Gatisimo | Maria: I first bought the unit, then called back the next day and spoke to the manager. I said I wanted to return my unit for a full refund. When he asked why, I said because I found the same product for $170 cheaper at 6th Ave Electronics, which they consider a real competitor, not just some mom and pop. He told me to bring in the price from a flyer or a printout of the web site listing the price. I went there that night with my receipt and 6th Ave info. He called the store to confirm the price, and that was it... he price matched it. He even calculated the difference in sales tax and took that off. The best part is that I get to keep the $50 Best Buy gift card, and there's no financing for 6 months. |
Mary | Thanks Gatisimo! That's a real help! How did you get the gift card? On your original purchase? Mary |
| I bought mine at 6th ave for $427 the guy told me it was $599. I said that the 6th ave web site had it for $427 then they gave it to me for that price. The best buy had it for 5 something and the guy wouldn't negotiate. |
| I called Kenwood today about the above issue with the Kenwood VR-6070. The problem turned out to be with my Sony DVD player. I turned PCM off and set Down Mix to Normal. Once I did this the receiver was able to get the Dolby Digital signals just fine. Thanks for the help anyway. |
Mary | Best Buy wouldn't budge for me either. They said 6th Avenue was an east coast store and they would only price match for a local store. (I live in the Midwest). However, I just checked again and they came down since this morning. It's currently $438.91 with free shipping. All that and it's an authorized etailer! The sale will last until Nov. 20. I'm a happy camper now! ![]() |
gatisimo | For reference, I went to the Bridgewater Best Buy in New Jersey. 6th Ave stores are local here, so I guess Best Buy had to match it. In the past, they've matched prices for me as long as it's from a chain competitor like Circuit City. Maybe it was the fact that I was returning mine if they didn't match? Also, like I said, I had the price with me, and also showed the guy the price online. He showed no resistance. As for the $50 gift card... they have a special running where you get the card for home theater purchases of over $299. Something like that. |
ken daniel | Gatisimo : thanks for the response oh and congrats on that price match . ive paid a total of $560.00 a 4 year plan included for my vr-6070 kenwood at best buy price matched with Circuit City had it for $530.00 and best buy gives an addional 10% for any price matching that they do |
Anonymous | gatisimo i too will give it a try at the bridgewater best buy,i printed out the ad from 6th ave in springfield (427.00)and give it a try, i was not aware of their price matching ,actually when i wanted to haggle the price of the 6070 the manager said to me his name wasnt monty hall,lol its going to be fun getting this one later this evening ,thanks again gatisimo for the heads up. |
John Briggs | Hello Gatisimo, Yes, you can do what you said with the 6th speaker, although you would have a more convincing rear sound field if your couch was in the middle of the listening environment. I would have responded sooner but I've been out of town for the past couple of days. Regards, John B. =] |
Gatisimo | John: thanks for the response. I've decided to go pick up the additional cube speaker tomorrow. Toying around with the speakers, I noticed there is a huge difference when aiming half of each speaker toward the listener, and the other half towards the wall, at an angle. It does actually sound behind you. Pretty cool. Anonymous and anyone else deal with Best Buy: let me know how you make out. Good luck with your purchase, I know you won't regret it. |
Anonymous | Gatisimo,im sorry to say BestBuy didnt go for it the manager gave me a hard time,but had one of his staff call 6th ave store while i was standing there since 6th ave's policy is not to give prices over the phone BestBuy couldnt match it oh well i guess ill have to drive a bit and pick it up myself,im considering calling their corporate headquarters and complaning,oh well since i was in a spending mood picked up the speakers i wanted the Klipsch rf3ii for 600.00 for the pair The Wiz's manager gave me 200 off their normal price then after i pick up my receiver ill be asking you audiophile pros with help setting my system up,this is a great forum,I have learned alot about the capabilities of the 6070 which is why i cant wait to pick one up. |
