Speaker choice


New member
Username: Mickey04

Post Number: 5
Registered: Jun-05
Hi, I just bought a Onkyo TX SR602 7.1 A/V reciever. I'm considering the JBL SCS300.7 an eight piece speaker system. Is this a good match? Any advice or opinion would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in Advance.

No. Check up on the Wilson Audio X-1's. I have them and they are great.

Gold Member
Username: Artk

Albany, Oregon USA

Post Number: 1125
Registered: Feb-05
What's your budget? Will you be listening to musc and movies? Which more music or movies? etc.....

Silver Member
Username: Chitown

Post Number: 179
Registered: Apr-05
Willie I looked into the scs300.7. It's a good all in one package in terms of convinience, however they are plasticky and cheap. Even the decen reviewes could not assuage my fears that it is no more than the flat panle Boston accoustics 5.1 system that I use with my computer. Keep looking and don't be affraid to experiment with a little higher line or brands you are not familiar with.


Silver Member
Username: T_bomb25

Dayton, Ohio United States

Post Number: 317
Registered: Jun-05
Stop it anon

Suck it T-bomb.

Silver Member
Username: T_bomb25

Dayton, Ohio United States

Post Number: 323
Registered: Jun-05
Anon how is that bose with Mark Levinston doing is it sounding pretty good?


Gold Member
Username: Edster922

Abubala, Ababala The Occupation

Post Number: 1242
Registered: Mar-05

unless you are doing only HT and are a VERY undemanding user, I'd stay away from bundled speaker/sub packages.

All you need is a quality sub and L/C/R speakers to start off with...get the best you can afford, then go cheap (like $100/pair cheap) on the surrounds which you can even add later on if you're low on cash now.

First you need to answer Art's questions about budget and expected application, without that basic info we can't really give you more specific suggestions.

New member
Username: Mickey04

Post Number: 7
Registered: Jun-05
Thanks. I will using it mainly for movies.

Gold Member
Username: Edster922

Abubala, Ababala The Occupation

Post Number: 1244
Registered: Mar-05

two budget speaker/sub systems that I hear good things about:

Athena Micra (around $200-300)

Hsu Ventriloquist (around $500-600)

You could also buy 3 pairs of $100 speakers (Polk R15, JBL e20, Fluance SV-6) and add a cheap sub like the Dayton 10" from partsexpress.com --- probably run you around $500 unless you find the R15s on sale at Fry's for $50/pair.

Do a Google and pricegrabber.com search for the above, and take your pick.

If your budget is really limited, the Athena Micras should be better than the JBLs you were looking at.

New member
Username: Mickey04

Post Number: 8
Registered: Jun-05
Thanks Edster922, My present system is cerwin vega D5 l/r with a two EPI rear speakers all are 15 years old. I have a auto source center and a 100 watt sony power amp.From what you say what I have is better then what I'm looking at. What do you think? Thanks again

Gold Member
Username: Edster922

Abubala, Ababala The Occupation

Post Number: 1249
Registered: Mar-05
> From what you say what I have is better then what I'm looking at. What do you think? Thanks again

I'm not a big fan of CV, but I would say so. If you want to upgrade I would look at getting a sub and/or a better amp.

Silver Member
Username: Thx_3417

Bournemouth, Dorset United Kingdom

Post Number: 729
Registered: May-05
If you like JBL like I do then this is the sub bass I use and you can feel the force of its fury and I have been running her now for 7 years plus JBL control 5 for the front 3x screen matching as well as 2 for the back side surrounds and for the centre back surround JBL HT-1F for the side middle surrounds Eltax HT-2 Bipolar and the might JBL 4645 THX cinema professional cinema 18in 600 watts down to 20Hz to 120Hz with a max SPL 126dbc weighting...

JBL 4645

New member
Username: Mickey04

Post Number: 10
Registered: Jun-05
Thanks again Edster922 I made a mistake on the last post. I have a Onkyo 602 7.1 amp and a 100 watt Sony sub woofer. What do you think? Thanks again. Willie

Gold Member
Username: Edster922

Abubala, Ababala The Occupation

Post Number: 1258
Registered: Mar-05
If you do a lot of HT and only have say $400-500 to spare right now, I'd upgrade the sub first---maybe a Hsu STF-2 for example.

Also how much did you pay for your Onkyo? You might be able to do much better for the same money if you bought it at Best Buy or some place like that.

Bronze Member
Username: Mickey04

Post Number: 11
Registered: Jun-05
I paid 298.00 with shipping and extra warranty.
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