Bronze Member Username: Stereo_geniousUSA Post Number: 11 Registered: Jul-05 | Hey guys. I now have another question. I am looking for a separate AM/FM tuner for my component stereo. I use this stereo for recording CDs off the radio, and I want better reception. My tuner budget is $300. Any opinions on Marantz tuners? |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 4462 Registered: May-04 | For the most part, a tuner is as good as the antenna attached to it. Spending time and/or money on the antenna will allow a lower priced tuner to outperform a higher priced tuner with a plastic dipole "T" antenna. Secondly the quality of an antenna's reception is determined by location, location, location. |
Bronze Member Username: Stereo_geniousUSA Post Number: 36 Registered: Jul-05 | What kind of antenna should I get? I am absolutely not going for an outdoor antenna because I feel that taking it down when storms of any type come through my area. Also, you do need to know that all tuners are different. Some pick up distant radio stations better than others do. Therefore, it is with great pleasure that I ask you this: Are Marantz FM tuners any good? How sensitive to weak signals are they? |
Bronze Member Username: Stereo_geniousUSA Post Number: 37 Registered: Jul-05 | Correction: I am absolutely not going for an outdoor antenna because I feel that taking it down during storms will be too much of a hassle, not to mention that my parents may also nag me about it. |
Silver Member Username: DiabloFylde Coast, England Post Number: 189 Registered: Dec-04 | Unless you get amazingly strong winds in your area, I don't see the need to take the aerial down during storms? I used to live much nearer to the sea than I do now. Wind gusts of 100mph+ were not unknown, yet my aerial survived them all. If wind speeds get much above that then the missing aerial will also be accompanied by a missing roof, I suspect. ![]() |
Silver Member Username: DiabloFylde Coast, England Post Number: 190 Registered: Dec-04 | In the above post, please read antenna where I have put aerial. I keep forgetting to translate terms into the American language. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 4786 Registered: May-04 | You don't take down an antenna during storms. You ground it properly against any lightning strikes and mount it securely against the wind. If you don't want to put an antenna outside, put one in the attic. It's impossible to tell you what antenna to buy. You need to consult someone in your area who sells and installs antennas. They will know the terrain and the local stations. Their help will get you the best antenna for your location. It's also impossible to tell you how good Marantz tuners are. Marantz has been building tuners for about 50 years. There is no way to tell you what 50 years of tuners are like. Some are good, some are great and some (many) are crap. Whether a tuner can pick up distant stations is first an issue of whether you have distant stations to pick up. Because of the wavelength invoved in FM, signals can travel approximately 75 miles before the curvature of the Earth causes the signal to fade. If the next big city with broadcast towers is 125 miles away, you stand little chance of receiving stations from that location no matter what tuner you have. To be cost effective, the antenna is matched to the tuner's ability and the location of the receiving antenna and the transmitting antennas. |
Bronze Member Username: Stereo_geniousUSA Post Number: 45 Registered: Jul-05 | Then how come I can pick up distant stations with a car stereo better than a home stereo? Haven't you noticed that? |
Bronze Member Username: Stereo_geniousUSA Post Number: 46 Registered: Jul-05 | Also, I live in Massachusetts, on the north shore, and I want to not only be able to pick up the North Shore Oldies Station better, but I also want to be able to pick up a few stations from New Hampshire and Rhode Island, which are about 57 miles away from where I live. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 4812 Registered: May-04 | Car radios are notorious for having better DX reception than most home tuners. It comes down to fidelity over specs. Designing a tuner is a matter of selecting which areas you want to give strength to and which are less important. Many tuner specs are an issue of "if you want this, you can't have this". Certainly that's true in lower priced tuners. As the price rises, the designer can make better choices and more areas can receive attention. If you want excellent sound from a wide variety of stations you will need an antenna with high sensitivity and high gain, one that is very directional to filter out crap from other stations, and usually a rotor to aim the antenna. Then hook that into either a Marantz 10B or a McIntosh MR80. Either of those