to let the salesman let you get into the setup menus and play around with the remotes as much as possible as there are differences in user friendliness as was alluded to above. Take your own music and movies with you and have fun with it. There are many good alternatives at all price points. |
Bronze Member Username: Matt1234Post Number: 12 Registered: Aug-05 | What about reliability? |
Silver Member Username: GeekboyNewport, RI United States Post Number: 382 Registered: Dec-03 | Matt: if you're talking about H/K receivers, they are very reliable. Even though some folks have had problems with their receivers and needed to return them, this has been far and few between. I have an H/K AVR-525. I'm corrently looking at the AVR-7300... but have my eyes on the Onkyo-NR1000. My choice is different. I'm looking for multiple Component and HMDI inputs with switching. Again, the H/K receivers -- stereo and multi-channel -- are reliable, have good build quality, and have honest power ratings! |
Bronze Member Username: Matt1234Post Number: 23 Registered: Aug-05 | Do you think Harman Kardon receivers have enough power to run a pair of Cerwin Vega CLSC-215's? |
Anonnnn Unregistered guest | Anything can run CV's, just ask Paul, if his piece of crap Yammie can...well....not need to say more. lol Matt, You will need to be more specific, HK make entry levels receivers but they also manufacture some very nice components. Are you looking for Music or HT? In any case IMHO, HK receivers are very well built and are very reliable. I have a HK3480 in my office for music only and could not be happier with it, it is driving a pair of Paradigms Studio 40 but those CV's you are looking at are pretty power hungry so it would certainly help to know what the application would be. Adios |
New member Username: LouderplzVirginiaBeach, VA USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-05 | Hello everyone I need a little help. I am looking to replace my yamaha receiver (rx-v2400), here are my options 1. sherwood r-965 2.nad t-773 3. hk avr-7300 4. pioneer vsx-59txi 5. denon avr-5803. I have the magnepan mmg, mmg-c mmg-w(2pr) this makes up the 7 in my 7.2 system. the yamaha is on it's death bed in an attempt to feed my power hungry maggies. which would be the best choice? thanx |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1704 Registered: Mar-05 | Of those 5 receivers I'd take the NAD T773, or better yet get 7 Outlaw 200wpc monoblocks combined with a cheaper AVR as pre-processor like an HK 235. or go Outlaw all the way with a 770 amp and 990 pre-pro. |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 3626 Registered: Dec-03 | Nice combos. Either one will work well with Magnepans and will undoubtedly give them a work out and power them properly. You can't go wrong with those units. It will really make you Maggies sing ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2164 Registered: Jan-05 | Matt, It depends on the receiver. I cant really speak for the new CV speakers, buy my old 4ohm behemoths need a lot of power to sound good. Any receiver can make them play really loud, but a good amp will make them play better. |
New member Username: LouderplzVirginiaBeach, VA USA Post Number: 2 Registered: Aug-05 | If I go with seperates what would be the best way to go? I know the 990 and the sherwood p965 are similar but would the outlaw 770 be a better choice over the sherwood a965 |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 3646 Registered: Dec-03 | Tough call Eugene. Both are very capable amps and wiil provide ample power withou breaking stride. You can't go wrong with either one. An Outlaw fan would chose one and a Sherwood fan will of course go for the other. I am an Outlaw fan so I am a bit biased, but the Sherwood I dealt with were car audio related back in the 80's and I was impressed and about 2 years ago, I forget which model. It was a beastly heavy piece of metal and it was a 2 channel. Other than that i haven't the chance to evaluate one at length. If you are into the specs, compare them and go with what looks good for you. Or you could go with aesthetics. Or which one comes at a better price. