Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 457 Registered: Apr-04 | Here is the new brochure and pictures of the making of the new bench mark in audio!!!! |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 459 Registered: Apr-04 | More to come: |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 460 Registered: Apr-04 | |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 461 Registered: Apr-04 | |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 462 Registered: Apr-04 | |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 463 Registered: Apr-04 | is the last one! |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 464 Registered: Apr-04 | Another post with the prices: |
Anonymous | Drool......slobber......slurp! |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 1471 Registered: Feb-05 | Undoubtedly! |
NADLOVER Unregistered guest | Anyone got a copy of the pdf's? seem to be gone from NAD! |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 485 Registered: Apr-04 | From what I gather, I was not supposed to be able to load these pictures. NAD even sent me an email to call them and asked how I managed to get them from their server. I told them that I logged on and that was it.............there they were! Now I can't get back. So I guess their computer tech forgot to log off or something. I have a hard copy and I think some other forums may also have some pictures. Just Google the series and see what happens. Cheers! |
NADLOVER Unregistered guest | seems to be gone from valid links on google (that i can find) |
Bronze Member Username: SubiedriverPost Number: 40 Registered: Apr-05 | Forgive me but are we getting a little carried away here? NAD stuff is "the new benchmark in audio"? I mean, they make some decent low end stuff that arguably gives you some bang for the buck, but that's not the same as being high end is it? And while these new boxes look good, has anybody heard them? Consider the way NAD launched its ad campaign but still doesn't have info available on its website. Now they want to have this new "high end" image but they still seem a bit like the "gang that couldn't shoot straight." |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 490 Registered: Apr-04 | Why are you getting so uptight about the Master Series before it even comes out? I am sure that this will be something very good. There was definately a leak that was not supposed to happen. The series is only being officially launched in Novemebr. |
Silver Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 867 Registered: Sep-04 | Hubert, It's called stimulating interest. Most companies do it one way or another, either by leaking info out or by doing what NAD have done here. NAD have been aiming for a slice of the higher end market for some time now. The Silverline series was meant to take on the Arcam FMJ/Cyrus/lower end Naim stuff. This Master series looks set to continue that and move a little higher end. Regards, Frank. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 913 Registered: Jun-05 | The Silverline was actually a failer for Nad thats why you seen so few reviews on it,it was priced right the specs looked good but it didnt deliver as far as performance.The Master line is gonna be something special I dont see them blowing a second chance, my only reservation is the SACD player which will be good no doubt but being a multi unit its gonna be hard pressed to compete with a dedicated player at that price like the MF A5 cd player or even the A3.5 which is sustantially cheaper,I think they should have focused on a dedicated cd player considering how well they perform in their classic line at their price points,that dissapoints me a bit and kind of leaves a sour taste in my mouth. |
Anoni Unregistered guest | Hubert, eat poo poo |
Hi-Rez Unregistered guest | Nad is good - but the new benchmark? I think it's just NAD playing catch up - doesn't mean it won't be good. That remains to be seen - er - heard. |
GeraldB Unregistered guest | Does anyone know what the Master Series integrated amp will cost? |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 494 Registered: Apr-04 | As far as saw, it was marked around 2000-2500$us. I could be wrong however. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 501 Registered: Apr-04 | Go to this link for pictures: |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 923 Registered: Jun-05 | In the budget end of the market they actually are the benchmark,I dont really think they are playing catch up,its really a new territory for them,they have never competed at the mid priced level and its a market thats at its pinnacle right now in the audio market now. |
