My avr 235 has started to act up on me. My left channel was out....fiddled around with everything,,now both my left and center chanels are this a known problem with HK.???
I don't know about the AVR 235, but I have owned the AVR 330 for 16 months... loved it. Now it has seemed to crap out. Only the front two chanels are working and I have it blasted at max volume (still can't hear anything).
Have reset the unit, but it won't recognize any of my other speakers... have even switched the speakers around. For some reason, only the front right & front left speakers have output. When I try to change speaker selection with the front display or through On Screen Display, the Speaker selection and channel output options are disabled.
Is there a magic button I need to push (like the rear seat child safety lock in sedan automobiles) that I need to push to get the unit to work, or is it screwed?
hi,guys.i just brought my avr75 in for service same thing happend to me first it was the back channels that went.then the front left is starting to sound distorted.hope they can fix it because this monster rocks.i would be happy to just have stereo.i think this is a comon problem with hk from what ive been reading.