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 807 Registered: Jun-05 | Sherwoods have very good honest amplification down to their cheapest 2 channel receiver which you can get for $99.99 at Best Buy,Circuit City,andH.H. Gregg,and their entry level H/T receiver is quite good,they were my first H/T receiver.The Newcastle series is as impressive as any of upper end receivers,and note they have a longevity as long as Marantz or HK,they go back at least 30 years in the buisness. |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1243 Registered: May-05 | Tawaun, How the devil are you, and how's the weather, no nasty hurricane "Katrina" to be seen or heard anywhere as that storm is taking the piss, I mean its been around 5 days now, global warming, as we have had the lowest summer-time weather than I can remember, just keeps piss on you as soon as you step outside, I doubt I could deal with nasty "Katrina" that is a B!tch from above. Ashley |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 809 Registered: Jun-05 | Yeah Andy it was a ruthless storm,My sister and her husband just moved from New Orleans about three weeks ago to Okinawa her husband is in the marines,good thing they did.Its gonna be bad up here in Ohio tommorrow Kstrina is traveling up the Mississippi river to the Ohio river,and then some tornados will be on the way.I feel for those people down in the Gulf of Mexico that was horrible and the bad thing is we dont know how horrible it really is,man just a bad time in the world right now. |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1250 Registered: May-05 | Tawaun, "Tornado alley" right, that's where all the bad ones like hanging out at, You know I think they should start naming loudspeakers after Tornados and hurricanes you not what I mean? What these storms need is a giant "fly swat" that shall do it, there job done. But you also have to respect the wind too? Ashley |
New member Username: LouderplzVirginiaBeach, VA USA Post Number: 3 Registered: Aug-05 | My wife want's me to pick between the yamaha rx-z9 and the onkyo nr-1000 |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 3675 Registered: Dec-03 | What happened to the Outlaw option? |
Anonymous | Eugene I hate to say this but your wife is obviously a moron. Do not let her choose which receivers are on your short list, you will regret it I promise you and this gnawing and chronic regret will seriously undermine your marriage. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1743 Registered: Mar-05 | I have to agree with Anonymous, neither Yamaha nor Onkyo will do your Maggies any justice...if you go with either one you'll want to trade in those planars for some normal boxed speakers. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2183 Registered: Jan-05 | Get the Z9........ Nevermind eddie because he'd recommend a $200 Panny or a cheap bottom dwelling HK. The z9 is way more receiver than anything he's ever experienced. ----------- Here's how his discussion usually unfolds. EUGENE:Im thinking about buying the $5000 Yammiz9. EDDIE:Nevermind that, you should buy a refurbed HK for $300 instead. LOL |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1748 Registered: Mar-05 | well for once you're right, Paul---I see no point in spending more money for less performance. HEH I forgot, you're a Bose owner after all! ROTFL... |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 820 Registered: Jun-05 | Paul thinks spending more in A/V gear means better,but this isnt 2 chasnnel hi fi,and it is not worth it to spend more in H/T,the differences isnt that much and lots of times dissapointing.As you have heard from Eddie Paul is a Bose owner,so guys like him are compelled to waste their money. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2192 Registered: Jan-05 | The difference is that my weakling speakers are in the 'back' performing mop-up duty and filling in the surround soundfield. Eddies are in the front carrying the motherload. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1760 Registered: Mar-05 | heck Paul I wouldn't be surprised if your lousy 161s would even give your Cerwin Vegas a run for the money, LOL Not that you could even hear the difference, your ears have obviously been damaged by all that cranked up bass and your brain by too much Faux News and Angry Mongoloid talk radio. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 829 Registered: Jun-05 | Ha Ha,now thats funny! |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2197 Registered: Jan-05 | I was saddened last night when I learned that the 'Bill O' show was dropped for Katrina coverage. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1765 Registered: Mar-05 | Yeah it must've been terrible, all that oxygen rushing back to that mysterious place between your ears, eh? lol |
New member Username: LouderplzVirginiaBeach, VA USA Post Number: 4 Registered: Aug-05 | Hey you guys are pretty tough on paul![]() |
New member Username: LouderplzVirginiaBeach, VA USA Post Number: 5 Registered: Aug-05 | Hey guys check this out, I guess my wife has been reading our forum and decided to take action. She decided the best welcome home gift from Afghanistan would be the Sherwood A-965, P-965 combo,and the Sherwood SD-871 dvd player, she also said the outlaw was to damn heavy and to damn ugly. |