Is this even possible?!?!?


New member
Username: Im2bz2p345

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jul-05
Hey guyz,

I know my fare share for audio/video setup, but I am really stuck here.

I will be getting a Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS shortly. I want to hook it up to my Philips 700W Home Theater System (Model: HTS3410D/37), here are the specs - 9%3a-44061%3a-44064%3a925637&mt=a&n=0&BV_SessionID=_SC_1169371279.1121909623_CS_ &BV_EngineID=ccckaddfeimgjedcfkfcfkjdgoodfkg.0

To hook up this soundcard to my receiver, I going to use an analog setup (digital will not be available since I don't have a digital input on my receiver). I have been told that you need three stereo minijack to RCA connectors.. I am just confused on how the RCA side will go into my receiver!?!?

If you check the specs on my receiver, I have these Color coded Easy-Fit connectors (which basically seperate the + & - side of speaker wires to these plastic connector things that plug in easily to the back of my receiver). So how do I connect the RCA side to this? Is there any other 'stereo minijack' type connection I can use to hook up up my sound card to this receiver I own?

I can very confused on this issue. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! :-) Thanks. Bye.



New member
Username: Im2bz2p345

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jul-05
Here some additional specs on my receiver (straight from the manufacturer's website - Philips) - %3Dhts3410d_37_us_consumer%26fh_view%3Ddetail%26fh_location%3D%2F%2Fconsumer%2Fe n_US%2Fcategories%3Ccatalog_us_consumer%2Fcategories%3C%7Bhome_audio_video_gr_us _consumer%7D&productId=HTS3410D_37_US_CONSUMER&activeCategory=HOME_AUDIO_VIDEO_G R_US_CONSUMER&fredhopperpage=detail.jsp&activeTab=specifications&language=en&cou ntry=US&catalogType=CONSUMER&proxybuster=NNZEJXLFJJPZ1J0RMRESHQFHKFSEKI5P

New member
Username: Im2bz2p345

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jul-05
Oops, me again.. sorry about the link in my original post.. here is the correct one: 9%3a-44061%3a-44064%3a925637&mt=a&n=0&BV_
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