tuners, which can only be found pre owned, will run you several thousand dollars. The advantage a car radio has is high sensitivity vs. low selectivity. Combine the high sensitivity with what is essentially the entire automobile acting as an antenna and you get reception that satisfies the interior of a car in term of fidelity. Because the antenna is omni directional it can get swamped by competing stations in a crowded market or where there is lots of multipath. Turn a corner, go down a hill, or drive in the city with tall buildings and you will occasionally loose the signal. Haven't you noticed that? Tuners are a series of tradeoffs. How much money do you want to put into this tuner and antenna including installation of the antenna? Is there a local shop that sells antennas? HAM radios? (Those guys know antennas!) To your knowledge, is anyone in your area picking up this station you want to listen to? What is the terrain in your area? Tall buildings anywhere around? Is the land between you and this staion's transmitting tower relatively flat or hilly? |
Bronze Member Username: Stereo_geniousUSA Post Number: 54 Registered: Jul-05 | Several thousand dollars for a tuner?! Are you out of your mind?! I just stated in my first post that my tuner budget is $300! |
Bronze Member Username: Stereo_geniousUSA Post Number: 55 Registered: Jul-05 | I just want a tuner with high sentivity. I want to be able to pick up out-of-state stations. The land between the distant stations and where I live is somewhat flat, and a tiny bit hilly. |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittNYC, NY Post Number: 369 Registered: May-05 | Jan - Realize what you're dealing with... He's Paul's understudy... |
Bronze Member Username: Stereo_geniousUSA Post Number: 57 Registered: Jul-05 | What's an understudy? |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 4825 Registered: May-04 | Mike, you need to calm down. The McIntosh and Marantz tuners were only mentioned to give you an idea of what people use to get DX reception. I didn't figure you were going to start looking for a MR80 this afternoon. So, you've figured out you want a tuner with decent sensitivity specs. Cconsidering I can't tell you anymore about fifty years of Marantz tuners than you can find on a spec sheet; what's your question? Stu - You think so? |
Bronze Member Username: Stereo_geniousUSA Post Number: 59 Registered: Jul-05 | Well, Jan, if you do not know whether or not Marantz tuners are any good, do you know anyone who does? Also, I have a confession to make. Please don't get me in trouble! My real name is Matt. That was what I meant to type when this board asked for my full name during registration, but I guess I typed that and my e-mail address wrong by mistake. Does anyone on this board know a way to retype my full name and e-mail address, or is it too late, or do I have to re-register? |
Bronze Member Username: Stereo_geniousUSA Post Number: 60 Registered: Jul-05 | Please don't sue me! I didn't mean to type my name wrong! |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittNYC, NY Post Number: 372 Registered: May-05 | Mike - An understudy is someone being mentored by someone else. Not a webster's definition, but functional enough. Jan - I wasn't sure if you saw that thread. |
New member Username: MtthwstereoPost Number: 1 Registered: Aug-05 | My name is Matt! I did not mean to type the name Mike. That was a typo. Therefore, please stop calling me Mike! I just corrected that typo. |
New member Username: Matt9876Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-05 | My name is Matt! I did not mean to say that my name was mike! That was a typo! Therefore, please call me Matt! |
Gaincell Unregistered guest | Mike, Get a Kenwood KT-8300 off ebaY for between 200.00 - 250.00 US "and be happy"... |
300B4me Unregistered guest | Specs don't make music! Marantz tuners are very nice sounding. For my money (& ears) I'd go with a Marantz 20B. It will simply out perform almost anything around today.For an antenna, I'd look at Magnum Dynalab. Most people that own this tuner, including myself, have owned it for twenty years or so & haven't felt that there have been any advancemnts that would merit a purchase.My advice would be to go out & experience these tuners. If you spend some time doing research (with your ears) you'll end up saving alot of money.Most of the opinions you'll get on these sites are based upon what they purchased.If I had spent $200 on a Kenwood, do you think I'd admit that it just didn't sound right? NO! It would have to be the best thing out there becuase I bought it & I'm in the know. Granted, you won't find this tuner within your price range everyday but, it does happen. A friend of mine bought one last week for $225. |
Unregistered guest | any one have a 20b for sale? |