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Archive through August 23, 2005 | Paul | 100 |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 971 Registered: May-05 | diablo "Batman begins" was the most off-putting film I've seen at the Odeon Westover Road Bournemouth, screen #1 the distortion values, was so audible on the Altec A4, yeah that's right, there around 45 yeas old, it was the most awful film I've seen this year. The best was Star Wars Episode 3, at the ABC Westover Road Bournemouth screen #1 which is a JBL installation, sound was smooth and accurate with some dialogue panning and sound effects, score was lively too. The maximum SPL db was around peak 108dbc weighting with dba weighting coming in at close to 99dba, but there capable of much more that is the JBL 4675-A. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2054 Registered: Jan-05 | diablo, Im assuming that 'reference levels' are the same in the UK as the US. Since I've never been to the movies in the UK, I couldnt tell you if they play them differently. I also dont have any hearing problems. As I've already stated, I dont keep it that loud for extended periods. Just the good parts ![]() Andy, no, the CVs dont go down to 20hz. That's why I got the SVS. The CVs can crank out ACDC all day and night without breaking a sweat, but with todays ever increasingly demanding movie soundtracks, even they need some help. out. |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 972 Registered: May-05 | Quote Anyway, as I've said before, I dont listen to entire movies that way because I value my hearing. I only get things really cranking during the big dramatic segments. _________________________________________________ If you do value it like you said, then why not buy an SPL db meter to be sure, as this is, the only way you can vouch for this.... |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 973 Registered: May-05 | Paul, Thanks that about sums it up, but do you play the SVS with the discrete LFE sub bass track separately so that you will be able to tell when the LFE, comes in, that's the goal not to mask it with adding one the fronts information and the split-surrounds as well. All this masks the LFE to some degree, and if you haven't checked the whole thing out, so where the softest LFE notes are playing it's not going to easy to tell whether you are feeling or hearing the LFE..... This is why the fronts should all be the same nothing more, nothing less, less will give the inaccuracy to your home theatre pleasure. |
Silver Member Username: JimvmLouisiana U.S.A. Post Number: 177 Registered: Apr-05 | Jan - You said, "What you are asking me to do is assume a similar frequency response and say the two speakers would be the same. On paper, they might look the same. But, in the real world, they would not be easy to mistake for one another." Actually, the thrust of my question was not would they sound the same if they had the same frequency response. It was, essentially, would speakers that are bigger in size but with identical specs, actually sound "bigger." In any event, you went on to answer the question well enough. I realize that there's always going to be a difference in tonal quality due to cabinet resonances. I just didn't know what, if any, differences there would be due to size of drivers. Paul - You have not responded to: "Relatively sensitive bookshelf speakers driven by a sufficiently powerful amplifier will reproduce sound loud enough to be uncomfortable to one's ears as they sit in a generally accepted listening position -- certainly as loud as any sane person would listen to a movie. So, what's your point?" Do you have a point? Actually I think you do have a point that your are trying to make. If I understand it correctly it is that in order for one to really appreciate home theater, one needs speakers larger than bookshelves; that bookshelf speakers are incapable of providing an optimal home theater experience. Is that, in essence, your point? Well, here's my point. As long as bookshelf speakers, coupled with a sub, reproduce the entire frequency response from 20Hz to 20kHz and play loud enough to be uncomforable to ones ears, they are sufficient for HT. I, as well as many others, have perfectly satisfying experiences with bookshelf speakers used in a home theater set-up. What I have a problem with (and I believe others do as well) is your unrelenting denigration of others peoples' choices of speakers. You think that because someone uses bookshelf speakers for HT he is a moron. And you have the rudeness to say so in your posts -- ad nauseum. And you continually interject your rude and inappropriate posts in threads which have nothing to do with what your are posting. You are so unrelenting, even in the face of criticism from several, that it appears that you have an illness; some type of compulsion that is beyond your control. You also seem compelled to interject political comments into your posts. Whether or not I am aligned with you politically, this is an AV forum. I'll repeat that for you: This is an AV forum. Try to keep politics out of it. You also seem to have an obsession with proving your manhood -- to the extent that it causes me to think you have doubts about it. As I've said before, methinks thou doth protest too much. Lighten up! Enjoy your AV system and let others enjoy theirs. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 5253 Registered: May-04 | From the responses you have provided, Paul, I would say your only criteria for judging sound, not even the quality of sound of a single piece of equipment or a pair of speakers, is the ability to blast something to smithereens. I won't go into how much I hate anyone who constantly changes volume on a movie to hear how loud the explosions can get, that's my issue that I have to deal with. I doubt you're going to be inviting me over for a film, nope, movie, nope, explosion anyway. If you want to destroy your hearing and your family's hearing, that's your business. Until you get to the point where my Medicaid dollars have to pay for your hearing aids. Then we will talk. If you think a movie such as Star Wars is too tame in a theater, which is probably close to, if not at, THX levels, you have lost your hearing already, or your senses. Pull out an SPL meter (you did buy one to set up the Bose as surrounds, didn't you?) and find out just how loud you are playing these soundtracks. Then check the SPL link I've provided before and that has been provided above by Jimvm. You'll see that even short exposures to extremely loud noises can damage your hearing permanently. We have not come full circle in this discussion, because you have now changed the discussion back to gerbils. Look at the title you gave this thread. That is not asking, "are all sensitivity measurements the same?" Until you understand the difference between SPL, senitivity specifications and "loudness", you will continue to not understand what you are talking about. You cannot continue to argue this point with irrational statements until everyone gives in and goes away. But, you seem to equate "hammering" something with "loudness". Neither of those are really quantifiable words; though your idea of a cinema being too quiet gives us far too much of an idea how you judge sound. If that is what you wish from your system and you have no problem subjecting your children to unhealthy levels of "sound", that is your perogative. I think this thread has done its work. We all have a much clearer idea of what is important to you in audio gear. If you want to ask what speakers you should look at to replace the CV's, then a new thread is in order. I seem to remember you did that once and then came back and excoriated all who made suggestions for thinking such sissy@ssed wimps could replace the mighty CV's. And, I seem to remember everyone telling you to blow it out your butt, if that was your attitude. I could be wrong because I didn't participate in that thread; but that's what I remember. The only question that remains unanswered as far as I'm concerned is the last portion of my question about blowing things to smithereens. "You will concede that even if that is your point of reference, it might not be the quality others desire; won't you? And, would you then allow that wanting a system that does something to the music more discretely than "blowing it to smithereens" is an acceptable aim?" I would add to that; if not, why not since the only thing you seek is the ability, with HT only, to have louder than what are healthy "loudness" levels? Are you so opposed to anyone having a thought or desire contrary to your own? Jimvm - I've somewhat forgotten the point I wanted to make among this hubbub of loudness, gravel trucks and gerbils. I believe it had something to do with the measurements you were sort of using as a point of reference. As Peter alluded to, taking a measurement of Paul's speakers and a normal speaker will not show the most rudimentary differences between the two designs. Paul's speakers have very limited dispersion characteristics while normal speakers today are meant to fill the room with what is termed "power response". A dome tweeter will have much more of its energy sent 180° off its axis. If you measured Paul's speakers off axis, you would find the amount of energy has fallen off dramatically at a few degrees from centerline. Even with horn loaded drivers, the dispersion into the room would be very different from Paul's CV's. Along with Paul's assumption that by 36Hz the walls of the room will absorb the bass signal; this could easily account for Paul's thinking the CV's are not to be equalled. They are not; that is true. Now, someone's going to ask me if that's a good thing; aren't they? Kegegr - You have the basic idea of large speakers and horn loading in your head. But, you're trying to use it to defend a dead horse in this case. Paul's room is not that large that a pair of well designed bookshelf speakers couldn't fill it to what most people would consider "loud" levels. The fact that the very small Bose speakers can keep up with the amount of volume Paul requires should indicate filling Paul's room is not as difficult as he makes out. If he did live in a civic auditorium, your argument for his case would be justified. Since he lives in a normal house, in what is probably a normal neighborhood (?), Paul could easily find a smaller speaker to fill the room to unnatural volume levels. It is true, he is unlikely to find another pair of speakers today that operate just like his CV's. But, in this case most decently designed speakers of moderate to high sensitivity should be able to "fill" this room. Paul - One last thing. Should this turn into a beat up on Paul thread, remember you started this thread. I would like you to answer my last question as it and Jimvm's last post seem to go to the heart of your issues with us and our issues with you. Maybe we can get this resolved, if you would answer that last set of questions. |
