Best sound quality


Unregistered guest
hey what is the top mini system with the best sound quality. bang-olufsen seems the best what do you guys think

Silver Member
Username: Edison

Glendale, CA US

Post Number: 832
Registered: Dec-03
Linn classik sounds better to me - they got the highest rating from the hifi-choice magazine.

Denon-mission system is not bad either - better than B&O.


Silver Member
Username: Basshead86

Ocala, FL USA

Post Number: 419
Registered: Aug-05
i have a mediocre $200 Panasonic Shelf system
it shakes my house though!! lol

Bronze Member
Username: Matt1234

Post Number: 14
Registered: Aug-05
I have a big JVC shelf system.

It pounds pretty well with its built-in subs, but I also think that its built-in AM/FM tuner has bad reception, the CD player doesn't always work very well, and the tweeters try to compete with the subs.

Bronze Member
Username: Matt1234

Post Number: 16
Registered: Aug-05
I have a big JVC shelf system.

It pounds pretty well with its built-in subs, but I also think that its built-in AM/FM tuner has bad reception, the CD player doesn't always work very well, and the tweeters try to compete with the subs.

New member
Username: Stereocollector

Post Number: 5
Registered: Jan-06
I had that same JVC system, but it was the first model. Very thin CD trays. Still the same? On the SECOND DAY of owning it, the trays got stuck, leaving two CDs inside. Rather than lug the whole thing back to the store, I unpryed them myself. They got stuck again. After turning the system off and on several times, a CD came out...with a huge chunk broken off! I sold the system months later. I now realize that the bass shook the CDs off of the trays while they were inside, and when they rotated, the part of the CD hanging off was snapped off. Terrible experience. That Panasonic pic, though...That's a good system. I owned the same one, minus the subwoofer, and the sound was loud and realistic.

Vintage audio is the way to go guys way cheap and way built to last forever. Look into it have some fun. My system cost me a 100$ and it could easily blows any of those outta of the water. Speakers are made outta real wood cabinets, what a concept. Sounds amazing

Unregistered guest
yea i have that shelf system. i had to extend the wire and make a 3 foot loop to get good reception in my house. the system is sometimes to powerful and makes my cd's skip when i play techno. think im gonna write a letter to the company and give them an idea of what they have to fix in their next model.

Unregistered guest
I have the Sony MHC-GX450. I hear a lot of people complaining about its poor CD player, but I've had mine for about a year now and eveything's worked perfectly. The bass is amazing and the sound at the higher levels (18 of 30... (60%)) is still amazingly clear. I'm pretty happy with it.

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Username: Gamerdude

Kitchener, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 3
Registered: Apr-06
i got the philips fw-c555 175/2channle and i ran a 300watt 12inch woofer jbl sub on it and 2 180watt 12inch woofer,4inch mid,1inch tweeter

And it was desent loud as hell cops were called :s

but all the new philips have gone to being great to middle of the bunch some one told me that all the new philips use microchips instead of magnets i dont no it its true but on the back of the reciver i said 120watts/2 channles and this was supose to be a 500watt system it sound lower then my 280 watt philips so...the JCVS are pretty impressive up to 550watts not bad but sony has this new one coming out with somthing like 800watts its 4 channle

New member
Username: Gamerdude

Kitchener, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4
Registered: Apr-06

the bluesh one is the 500watt and the black o.j one is mine
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