Jeffrey | Gandalf, Set your SW to ON, Speakers to NML, Surr Remix to ON only if you have a surround back speaker connected, and your SW Remix to ON. The only changes you might try are setting your Front and Center Speakers to Large, but only if they are capable of playing 80Hz and below. If not, then set them to NML. Of course, as you play something, you can toggle the NML to Large settings and see if the difference in sound is more pleasing to you at your listening position(s). The above assumes you can connect the RCA Pre-out for the sub to the RCA input(s) of your Bose subwoofer. |
Kyle Mychajlonka | I have been reading through all the posts on this website, and have some questions. When did Kenwood introduce this receiver? Was it in 2002? Has anyone seen info on the 2003 models yet? I would like to upgrade, but may consider waiting until Kenwood introduces the 2003 model in hopes that they add more to this already feature packed receiver. |
| Kyle: From the posts here, It looks like September 1st or so is when everyone was able to get their hands on the 6070; so I'm not sure how soon Kenwood is planning on upgrading it. |
| Hello everyone.... great great thread and help here. Just awesome. Well, about a week and a half ago I was about to buy a Harmon Kardon AV320 receiver new from Fry's Electronics for $299. At the last minute I chickened out and passed on the deal. Well, I'm happy I did because my 6070 should be here in 2 days from Vanns. They were out of stock when I decided Monday morning but were in stock Tuesday morning. |
| Didn't want to have a long post so here is my question. I downloaded the manual and have been reading it, and also done a lot of other reading so I'm trying not to be a newbie. I've been running my entire system on a 1992 Aiwa shelf stereo system *gasp* and have plugged everything into my TV (Sony Wega 27" w/component input) and monitor out to the Aiwa. I have 2 mid-sized speakers which sound great, people has asked if I have a home theater system with it. Well, I live in an apartment, first floor and my system just cannot by loud... also I'm on a budget. My 6070 is an xmas present, and I'm going to buy the Yamaha NS-P220 setup. I will upgrade when I move to a house. Anyways, I think I want to use my mid-size speakers for the front left and right. Then use the Yamaha left and right for a 7.1 setup. So, I have the high, mid and sub. Sound resonable? |
| Steve M.: Since most of what I've read indicates that you should used "matched" speakers whenever possible for a true Home Theater surround system, I'd be tempted to recommend using the Yamaha system as your main speakers and the mid-sized speakers for the back surrounds. You may want to try different arrangements and see what sounds best to you.... |
| Ok, ok, maybe I got it!!! First I have to spend a word about the typical Bose Acoustimass connection: all the 5+1 outputs from the amp go into the sub and all the 5 small dipolar speakers/satellites are connected to the sub. The reason for this is that the Bose sub makes its own low frequency cut sending then the proper signals to the 5 small speakers. This way the 5 satellites r not driving any low frequency they are not made for. If this is the case I understand that the settings should be: 1. SPEAKERS=LARGE 2. SUBW = ON 3. SW RE-MIX = ON (according to the manual LARGE+SW REMIX OFF -> no sound from subwoofer, whereas LARGE+SW REMIX ON -> sound from subwoofer) This way all the correct signals should come from the amp into the sub that would cut the low frequency from the 5 channel (that are not supposed to drive them) and from the .1 channel, sending to the 5 satellites only the frequency they can drive. That's why Bose says to set the speakers to LARGE. I REPEAT: I don't know if this is right, it's just what I thing it should be collecting information from Kenwood, Bose and you guys. Of course things are different if you connect your speakers directly to the amp. In this case for a classic 5.1 with active subwoofer you would set SPEAKERS to NML and SW RE-MIX OFF, provided that you have 5 small satellites and an active subwoofer. One more question about connections. I have the SAMSUNG DVD+VHS combo that has the following output connections: - ANALOG AUDIO OUT via one RCA pair - DIGITAL OUT OPTICAL - DIGITAL OUT COAXIAL For the moment I'm just using the DIGITAL OUT OPTICAL connected to the OPTICAL CD/DVD in on the amp. This way I can hear DVDs and CDs just choosing the CD/DVD source. I've heard that using analog connection for the CD gives a warmer sound, so should I connect my ANALOG AUDIO OUT from my player to the ANALOG AUDIO IN CD/DVD of my amp? If yes, when playing a CD how can I make the amp choose the analog source instead of the digital one ? many thanks |
| By the way, from the BOSE AM10 III manual: Your Acoustimass 10 speakers are compatible with the output from digital surround receivers. Integrated Signal Processing assures full bass reproduction for all channels regardless of receiver settings. However, the following table suggests a set of recommended receiver settings. The cube speaker arrays should be set to LARGE in the receiver's digital display menu. The LFE, or subwoofer, is set to ON. If applicable, the crossover value should be set to the lowest number possible, typically 80 Hz. Speaker Receiver setting Front left and right LARGE Front center LARGE Rear left and right LARGE LFE/Subwoofer ON |