Gold Member Username: KeggerWarren, MICHIGAN Post Number: 2649 Registered: Dec-03 | Jan I was not trying to defend pauls need for giant speakers in his room. As I just said this: "For the most part in a normal room a quote smaller speaker with a sub will do everything that is needed. But If you have a larger room or really need to crank it up you may want to consider some larger more power handling speakers" All I was saying was I believe I understnd what he was trying to say about the spl's. And if I did understand him correctly that I agreed a smaller speaker has to work harder. That's it no more no less! As you know I am a fan of the large speaker to, But I also have smaller speakers and enjoy what they bring to the table. |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittNYC, NY Post Number: 444 Registered: May-05 | I think Paul is sitting back and having a good time listening to all of you argue with each other and him. You all fell into his trap. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2056 Registered: Jan-05 | Stu, Yea, it's a real hoot. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2057 Registered: Jan-05 | It's a valid and very interesting discussion though. There is so much that it's hard to respond to it all. I dont even know where to begin. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 5257 Registered: May-04 | Begin with my question. I doubt there will be much to say after you give your response to that query. |
Silver Member Username: JimvmLouisiana U.S.A. Post Number: 178 Registered: Apr-05 | I've never actually seen a speaker blown to smithereens. Can that actually happen without explosives? What is a smithereen anyway? |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 984 Registered: May-05 | Exposure to high SPL db! I'm sure that Paul is experiencing (Tinnitus) as most people, I've dad it since I was a child, and nothing to do with playing Music at high SPL db levels, as I was didn't care much for it back then, but now is a time, a time that on occasions I get (Tinnitus) for a few hours, not every day or within every mouth, it comes when it wants to, strange though is seams anyway. Most people experience a temporary tinnitus condition at some point in their life, such as after a loud concert, or as a complication to an inner ear infection. Tinnitus sufferers find they can't get to sleep in a quiet room because of the annoying sound they perceive in their head. For many this results, in being progressively sleep deprived, and can start a downward spiral in psychological health. Meniere's disease, a condition comprising deafness, dizziness and tinnitus, caused by increased pressure in the inner ear, trauma to the ear as a result of loud noises and blasts, otosclerosis, a condition in which the small bones of the middle ear become immobile, ear infections and inflammation, wax in the ear, secretory otitis media (an ear infection often known as 'glue ear') in children, acoustic neuroma, a benign (non-cancerous) tumour of the nerve which goes from the ear to the brain, high doses of drugs including aspirin, quinine and some antibiotics, anaemia, head injury, low thyroid hormone levels (hypothyroidism), disorders of the heart and blood vessels, high blood pressure, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction (pain in the head, jaw and face when the parts of the TMJ do not work properly together). SPL db calculator |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2058 Registered: Jan-05 | Jan, Jims question did not address the title of this thread. My question asked if equally sensitive bookshelf&floor standing speakers are really capable of equal ouptput in real listening environments. Also, with any system, it's ability is created by the sum of it's parts, and the one whose parts have the most capability will produce the system capable of producing the largest and most dramatic output. In all fairness since Im such a reasonable poster, I'll answer the question...LOL I think the two systems described above by Jim will sound comperable at moderately loud volumes, but that's where I draw the line. Providing you dont push the 'little guys' too hard, you should be ok. Now if you expect more from your theater, you might want to consider larger speakers. |
Silver Member Username: JimvmLouisiana U.S.A. Post Number: 180 Registered: Apr-05 | Yeah, all that can happen to a person who plays movies at too high of a volume, but that's nothing, NOTHING compared to what happens to a bookshelf speaker at too high a volume. Bookshelf speakers get blown to smithereens! SMITHEREENS ANDY!!! |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2059 Registered: Jan-05 | Werent the Smitherines an 80s rock band? LOL |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 724 Registered: Jun-05 | Jan its just like I said a couple of weeks ago Paul is a fraud he just admited that he doesent listen at the obscene levels that he leads people to beleive,from his measurements of his room my room is bigger than his and neither pair of my bookshelfs has any problems at all filling my room.He is just having a good time listening to you guys talk about him he is glad he is the center of attention like 5 year old in kindergarden.He never started this thread to find some truth in the topic,but only a another bash small speaker thread,its nothing to argue about this guy does not even listen to music and on his computer hardly qualifies.He is just on this side of the forum to be a troll and put down small speakers we always ask him why doesent he go to the H/T side, he has probably already been over there and worn out his welcome there to.He is like a plant quit giving him water and he will die away. |
Silver Member Username: Devils_advocatePost Number: 198 Registered: Jul-05 | Personally I think Paul is another one of Anon's sleepers, the dirty SOB. |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 986 Registered: May-05 | Looks like the (CV's) in the background finally got blown to "Smithereens" ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 5258 Registered: May-04 | Paul - ARE YOU DEAF AND BLIND?! That was not the question I asked you to answer and you, of course, know that. Since your mind is going along with your sensory perception, here it is one more time, Paul. "You will concede that even if that is your point of reference, it might not be the quality others desire; won't you? And, would you then allow that wanting a system that does something to the music more discretely than "blowing it to smithereens" is an acceptable aim?" "I would add to that; if not, why not since the only thing you seek is the ability, with HT only, to have louder than what are healthy "loudness" levels? Are you so opposed to anyone having a thought or desire contrary to your own?" Please, Paul, you have ignored this question three times. I feel it is at the crux of your position on this forum to answer these questions. What are your answers to these questions, Paul? |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 5259 Registered: May-04 | Tawaun - Unfortunately, I have to agree with everything except your last statement. Paul is like a cactus. Sharp, prickly and will continue to be painful forever. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 5260 Registered: May-04 | Ashley - The pictures are geting almost as annoying as Paul is. |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 987 Registered: May-05 | Jan, don't you have since oh humour, NO I don't think so lighten up..... Those large words of text suggest anger, fury, Jan, your suppose to be the cool one? Anyway looks like you and Paul, have a few things to talk about, I'll just catch the last minutes of "DYNASTY" |
Silver Member Username: JimvmLouisiana U.S.A. Post Number: 181 Registered: Apr-05 | Paul said, "Jims question did not address the title of this thread. My question asked if equally sensitive bookshelf&floor standing speakers are really capable of equal ouptput in real listening environments." The title of the thread is "Are all SPL ratings equal?" The question you ask in the cited post is a little different than the thread title. Not to parse your thread title question but the term SPL has been defined earlier; it is a technical term referring to a specific speaker measurement which can be quantified scientifically. It is not, I believe, subject to interpretation. Hence, if the SPL of two speakers is measured to be 95dB for each at any given time, then regardless of their sizes in relation to one another, they are producing the same SPL. So, their SPL's, as measured at that time, would be equal -- period! Now, as to what I believe is the thrust of your thread -- will a larger speaker producing 95dB sound "larger" than a smaller speaker producing the same SPL? Based on everything I've read and heard, including what Jan has posted, it may or may not sound larger. It's propensity to sound larger could be affected by the size of the room. It's more likely to sound larger if the room is a gymnasium. However, in real listening environments (your term), say, a normal size family room or a normal size dedicated home theater room, the question becomes a little more academic. In any event, I submit that in those normal size rooms (real listening environments), the smaller speakers, depending upon their sensitivity and how they are powered, can be capable of reproducing sound at levels that will equal the larger speakers; certainly they can be capable of "filling the room" sufficiently for any sane HT enthusiast. The speakers may sound different due to the bass extension and cabinet resonances of the larger speakers but the smaller speakers can be made to sound as "loud." |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 991 Registered: May-05 | Well I might as well go and buy the JBL 4675-A with 100db sensitivity on the bass cab, and the JBL 2360-A HF horn with its 113db sensitivity.... Need I say more....and it won't cost as much as you think.... |