| Hello to all! For the past two months I have been hemming and hawing about which AV Receiver to invest in...this being my first one that will be used 50/50 b/w HT and audio. I was pretty much decided on the Yamaha HTR-5560 (RX-V630) when I came across the reviews about the RV-6070. For a few bucks more, one seems to get many more features above the 5560. However, before purchasing the VR-6070, I need some help as I have a potential problem. My DVD player, a bottom of the line PAnny RV-32, only has a digital optical output, and no coax digital output. BAsed on my read of the messages here, there seems to be a problem with this receiver reading DTS-ES, EX and THX unless a coax cable is used. HAve many had this problem, or has Kenwood seemingly fixed it? How real a problem is this? WIth only an optical output, is this not the right receiver for me? I'd hate to have to buy another DVD player...the wife is already on me about buying this receiver. Thanks in advance for your help. Mark |
John Briggs | Hello Mark Poteet, There is no issue with using an optical cable with the VR6070. You just have to configure the DVD player and the 6070 properly. It's not difficult to do, you should read the owners manual first to familliarize yourself with its connections and functions. Once you understand how the signals pass through the receiver, you should then set the receiver up and make your connections. I think you will be pleased with your purchase, and look forward to hearing how it all works out for you. Regards, John B. |
Gatisimo | Mark: I use the optical cable on my set-up, and after picking up my 6th speaker today, I can confirm DTS-ES works fine using no other connections. Ditto with Dolby Dig-EX and THX-EX. |
Steve Smith | I am using a digital coax cable conecting my dvd player. When I player a movie it will show digital dolby, and all speakers light up except subwoofer. But the subwoofer sounds fine producing lots of bass. Anyone know what the problem could be. |
Anonymous | There was a question many posts ago about determining the correct polarity when connecting the speakers if the wire isn't marked. The first option would be to use an ohm meter and check for continuity but since the question is being asked, I'll assume you don't have a meter. Another way is to hook up the wire to the speakers and then use a 9 volt battery on the other end of the wire. When you apply the battery voltage, it will either push out or pull in the midrange/woofer cone on the speaker. Just ensure you are always either pushing or pulling the cone and hook the speakers up the same way with every connection. |
| i just bought the sony de985,then 2 days later i noticed the kenwood vr6060 for the same price($399).i bought the unit at circuit city,and have 30 days to return it.does anyone have a good opinion?the sony sounds awesome but theres no dts es.what should i do? |
leonard brisebois | I have the 6060 and really like it. It is almost identical to the 6070, except for THX processing, full pre outs and a digital out. The amplifiers are the same. It puts out 92 watts with all 6 channels driven, which is a lot for receivers in this price range. As for DD EX and DTS-ES, I think they add a lot to movies. Lord of the Rings was awesome in EX and the 4 disc version will have DTS-ES. You can also check out the current Sound & Vision magazine, which has a review of the 6070. Hope this helps. |
| Hi everyone: Great thread. Thanks. I picked up a 6070 two weeks ago and have been trying it out in a number of settings. Basic configuration is: DVD - Toshiba 3800 (using coax out) LF/RF - Wharfedale 8.4 Center - Wharfedale 8 center RR/SB/RL - Wharfedale 8.2 SW - Velodyne VLF-1012 - connected via pre-amp sub out. Kenwood set to 6 chan SB with SW Remix ON and, SB Remix ON Overall quite happy, but I have found the kenwood documentation to be somewhat light on technical details. Questions: 1) Anyone got a feel for exactly what happens between Large and ML/THX speaker settings, with respect to the crossover point on the low end? I am trying to determine which settings on the Velodyne would be best (direct or internal crossover). My guess is direct since the crossover should be done by the receiver. To date, I have achieved a somewhat better soundstage with Large on the front and NML/THX on all the others. 2) My guess is that the best setting on Bass Peak would be OFF when using the velodyne. Anyone else playing with larger subwoofers can comment? Since the velodyne did not clip all the way up to 0db I guessed that OFF made the most sense. 3) Has anyone decoded the meaning of the Speaker Input/Output indicator on the main display? I've got all the blue coloured ones on, but in white I am missing the SB and SW. Problem: When inputting a video signal (DVD, SAT, VHS) I have noticed a distinct point where the receiver starts to hiss. This seems to occur between -12db and -6db depending on the inputer signal. I test for this by putting the input signal on pause, and then increasing the volume. There is a distinct click at some point and the hiss kicks in. Anyone encountered this yet? Thanks to all. Feel free to ask questions, happy to help if I can. Jerry |
