Bronze Member Username: DixlonPost Number: 15 Registered: Jun-05 | Would i get a cleaner sound for HT if I use a Yamaha RX V2500 as a PRE/PRO and a 7.1 AMP? If yes what quality amp would you pick for under $2000? Thanks Dixlon |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1570 Registered: Mar-05 | do you find your V2500 to produce "muddy" sound? It wouldn't be my first pick for music, but I'd be very surprised to hear anyone make that charge against the Yammi for HT. Usually Yamaha-detractors level the opposite charge: "bright." |
Bronze Member Username: DixlonPost Number: 16 Registered: Jun-05 | Don't care about music. I hear the Yammi 2500 is a very good HT processor. I figure I get a seperate amp, maybe like the NAD T973 for clean power. Does anybody think that's a good combo? |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1576 Registered: Mar-05 | Good, if you don't care about music then don't worry about "clean power." You'll be too busy watching explosions and whatnot to notice. I don't mean that as a slam on HT users, even if it might sound like one---when you sit and listen to music without being distracted by a movie or TV program, you are much more likely to notice sonic imperfections and be irritated by them. With HT you mainly need it not to sound BAD, and you need adequate power to drive all the speakers properly---both of which the Yammie does just fine. Oh, and of course you need a strong subwoofer for all the rumbles and explosions, and a good center channel to hear dialogue clearly which is about 60% of most soundtracks anyway. |
Silver Member Username: ZiggyzoggyoioiOutside Philadelphia, PA Post Number: 109 Registered: Jun-05 | If you really feel that the Yammie is not enough, the Outlaw Audio 770 (7x200W) is on closeout for $1599. That will definitely give you great bang for the buck. |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 3399 Registered: Dec-03 | I'll second the Outlaw Audio for your budget. An excellent power amp to couple with your yamaha. If you think it is too much you can wait for their new offering, the Outlaw Audio 7125. 7 channels at 125w. I am currently using the 7100 and I can't wait to exchange it for the 7125. |
Silver Member Username: ZiggyzoggyoioiOutside Philadelphia, PA Post Number: 110 Registered: Jun-05 | Berny, I think they are shipping the 7125 now. Price is $999. |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 3406 Registered: Dec-03 | I just checked that. WOW! I have to wait for the exchange, though. I just got informed that I have to go to South Korea for a 1 year stint. I have to leave my gear here in the States. Whatever shall I do? |
Silver Member Username: KanoPost Number: 584 Registered: Oct-04 | I'd suggest the Outlaw 990 Pre/Pro if you're only planning on using the Yamaha as a Pre/Pro. The set-up/EQ options on the Yammi are impressive, but you'll realize you don't really need them, while with the Outlaw you will have almost zero interference and background notice throughout its life. |
Silver Member Username: KanoPost Number: 585 Registered: Oct-04 | I'd suggest the Outlaw 990 Pre/Pro if you're only planning on using the Yamaha as a Pre/Pro. The set-up/EQ options on the Yammi are impressive, but you'll realize you don't really need them, while with the Outlaw you will have almost zero interference and background noise throughout its life. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 1988 Registered: Jan-05 | Dix, I have the 2500 and Im here to tell you that the Yammi has plenty of power, and buying a separate amp would be a waste of money. Instead of blowing $2000 on an amp, buy one of these instead...... It will be money well spent, and your HT will be a wicked beast that will blow away all others at a similar pricepoint. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 1989 Registered: Jan-05 | Dix, No HT should be without one of these monsters. It will add an entirely new demension to movies. |
Gold Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 1272 Registered: Feb-04 | I agree with Paul and edster on this one... Why would you ever need more power for HT? Are you close to 0 dB on the dial when watching movies? If you have money to burn on the system, get another sub or another TV! IMHO. |