Gold Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 1296 Registered: Feb-04 | Won't you have to balance the latter down to 100 dB so they match? |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 994 Registered: May-05 | Peter, Gee didn't I tell you guys, I'm a former cinema projectionist, it well also be running with an Active X-over cut-off at 500Hz 24db octave down, with all the trimmings, and this is all will ever need, to hear motion picture soundtracks at there finniest. Also there put my JBL control 5 in there place, and Paul's CV in the dust And don't need the sub bass as I all ready have the JBL 4645, all I need now is the JBL 4675-A Get the picture.... |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 726 Registered: Jun-05 | Unfortunately Jan,im afraid the cactus is a better anylisis.Maybe we can move the cactus to Tibet at the top of the highest, mountain but WOA whose gonna take it there,hey we may be stuck with it!!! |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 996 Registered: May-05 | Paul....You don't mind if I just sit on you for a while the suns baking out hear..... ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 5267 Registered: May-04 | Paul - Are you considering how to answer my question in a manner that won't have all of us throwing up our hands in despair? |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 998 Registered: May-05 | Paul's first date didn't go so well..... ![]() LOL man I'm pissing myself hear LOL.... |
Bronze Member Username: QuinnPost Number: 39 Registered: Aug-05 | "I think Paul is sitting back and having a good time listening to all of you argue with each other and him. You all fell into his trap." Stu Pitt I came to the same conclusion with his answers regarding my suggestion of a sub/monitor system being another way of doing his big 3-ways just using 3 smaller cabinets. We are all being played. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2060 Registered: Jan-05 | Jan, To answer you question, I believe that for quality and realistic movietheater playback, the small bookshelves ought be left on the store shelf next to the wine & cheese music CDs. That is because I dont think they reproduce a quality theater experience. If you have different applications that are better suited for the 'little guys', then I wont argue their value for different purposes. Ya know, for accurate and refined music playback so long as you dont mind not being able to turn it very loud. Stuff like that.... As the old saying goes, there "Horses for Courses", and the 'little guys' are liable to get themselves injured if they attempt to race over at the HT track with the bigguns'. Ya know, I'd hate to have to put one of those 'little guys' down, for the sole reason they tried to run a track where they were not well suited. I agree that the 'little guys' have tracks where they run very well, and I suggest they stay over there for their own safety. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2061 Registered: Jan-05 | Quinn, I had no clue what you were saying, and thought you were making a joke. What you said made no sense whatsoever. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2062 Registered: Jan-05 | Jim, Even though I worded the thread title poorly, you can easily tell the meaning and intent very quickly. |
Silver Member Username: Devils_advocatePost Number: 200 Registered: Jul-05 | I guess some further questions would be what is considered a "half-pint" and what is considered a "large room". I feel my 2-way 8" bookshelves (CSW Model Sixes) do a fine job of filling my room (14x18xvaulted ceiling, 12' avg) with sound. In fact, for music I find I prefer the sound without a sub for a lot of tracks, and I largely listen to rock music. However I will concede that in say a 10000 cubic foot room, something with more power handling and volume capabilities might be needed. |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 999 Registered: May-05 | As do my half-pints, the glass is always full with mine..... 1200 cubic feet.... |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 5270 Registered: May-04 | "Ya know, for accurate and refined music playback ... " Yeah, that's kinda what I'm after, Paul. Since I don't talk about HT and this is the Home Audio side of the forum, can you now stop badgering on and on about other people's taste in |i{music} and speakers? |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2065 Registered: Jan-05 | Devils, I think filling the room with sound is relative. What one person thinks is big dramatic 'room filling' sound can be perceived quite differently by another. I agree that when it comes to playing a little good 'ol rocknroll, that 2channel direct is the way to go. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2066 Registered: Jan-05 | If you havent noticed, HT is comprised of 50% 'home-audio'. If I slip, and begin to talk about video, please correct me and I'll move my comments to the correct forum. This is NOT a music lovers 'only' home audio forum. It's for all home audio. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2067 Registered: Jan-05 | In fact, when you read the topics for the "Speaker" section... "All Types of Loudspeakers (Bookshelf, Surround, Center Channel, Floor Standing, In-Wall, Outdoor)" I would say that my comments are 100% on topic. Does it say for MUSIC ONLY only anywhere in the description????? The fact that surround and center speakers are specifically included, and since most music lovers listen to only 2 channel music, maybe this forum is really intended for HT audio only, and the music lovers need to find a new audio forum?? ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1001 Registered: May-05 | You got Paul, this the right section to talk about it, and its been a damn funny one too.... ![]() |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 729 Registered: Jun-05 | Well..Well,the CACTUS will continue to grow,its a pitty we cant just morph people into different parts of the world or better yet out of the universe. |
Silver Member Username: Devils_advocatePost Number: 201 Registered: Jul-05 | Who cares, Tawaun. If Paul wishes to post, so be it. No one has to read this thread if they don't want to. If Paul feels that bookshelves are unable to provide satisfying sound, that is his choice/opinion. We can disagree (as I have) without this devolving into a fight. Besides, it isn't any worse than the cable wars. |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1002 Registered: May-05 | Paul, How many watts in handling power range are they, there 95db sensitivity you say, and you sit 14 feet from them, is that for stereo, or when your watching a film in Dolby digital, with the other loudspeakers operating, how many loudspeakers are there in the home theatre set-up. Also where do the other loudspeakers take there place in your home theatre. And what is the name and model number of these brands. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2072 Registered: Jan-05 | Actually, they're 101db sensitivity, and I run a standard 7.1 setup. I just picked the 95db number out of thin air to use as an example since no 'halfpints' that I know of have a 101+db sensitivity rating. Info and pics of my setup are over in the "HT-Bragging area" section. The CVs are listed as 350watt RMS handing, with no peak levels listed in the specs. My 8" 3-way surrounds are also in the 95+db sensitivity range, and they handle around 150watts RMS, with no peak handling listed. I dont have the specs for my center speaker but it's comperable to the others. |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1004 Registered: May-05 | Paul, And the center channel what is that rated at in sensitivity, as I'm starting to get a picture of all this. And the most important question is, what is the sensitivity of the SVS sub bass unit.... |
Gold Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 1303 Registered: Feb-04 | Paul, What are the level adjustments for the various speakers? I presume the surrounds are around +6 dB to balance the fronts? What about the Bose? |
Silver Member Username: Devils_advocatePost Number: 202 Registered: Jul-05 | One more question for you Paul. Lets stick with one specific manufacturer in the hopes that they have a blanket method for calculating the sensitivity figure for all of their speakers. Take Klipsch for example. Do you think that the RB-75 (97dB@1w/1m, 42Hz-20kHz) would sound as "loud" as say the RF-25 (97db@1w/1m, 45Hz-20kHz)? Why? |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1007 Registered: May-05 | Wrong never increase the surrounds or the centre channel, decrees if the CV have the higher rating in the sensitivity department drop the level down on them, mind you Paul is going to need an SPL db meter to do this.... |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 730 Registered: Jun-05 | Oh no fights,its just like talking to a wall,but he has not found a acutual reason for a bookshelf to be undesirable,everything he has stated about a boohshelf is untrue and that includes SPLs,thats what this whole stupid thread is about. |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1008 Registered: May-05 | Using wideband pink noise to get it right on the money.... |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1009 Registered: May-05 | Tawaun, Sorry I was so excited about this whole thing, this thread may not be in it prime yet, but its sure getting there real fast though. Paul why not get five more CV like the fronts and the timber matching will be spot on wall to wall three tops tall, good buddy come on.... |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 5272 Registered: May-04 | Paul - I don't think I've seen you ever be so diplomatic as when a simple yes or no would have sufficed. |
