Last night while watching a DD 5.1 DVD all was going well for the first 30 mins then a 'pop' or a 'snap' maybe it was a 'crackle' and I thought for a moment I was one of those unfortunate NAD owners. The noise was instantly followed by the center sound moving to the rears and the rear sounds coming from the center.
I was agast! No, not the SR-7300 too! I at once envisaged a week or a month with an empty receiver shelf. This can't be happening, I thought and turned to the horrified expression on my wife's face. "What's going on?" she demanded as I groped for the remote. Speechless, I raced through the different surround effects, but to no avail - something was very wrong!
We sat dismayed for a few minutes until a thought occured to me. I reached for the DVD remote and back-tracked to the previous chapter. Low and behold, everything went back to normal - sounds were coming from where they were supposed to be! The movie was a Samuel Jackson thriller and I must say the effects really had us going!
It wasn't our trusty SR-7300 at all (deep down I just knew that), but a faulty DVD soundtrack - has anyone had this frightening experience?
As the proud owner of one of those well-built, rock steady, warm as butter sounding NADs, I can't say anything like that has ever happened to me ;-) Seriously, I bet it gave you an instant sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach. Glad to hear it wasn't your equipment.
And I agree to your description of Nads - BTW I was only referring to those problematic few in this forum. Also, you bet right - the movie should have been classified as a horror flick!