Anonymous | is anyone using the 6070 using paradigm monitor 7? |
Anonymous | Hi, I am considering the 6070 to upgrade my system. I am using 2 channels of a Kenwood KM-X1 6 channel THX amp (recently purchased used) along with a Denon 2 channel preamp for my front speakers and Onkyo surround processor for the center and rear channels. I now want to upgrade to at least 6 discrete channels with DD and DTS so started looking at 6 channel preamps. I found them way out of my budget. The 6070 seems a nice alternative. However, I am now not sure if there is any advantage to keeping my 6 channel amp as the power source and using the 6070 as a preamp or simply using the 6070 and selling off the KM-X1 amp. Something I should note is my front speakers are vintage floor model Polk RTA 12B's rated at 4 ohms (I have used these for years with a few different amps and receivers rated for 8 ohm speakers without a hitch, but none that have had to drive other speakers in the setup). For reference my other speakers are a Polk CS 100 center and Polk M3's for rear speakers. I have a Jamo non-powered SW I plan on adding if using the KM-X1 or can acquire a powered SW to use with the 6070. Can anyone offer any advice? Regards, Carl W. |
jeffrey bess | 11/11 took back sony de985 and found open box vr-6070 for only $449.00. i was going to buy a vr-6060 for $399.00 but for $50.00 more i got thx.still trying to configure.............but thanks for all the positive the way even though the box was open the unit still seemed untouched.$599.00 for a sealed one.great deal. |
John Briggs | Hello Carl W. I am using the 6th binding post channel of the 6070 for passive output to my Atlantic Technology powered sub at the rear of my soundstage with 10-gauge wire from I use JBL satellite speakers up in each 4 corners, and a JBL 150 watt Studio Series 3-way center channel for a 5.1 set-up using all 6 binding posts (speaker terminals) on the VR6070. The 6070 has six separate left and right pre outs: front L/R, surround L/R, surr.back L/R, plus 1 center, & 1 sub, equaling 7.1 pre outs. I use these OUTPUTS for my 6 LARGE speakers. Two front, two surround, and two surround back speakers that are connected to a SONY STR-DA3ES. The SONY has discrete 7.1 channel INPUTS plus 2 sub pre outs for my two front 400 watt JBL S-120P II subwoofers for a total of 14 speakers including 3 subs. I think you should try using the pre-outs of the 6070 with your other amps and hook your center speaker, and sub (passive or powered) to the 6070. That way, you will be able to use the 6070 for all your processing, and your other amps to drive your Polk speakers with the clean power of your Hi-end amps. It sounds like you have a good thing going there. Let us know what you decide on. Regards, John B. |
al chavez | Finally was able to pick up the 6070 from best buy in springfield nj ,took the print out from 6ave for 427.77 and theye matched it!!finally a deal |
Tony A | Hello, I have learned quite a bit from this forum. It has made my decision a lot easier to purchase the vr-6070. My question is to Al Chavez. I went to Best Buy today to look at the vr-6070. I was wondering what site you printed from and did Best Buy automatically match the price or did you have to play the sales game with him? I am still leary buying over the internet. Thanks, Tony A |
Jeffrey | I checked out the offer and ended up buying a 6070 last week with the free shipping and no tax for $438.91. That was on 11/7 and it got here today, 11/12 via fed ex ground. Not bad and thanks to Mary for pointing that out. I also read the review in Sound and Vision and found it very insightful and reassuring. Many people were wary of the Kenwood power output, but according to the tests from S&V, the 6070 puts out 92W at clipping in all six channels which is better than many of the $1500 and above receivers that they review. And the other specs on the Kenwood like noise and distortion also shine as well. Of course, I did not doubt it would not shine as this will be my third generation Kenwood receiver and I have happy many happy times with my older units. Now I got to figure out what to do with my 1060VR that I am replacing. |