Silver Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 991 Registered: Mar-05 | All of you are pawns on Paul's little game of "life". |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 733 Registered: Jun-05 | Joseph who cares you can go to Tibet with him! |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1019 Registered: May-05 | Tawaun, However a small group of scientists have found this isolated location where Paul, can continue poor science that db is the same rating no matter what the case maybe..... ![]() LOL |
Silver Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 992 Registered: Mar-05 | Here we go with the threats again! |
Silver Member Username: Devils_advocatePost Number: 208 Registered: Jul-05 | I wouldn't call it a threat really. He's just telling you to take a vacation to Tibet to get some spiritual counseling and to take Paul with you is all. You have to read between the lines a little bit, but I feel that is the jist of TW's post. Correct me if I'm wrong Tawaun. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2073 Registered: Jan-05 | Peter, I have the CVs at 0db, and the bose at +10db...LOL At least they fit the space. I dont care if Andy said it's wrong:p The surrounds are at +2. Taint' nobody turning those behemoths down. Devils, I've never listened to those speakers. The only Klipsch that I've ever given a personal audition was the RF7. My opinion of those listed is that they are probably pretty similar. |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1022 Registered: May-05 | Come "Grasshopper" we shall walk the sea with mind and sprit, forget about CV's there is only the mind, we must be passive, breath Grasshopper" breath............... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Gold Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 1305 Registered: Feb-04 | Paul, Ouch! 10 dB difference! Doesn't that nag on you to get more efficient speakers to replace them? |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2079 Registered: Jan-05 | Yea, but they fit the space so nicely. HEH They are mounted above sliding glass doors along the back wall, and they were the only thing I found that fit neatly in the available space. The mounting was also perfect so I could hang them lengthwise, AND easily aim them down into the listening area. That's the only reason I bought them. Hey, at least I can hear effects coming from them ![]() Believe me, if I would have found anything better that would meet my physical limitations, I would have bought them. Now that I have them, I dont feel like messing with it for awhile. |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1033 Registered: May-05 | Quote from (Paul) I say no.......not even close. If you have a large listening room, do you think a small bookshelf speaker rated similarly to a large floorstanding speaker is equal to the task of filling the room with sound at high levels?? Once again.......I say NO WAY!! I'd love some of you to share your opinions. I have done comparisons, and the little speakers dont measure up. For example, I'll pick a random number SPL sensitivity rating for my point. Many in this forum suggest that a tiny speaker rated at(lets say)95spl sensitivity rating can hang with a behemoth rated at 95 in a large room. Is this really what you think?? Inquiring minds want to know..... _________________________________________________ There has been no proof, or even anything factual based on Paul's conclusions, like Jan said _____________________________________________________________________ Quote-(Jan) You wrong and everyone else on this thread is correct. You don't have a clue what you are talking about and you refuse to admit that fact. You are stubbornly switching ideas and arguing in circles about what doesn't exist in reality. I could give you plenty of reasons why what you want us to say could be true. Particularly in an auditorium-. _________________________________________________ This whole thread was a complete waste of time, I'm sure for some of us, as for me the jokes that where come to from most of the "ecoustics" members, with cracks like "cactus" was the highlight in this thread, anyway I hope Paul can take the time to buy a SPL db meter to validate his next thread of Balls!ht as this was attracting so many fly's including myself. Paul, please buy some simple test equipment and stop wasting are time with Uttar nonsense, you mean well but this was a joke beyond belief.......... |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 5285 Registered: May-04 | "I have the CVs at 0db" I can think of no better setting for the CV's. |
Gold Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 1309 Registered: Feb-04 | Ha Ha. Paul, those are really tiny speakers. I hope sure hope they only get a little matrixed-in sound because otherwise they must strain a lot to keep up. Surely they don't sound as big as the rest of your gear. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2083 Registered: Jan-05 | They're 'only' back speakers. I dont think under any situation that anything much larger is necessary for that purpose in the home. Even if the recording was a 7.1 discrete recording, they will always play the smallest role as part of the surround sound. The front will always carry the primary workload, surrounds second, and backs bringing up the rear being the least important. |
Silver Member Username: JimvmLouisiana U.S.A. Post Number: 182 Registered: Apr-05 | Paul wrote: "That's the only reason I bought them. Hey, at least I can hear effects coming from them Believe me, if I would have found anything better that would meet my physical limitations, I would have bought them. Now that I have them, I dont feel like messing with it for awhile." You make a valid point. That is, there are many reasons why people buy the audio gear they have. Some folks, even if they wanted them, have rooms which will not accomodate large floorstanding speakers. Some folks, even if they wanted them, cannot afford large floorstanding speakers. Some folks just don't find large floorstanding speakers appealing, either in looks or sound. You must admit that your Bose speakers are not your first choice of speakers but, due to space limitations, your choices were limited. For other people, for a variety of reasons, their choices may be limited. So stop ragging on them! Yeah, I'm sure your reply will be that others rag on your Bose speakers. The only reason they do is because of your history of ragging on others. Of course, there are many more people who choose smaller speakers because they sound better, with music or HT, than affordable larger speakers. |
Gold Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 1003 Registered: Mar-05 | Paul's setup can be mustered from your local Salvation army. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2084 Registered: Jan-05 | So is Jim admitting that I was right along and that floorstanders are better. The space issue is a copout because todays 'petite' floorstanders take no more floorspace than do bookshelf speakers. I believe the translation should for that is..... "My wife runs the household and is charge of 100% of the household contents, and she wouldnt sign the permission slip for me to buy anything larger than a bookshelf." I can respect ones budget restraints though, but the WAF girlymen crack me up. "Boo..hoo, the boss said no to speakers and scolded me for even thinking of such nonsense because she couldnt spare the space because of her grandmothers lace doily. It was my speakers -vs- the doily, and the doily won." |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 5290 Registered: May-04 | Paul - You are an unbelievable bore. Even if someone agrees with you, you feel the need to take a swipe at them. Beyond need needing much better taste in audio equipment and the media you choose, you need some serious pyschological help. I realize I am not the first to suggest this; but you continue to prove how desperate the situation is becoming. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They're 'only' back speakers. I dont think under any situation that anything much larger is necessary for that purpose in the home. Even if the recording was a 7.1 discrete recording, they will always play the smallest role as part of the surround sound. The front will always carry the primary workload, surrounds second, and backs bringing up the rear being the least important. ************************************ To begin, there is no such thing, at the present time on the consumer market, that constitutes a 7.1 "discrete" format. That you lack an understanding of both discrete and matrixed formats further undercuts your attempts at superiority by virtue of "hammering" alone. Please, spend some time reading the suggested lay out for a "discrete" 5.1 system, a "matrixed" 7.1 system and the basic construction of a Dolby Digital or DTS signal. If you really feel you do not require anything "better" or "larger" in the rears than your Bose, you should stick to Dolby Pro Logic as the most intense suround format you run. Paul, once again you've stayed true to form. |
Gold Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 1310 Registered: Feb-04 | So is Jim admitting that I was right along and that floorstanders are better. No, read carefuly. Some folks just don't find large floorstanding speakers appealing, either in looks or sound. He said that your choice of very petite Bose makes your ragging on others for their choice of speaker seem peculiar. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2088 Registered: Jan-05 | Jan, Once have shown your lack of reading comprehension. Jim commented something to the effect that....."I sure hope you're ONLY sending matrixed signals to those petite back speakers". And I responsed........"EVEN IF it were discrete 7.1, it wouldnt matter as much because of the following reasons.". You might try reading more closely next time around. |