Bronze Member Username: ZorroPost Number: 28 Registered: Jul-05 | DixLon, With all due respect, they guys here are right on target, save your money, no need to upgrade a receiver like the 2500 for movies. Movies do not demand as much as music. Of course there is only one person on this forum who would disagree....Viva las Cerwin Vegas ! ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1591 Registered: Mar-05 | For once I agree wholeheartedly with Paul...since you are HT-only, getting some monster SVS like his would be a far better investment than adding an external amp. The lower-down model, the PB12/ISD-2, is about $300 cheaper than the PB12/Plus-2 that he got, and in fact is available right now as B-stock for $800. I may have to rob a convenience store soon...LOL! |
Bronze Member Username: DixlonPost Number: 17 Registered: Jun-05 | Paul, I do have the SVS PB-12 Plus and for my small room it rocks. I'm looking for a good source to replace my Denon 1803 receiver. Dixlon |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 1992 Registered: Jan-05 | Ahhh...sweet!! Then look no further than the 2500. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 1996 Registered: Jan-05 | Zorro is clueless..... Move soundtracks are 10-fold more demanding than music soundtracks. With music, you can 'get away' with owning little baby-petite halfpints, but not with todays movie sountracks. I watched the incredibles again tonight,....woah.... That track will smoke anything you have on SACD. Little baby halpints and a weak sub couldnt even scratch the surface of that soundtrack. |
Bronze Member Username: ZorroPost Number: 29 Registered: Jul-05 | Ah the incredibles! nice sound !....still, a kids movie. go figure ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2032 Registered: Jan-05 | Actually, The incredibles was much more than 'just' a kids movie. There were several adult themes in that movie geared specifically towards adults, and I guess it doesnt surprise me that they went right over your head unnoticed. |
Bronze Member Username: ZorroPost Number: 30 Registered: Jul-05 | You are right they just went over my head, have not had much time to watch cartoons lately but I am sure my little boy picked up some good things just like you did so that is good, for his comments, I gathered that "Dash" gives an "oscar winning" performance, is it true? ![]() |
Irish Will Unregistered guest | Sorry to butt in here guys - came across the forum & more specifically the thread. I have a Pioneer 42" with a Denon 2910. I am purchasing a receiver and have cut it down to either the Yammie 1500 or 2500. At the end of the day, there's only €100 beween them! I'll be using it for 80% HT. Any advice/suggestions on which is the better choice considering what I'm using it for. (Although do want something fairly future proof!) Was hoping to hear some first hand advice!! ;-) Cheers, Will |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2214 Registered: Jan-05 | The GUI menu upgrade on the 2500 is worth the extra 100 by itself. |
Anonymous | Yammie 1500 or 2500, that's like choosing between crap and crappier. You'd be just as happy with a $350 Onkyo 602 if your usage is 80% HT. |
Jbarber Unregistered guest | Choosing a 2500 over the 1500 for me was just the gui and the record selector. I am using Athena audition series and the sound is excellent on both movies and music. There is no problem with power and volume. James |
Anoni Unregistered guest | That GUI on the 2500 is just amazing, oh my god I didn't know such audio nirvana could be had for so little, as soon as I unpacked my 2500 I knew I'd be ebaying off my McIntosh amp it was just no contest. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2228 Registered: Jan-05 | J, I agree. There arent many receivers that can compete with the 2500 in the $1,000 price range. |
Irish Will Unregistered guest | Thanks for the feedback people - much appreciated! |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1803 Registered: Mar-05 | heh, the Pioneer 1015 at around $400-500 would likely match the 2500's HT performance and best it for music. Irish Will---go to and do a search for Pioneer 1014 or Pioneer 1015, there's a humongous thread about these units. 80% HT really does not justify spending more than $500, that extra $500 would be much better spent on upgrading speakers and especially upgrading your subwoofer. |
Bronze Member Username: SteelhrdPost Number: 15 Registered: Jul-05 | Edster i have to disagree with you have heard the pioneer 53txi and found the yamaha to perform much better musically. Edster have you heard the yammy with peq imposed the sound is much fuller. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 2256 Registered: Jan-05 | I'll bet he's never seen the 2500 in person either. With his small bookshelves, he wouldnt know what full sound was if he had it. |