Bronze Member Username: SubiedriverPost Number: 41 Registered: Apr-05 | Frank, I understand the concept of stimulating interest. If NAD just leaked some info to message boards, that would be one thing. But when you run an ad in Stereophile saying, "ask your dealer for an audition today" you should have the units at the dealers, no? At the very least, you should have some info available on your website, no? Even if it's not complete info with pricing, full specs, you might have some "teaser" photos and "coming soon" kind of language. To be running ads for 2 months in mags (I saw the first ad at least a month ago) and still have no info on the website ... I'm no marketing whiz but to me this kind of goofup creates the impression that the machines were supposed to be out now but somehow fell behind in production. And if you're a low-end player trying to go "up market" in any kind of product market (cars, beer, etc.) you don't want to look like a bunch of amateurs. Final caveat: I own some old NAD stuff and still use it every day in my office. Good stuff, bought for a good price 15 years ago, reliable, etc. I like my NAD stuff. And I liked the old NAD, when they sold bare bones working-man stuff, gray boxes, no BS, no frills and bells and whistles. I guess I just feel a bit of cognitive dissonance seeing NAD trying to come off like a Mark Levinson type brand. It's like Budweiser suddenly running ads that look like fancy wine or single-malt scotch. Just my opinion. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 512 Registered: Apr-04 | That's funny.............I don't recall the ads you mentioned! From what NAD told me, I was not supposed to be able to have access to these pictures! They even said on the advertisements that there would be an official launch in November! That's ironic! |
Bronze Member Username: SubiedriverPost Number: 42 Registered: Apr-05 | See this month's (October) Stereophile. Also was in one of the Home Theater mags a month ago. I can't remember which mag but the ad caught my eye. I'm an NAD fan (as I explained above) and so as intrigued. I went immediately to the Website to learn more -- and found nothing, no mention of them, not even a press release saying "Here are our great new high end products coming out this fall." You'd think their homepage would have a big Masters Series image, coordinated with the print ads. I got all excited and then couldn't find anything. It didn't strike me as very slick marketing but maybe the master marketers there have some secret game plan. Anyway, I do hope the machines are nice, though I doubt I'll spend 2500 bucks on an NAD amp or 2000 bucks on an NAD DVD player -- though years ago I bought a Monitor Series CD player which was considered their high end at the time and it is still a very fine player. Anyway I certainly would not buy any of these products from the first batch (or second or third) but would wait a while and make sure they're not all bouncing back to the dealers. Not that anything like this has ever happened with previous NAD products but just in case. I'm also curious to see if they'll get reviewed and if so what reviewers will say. The 370 got a review in Stereophile, Chip Stern I believe, which seemed like a nice enough review but was kind of damning with faint praise if I recall correctly. That said, people seem to rave about the 370, even today. Would be cool if some of those snooty reviewers actually got their socks blown off by a piece of NAD gear eh? |
futurehouse Unregistered guest | I have seen and heard these at CEDIA- I listened in a crowded, noisy, show booth and still heard a superb sound stage. I was impressed, The M3 really did me in. I listed to pre/pro surround combo with phil collins live DVD and fairly inexpensive speakers- you would have had to hear it to believe it! The build quality reminded me of Levinson (I am Mark Levinson Trained)products. All I will say is that you should listen for yourself. |
Bronze Member Username: SubiedriverPost Number: 43 Registered: Apr-05 | Well now you are whetting my appetite. BTW is it just coincidence that these machines have the same model names as those souped up BMWs? M3, M5, etc.? |
Silver Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 884 Registered: Sep-04 | No idea about the names, but NAD have been talking to us about this new range for the last few weeks. It is odd that there's no mention of them on the website, and that they're still pushing the Silverline range. Regards, Frank. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 517 Registered: Apr-04 | I think their website is quite bad to be honest. They have the same reviews and coverpage for the past 6 months! When I first found all the Master Series was on their website! I believe it was a technician error as I was also able to go into the tech bulletins as well! To my amazement, there were very few, even for the AV stuff that "supposedly" has so much problems! All they had for these was a simple software upgrade to fix the multiple problems! |
Bronze Member Username: SubiedriverPost Number: 44 Registered: Apr-05 | What went on with the AV stuff? |
New member Username: Firebook23Post Number: 1 Registered: Sep-05 | Danman i asked NAD that same Question and this is their response. NAD has a strict policy of only launching new products on when it is available to buy in most markets.... I would expect them to launch it on their site some time before before the Nov. 2005 Launch date. |
New member Username: Firebook23Post Number: 2 Registered: Sep-05 | I would expect also that that is why they still have Silver series stuff up there. That some dealers still have some product and do not want NAD to stop advertising it |