John Briggs | Hello Jeffrey, Go for the 7.1 surround setup and use that 1060VR to drive your surround back speakers, You will like it. (just a friendly suggestion =] |
| Hi, I have a stupid question. But can anyone tell me how to deselect the DSP mode once you select one?! Is there a "cancel" command to remove it? Because once I selected one, the DSP mode display is always there (they should've put a DSP mode off in the selection menu). And I don't want it anymore. Can't remove it. ![]() |
Jeffrey | Hi Pascal, Use the Stereo button on the remote to toggle between DSP and Stereo, just figured this on out today in my early playing. John Briggs, that is a novel ideal and I think I will test it out. Only problem is my wife is already giving me crazy looks for going 6.1. But while I am running the extra surround back wire, I think I will go ahead and run one more to the back just in case :-). My neighbors are gonna start to hate me. |
| Tony i live in nj so 6ave electronics is considered a competitor i went to their site and printed out the page for the 6070 went to Best Buy down the road and picked up a 6070, took it to the register and they made the adjustments and to top it off i got a 25 gift certificate :-) if you need more info just email me |
Jim Bird | Hello, everyone on this site is fantastic and very helpful to anyone who is in need of help. I was contemplating buying the Kenwood vr 6070 thx receiver,but due to everyones info on it I will buy it soon. Hopefully Kenwood will fix the coax,optical connection issue soon. I can buy the receiver with my employee discount at almost 50% off. Bang for buck is what intrigues most with this receiver. Dp2,thx ex,dd ex,dts-es all for under $600 WOW! Thanks again everyone and enjoy the vr 6070 and happy home theatering to all. Jim B |
Mary | Hi Jeffrey, You're welcome. Mine came on the 12th also. I'm still working my way through the manual and set up. To Tony A.--I was leery about buying online too, but couldn't get a good deal otherwise. I ordered from Vanns on the 6th and received on the 12th. It arrived in good condition. I was very pleased with the service and whole experience. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. Mary |
Gatisimo | Hi, I have a couple of questions. 1. I have a 6.1 set-up, with a center surround speaker. When I watch a DTS-ES movie, such as Gladiator, my 6070 correctly displayers the "DTS-ES Discrete" header. However, when I throw in a Dolby-Digital EX" movie in there (such as Phantom Menace), my receiver only displays "Dolby Digital". I have to manually select "Dolby D EX", even though I have Full Auto selected, and I chose "Dolby Digital EX" in the sound set-up of the DVD. Does anyone else have this problem? 2. I have the Bose Acoustimass 16 speaker system. These come with those little reflective speaker cubes. In the manual for them, it says to select "Large" whenever a receiver asks for speaker size. I don't know why that doesn't seem right to me. It says in the Kenwood manual that my powered subwoofer won't be used in this case. Should I just use Nml/HTX then? 3. I have a Dolby Digital DirecTV receiver. Sometimes when watching a movie on HBO, the movie will be marked as having Dolby Digital audio, and my receiver will say "Dolby Digital", but only the front left and right speakers are lit up. Is this ok? Thanks for the help! |
| Hi Guys, I've been lurking on this thread the last couple of months and love to hear what you guys think. I had decided this would be my receiver back in January when I saw the specs from Kenwood. I debated back in forth between the Onkyo TR-800, Denon 3803, Yamaha 2300, and the Kenwood came out on top for bang for the buck, all the others costing $900. Like Mary and Jeffrey I ordered mine from Vann's on 11/6 and will be receiving on 11/13 today UPS. I am very excited. Like John Briggs I have 6 large full range speakers, but my 4 large surrounds are 6 ft off the floor(like a movie theater) on custom stands(36 inches above listener's ears). I did it this weekend hoping to get a very diffuse un-localized surround sound. I thought I would list some of the drawbacks to this receiver so people would know what it does not have. It will not support DVD-Audio 192khz/24bit 'High Resolution' 2-channel playback because all 7 audio DAC's are 96khz/24bit. But it will do DVD-Audio 96khz/24bit 'Multichannel' playback, which is probably what most people want. It also does not seem to have an adjustable internal low pass crossover. On speaker set-up, if you select