| Hello to all those happy owners that have a Kenwood vr-6070 shaking your ears. I just got this baby a few hours ago and I'm please to say that this is one of the best mid-end digital receiver out there. The price, sound and the latest digital decoders DD-EX & DTS-ES are the key factors to smoke this cinema artifact. The instruction manual really needs help but if you are a home theater vet is just a matter of natural exploration. The THD is 0.09% in surround which is good but I don't know why the left and right surround channels are at 0.7% THD, so my recommendation is get a video essentials dvd set-up disc a Radio Shack digital sound preasure meter and calibrate all channels at 75db. The text display on the receiver should read -20db to -15db in the calibration process but that depends on the size of the living room. Speaker cables should be 16 to 12 gauge. Back again to the surround channels issue I recommend not to try to split the signal for the back surround channel when using the B.Surr Pre-Out because this will affect the sound and also the impendance of the system.Some people tend to do this in order to get a 7.1ch like effect. A lot of people are complaining about the RMS 100w per ch. during surround mode I just have to say that if you want to obtain good sound I recommend using speaker with 90db and up sensibility this will help the system amplification power. Remember that a 87db speaker will work with less efficiency than a 90db+ speaker it's like comparing 87 octane regular gasoline with 93 octane premium gas, getting the picture. It's been a great time reading all the reviews. If anyone have a specific question you can send me an e-mail at Happy Holydays from Cesar |
| If your having trouble with the sub-woofer remix on the Kenwood vr-6070 I recommend using this option only if; 1. dvd's in 5.0 or if you are listening to Dolby Pro Logic material. 2. when using small satellite speakers that can't handle low frequencies below 80hz but in that case you will also need to set the speaker to small. Other wise keep the sub-remix off. I hope this will be helpful. |
| Be forewarned, newbie here. After 3 or so years of happy ears, it's finally time to upgrade the Onkyo TX-SV646. I've been researching AVRs now for over 6 months, reading reviews out the ying yang, etc. I've been watching the prices on the Denon 3802/4802, the Onkyo TX-SR800, Yamaha DVX-S100 HTIB and the HK AVR525 hoping to snatch one of those up for a ridiculous price but was never quite ready to pull the trigger. That is a wide range of AVRs but each one had different features that appealed to me and I'm in the process of replacing my bedroom AVR as well as the living room AVR. I have now decided to purchase the Kenwood VR6070 based on each of your posts here and I thank you for your input as it has been invaluable in helping this novice decide on the best bang for the buck. WIth that said, I'd like some advice but do not want to make this a repetitve thread for the rest of you so would any of you be willing to email directly assisting me with what cables, speakers, etc. to buy at the same time? I would be very grateful for any and all help. Thanks. |
George Podhor | I found this discussion and it has been very helpful. My VR6070 arrives soon. I also have the Toshiba SD4800 DVD. I read some of you already have this set up, so it looks as though I should use both the coaxil and optical cables. I am wondering if there are any settings on the Toshiba I should make when I hook up my new reciever? Thanks for any suggestions. |
Tim P | George, You only need coax or optical from your DVD player not both. And on the toshiba make sure that you select bitstream out or whatever toshiba calls it. |
| Hello Brian, Good to hear back from you and I see that you have worked things out with your HT. As JMK stated, "midnight setting (Dolby Digital only), reachable by pressing the menu sound button and scrolling through the options" Hits the nail on the head. Thanks for the praise, =] John B. |
| Can someone please explain video component switching to me? Specifically, what can't I do with a Kenwood VR-6070 and an HDTV since the video component switching bandwith is only 10mhz on the receiver? How do you work around this issue? Tx. |
DashK | Hi Guys, I have the Japanese version of the Kenwood 6070, the KRF-X9060D I saw a few people commenting on Dolby Digital EX DVD's not switching to EX on the 6070. They aren't supposed too, since EX and DTS Matrix are just simulated 6.1, just like Pro-Logic II is simulated 5.1 Regardless if a DVD says it supports Dolby EX or DTS-Matrix, it does. If they print it on the back of the package, it's just for show. Since it's not a dedicated 6th channel, the receiver will default to Dolby Digital or normal DTS, because that's all the DVD will have anyway. The only dedicated 6 channel setup at current on home DVD's I know of is DTS-ES, and that is most definetly a dedicated 6 channel system coming from the DVD. If you have a rear center speaker wired, just switch the receiver into Matrix (for DTS) or EX (for Dolby Digital) mode to make use of it. BTW does anyone know the optimal settings on the AMP using a Powered Subwoofer? I have the Front R/L, Center, Surround R/L, and Surround Back speakers hooked up to the normal speaker out terminals using Banana plugs. Then I have my Subwoofer connected to the Sub Pre-Out. Anyone know the best settings for optimal Subwoofer performance? |