Bronze Member Username: SubiedriverPost Number: 46 Registered: Apr-05 | Danman You never got back on the question about what "supposedly" happened with the AV stuff. Can you give us a rundown? |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 522 Registered: Apr-04 | It is no secret Hubert that NAD has had quite a few QC issues with their AV amps mostly due to software problems. I stated that when I was able to read the tech bulletins, there were many less than I anticipated. Nad seems to have solved most of their problems with these amps even though they were MUCH less problematic than some on this board made them sound. Mostly reprogramming of software. Does not draw me away from their gear however, but I am not into home theatre since I listen to 90% music. I have owned so much of their products and never had an issue at all. Don't worry Hubert, I was not attacking NAD only stating that some people on this board made some big issues of NAD quality AV amps and I was curious to see if the company had many really serious matters to share with their dealers and noticed there were very few. |
Unregistered guest | There are a number of posts that suggest NAD has either QC problems or their gear is decidedly low tier. The question I have is whether those that make those comments have actually owned NAD's best gear (Silver Series). I own the S170i, S250 and S570 and couldn't be happier with their performance. The only criticism I have of the S170i is that it doesn't offer some of the features that I consider commonplace like video upconversion from composite through component, component video switching, no OSD with component, etc. The sound, however, is absolutely wonderful. If you have the speakers to match with this system, you will not be disappointed. I believe the NAD gear to be superior to all of the bottom tier separates and very competitive with the mid-tier equipment when it comes to sound quality. I'm personally more concerned with the sound quality as I listen to music about 60-70% of the time. When watching movies, the experience is absolutely electric. I'm not going to offer any critical evaluation other than to say that my brother owns an Arcam system with a Loewe HDTV and I own a Mitsubishi HDTV and I believe the video to be very competitive. Stop bashing the NAD equipment and understand that their equipment is quite good. In fact, I can't wait to see the Masters Series and will probably purchase an entire system within 18 months. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 528 Registered: Apr-04 | I agree. NAD in my book, is extremely hard to beat! I was going to upgrade but after numerous auditions of various equipment and many stores, I realised that I would have to spend 4 times more money to really get something that could be described as "significant improvement"......even then, it was not night and day! The way I look at it is that the sound quality you get for the price you pay, gives me the satisfaction of every two years or so upgrading to their next generation gear. If I were to buy very high end (and price) equipment, I would be stuck with it for many years wondering if something better was out there! With NAD you get wonderful sound and not a bunch of crap you don't realy need! |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittNYC, NY Post Number: 557 Registered: May-05 | I don't know about the whole line, but most of the Silver Series isn't NAD. They are re-badged Gryphon Audio products. Not that it was bad stuff at all, but don't give NAD too much credit. I've read that the integrated amp, 2 channel power amp and 2 channel pre-amp were all Gryphon. I don't know about the sources and multi-channel stuff. I'm not a NAD basher. I've owned their gear for the last 15 years or so and love it. The new stuff looks very nice, but how will it sound? Everyone is getting hyped up for stuff they haven't heard. At $2400 (?) for the integrated amp, it's going to have some very stiff competition. A couple names that come to mind are Bryston, SimAudio, Naim, Unison and Music Hall. Should be interesting so see how well it holds up. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 1700 Registered: Feb-05 | I agree with Stu. I currently have a number of NAD pieces so it's obvious I like what they do but the new gear will have very tough competition. Stu named a few but how about Creek, Musical Fidelity and heck at that price you can look at some nice tube gear if your interested. NAD makes great mid fi gear but it remains to be seen what they can do at the next level. |
Bronze Member Username: SubiedriverPost Number: 49 Registered: Apr-05 | Stu, who is making the Master Series stuff? Any idea? Is this also rebadged product from another maker? I would add conrad-johnson and YBA to the lists in 2 previous posts. Just my personal preference but if I'm going to spend big bucks I'd rather get a model that YBA has had in production for a few years than take a flyer on NAD's brand-new product aimed at cracking into the high-end market. Again, this is just my preference. And I'm not bashing NAD. I love my old NAD stuff. |
New member Username: DinikosEnschedeNetherlands Post Number: 3 Registered: Sep-05 | Hey guys check this out.... Looks good huh... |