medium or small 'Center' speaker, you cannot select 'large' for the surround speakers, meaning the receiver will now cut off any low frequencies to the 4 surrounds. Unfortunately the Kenwood does not have an 'On Screen Display'. The great features the Kenwood does have are way too numerous to list on just one page. But let's try. THX Surround EX, Dolby Digital EX, Dolby Digital, DTS-ES Discrete/Matix 6.1, & DTS 5.1 are the digital decoders. But what I really bought this amazing stereo for was the 3 analog matrix decoders: Dolby ProLogic II 5.1 (movie & music), DTS Neo:6.1 (cinema & music), Circle Surround Sound II 6.1 (cinema, music, & mono). The Kenwood is the first and only stereo to use SRS Labs new CSII decoder. Yes, I have done a little research on these receivers. Tonight I get to go home and actully use the thing. Question John B. ? I have 2 15" subs on either side of the tv out of the sub output. I also have 2 older 10" subs in the back. I have now put them under the 2 large front R/L speakers. Can I wire the front L/R speaker wires from the receiver to the 2 smaller subs, and then run the speaker wire to the front L/R speakers without diminishing the quality of the sound going to the 2 main speakers. This is so that the 2 main speakers each have their own powered sub. Also, if I have the 2 front R/L main speakers set to large, do they get full frequency range, including down to 20hz, or does the receiver's low pass crossover still kick in ? Thanks. |
Jeffrey | Gatisimo and others re the auto detect on the kenwood. It does state in the manual and even in the S&V review that this is an issue and kenwoods response is that some older or newer DVD's are not encoded with the correct flags for the auto detect to function properly. In that instance you are recommended to just manually force the right format. You should also try playing with the bit stream formats of your digital output on your DVD which should be accessible thru your DVD menus. The kenwood digital inputs for both coax and optical should accept DTS, Dolby Digital, or PCM signals and one of these formats may serve you better. As for your acoustimass speakers, I know they cannot reproduce the bass you want and as such, should not be set to large as this will send a full range signal to them. You should set them to nml/thx and then select sw on if you using pre-amp sub outs and if your fronts are set to nml/thx, then all the others speakers will be forced to nml/thx and subsequently, what you want to do is turn SW Re-Mix On. This will re-mix the lows from all the speakers in the array to your sub-woofer. At least this is how I interpret it from the manual and the S&V review. If your sub is powerful enough and not directive, then it will mix very well this way since the sub frequencies are usually direction independent, but you should play with the placement in this set-up to see how well it mixes with the rest of your system. As to your DirecTV receiver, you might want to make sure that the audio program your listening to is encoded in Dolby Digital. Not all programs that come thru your DirecTV are encoded. There is a way to find out which programs are, but I don't remember how. For the programs that are not, then you might try the Neo6 Cinema or CSII Cinema modes on this input and you will see that they actually do a respectable job of dispersing an almost realistic surround sound field. |
Jeffrey | Hi Gordo, I agree on the other formats Neo and CS II. Both have a different ambience to them, but great from a feature standpoint. As far as I understand so far, if you set any of the speakers to large, they will receive the full range of frequencies, but I am still doubtful about this because if it were true, then they internal amp would be doing some serious heavy lifting driving six full range channels. It doesn't seem equipped enough from an inductor/capacitor size standpoint in the internals to handle this. If someone could verify if there is a high pass filter that lops off the lower frequencies to the large setting speakers, I would like to know myself? But to answer your question, I have to pose it with a question. You do realize that if you are going to wire the front speakers with a sub off the same main L/R feeds, then you will have the same low frequencies coming from both speakers and this can be a bad thing with two speakers that are not timbrely matched. Yes you could do it, but you might want to put a high power high pass filter on the feeds into the l/r mains. This will get you your bass on the l/r, assuming the what I posed about the large setting being a full range setting. However, if you do use a hpf, say one that is 12 or 24dB and crossed at 100Hz, then you will also lose some power in this passive crossover. You can go for active ones and your sub might even have an active one built in, but I doubt it. If you do use the crossover, I recommend a high quality 24dB one which will minimize power loss to your mains and subsequently, not working your 6070 amp hard. |