Silver Member Username: JimvmLouisiana U.S.A. Post Number: 183 Registered: Apr-05 | Paul wrote: "So is Jim admitting that I was right along and that floorstanders are better. The space issue is a copout because todays 'petite' floorstanders take no more floorspace than do bookshelf speakers." Negative bucko -- nowhere did I say that you were right and that floorstanders are better. And your argument about floorspace is specious. I don't have a place for floorstanders but I do have a place for my bookshelves. They're in a custom-made built-in cabinet that takes up the whole wall. And it has nothing to do with who runs the household. Your comment about "girlymen" is asinine. Another attempt aimed at reassuring yourself that you're a man. I'm convinced now that your need for that reassurance is justified. Ya know Paul, it doesn't make any difference what arguments I or others put forth to attempt to make you "see the light" and change your mind about ragging on people. I truly believe I'm wasting my keystrokes. I really don't expect you to stop your boorish, incessant rants about bookshelf speakers or your personal attacks on members because of their choice of gear; or your sneering, condescending remarks about anyone who might enjoy anything other than movie explosions and car wrecks. I have finally come to the conclusion that you are too unenlightened to change; further, that if your parents raised you to respect others or their right to have an opinion, you've forgotten everything they taught you; and if they taught you any manners, you've certainly forgotten them. I have also come to agree with those other members who say that your primary rationale for intentionally annoying other people is your interest in attention. Have you ever considered professional help? |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2089 Registered: Jan-05 | Peter, There is one key difference though. I happen to admit my back speakers are petite weaklings, and openly joke and take pot shots at them. Hey, at least they fit the spot over the doors, right?? On the other hand, others in this forum are in denial over their weakling halfpints and they use them in the FRONT....LOL Eeeeee...gadzzz!! |
Silver Member Username: JimvmLouisiana U.S.A. Post Number: 184 Registered: Apr-05 | Paul wrote: "Jim commented something to the effect that....."I sure hope you're ONLY sending matrixed signals to those petite back speakers". I said nothing even remotely similar to what you are posting. Perhaps it was someone else. YOU might try reading more closely next time! |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2090 Registered: Jan-05 | hahahaha.... You're right. That must be from another thread. So many are commenting on my 'famous' back speakers that I lose track of who says what. |
Gold Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 1311 Registered: Feb-04 | I said that. Paul, put up a few shelves up there and get rid of the Bose! |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2091 Registered: Jan-05 | LOL......Peter, I knew somebody did. I dont want a shelf that high. I need a wallmount that will allow me to aim the speaker. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 5298 Registered: May-04 | Paul - Just to let you know; I went and slammed the front door on my hand to take my mind off wanting to slam my head into the wall after your last "reply". I'm tiring of this stupid game. Why can't you admit you are wrong, have been wrong and will always be wrong? You do not know what you are talking about, Paul. That you have to look for ways, and twist words to make the other person wrong is another topic you should bring up when you visit the shrink. You alter things to suit your purpose. Just like your hero Mr. Bushie. And, you rationalize whatever happens to mske you the guy on top. You have serious problems, Paul. You are wasting our time but I'm certain you are enjoying all the attention your stupidity can muster. |
Gold Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 1011 Registered: Mar-05 | Jan, now you bring politics into a conflict where no one else mentioned them, please leave politics out of this forum, please. |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1038 Registered: May-05 | Quote Ha Ha. Paul, those are really tiny speakers. I hope sure hope they only get a little matrixed-in sound because otherwise they must strain a lot to keep up. Surely they don't sound as big as the rest of your gear. _____________________________________________________________________ Yes that would be comprising part of the set-up in whole and in part, bad call, and what a joke, did you know Paul the dts-ES has full 20Hz to 20KHz and that you wont be able to really, really appreciate the dts-ES, clearly you have no clue................ _____________________________________________________________________ Quote They're 'only' back speakers. I dont think under any situation that anything much larger is necessary for that purpose in the home. Even if the recording was a 7.1 discrete recording, they will always play the smallest role as part of the surround sound. The front will always carry the primary workload, surrounds second, and backs bringing up the rear being the least important. _____________________________________________________________________ "They're only back speakers" Man try telling that to most projectionists and George Lucas, "They're only back speakers" you have no clue check the specifications out for dts-ES you'll see that its 20Hz to 20KHz for the (ES) and Dolby-EX should have extension down low enough to handle most rumble soundtracks, like in chapter 3 on "Planet the Apes" 2000, there is a low humming sound on the split-surrounds that is down to 25Hz check it Paul, I'm sure those ultra half-pints of Bose will really add the shake rattle & roll, NOT....... _____________________________________________________________________ Quote Paul - You are an unbelievable bore. Even if someone agrees with you, you feel the need to take a swipe at them. Beyond need needing much better taste in audio equipment and the media you choose, you need some serious pyschological help. I realize I am not the first to suggest this; but you continue to prove how desperate the situation is becoming. _____________________________________________________________________ Yeah, I was close to calling the "Samaritans" for you Paul has you need the help it setting it up just a little bit more accuracy than most, but I can see there is no hope in that now......... _____________________________________________________________________ Quote Jan, Once have shown your lack of reading comprehension. _____________________________________________________________________ Well bust my buttons, Paul, you didn't even check this revolutionary idea of yours out with an SPL db meter, instead of that this thread is a universal joke of all that we shall be seeing in the upcoming future...... Buy some simple, test equipment for Gods sakes......and maybe I'll cease and desist, maybe... _____________________________________________________________________ Quote Paul - Just to let you know; I went and slammed the front door on my hand to take my mind off wanting to slam my head into the wall after your last "reply". _____________________________________________________________________ Jan, that was damn funny, I'm pissing myself & almost fell out the chair........... _____________________________________________________________________ |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 734 Registered: Jun-05 | DA you are absolutely right ,Joseph says little stuff on the side to me all the time,so as soon as I respond back,then he starts crying, he does this all the time, and he never reads between the lines,he takes everything so literal. I dont think he reads so well DA,let me stop before him and his rainmakers sart raining tears. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 5300 Registered: May-04 | Sorry, j.c. Just a bit of Paul's own technique back at him. I'm sure it made him proud to hear. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2092 Registered: Jan-05 | Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure, You'd like us to believe that little 20lb halfpints can do everything a set of behemoths can do. LOL Good one....... Hey, listen...My 8" 3ways have a 95+ sensitivity, and any good floor stander can make them sound like buzzing little mosquitos by comparison. You Lefties better quit smokin' that wacky tobacky, put down those no war for oil signs, remove the many 'a fetus is not a baby' signs, pack it in over at the naked 'lay-in' protest on main street, and come back down to earth with the rest of civilization. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 736 Registered: Jun-05 | Coming from you thats hard to believe since all the new floorsanders are are lightweights to,Paul you are such a flip twister I can see right thru you, Paul so what kind of new speakers are looking at? |
Silver Member Username: Devils_advocatePost Number: 212 Registered: Jul-05 | Now let us all join Pat Robertson in prayer that there will be more Supreme Court vacancies. Lets throw in that a meteor hits Florida and that the Venezuelan president gets "taken out" as well. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 1013 Registered: Mar-05 | How are those SDAT's T_bomb? |
MTGG Unregistered guest | It amazes me that Paul, who obviously suffers from ADS, can enrage many so called 'normal' posters on this forum. Why not just ignore his comments or is baiting him for satisfying your masochistic tendencies? |
Gold Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 1016 Registered: Mar-05 | Paul's harmless, it's Tawaun who threatens people. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2097 Registered: Jan-05 | Tauwan, As of right now, nothing is worthy. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2098 Registered: Jan-05 | MTG, I consider it a gift. LOL |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 737 Registered: Jun-05 | Joseph its you,Im only joking about Paul,but I really dont like you,and I dont think that will change,so you can call that a threat if you want to,but he this is a free country though right?By the way the SDATs are find my dads really enjoying them,he says he thinks their better than the rainmakers in every way.My good friend who carries Totems at his shop,is giving me a pair of Rainmakers,for my review coming up for the Lings,so Im gonna have a lot of fun listning to the Lings Rain on them and then Ill finish it up by letting the Epiphonys,run thru them like a violent hurricaine,Oh i hope you dont have hanky out raining tears all over your floor. |