New member Username: DinikosEnschedeNetherlands Post Number: 4 Registered: Sep-05 | And don't say NAD can't make High-end equipment... |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 542 Registered: Apr-04 | This time NAD is making all as far as I was told! Correct me if I am wrong. |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittNYC, NY Post Number: 562 Registered: May-05 | I think just about any company is capible of making high end gear that sounds great. I'm sure even Bose or Sony could make stuff that sound wise could compete with Levinson, Krell, etc. But can they make stuff that sounds that good at a competitive price? It generally isn't about how good a product a large company can make, it's about can they make it at a cost that can compete with it's rivals, will people followers of certain brands/price points buy their gear, and so on. How many people would buy a $40,000 pair of Sony speakers? Not nearly as many if it had a Wilson, Krell, Martin Logan or B&W logo affixed to it. What does this mean? Can NAD's $2400 integrated amp sound at least just as good, if not better than a $2400 Musical Fidelity amp? Would serious buyers give it a chance to sound just as good, or would they dismiss it as mid-fi NAD gear? Would a $2400 NAD integrated hold it's value if resold as well as a $2400 Naim amp would? Would it be supported in the long run as Bryston, SimAudio, and McIntosh are? At this price point, their are a lot more variables to consider than sound quality alone. It may sound better and be better built than amps twice it's price, but if no one buys it or gives it a chance, it'll die out. I think NAD is building their own stuff this time. But all of my info came from this thread and the links when they were working. When I brought up how NAD didn't actually make the Silver Line gear themselves, it wasn't a shot at them. I was trying to get the point across that you can't say they've done it before with great results. That would be like saying SAAB has proven they can make a great SUV because of the one they have now. They can't get any credit for it because it's a re-badged Chevy Trail Blazer. If SAAB announced they were coming out with a new SUV and they were designing it themselves, you couldn't point to the current one as proof that they know what they are doing. I hope NAD designs and builds the Master Series gear themselves. With NAD's current reputation, it'll probably sound better than it's competition dollar for dollar. I hope it does well. For $2400, I'd most likely opt for Bryston, SimAudio, or a slightly use McIntosh integrated. |
Bronze Member Username: SubiedriverPost Number: 54 Registered: Apr-05 | Re: Saab, I don't know what's worse, the idea of them selling rebadged Chevys and Subarus or the idea of them actually making their own cars. |
Unregistered guest | hello people over there I have just bought a NAD M15 from my dealershop over here in martinique and believe me it was not an easy task but as my amplifier ent out in smoke I had to go for a new type of hify sound. So my new amplifier will be a Sherbourn 7/2100a and my processor will be a Nad M15 do not ask me if I heard it before this is Martinique an island lost inbetween the caribbean & the atlantic so before you can hear something ..... So I bought this gear in the shadow of my little experience with Nad electronics and paired it with with what seem to be the most bang-for-the-buck amplifier I could go with The Sherbourn. Now dont get me all wrong here I am not a know it all person but it seems to me that if a company like Nad tries to go all the way into making a good mid high end product I should give it a try, knowing that I am going from a receiver to separate and that the offers over here are not that many, mind you if I was in mainland europe maybe would I have consider my all new to be heard system a totally different try.But sometimes you have to give a try to new systems isn it the whole point of having new gear to play with, and believe me my money is not somthing that I play with but my HIFI, YES...The rest is in my thought is only talk.So yes for the same price I could have bought the new masterpiece from Denon ie AVCAXV or even it's couterpart the ONKYO TXNR5000E, but after 15 years of commiting myself to receivers only I thought that it was time to try the separates ways, and so I will tell you in a few weeks if my choice was good or bad because in real life there is only two options the good ones and the bad ones. And that'll I have to say to that matter. FG2BM |
Anoynymous Unregistered guest | Interesting! |
Bronze Member Username: SubiedriverPost Number: 56 Registered: Apr-05 | funny that NAD would be shipping to martinique before the U.S. or Europe isn't it? Or is this just more astroturfing? Hopefully others from far corners of the globe will be heard from soon. This must be NAD's new strategy, start at the fringes and then only after a long delay sell to those "less important" markets like the US. |