DashK | One more thing, can some one using a 2nd amp to drive the R/L Surround Back speakers explain how that works? I'm guessing you run RCA cables from the Surround Back Pre-Out on the Kenwood, to the Surround Back Pre-In on the other amp (or any of the inputs). My question is once that's done, how do you get the sound from the 2nd amp to the speakers? That's what is confusing me. Does the Pre-In device somehow get routed to the matching speaker cable output? Maybe by a toggle switch, I've never hooked anything up like this, so I wouldn't know. Thank you |
John K. | Dash, set all speakers to NML/THX(regardless of their size)which then automatically sends bass below 80hz in all channels to the sub, making SW re-mix unnecessary, so leave it off. If your sub has a bypass for its internal crossover use it, since the 9060(6070)is handling the crossover duties. If not, turn it up to the maximum to get it as far out of the way of the 80hz 6070 cross as possible. I'm not certain that I follow what's puzzling you about the use of a separate amp for the back surrounds, but only the back surround information will come out of that pre-out on the 6070, so no division is necessary. It'll go into say, a CD input on the separate amp and come out of the main speaker terminals,with regular speaker wire taking it to the back surround speakers. |
| Rich R: Read past posts for the 10 Mhz "issue". Essentially, if yuou're looking for the superior picture quality of HDTV, you wouldn't want to take a chance of degrading it by passing it through a receiver; so the best bet is to hook it directly into your monitor. |
Tim P | DashK I think most are confused on the EX issue because the manual says the 6070 should auto detect EX sound tracks. The problem with that is that early EX flagged discs caused problems with some Onkyo and a few other brands where the sound would drop out. Now a days, EX discs are not flagged for this very reason, so you have to change the mode to EX if you want it on. DTS ES is the same way, you must select it if you want it, but remember to unselect it when you play a non-EX/ES disc other wise you are going to get the mostly mono rear sound only out of your rear center speaker/s. |
DashK | Tim P I think you mean DTS Matrix right? Cause try playing the Blade 2 DVD, it auto-switches to DTS-ES for me (when I select it in the DVD menu for play). Yeah they used to try and flag it, but it messed up. It's no big deal for me really. Also for anyone, I was wondering what the best way to hook a powered sub? I just recently got a powered sub (I've has a huge 100w non powred pioneer for a few years) I have it connected to the Subwoofer Pre-Out on my amp, and I still have the 2 front speakers outs from the amp going to the woofers ins, and then the 2 speaker outs from the woofer going to the fronts. Should I still leave it like this even though I also have the sub connected to the amps pre-out? Or should I just run the fronts straight from the amp? Thanks |
DashK | Q: Can someone please explain video component switching to me? Specifically, what can't I do with a Kenwood VR-6070 and an HDTV since the video component switching bandwith is only 10mhz on the receiver? How do you work around this issue? Tx. A: Most HDTV's I've seen, have at least 2-3 component inputs, using the kenwood will only give you one more component input. But if you need more inputs, get something like this: It's made by JVC, really high quality, it also switches S-Video/Audio/Composite, and has the 30mhz that's recomended for HDTV's. You can certainly use the kenwood to switch component on an HDTV, it's just the component bandwidth is rated for non-hdtv's displaying component. I honestly think you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference switching with the kenwood and without it. But since the Kenwood only gives you one extra input (because you still have to use one from your TV for the receiver out line) you might as well just use the TV directly. The only component devices I have are Xbox and DVD, so even if I had an HDTV I wouldn't need more right now. How much stuff do you have? And if you don't have an HDTV don't even worry about it. |