| I recently purchased the 6070 from Circuit City. The unit is an open box offering. I did not receive a manual and have had no luck locating one on the Kenwood site. Everything is working very well. The only problem is with my subwoofer. My subwoofer is passive. In my previous setup, the front channels were sent to the passive subwoofer and then to the two front speakers. What is the proper method for connecting such a subwoofer to the 6070? Thanks in advance for any assistance. |
Jeffrey | Greg, in your case, you can run the sub off the sixth output which can be selectable from the menu using, press setup on the remote, the first screen is 6ch AMP SB. Use the joystick up/down to toggle this to say 6ch AMP SW and the output will be switched to SW instead of SB (surround back). For a manual, you might try emailing Kenwood and requesting one: I recommend you include your serial number just so they don't question your ownership. |
Richard | Greg, Try the Kenwood europe web site - look for the KRF-X9060 manual in the support section (this manual is for both the VR6070 and the KRF-X9060). Alternatively just download the manual - here is the URL ![]() Enjoy! Richard |
Kelly R | I've been shopping around for a surround sound system for a month now and after much research I had decided on a VR-6060 or VR-6070. Tonight I found this forum which has convinced me to get the VR-6070. Of course like most people in the forum I have questions. 1. I'm in Jax, Florida and circuit city has the VR-6070 for $569 and best buy has it for $599. I would much rather buy from a store than the internet but if only way to get a approx $450 price is through the internet then so be it. Does anyone have any experiences with negotiating with CC or BB? There isn't any 6thave store here to price match. 2. I'm trying to decide on speakers. The wife and I want small speakers. We liked the Polk RM 6600 $599 with the PSW350 $299. Also the Bose AC 15 Series II although the price of $1299 is to high for us. Anybody have recommendations similiar to these or know where to get these speakers cheaper. I did find had the Polk RM6600 and PSW350 for a total of $759 but the return policy scared me. What if I don't like the way the speakers sound in my house?'s return policy will on take returns of defective merchandise. At least circuit city will take speakers back with no penalty no matter the reason. |
| Kelly Check out Crutchfield for the Polk RM 6700 speaker system (even better than the 6600). The 6700 lists for $899 with the suggested PSW 303, but you can get the 350 instead for $269.99 and take the $30 difference off the total. Crutchfield also includes a free pair of $49.99 speaker stands and $15.99 shipping. |
| What I want to do is to use the 6070 as my source to drive all my surround speakers (just the basic 5 plus , self powered subwoofer). Then I want to use the left/right front preouts to go to an NAD amp I have to drive my 15" Cerwin VEgas for parties etc. Can I do this? Will I be able to turn off the surround speakers and just use the CW's and my NAD amp usingf the 6070 as a pre-amp? I am assuming this is whta multi zone is (although my zones would both be in the same room) Thanks |
| Hi everyone, I have joined the crowd. I just got my 6070 last night from best buy, I know they charge alot, but I had a 300 sony reciever that crapped out too many times on me and used the lemon clause of best buy to get my money back as credit to use on a different reciever, also, someone had opened the box on it, so it was $100 off on the kenwood. Add on top of that a confused cashier that acidentally gave me another $100 off,,(like I was going to say anything). Talk about a steal, total investment of aprox. $460 with a 4 yr warranty. Well, anyways, I am going to hook it up tonight and I will let you know how it goes. I do have one question though.... My dvd player is a progressive scan 5 disc carasoul phillips brand, will it provide the 6.1/THX signal if I use a coaxial digital cable instead of the optical cable? |