New member Username: Fg2bmTartane, Trinite Martinique Post Number: 1 Registered: Sep-05 | Right do not get me wrong my tiping and my phrase was not particularly clear I have bought my Nad and my Sherbourn, here in Martinique. What I have forgotten to write down was that I have not yet received them. You will find it very difficult to see any static product here and if one want something one must first order the Item first!!! Sorry for the incorrectness of my previous post. That is why I was saying that it is particularly difficult to hear anything over here fg2bm |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittNYC, NY Post Number: 595 Registered: May-05 | Hubert - I couldn't agree with you more on SAAB. My father has owned a foriegn car garage for about 30 years now. SAAB owners are his best customers, hands down. About NAD - If they're shipping to select small markets first, this could be a trial run. If they have a lot of mechanical problems, a small market is easier to clean up than a large one. It would be like sending out a couple hundred prototypes and getting feedback rather than a trial by fire here in the States. It's much easier to work out the kinks if say a thousand were sold rather than trying to work them out after a couple hundred thousand have been sold. |
Bronze Member Username: SubiedriverPost Number: 57 Registered: Apr-05 | Or as Francois says, his local dealers are taking orders early. For all I know you can do the same here. Francois good luck with the NAD machine. Hope it is great for you. |
New member Username: Fg2bmTartane, Trinite Martinique Post Number: 2 Registered: Sep-05 | Well I hope it too Hubert... But sometimes you have to take some chances and well I have taken one, how many others will? My first concern was would I prefer to go separates or go with a one box do-it-all, well I thought that maybe it was time that I try something different, so in the end I will really have two choices, Do I like what I'am hearing or not? And that well I will not be abble to say untill I receive those units. For the record I feel that sometimes the choices you make are not only dictated by what you hear or what you feel but what you think you will be feeling. Meaning I do not know yet what I will feel but in many respect good or bad I will feel something, and mix-and-match are so different to everybody that you can not tell what will be good for one or the other, only patient approach to them will decide. On SAAB well I could not agree more how do you choose A car, what made you decide to go for this one instead of that one, Cars are maybe the most exposed Item that shows what we should BE to everybody that does not mean and reflect who we are, well HIFI is pretty much the same , look at brands like Wilson audio, Goldmund, Halcro, Krell,...etc they are the Ferrary's of the HIFY, but do we all need, or want, or even can, go to work in those cars or is it just because we fell in love with what those MACHINE represent to us and what they make us feel. Well I believe that we all have to start somewhere and for me it will be with NAD, period. |
New member Username: Fg2bmTartane, Trinite Martinique Post Number: 3 Registered: Sep-05 | Hello a few pictures from abroad ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
New member Username: Fg2bmTartane, Trinite Martinique Post Number: 4 Registered: Sep-05 | As it seem that nobody is taking any care in this topic, in the last two days, well my next and future post will be when I receive my all new NAD M15 gear, anyway, thank you all for your interest and input in this subject in this topic and in NAD. I believe that sometimes you have to make choices, and only after you've experience them, you can really say if they were good or not. fg2bm |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 553 Registered: Apr-04 | It is not that anyone is taking care of this topic only that we don't know much about this equipment yet! I am looking forward to when you get them and let us know your thoughts. I am very sure that you will not regret! NAD is obviously headed in a new direction in this barcket and from what I heard their next upgrades in the mid-fi section will also be a major step up. Mostly they are revising their AV stuff to make them more reliable at this point even though most negative comments are over exagerated! Let us know as soon as you receive your gear. |
Bronze Member Username: SubiedriverPost Number: 58 Registered: Apr-05 | A new benchmark in high-end audio photographs ... |
New member Username: Firebook23Post Number: 3 Registered: Sep-05 | Ya these are really nice... I saw them at CEDIA last month and they also sound great as well. They were hooked up to a 7.1 psb in-wall system and they rocked. even with all the show noise you could tell these things are going to do well. looks like this guy works for them. |
Bronze Member Username: SubiedriverPost Number: 59 Registered: Apr-05 | Nice pix. I'm not sure but I think this is NAD's entire customer service department. |
Unregistered guest | I spoke to HiFi specialist dealers in Aus who attended trade "pre-launch" of NAD Masters Series. Feedback was extraordinarily positive eg "Amp blew socks off Myryad and Primare and Cyrus and will cost a lot less". And "tank-like build quality" And "keep an open mind on multi-disc player; it's stunning" Never bought NAD myself but am now waiting to check out new line before buying new system. Due date in Australia is late November. |