rim yi | Hello, I am an amatuer who is getting overloaded with information. Let me know where I am wrong. Since VR6070 has a 24bit 96KHz DAC for each channel, all audio output at each channel, whether acquired or processed is limited to this DAC's capacity. Since my CD player samples at 400KHz with dual 20 bit pickups, it has more information (in stereo) than VR6070 can output. If this information is transferred anologly (sp?) VR6070 will dummy it down to its capacity, but not so, if connected digitally. DSP, DTS and SRS do their processing and outputs at 24bits at 96KHz per channel. Thus, it would be better for me to connect my CD to Vidio 2 which has a digial coax connection even if the monitor screen would be dark. Am I making any sense? Rim Yi P. S. My DVD has the same capacity DAC as that of VR6070. So there is no issue here. However, audio CDs played through my DVD does not sound as good as my dedicated audio CD player ,for the moment, connected to MD player slot via RCAs. Rim |
Anonymous | This is a great chat. I am buying the 6070 soon but am unsure as to speakers. My inclination is towards Accoustic Research HC2 system. Does anyone have an opinion or suggestion as to suitability of that particular speaker system? |
Anonymous | This is a great chat. I am buying the 6070 soon but am unsure as to speakers. My inclination is towards Accoustic Research HC2 system. Does anyone have an opinion or suggestion as to suitability of that particular speaker system? |
Alex | This forum was not designed to have so many posts. It's great info but it's no longer easy going through all these threads. Anyone up to moving this to a forum like phpBB, vBulletin or the likes? |
Kevin Montgomery | I just got my new 6070 and my speakers are Polk RM 6700 /PSW350 SUB. I bought 100 ft. of 16 gauge Acoustic Research speaker this o.k.? I've read that some use 12 gauge. I might return it & go to Home Depot & grab an industrial size spool of 12 gauge if needed! |
| I am new to configuring Receivers. I just bought a Kenwood VR 6070 and am having trouble configuring (no video - only sound) a HDTV (Samsung TXM2796HF - with component video), Sateliite (Echostar with S-Video), RCA VCR (S-Video) and Philips DVD (COmponent Video and optical sound). Manual says all components should be either Component Video or S-Video? Is this true? I have RCA, Satellite on S-Video and DVD on component video. Any help is v. much appreciated - as I am a v new. Thanks devraj |
| Hello Kevin Montgomery, 16 ga. wire will be ok but I personally would use 14 ga. wire (just my opinion). I looked up your speakers on the net and the reviews are very good. I'm sure you will enjoy them. Check out for 16,12,10,8, and 4 ga. wire. |
DashK | John Briggs, can you please help me on this? Also for anyone, I was wondering what the best way to hook a powered sub? I just recently got a powered sub (I've has a huge 100w non powred pioneer for a few years) I have it connected to the Subwoofer Pre-Out on my amp, and I still have the 2 front speakers outs from the amp going to the woofers ins, and then the 2 speaker outs from the woofer going to the fronts. Should I still leave it like this even though I also have the sub connected to the amps pre-out? Or should I just run the fronts straight from the amp? |
Neil | Devraj, Every reciever that i have seen sets up the video the same way. You have to use all the same type. Either componet, S-video or RCA. there is no internal converter to switch between the them. What i had to do is buy some converters. I recomend converting your S-videos to componet so you don't lose any quality from the DVD player. |
Tim Price | Hello everyone. Was out looking at receivers today, and came across the Kenwood 6060. Was not sure about it, but the postings on this site lead me to believe it will be a good purchase. Thanks for your reviews. I am sure that, once I purchase it, I will be back to check for help in setting it up. |
| Wow!! This forum is still alive and kicking!! I've been reading through it since I bought my 6070 on Saturday. I have a question regarding DTS-ES and Dolby Digital EX.The manual was very confusing regarding these 2 settings.... Surround Mix On/Off SW RE-Mix On/Off I've got all my speakers set up including my Back Surround. How do I need to set those 2 "Mix" settings to make my Back Surround work correctly in DDEX and DTS-ES modes?? Thanks!! Scott |
| Cesar Cardona mentioned a video essentials dvd set-up disc. Does a DVD "test" or "setup" disk exist that has test patterns of Dolby Digital Ex and DTS -ES on it? It would be nice to set up a system with a known source. |
| Hello BJ Desmond, Yes, there are all kinds of DVD demonstration and test disks available. Allot of movies released on DVD have a THX Optimizer included on the sub menu of the disk. For example, Star Wars I and II on DVD or any DVD that bears the THX Logo will have this test tone section included on the disk. Also, your receiver should have a test tone section in the speaker setup. Regards, John B. |
| Hello DashK, Just use the one coaxial cable from the sub pre-out on the receiver to the subwoofers L, or main RCA input. Then wire your front main speakers directly to your amp. Hope that helps you, John B. |
DashK | Hi John Briggs , I was just told you cannot use the subs LFE jack AND the crossover to the front speakers, because if both are hooked up the sub defaults to the crossover and the LFE is ignored, is this true? This kinda sucks because I know stuff like music won't use the LFE right? So my sub won't do anything except in DVDs. |
