For (only) $180, I purchased the following two weeks ago: 1 BOSE AmPlus 100 Business Amplifier 1 BOSE AmPlus 50 Business Amplifier 1 Bose FreeSpace 3 Loudspeaker system with 6 satellite speakers + module, 1 TEAC Receiver CR-L600
All these were set up in a store and I purchased the goods as it was with all the wires still connected ... without trying the system!!
When I got home, I noticed that both amps were connected to TEAC receiver, i.e, the TEAC has two sets of REC output and wires run from these to the inputs of each Bose amp. But only the AmPlus 100 output is connected to the FreeSpace module, in a 100V system using the transformer.
I could not get in touch again with the guy who sold me the system, to ask him how the system was set up the system in his store, as he had already moved. And I do not understand why the two amps are connected simultaneously to the receiver. Anyone here has a clue?