New member Username: SbbGdansk Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-05 | Hey everyone. I'm new here. Basically showed up cause I need all the help I can get. Now: I'm not YET into all this technical jargon so please be informed that I'm trying my best to understand and be understood by everyone. To start off my name's Jacob and yes I live in Poland. I don't have professional audio gear but plan to in the future. In the meantime I have to get the best out of the stuff I have. Now...don't laugh.....I got a Panasonic (hahaha I know....) SU-CH80 Amp paired up with factory speakers. They're 3 way 50w din. The point is: I'd like to build my own speakers and get rid of the crappy wood that the factory one's are made of. What wood would be best for the job? Should I make an identical copy of the factory speakers or is it possible (without damaging sound qualities) to place the woofer tweeter and the second tweeter all in one vertical line? The last and best question is: The woofer seems to have minor rips all around the cone's edge ring. You don't see them unlees You *delicately* press your finger into it. I bet they're made out of polypropylene. could I repair it? THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME READING THIS. I would be grateful for a reply. Sincerely; Jacob. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 5038 Registered: May-04 | Jacob - The questions you ask about building speakers are a function of design. You design it, you get to listen to it. Read a bit and get some ideas. If I understand your situation correctly, you can't repair poly woofers, the whole driver or the cone should be replaced. |
New member Username: SbbGdansk Post Number: 2 Registered: Aug-05 | hey Jan, thanks for Your answer. Now I'm just b e g g i n n i n g to get into this site (by the way I love it) and will definetely spend some time reading through most posts. I'll get to the woofer replacement. BTW which company woofer would You reccommend? My current one is a a 4 1/2" 5.5 ohm Technics. I was thinking of putting in a 6" but the question is whether I'd have to change anything else besides the woofer itself. Once Again thanks for Your patience and any comments regarding this situation. Cheers! |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 5041 Registered: May-04 | Instead of me telling you which driver to buy, read the links and make a decision based on what you learn. |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 3622 Registered: Dec-03 | I tried with "DIY loudspeakers". There is a huge amount of information out there. If you restrict the results to "Polish", you get sixty pages! |
New member Username: SbbGdansk Post Number: 3 Registered: Aug-05 | Thank You I'll get on to it ASAP |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Post Number: 796 Registered: May-05 | Now that's a man with a mission and a purpose, to explore the ventures into loudspeaker design.... |
New member Username: SbbGdansk Post Number: 4 Registered: Aug-05 | haha well that's what I want to get into. I'm tired of compromises and often hilarous prices. the only thing I just didn't find (or CAN'T properly find) is the whole idea behind electronics inside the loudspeaker. See, I'm just getting into all of this so I'll need to learn a lot. This forum is perfect for someone who already knows something about audio electronics but for a layperson like me it's often way to ambigous. I'll manage though... Now from what I've learned so far: Enclosed type speakers should have a proper amount of foam insde to eliminate standing waves,whereas bass reflex speakers DON'T have to be muted this way. From what I've read so far (in many articles) is this entirely true? Yes or No? P.S What's up with the JBL K2 S9800's ? Are they so 'perfect' to be worth around 48k $ ? I know they've been built using materials such as Titanium and Beryl but would You really notice the diference? A while back in the studio, while I was recording a CD with my band I had the opportunity to listen to the Genelec 1038 5.1 combo and although really really good i felt those speakers would only prove their price tag in a specially designed studio. Well? Anyone care to chip in? Thanks |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 5060 Registered: May-04 | Stuffing a erflex design serves a different purpose than doing so inside an acoustic suspension design. A $48,000 pair of speakers serves the same purpose as a Mercedes Benz Maybach or a Ferrari Tesstarossa. It is more about what you can buy than what you can hear. |
Silver Member Username: AudioholicPost Number: 103 Registered: Apr-05 | To design your own speakers and keep the cost below what major manufacturers charge would be very difficult in my humble opinion. First thing you need is an unlimited bank account( to test driver after driver after driver), then a masters in physics might help or at very least a degree in electrical engineering. You'll need to know driver behavior, harmonic oscillation, crossover types and slopes, damping properties, impedence issues, etc etc. Just buy one already made. You'll maintain your sanity at least. Good luck. |
Bronze Member Username: SoundideasPost Number: 28 Registered: Jul-05 | Take a look at this Article on speaker design.... |
New member Username: SbbGdansk Post Number: 5 Registered: Aug-05 | Hello; Thank You for all Your responses. True; after getting deeper and deeper into the field of acoustics and speaker design I began to feel that this is not at all 'logical' or simple in anyway. What I'll try to do is replace my woofer, midrange and tweeter with new ones, presumably higher quality. MAYBE I'll build a speaker box that's identical to the factory MDF in respect to allthe dimentions but I'll use regular wood for that purpose. The question is if I replace *just* the 3 ?speaker cones?(I mean the woofer midrange and tweeter) with others of the same parameters is it ok to leave the existing resistors and inside wiring? That'd be it for questions so far. Once more Thanks. ![]() |