rim yi | DashK I am not JB but my sub works fine with music. If you choose CSII and go to sound menu on your remote, you can choose either SW only, SW and LR or just LR as your choice for bass. I prefer SW and LR since I have 2 large front speakers. Even then you can definitely hear the sub kick in. Rim |
| First off... I love Awesome company. Here is my question. I'm on a tight tight budget. My receiver was a gift, and I'm buying all Acoustic Research wires for real cheap. I'm planning on buying the Yamaha NS-P220 for $105 (new) and adding the Yamaha NS-A50X ($40 new) for the 6 & 7 speaker. Now, all these speakers are 6ohm. Will that be a problem? Should I look into just 8ohm speakers? Thanks. |
| Hello Steve M, Can I assume that the receiver you got for a gift was a VR6070? The 6070 is an 8ohm receiver and using 6ohm speakers, you might lose some headroom, or the receiver may shut down on you during peak listening levels. I would suggest using 8ohm speakers. =] |
John K. | Dash,there's a bit of misunderstanding here. You don't identify your sub, but there aren't any which would have a connection which would actually play only the LFE channel. Despite what it's labelled, the "LFE" jack on your sub bypasses the internal sub crossover( which as I said in my previous reply to you is what you want)but receives all the bass information from all channels set"small"(NML/THX)in addition to the LFE channel. Again, as I said previously, set all speakers NML and bypass the sub crossover( which on your sub is accomplished by using the "LFE" jack). |
Robert A. | hello everyone, i just bought vr6060. i was impressed with the connectability it has. does anyone know any benefits of having this receiver? |
Don Murphy | Well I just purchased this unit and am disappointed in its loudness.I only have at the moment 2 speakers.They are bookshelf speakers that came with a 10 year old Fisher bookshelf system.They are 100 watt 8 ohm rated.I can run these at +13 on the VR6070.Can anyone explain why such poor performance.I could play the old fisher so loud you could not stand it. Don |
ibre34 | Hi guys I live in Chile and I got the KRF-X9060D version. This is the first receiver I have and the user manual is a little confusing for me. I have a Kenwood KS-306HT speakers front, surround and center and a JVC SP-PW100 60W active subwoofer. I don't have surround back speakers. Which is the best setup for this configuration? I configured 6Ch AMP SB Speakers = NLM/THX Surr Remix = ON SW Remix = OFF Is that OK? Thanks for your help and Happy New Year ! Isaac |
| Thnaks Neil, I got it working on the 29th! This is what I have: DVD - on Component Video, Sound on Optical Satellite - on S-Video, Sound on RCA VCR - Video on S-Video, Sound RCA I have just one Component video port left on the VR-6070. Would you recommend putting the VCR on S-Video to Component Video converter? as I can get a HD Tuner for the Satellite. Any recommendations for a good S-Video to Component Video converter? Devraj Thanks for your input about Vide |
Saul | I am in the research and buying mode for purchacing an upto date A/V reciever, these are my choices: Kenwood 6070 Onkyo TX-SR600 DENON 2802 Harmon Kardon AVR 520 Yamaha 1200 Panasonic HAE200K I assume many of you had a similar list; please tell me the pros and cons or why you picked the one you did? |
| I haven't been around for a week or so - It's good to see the posts are still coming on strong! It sure gives newcomers a lot to read, with a lot of very good information, too. Don Murphy: First check all your connections and settings to be sure that they are correct. Another consideration is that your older speakers could be very inefficient. I'm running JBL SCS150 speakers on my 6070 and my normal listening range varies from -34 to -24, and I like my music & movies loud enough for "realism". ![]() |
John K. | Isaac, Happy New Year to you, too. There's no doubt that several sections of the manual are unclear. Since you're not using the 6th channel amp terminal for either back surround speakers or an unpowered sub, the amp setting can be left"off". If you had set the surround back speakers(SB) to "off" the surr mix selection wouldn't have even appeared, since surr mix sends a mix of the side surround channels to the back surround speakers, and you aren't using any. So the surr mix should be "off", but even before that point, the SB should be set "off". You're correct in setting the speakers NML and the SW remix "off". |
Bon Murphy | First check all your connections and settings to be sure that they are correct. Another consideration is that your older speakers could be very inefficient. I'm running JBL SCS150 speakers on my 6070 and my normal listening range varies from -34 to -24, and I like my music & movies loud enough for "realism". I think the loudest I've been up to is -14, and that was to the point where you could hear it throughout the house and outside and it was verging on "uncomfortable" close to the stereo. I can't even imagine getting up to 0, never mind +13! My living room is fairly large at about 15'x25'. I can assure you I can do it and can also get that high using headphones.I wonder if I have a bad unit Don Murphy |
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