Question On Buying Reciever With Speakers I Have


Unregistered guest
Hey, I have two Quart speakers rated at 110 watts each, and two speakers from a Panasonic mini system rated at 100 watts each. I was just wondering if I got a reciever, how loud would I get this without them blowing, and would they blow? Also, would it be a good idea to hook these four speakers up to the reciever? Any suggestions or should I do something else? I am trying to DJ music through my computer at college frat house, and I want something loud but cheap and I fear running it through my mini-system with these four speakers won't be loud enough.

Gold Member
Username: Paul_ohstbucks

Post Number: 1895
Registered: Jan-05
You plan to try your hand at DJ'ing parties with minisystem speakers???


If you expect to do any serious rocking, you had better invest into some speakers capable of doing so. Nobody in your house owns any 'kickin' speakers?? What kind of frat is this??

Tony is just one of my countless alter-egoes who likes to pop up with inane questions, don't worry.

Unregistered guest
We did it last year with a reciever and some speakers. I got 110 watt speakers for free this summer. I was just wondering if I hooked them up to a reciever if I would get some good sound to it, or if I indeed need new speakers also. I am looking to go cheap, so I am going to go look at a pawn shop or two. And I don't know who the guy is that posted as anonymous. And its not like we go big-time professional, as long as the music is good, everyone is drunk and having a good time.

Gold Member
Username: Petergalbraith

Rimouski, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 1190
Registered: Feb-04
How loud they will go depends on their rated sensitivity (which is independent from power handling), specified as sound pressure level (dB) at 1W and 1 m.

New member
Username: Patnshan

Wisconsin USA

Post Number: 2
Registered: Aug-05
Most people who do parties like that go for big, durable speakers. Soemthing that plays loud and maybe a little distorted. Like Cerwin Vegas or something. I think the speakers mean more than the amp in that situation. I doubt you will get the needed results out of the speakers you describe.
Here's some for 99 cents on ebay. May be worth that too:-) emZ5796253511QQcategoryZ14993QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
As for a receiver, maybe an older, used stereo receiver like a kenwood or sherwood.

Good luck,


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