New member Username: Firebook23Post Number: 4 Registered: Sep-05 | just came across this site. looks like they will be launching this on the regular home page as well as on it's own micro site. |
New member Username: Stephen_mPost Number: 4 Registered: Aug-05 | I can vouch for the integrated. The one I heard was fantastic! |
Bronze Member Username: SubiedriverPost Number: 63 Registered: Apr-05 | well it is now the day after thanksgiving. have these new machines arrived in any stores in the US? anyone seen or heard them? what's the buzz? |
New member Username: Stephen_mPost Number: 6 Registered: Aug-05 | Unfortunately it looks like the Masters Series has been delayed until late December. But it will be well worth the wait. |
New member Username: Fg2bmTartane, Trinite Martinique Post Number: 5 Registered: Sep-05 | Dear sir it seems to me that from the informations I was given to ,that the master series was not to be sold in the US before the last week of december or even early january 2006. Regards from martinique , the french island where the atlantic ocean is at least 27° all year round. |
New member Username: Fg2bmTartane, Trinite Martinique Post Number: 6 Registered: Sep-05 | By the way those are celsius degrees so it is pretty warm all year round ... So before a good listen on your HIFI take a plunge into a really warm sea just to make you comfy-.... fg2bm |
Bronze Member Username: SubiedriverPost Number: 64 Registered: Apr-05 | Just found the press release from CEDIA in September -- at that time it appears they were shooting for November ship date.,136/ |
New member Username: Fg2bmTartane, Trinite Martinique Post Number: 7 Registered: Sep-05 | Hello, I just received a note from NAD CUSTOMER SUPPORT and they tell me that the M series will not be launched before next january because of some delays so I guess We'll have to wait ...... |
Bronze Member Username: SubiedriverPost Number: 65 Registered: Apr-05 | Shocking ... |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 2398 Registered: Feb-05 | Better to wait than deal with the recent rash of NAD QC issues. |
Bronze Member Username: SubiedriverPost Number: 66 Registered: Apr-05 | I'm sure the delay was done on purpose, all part of NAD's master plan to build even more anticipation and "stimulate interest." Very very savvy marketing on their part. Those crafty guys. Still no mention of the Master Series on the NAD website either. Very sly. Stealth mode, I guess it's called. |
New member Username: OrangeclockworkPost Number: 8 Registered: Dec-05 | Belive me these new NAD's are no "benchmark" in audio. NAD continues to use fans in their amp sections. Looks aren't everything people. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 595 Registered: Apr-04 | Ok............we'll believe you!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't buy new NAD's.........Bad Bad Nad!! Fans no good! I guess some of the 20000$ Power amps I recently seen at a show with fans are really bad!!!!! |
New member Username: OrangeclockworkPost Number: 9 Registered: Dec-05 | Name one. Don't go searching google name one right now. |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittNYC, NY Post Number: 797 Registered: May-05 | John - Looks definately aren't everything. If you've read the posts, this has been addressed. I think the majority of us in this thread (though I can't and shouldn't speak for anyone else) are interested in how it's going to sound and perform, and how well it'll stack up against the competition. As I've said before - it'll have a lot of very good competition to beat. Also, just because it may have fans doesn't mean anything. Have you ever heard of McIntosh? I can't remember the specific model numbers, but they had a line of high powered amps that all had fans cooling them. The Greatful Dead used some of them in concerts. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 596 Registered: Apr-04 | In all honesty John, I do not recall the name brand of the amps I saw as they were not my interest except that they were very large and powerful and all transistor. They were not our typical name brands we discuss here......I guess I could find out but that is not really important here. NAD knows they are competing in a very competative market in this price range and those that have listened to the Silver Series can vouch that they were one of the best at that price ONLY NAD is not known in this market and when one mentions their name, people do not react as they would Krell for example. They definately have their hands full here and maybe it will work but I am convinced they are stuck in the mid-fi market and should of maybe used a different name for this equioment. I will most likely buy their amp at some point after maybe a year on the market to see if they are reliable even though after 20 years of buying NAD's I have only had one issue where the speaker connectors on the back broke..........if you call that a problem!!!? John, I am sure that NAD has done their homework and whether or not it pays off, we will see. All I can say is that inital reports are that they sound fantastic. |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittNYC, NY Post Number: 802 Registered: May-05 | "...and those that have listened to the Silver Series can vouch that they were one of the best at that price..." NAD didn't make the Silver Series. It was re-badged Gryhon Audio gear - similar to my previous SAAB 9 7x/Chevy Trailblazer analogy. I have been a loyal NAD owner for about 15 years now, but I still have to call a spade a spade. As far as I know NAD has never made gear (themselves) at this level before. The Silver Series is no indication in any way that they are capable of producing upper-end equipment. