As you can tell by my question I am pretty new to the whole audio business.
At the moment I have a Denon Pro logic II AVR-1000 reciever and I am looking at aquiring a sub to add with it. However, I have no subwoofer output on the back. It has 2x front 2x Rear 1x center and 1x mono out. The rear, centre and mono channel outputs use those little clip things (sorry, dont know what they are called) were you hold down the switch, stick the wire in and let go of the switch to lock them inplace.
The front channel outputs use some sort of screw thingy which you have to unscrew to open the wire cavitiy and then screw back in to secure the wire.
So my question is, do I connect the sub through the single mono output. Cause according to the manual with my amp, I only have to have an active sub and connect it to that for it to work.
However, a friemd of mine (who knows a fair bit about this) said that It wouldnt work, and that I would require a crossover cable.
Could someone please tell me if I require a crossover cable, or if I do what the manual says will it work.
PS. Is there a standard cable or connection type for subs, or are they different depending on model or manufacturer
Do what the manual states. There are cables made for subs. However, you could temporarily use a standard rca type. Many powered subs allow you to choose crossover settings. No additional cable (other than the one connecting it to your amp) is generally needed. Tell your friend to go fly a kite and use the crossover cable he wants you to buy.
I would do what the manual tells you. It was written by the company who designed it, so I would go ahead and say they know a thing or two about it. Your friend needs to put the crack pipe down. Crossover cable?