Gold Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 1019 Registered: Mar-05 | I bet those SDAT's would give any speakers a run for their money huh? I thought you said you weren't going to respond to me anymore? This is what bothers me about you Tawaun, you are about as consistent as your local weatherman. You and your ears are entitled to any opinion on my gear you want, just be consistent please, for others not me (cause you won't respond to me.....oh |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1043 Registered: May-05 | Tawaun, Man this is a thread that is gone to hell and back and the dieing cactus plant is feeding of are thoughts, time fresh tactics, or some nice coffee, arr, that aroma, nice and fresh..... Sorry....Paul, I cant wait for the next thread of inconclusiveness to come alone as I'm sure a few of us are, just don't talk about a subject without the use of test equipment, as I was close to swinging from the chandelier!!!!! |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 738 Registered: Jun-05 | Look man my wife is a fair person and she even thinks you are a troublemaker and she sees how you are on here trying to badmouth me, and me responding to you has nothing to do with consistency,im not gonna sit around and listen to try to throw your little cheapshots at me,and try to make me look bad,first off im a man on a forum,I dont have to be consistent to you,im not your woman,what are you g8y or something?Im just sick of your little cheapshots,so you can have it one of 2 ways we can not respond to each other wich I prefer,or you keep saying things to me and about me,and I will respond by calling you calling you crybabies and fag6ots,and b!ches which I really think you are, you can have it either way you want it.I appologize to everyonelse on here but I will not sit around and listen to Joseph continue to pick with me.So Joseph you and your overpriced Rainmaker with subpar performance can go F1uck each other!!! |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1044 Registered: May-05 | Tawaun, Who me! |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 5303 Registered: May-04 | Guys - It's time to leave Paul alone with his Bose speakers. This is just feeding him. It's time to stop. Nothing's going to change. Paul will still be Paul. Leave it alone, guys. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 739 Registered: Jun-05 | No No Andy,Joseph,he has been taking cheap shots at me for several weeks now and it has finnaly got on my nerves,No way Andy not you I missed for that month or so while you were gone,I like talking with you,your a good chap.I hate to have to talk like that but sometimes,you have to,I know im not the only one who has seen him trying trying to stir the pot,just a couple weeks ago he tried to get me and Jan at each other again.He needs to move on and stop posting things about me,the way we all joke with Paul is fine,but he is taking personal shots at my character and I wont stand for that. |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1046 Registered: May-05 | I second to that, Jan, Yeah I'm checking out this load of rubbish, man this thread has made me feel unclean..... Bye, bye Paul enjoy the Bose.....LOL |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1047 Registered: May-05 | Tawaun, Sorry, there's been an unholy mix up on this thread, as I'm sure you are aware off, it went broke from, the beginning. Well that's not on, targeting you in that unsoundly manor, that's not cricket? |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1048 Registered: May-05 | WTF why the hell is my name at the beginning! It's probably a fault with the network... |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 741 Registered: Jun-05 | Dont worry about it Andy this thread was doomed as soon as Pauls name was the heading,but even he had nothing to do with me and Josephs insults,Joseph started it all,nope no problems with you old chap! |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 5308 Registered: May-04 | SAY GOODNIGHT, GUYS!!! |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1050 Registered: May-05 | Tawaun, LOL May I, Quote from "Star Wars" "We're doomed!" ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1051 Registered: May-05 | ![]() "We shall meet again, don't know where", all together now! |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 744 Registered: Jun-05 | Alright Jan we will leave this shell of a thread,return of the Lings seems really interresting,I wanted to get your opinion Jan on crossover settings,so meet you over there. |
Gold Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 1023 Registered: Mar-05 | "my wife holds my hand while I post on here and she says your a bad man" lmao, your so easily rattled. The great inconsistent T_Bomb!!! |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 745 Registered: Jun-05 | Actually she just happen to see your rediculous posts,and she asked me who this idiot was I told herAnd just some lonely looser named Joseph,and your right The Great T Bomb!!! You wish you were like me dont you?You are pathetic and really need to seek professional help!And just so you dont get the 2 mixed up because you seem not to be a very good reader,Joseph THIS IS A INSULT NOT A THREAT.Joseph I must hand it to you are very consistent,at being vague irritating,and most of all being being a CRYBABY so go wipe your tears Johnny Depp!!! |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1055 Registered: May-05 | And by the way, Joseph, don't ever threaten me on the other post about banning me, like to see the police lie to behind your back, and see how that will mess your head up..... Put a sock in it will you................. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 746 Registered: Jun-05 | Andy your right Im done with this guy stick fork in him he's done!Andy I have a favor to ask you, can I get a pictire of Johnny Depp from Crybaby? |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1057 Registered: May-05 | Tawaun, ![]() Your wish is my command, when you mentioned that I cracked up BIG TIME LOL bugger me man I'm still cracking up this side of the Atlantic, oh my heart LOL, LOL...... |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1058 Registered: May-05 | LOL |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1059 Registered: May-05 | hehehehe ahahahhahha LOOL LOLO |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 748 Registered: Jun-05 | Thanks Andy thats hilarious.Joseph game over you loose looser!! |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1060 Registered: May-05 | Tawaun, LOL LOL LOL hehehehe heheheh hahahahah That's the best medicine I can have Tawaun, that's got to be biggest crack up I had so far this week, my hats off to you Tawaun, damn hysterical LOL, LOL, LOL |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 749 Registered: Jun-05 | So what do think Andy,Joseph is no longer Joseph Coulsin,Puff!!!now behold CRYBABY!!his brand new idenity!!!!!! |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1062 Registered: May-05 | My sentiment actually......... LOL LOL LOL LO LOL hehehe hahahaha |
Silver Member Username: KanoPost Number: 600 Registered: Oct-04 | If anyone has seen "The Friday After Next," Tawaun's posts remind of the Spanish guy across who lives down the street with a Pitbull and a hot sister. |
Gold Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 1027 Registered: Mar-05 | rotflmao!!!!! |
Gold Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 1028 Registered: Mar-05 | Tell you what Andy, I didn't threaten you , I just refreshed your memory about how you wished that "all british pigs would die" (Andy's quote). Most people forget the stupid things you guys do around here, I do Not. I may play around and push your buttons, but I don't make masochistic remarks about people dying or threaten people who disagree with you that I will come and find you and have you "shaking in your high heel boots". Get real, you guys are the crybabies, you cannot distinguish a FORUM from real life. Al I am is the posts on this forum, somehow, I am powerful enough to have space in both of you guys' head. Amazing, or sad, either way l you look at it, both of you are pathetic. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2112 Registered: Jan-05 | I thought andy was a brit?? Why would he wish his own kind to die? Is he one of those weird psychos? |
Silver Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 802 Registered: Sep-04 | Whoa! What happened to this thread?! And there I was about to tell Paul he had to accept that all SPL measurements are equal. Oh, and also, I am to the ounce EXACTLY the right weight for my size... |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1090 Registered: May-05 | Paul, Frank and Joseph, No I'm not a psychopath Paul, I'm cool, lets leave it there, I'm cool and enjoying the company on this forums, and I take it back what was said many months ago. In the mean time I've got better fish to fry. Ashley |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 760 Registered: Jun-05 | Kano who are you me and you have never conversed,you really should let Joseph take his whippings like a man.And futhermore Joseph some people forget somethings but you dont,and this being a forum and we dont know reality,huhh give me a break,you really have some maturing to.Powerful enough to have space in both of our heads,yeah right we had a blast humiliating you last night,that was hilarious,thats was more fun than going to Disney Land,you should really check into that local insane asylum though.Kano dont try and be a comedian and get your pride hurt like poor little Crybaby Joseph here,so guys throw in your white flag and retreat! |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1092 Registered: May-05 | To all? This should not be like this, we are all in the pursuit of one goal alone, and that is we all share the same passion and this is just turning into a civil-war on the forums, this is madness, utter total insanity, beyond disbelief, I've stepped back and looked at my behaviour, and I'm afraid mine doesn't even tops Paul's attacks, so can we all please, for the sake of the forums just stop this scandalous nonsense, and just get along, Paul, Joseph, and all reading this, say sorry. Paul, Joseph, say sorry to Tawaun, come on now, say sorry and mean it.... Ashley |