Jeffrey | Dale, room B pre-outputs are active whether speaker B is pressed or not, as well as the room B video out. However, the volume control on the 6070 controls the volume of the room B pre-outs, so I don't see how you could run B speakers active and use the pre-outs because then the main feeds would be overdriven. But for what you want to do, you should be fine based on what I have tested so far. I have a JVC DVD with only optical outputs and while playing around, I found that of the three settings for the digital out Dolby Digital/PCM, Stream/PCM, and PCM only, only the Stream/PCM function would work on my DTS ES Blade II CD. This CD also has Dolby Digital ES, so I tested for this as well and it worked. The 6070 Auto detect on the optical inputs was able to detect the correct formats when I switched between the two, as well as on other DVD's that I played around with afterwards. For those that use Coax digital, one thing that appears may be confusing is that the Coax digital input on the 6070 is on the Video 2 input, which means you will need to select Video 2 when using Coax, and also to run your DVD video signals thru video 2 as well, not the DVD/CD inputs. Then of course, you will need to play with your DVD output formats to find the right one that will work with the 6070 auto detect. |
| So if I have a stream/PCM function on my dvd player,,, I should be fine to use just the optical input to recieve all formatts? |
| So if I shut off B speakers then the signal is still sent to through the pre-outs? This seems wierd. Is there a way to do what I want with this or another receiever? Again I want to run my receiver with my surround speakers, and use pre-outs to use an external amp for my loudspeakers when I just want to listen to music loud. Thanks |
Jeffrey | Josh, yes, optical Stream/PCM on my JVC works with the 6070 autodetect and detects DTS and DTS ES, Dolby and Dolby ES, and CD. Dale, sorry, I am just telling you what I have tested so far and this is the way it works on the 6070. I have not played with the main pre-outs to see if they are affected by the volume and are present whether speaker A is selected or not. So I cannot answer that for you. Oh, and the RF function works great from all the rooms in my townhome upstairs and downstairs. |
Mark Poteet | Kelly - great choice on the 6070...I still haven't decided fully on this one but am inching closer and closer. Regarding speakers, might I suggest you try out the N series from JBL. Yuu can listen at BB, where they typically have several models set up in a home theater style room. Personally, I like the NSP1 package, which consists of 4 small N24s and an Ncenter. I don't think BB has this package for sale (they do have the separates), but it can be had on the Net for just over $200.00. Pair this with the JBL 10" or 12" subwoofer (although there are probably better SWers out there) and you'd have a great system, cheaper than Polk stuff (over-priced IMHO). With the 6070 receiver, you could further invest in two JBL N26 bookshelf speakers, use those as the mains, and stick the remaining two N24s in the rear for a complete 7.1 set-up, and be the envy (and nuisance) of your neighbors. I bet you'd still be under the POlk 6700 price as well. Just some thoughts. There are many other good HT speaker packages, some sold directly to the consumer over the Internet (knocking out middle man)that are cheaper than Polk and have had good ratings, Home Theater Direct, for example. I just happen to be partial to JBL. Good luck. Mark P. |
| Thanks Jeffrey, Now just to find out if my dvd player has stream/PCM. I hope. |
Justin | Hey guys. Love the post, been researching receivers for a good while now, and i think i have decided on the vr-6070. I got a few questions though before i buy. 1. I know this is a little far down the line but i wonder if any of you have any experience with a Tivo hard disk unit? I want to be able to dump stored video to VCR and eventually writable DVDs. How would i got bout setting this up (S-Video out? how many does it have) 2. Anyone have any comments on the tuner> reception, clarity? 3. I know some of you are hi-fi kinda guys. Do the lack of on screen display and 192k/24 bit DACS really make that much of a difference? 4. What have you done concerning the component video bandwith problem? Im assuming just hooked the DVD and HDTV tuner directly to TV? 5. Finally, what store (online or off) gives the best price and covers the manufatuer warranty. A lot have been mentioned and im wondering if the sales have run out. Sorry so many question guys. I hope to soon become a member of the vr-6070 owners group that you have established. Hope you can help. THanks |
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