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 597 Registered: Apr-04 | Yes I know that but it still had to pass NAD standards and did use some of their knowledge. You are right STU but I think (don't quote me) the new Master Series is mostly developed by Bjorn himself. All in all, the Silver Series was very good and was extremely well built. Most gear out their at these prices is contracted out anyways like your car! I think this would be to give the consumer a chance at good gear at a more resonable price for us who do not wish to spend 10000$ on a CD player! |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittNYC, NY Post Number: 805 Registered: May-05 | I think (don't quote me either) the Master Series is entirely designed by NAD and Bjorn Eric Edvardsen. NAD has a history of giving you a lot for your money and I hope they keep it up with this line. I'd really like to hear it, but I won't be able to afford it. Harvey Electronics has the integrated amp and universal player on their web page already. I have no idea when it'll be available. They've also had the NAD NetCap on their page for a while, which I'm pretty sure never materialized. It's not no NAD's page anymore. |
Bronze Member Username: SubiedriverPost Number: 67 Registered: Apr-05 | Two words for this: Volkswagen Phaeton. Now no longer being sold in U.S. Why? Because people who spend $80K on a car don't want a VW badge on it. Tough for low-cost brands to move up into higher price points. (That said, I have an old NAD Monitor series CD player that is 13 years old and still works great.) Cost $500 in early 1990s, I think. |
New member Username: Stephen_mPost Number: 8 Registered: Aug-05 | Yes, the Masters Series is entirely designed by NAD. I also have had the pleasure of living with the integrated for a short time and comparing it to other products in the price range. Fan or not (which I never could hear even in very quiet passages) it is an exceptional piece of gear and I'll be getting one for myself. |
New member Username: Stephen_mPost Number: 9 Registered: Aug-05 | That having been said: Though I don't have the M3 in my possession any longer I don't recall seeing a fan. ![]() ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Unbridled_idChicagoUsa Post Number: 127 Registered: Mar-04 | It is beautiful.... |
New member Username: Fg2bmTartane, Trinite Martinique Post Number: 8 Registered: Sep-05 | Well It seems to me that if you were to take a look at at nad web site we are to see finally a mention of the master series well we are just now to see if those spec will be up to what we will receive in a couple of month if all things are all right. SUNNY REGARDS FROM MARTINIQUE THE FRENCH ISLAND WERE THE SUN IS ALWAYS SHINING EVEN IN THE WINTER FG2BM |
Anonymous | Francois, Vous ette tres fortunate! |
Silver Member Username: NuckParkhill, Ontario Canada Post Number: 900 Registered: Dec-04 | But..can they get the humm and hiss out of it this time?!?! |
New member Username: Fg2bmTartane, Trinite Martinique Post Number: 9 Registered: Sep-05 | Well I may be a tad late but this is a very demanding period for us here, so I would like to wish a very Happy New Year 2006 to all of members. Best regards from the sunny french Island, Martinique, the Flowers Island |
Unregistered guest | "But..can they get the humm and hiss out of it this time?!?!" This is from the brochure for the M25 amp: "NAD employs a unique electronic ground isolation circuit to prevent ground loop noise in the system..." Looks like they have it handled, but of course we will see. BTW - I preordered my M15 and M25 yesterday and was told that they should be delivered by the end of Jan. I'll try to remember to post pics and my feelings about the sound quality here. If I forget, check the AVS forum under the thread titled "New Nad Master Series...". I would like to add to the thread discussion by saying that I disagree with the VW Phaeton analogy. The Master Series M15 / M25 combo is the price of a flagship receiver so they really aren't competing with the likes of Mark Levinson or other prestige brands. I think the move up for NAD is quite a reasonable one. These are much more than pretty faces with no substance. Just look at the pics of the internals. Anyone that cares enough to engineer such a graceful and even beautiful internal layout obviously cares quite a bit about the quality of the product. |
Silver Member Username: Sun_kingLeeds, West Yorkshire UK Post Number: 325 Registered: Mar-04 | Due at UK dealers end of Feb. |
Bronze Member Username: Stephen_mPost Number: 11 Registered: Aug-05 | US dealers have already begun receiving initial shipments. |