Gold Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 1032 Registered: Mar-05 | Posted by Tawaun:"So Joseph you and your overpriced Rainmaker with subpar performance can go F1uck each other!!!" and I need to apologize? Tawaun , if you had fun last night, wait till you've plssed everyone in this forum off and your battling with them, it'll be a hoot!!!! I'll be here, rooting you off! |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 761 Registered: Jun-05 | Im sure you scandelous little follower,but funny thing is Joseph,I mean Crybaby your the only one on this forum I have a problem with.I only like messing with you and you made it that way.You can never battle me in anything Crybaby,im not the problem on this forum you are bringing old arguments that knowone needed to see again that was you not me threatning someone you being a Crybaby because you werent getting enough attention.Joseph I will never appologize to you,you have intentially came after for the last 3 weeks with your little stupid comments,evrything I say about you I mean it from the bottom of my heart.Crybaby you are a snitch and men dont like snitches didnt you learn that in grammer school,I guess you didnt they probably chased you home everyday.Im revealing you for the snitch that you are,you are a pathetic whinning little crybaby,you really should learn to quit bringing up old disputs it really shows your true intent,like Andy or Jan needed to be reminded of any of those events,you little snitch B1tch!! |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2119 Registered: Jan-05 | Tawaun and andy are the only ones I've seen make personal attacks. I only commented on toy sized speakers and their lack of ability. If anyone believes that constitutes a personal attack as some have claimed, they're simply being overly sensitive and need to stop projecting my speaker comments onto themselves. When I say halfpint speakers are worthless as HT speakers, that doesnt mean that I'm also saying the same about the owners of the 'alleged' speakers. |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1099 Registered: May-05 | Tawaun, ![]() This tread truly has gone to hellish pieces now, I was trying to get you guys to come to a truce, well I can see there is now no possible hope in a peace treaty every happening, Tawaun, I'll back you back on the front line. Ashley |
Silver Member Username: JimvmLouisiana U.S.A. Post Number: 188 Registered: Apr-05 | Paul wrote: "Tawaun and andy are the only ones I've seen make personal attacks. I only commented on toy sized speakers and their lack of ability. If anyone believes that constitutes a personal attack as some have claimed, they're simply being overly sensitive and need to stop projecting my speaker comments onto themselves. When I say halfpint speakers are worthless as HT speakers, that doesnt mean that I'm also saying the same about the owners of the 'alleged' speakers." Paul - You are absolutely wrong. You have made comments to the effect that anyone who attempts to use bookshelf speakers as mains in an HT are stupid and you have made references to owners of bookshelf speakers as "music snobs." You are very subtle, some might say sneaky, in the way you jab at the person as well as the speaker. When you refer to bookshelf speakers as "sissy speakers," you are, without a doubt, intentionally casting aspersions toward the owners of those speakers. And by making comments about opposing political views, such as when using the term "dumbocrats," you are personally attacking those who don't think like you do. Not only do those kinds of comments have no place on an AV forum, they give Republicans a bad name. For you to say that you don't personally attack others, is a crock. |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1100 Registered: May-05 | Jimvm, I second that, Paul forgets I'm a former cinema projectionist, and I've handled more expensive equipment than he can only dream about, Paul you'll be surprised how I can out perform those relics you have sat on the floor, man you haven't even got a three-screen matching, that's where it counts the most, so stick a sock in it.............. Ashley |
Gold Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 1033 Registered: Mar-05 | Just a matter of time before "loose cannon" t_Bomb plsses someone else off. I hate it for you T-juan, it must be hard not being able to control your emotions like that. Makes it tough for everyone close to you. I feel sorry for you. |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1104 Registered: May-05 | ![]() ![]() Oh brother, go and climb back into your pram will you....... |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1106 Registered: May-05 | ![]() Cry baby cry Make your mother sigh She's old enough to know better The king of Marigold was in the kitchen Cooking breakfast for the queen The queen was in the parlour Playing piano for the children of the king Cry baby cry Make your mother sigh She's old enough to know better So cry baby cry The king was in the garden Picking flowers for a friend who came to play The queen was in the playroom Painting pictures for the childrens holiday Cry baby cry Make your mother sigh She's old enough to know better So cry baby cry The duchess of Kircaldy always smiling And arriving late for tea The duke was having problems With a message at the local bird and bee Cry baby cry Make your mother sigh She's old enough to know better So cry baby cry At twelve o'clock a meeting round the table For a seance in the dark With voices out of nowhere Put on specially by the children for a lark Cry baby cry Make your mother sigh She's old enough to know better So cry baby cry cry cry cry baby Make your mother sigh She's old enough to know better Cry baby cry Cry cry cry Make your mother sigh She's old enough to know better So cry baby cry |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 762 Registered: Jun-05 | Crybaby just give it up you are making it funnier and funnier so get your tissues out and keep wiping them tears oh!! my god Andy you are hilarious(Aw man im over here cracking up!!!}Paul how are me and Andy the only ones getting personalJoseph has personally attacked me and Andy,he has been personally attacking me for several weeks I and didnt say a word to him until yesterday,why do think knowone is defending him,he brought on hiself.Paul you try to belittle everyone on here that has small speakers day after day and week after week you must have some kind of size impediment or something.And Joseph he is always on here trying to stir up old arguements.Dont you think thats personal?If its not then I dont know what is.Everything Jimvm said about you is true,I now see why you get on Jans nerves so bad you and Crybaby Joseph are the biggest Hyprocrites on this forum. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2124 Registered: Jan-05 | "I second that, Paul forgets I'm a former cinema projectionist" ------------------- LOL, I must have forgotten. All that means is you know how to hit the 'play' switch and nothing more. Based on my past movie experience, you probably werent very good at that either. I'll bet you couldnt even get the movies started on time. Then they fired you and replaced you with another 16 year old kid.(from the popcorn counter) |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1118 Registered: May-05 | Paul, You really don't know, there's more to just pressing buttons or setting the automation to start the show and it can also change lenses over from 1.85:1 flat to anamorphic 2.35:1, as well as switching Dolby SR to Dolby digital, but still there has to be someone there to focus and always keeping your ears leistering out for a bleep sound, this would be the sound that says, oh no the film as stopped due to the film breaking, or a (brain wrap) where the film as got tangled up around the (cake plate) shall I go on, you arrogant Git. I think will, making-up film prints when they come in and singing the received order, then carrying some 6 plastic cans up a flight of stirs, opening the cans up placing them up on the make-up bench where there are two small spools, it is hear I will check though reel 1 and placing fingers to the sides of the print while I turn the handle whilst the film is passing though I'm feeling for any damage in the print, if I where to find some then I cut the damage out and splice it back together, making up a print can take the best part of the day, whilst running films... Plus the long hours some projectionists pull, even in the unsociable hours, as well as duing film rehearsals that is whose the ptint is made-up and on the cake plate and all laced up to the (Cinemeccanica vic V) 35mm projector, someone will say I'll go and review the print along with a check list where notes will be made about the conduction of the print, as well as looking for continuity and sound level too. Paul, you have no clue, what so ever, like I said "Amateurs and Projectionists don't mix" and you are the most, Argonaut person I have come to knowing, the next time you start a thread with out solid bit of evidence, to back your own worthless conclusions buy a SPL db meter or oscilloscope an RTA or even a cheep $5.00 voltmeter..... Oh and you have to be 18 years old to show a film due to certifications (U) (PG) (12a) (15) and (18) well I guess your still wearing nappies, as you clearly don't know much about the profession..... I'm afraid it's me who's laughing out loud, at you get a life you sad GIT......... |
Gold Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 1035 Registered: Mar-05 | I love how you try and pull Jan into this T-bum, this has nothing to do with Jan, and I am sure he like's the fact that you try and pull him on the T-juan team. Get real man, your only cheerleader on this thread against me is Ashley (former cinema -got fired cause I bored the managment to death- projectionist). |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1120 Registered: May-05 | Crybaby, ![]() Hallo Not fired left, the profession due to expenses..... And if I wanted to do this all over again I would gladly say yes in a heart beat, in a heart beat, so crybaby go and climb back into your pram before you hurt yourself.....there's a good little boy now..... And don't cry, or there will be no ice-cream for you........... |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2129 Registered: Jan-05 | Give me a break, you can train an organ grinder monkey to perform the duties of 'projector kid'. It's no more difficult than operating a reel-to-reel tape deck....... Whooo hoo.......How exciting! |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 779 Registered: Jun-05 | I seen you and "Jan on Do you listen"you was about to cry over there you thought he was insulting you,you always thinks someone is insulting you.Self esteem must be sidestepping you,and as far as me being a chearleader yeah right quit repeating some of my old words and old post,my opinions on this forum have always been mine I will never stand aything that i dont beleive in.Im sure we would all be cheerleaders seeing you cry your way off of this forum.And as far as bum goes you are the biggest Bum on here,you have never had a opinion thatwas your own on this forum,now you have finally found one you dont like me,well congrats for you finally standing up and being a man about something,im sure your parents are proud of you for once.In this situation with me a real man any little contest you try to match me at you are gonna lose,and end up being what you are revealing yourself to be a Crybaby |
Gold Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 1045 Registered: Mar-05 | Lmao, if you read onwards in "do you listen" you might get some skills in "do you read". Maybe even some skills in "how to type" and moreover "how to proof read". What the flippin' heck does this mean? "my opinions on this forum have always been mine I will never stand aything that i dont beleive in" Andy, give me a break, if you got fired from that job, I cannot see you doing much else besides.....well saying "I am a former cinema projectionist" and collecting unemployment. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2136 Registered: Jan-05 | Maybe he's angry that he was replaced by the organ grinder monkey. HEH Hey look at me, Im an experienced "DVD player" operator. hahahahaha That makes me an audio expert, ya know?? |
Gold Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 1049 Registered: Mar-05 | Either that or a couple hundred dollar reel changer. |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1136 Registered: May-05 | "CRYBABY" Man I've got more pride in myself, than you can ever have, your just a snake, oh sorry....I mean "CRYBABY" so do you know me? No didn't think so and I don't know you ether, as for spelling you can't talk, "CRYBABY" I think it a nappy changing time for you now....there's a good "BABY." ![]() ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2138 Registered: Jan-05 | Ya gotta hate being replaced by what is essentially equivalent to a cassette rewinder..... hahahahah |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1137 Registered: May-05 | I'm sure ante going to lose any sleep over it, unlike you, sorry looking snake of a cactus..... ![]() ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 1050 Registered: Mar-05 | Hey Paul, caught a pic of Andy before he joined the IRA: ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 1051 Registered: Mar-05 | Het also found one of T-bomb picking out his next 19" tv. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1142 Registered: May-05 | Like the "TOWER" ![]() You guys should be called "BUTCH CACTUS and the CRYBABY KID" the lawless outlaws of the wild west............... ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1143 Registered: May-05 | Actual the guy pictured next to the TOWER is Mervyn Eccleston projectionist at the Empire Cinema |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2150 Registered: Jan-05 | LOL Joe.... |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 780 Registered: Jun-05 | Joseph oh im sorry rewind ,Crybaby so now you want to post pictures like Andy.And Erkil was the best thing you could come up with,I feel like crying for you,even he was his own and had his own beliefs,you are about as dumb as Barney Rubble,well at least Erkil was black huhh like you said you never forget what we say.You are becoming more of a laughing stock by the minute oh my bad a crying stock.(Andy im still cracking up over here on this side of the Alantic} |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1163 Registered: May-05 | Tawaun, Tawaun, There together there like the super villains from superman, ![]() ![]() I know we can vanish, them both to the Phantom zone!!!! |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 783 Registered: Jun-05 | Andy,now thats funny,the only problem with that they went through the whole movie without their super powers and Superman beat them up the whole movie,they went in that chamber at the begining of the movie,and they had to make it a 3 minute commercial!!!(oh im still cracking up Andy}Andy is it just me but wasnt Zod the most crybaby villian you ever saw,Joseph I mean Crybaby you just cant catch a break can you? and Paul I dont even have any words for you {ha ha} get it Andy any words}you 2 are gonna shame yourselves off of Ecoustics!!! |
Gold Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 1053 Registered: Mar-05 | Yeah right , like a former cinema procrastinator and an Erkil wannabe are gonna do anything that makes a difference on a forum. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 790 Registered: Jun-05 | Yeah right Joseph your wit with audio cant even begin to aproach my knowlege its like comparing $250,000pr. Wilson Audio X-2/Alexandrias to Pauls small puny underperforming Bose,its not even in the same galaxy.The only difference you make is causing trouble between forum members,I have never heard you contribute anything useful to anyone on this forum,its beyond your threshold of intelligence. |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1189 Registered: May-05 | CRYBABY-CRYBABY- BED-TIME NOW! ![]() Rock-a-bye baby, in the tree top When the wind blows, the cradle will rock When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall And down will come baby, cradle and all NOW THERE, there will be no treats for you tomorrow....say good night to the ecoustics now there's a good CRYBABY...good-night CRYBABY................. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 1059 Registered: Mar-05 | What's a threshold?? |
Silver Member Username: Devils_advocatePost Number: 251 Registered: Jul-05 | "8 entries found for threshold. thresh·old ( P ) Pronunciation Key (thrshld, -hld) n. 1. A piece of wood or stone placed beneath a door; a doorsill. 2. An entrance or a doorway. 3. The place or point of beginning; the outset. 4. The point that must be exceeded to begin producing a given effect or result or to elicit a response: a low threshold of pain. " |
Gold Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 1067 Registered: Mar-05 | Right, so if no one has invoked my acumen towards this field, then how can you claim it's beyond my threshold to give highbrow remarks when all I have been responding to lately is asinine comments from dolts like T-bum and Ashley. |
Silver Member Username: Devils_advocatePost Number: 252 Registered: Jul-05 | *shrug* I merely answered a question. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 795 Registered: Jun-05 | Do you get it now Joseph?I swear this guy isnt 30 years old like his profile says Geeezzzz!!!! |
Gold Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 1069 Registered: Mar-05 | Get what T-bum, that you are ignorant and illiterate? |
Gold Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 1070 Registered: Mar-05 | Thank you Devil, I am merely on defense in this forum so I apologize if I came off coarse to you. |
Bronze Member Username: MargieNapa, California Post Number: 21 Registered: Aug-05 | Gentlemen... ![]() Sorry to interrupt this bludgeoning.... How do you put the photos, cartoons, etc. on here and where do you find them? The little shark is one of my favorites. Now give me a moment to back off out of the path of the blood splatter...continue! Thanks, Margie |
Gold Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 1071 Registered: Mar-05 | "upload image or attachment " button next to post comment button. You have to have a photo saved on your hard drive to do it, and it must be small enough to upload quickly. Good luck Margie (pick's up axe again) |
Silver Member Username: Devils_advocatePost Number: 253 Registered: Jul-05 | Joe: It's all good. I just didn't know if you were being serious or what. All I have to say to this thread is "Can't we all just get along???" |
Gold Member Username: Joe_cAtlanta, GA Post Number: 1080 Registered: Mar-05 | I'll leave it alone. Sorry to annoy all you other non-combative members. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 796 Registered: Jun-05 | Crybaby quit trying to make all the members feel sorry for you,look man this getting is, rediculous lets cut it out now,it was fun while it lasted,but im now bored with you so lets just call it quits alright? because we both know its only gonna get worse.And I think all 4 of us have been looking real immature. |
Gold Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 1201 Registered: May-05 | To all.......... I agree, I've really got better fish to fry, rather adding to this, it's only going bring hate to one another, and for God sakes where members not high school children any more, I'm done with name calling, sorry to all, sincerely sorry................ Ashley |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 798 Registered: Jun-05 | No Andy,you dont have to be sorry to those 2 I know im certainly not,but its getting boring with them,and its pretty childesh to, so im done with it. Hey we won that battle hands down anyway,So ill let it go at least until they come back for another beatdown again,all joking aside well somewhat joking,well not at all joking hey Joseph,Paul another time,Joseph on a serious note im sure everything we both feel is well documented now so their really shouldnt be anymore disputes thats personal,im gonna leave it at that,Andy I had a blast and thanks for having my back,and Paul nothing personal,you get a bit redundant with the small speaker trshing but maybe you need to lay off it sometimes many people are getting tired of it,but I do like you though and to everyone who wasnt involved im sorry you had to read this rubbish. |