New member Username: SomphonPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-05 | I'm new to hi-end audio and would appreciate your comments. Anyone have any experience with these speakers? 1. ProAc Response One SC 2. Revel M20 3. B&W either 705 or 805 series 4. Totem Model 1 What are their characteristics and what int-amp should I use with them? I have about the same budget for the speakers for the i-amp. My preference in music is vast from classical-jazz-voclas-r&b. But I demand quality from jazz vocal, jazz (trumpet/Sax), and classicals more than pop or r&b. Your comment is appreciated. Thank you! |
Silver Member Username: Joe_cOakwood, Ga Post Number: 571 Registered: Mar-05 | The only one I have heard are the Totems on a Mac tube setup, they were simply delightful. |
Silver Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 962 Registered: Feb-04 | I've only ever heard the older B&W 801. They had great detail and deep los bass, but didn't image for me so left me wanting. I didn't have time to suggest moving furniture around and was in a polite situation anyway... Have you heard any of them? What were your thoughts? |
Silver Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 963 Registered: Feb-04 | s/los/low/ |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 1105 Registered: Feb-05 | Of the group you have listed I prefer the ProAc's. They have the best overall imaging and soundstage depth. Their sound is very balanced and not over analytical. I heard them with several integrated's but preferred Naim and SimAudio. Of the speakers you have listed my least favorite would be the B&W 700 series. I used to like them a great deal but lately I've had opportunity compare them to Paradigm's Reference series and the 700's came up short by a wide margin. My listening preferences are much the same as yours as too are my demands of a speaker. |
Silver Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 964 Registered: Feb-04 | The list includes both big and small speakers... Is there is reason? What size room will be used? |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 287 Registered: Jun-05 | They are all very good indeed,Arts right the Pro Ac will do evry thing the other speakers will do and sound sweeter while doing it.The Revels are very good to but for type of music you listen to Pro Acs are gonna come out on top.The Totem Model 1 I have had agreat deal of time with them,I just coudnt figure them out.In the right setup they could be good.The B&W{805}are a speaker that majors on the analytical side of thing with great technical performance which might not float everyones boat.The 705s are not in any of these speakers league in any aspect. |
New member Username: SomphonPost Number: 2 Registered: Jul-05 | Peter - They are all bookshelfs speakers. I've listen to the 805 at an audio show. the image and sound stage was awesome! As Tawaun said, its very technical and after a while, its a bit tiresome. Totem are great pairs, I've listened to rainmaker and model 1 on tube and solid stage int-amp. But prefer ProAc more. I've listen to M20 a while back and was struck with its openess and trutfulness. Didn't have much time with it but from reading the reviews, the hi's and the low's seems to rolled off a bit. So I wanted second opinion, but reviews are quite rare. ProAc, again, brief encounter. Listened on Audio Research Int-tube-amp. Sounds really good. Very impressive with the sound stage. Didn't get a chance to play my music on it, only get a taste of the demo. Great nevertheless I was gonna add Sonus Concerino to the group, great speakers but on the other spectrum of 805s. Very laid back and dont think it will give me a kick when need it. I think I'm down to ProAc and Revel. Any final suggestions? What amp/int-amp should I pair with them? Thanks again gentlemen! |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 1112 Registered: Feb-05 | Naim and Simaudio seem to go well with ProAc. I prefer the Naim Nait 5i. |
Bronze Member Username: Cousin_itPost Number: 25 Registered: May-05 | I would go with the ProAcs. The Naim Nail 5i and Sim Moon i-3 are great integrateds. If you don't mind dealing with tubes, and your store carries the Audio Research integrated, I would go for the AR. |
New member Username: SomphonPost Number: 3 Registered: Jul-05 | I've never have any experience with Naim or Sim Moon, Can you tell me what kind of character do they have? What do you think about Krell or Cary Audio? |
Silver Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 639 Registered: Sep-04 | Somphon Just to mess things up a little. I don't like the Proacs at all, finding them too analytical and 'hard' for my liking. Very open but mechanical in my view. The Totem Model-1s are excellent speakers. They have been upgraded recently to 'Signature' status. I'm told that the Signatures are a good bit better than the standard Model-1s. The new B&W 805S is meant to be a good bit better than the standard 805 was. Ensure you hear the latest model. (I haven't.) The 705 is not in the same class obviously. Over here the Revels are around twice the price of the others (£2000 - $3500) and they still sell reasonably well I believe, so they're well worth a look. The competitor to them over here is the Wilson benesch ARC which is a cracking speaker for the money, but I guess it'll be expensive on your side of the pond. Krell - all my experiences have shown great HiFi attributes of big soundstage, good resolution and big bass. However, it's all show and no go for me. The Krells just don't seem to time that well. Caveat: I hear a Krell system timing really well just once - that was with the new entry level Krell integrated. That sounded good to me. The rest left me bored. Other US manufacturers worth looking at would be conrad-johnson and Audio Research. Good stuff and good value. They match Sonus Faber quite well from what I've heard, although I haven't heard the latest Sonus Faber Domus range. Personally, I concur on the Naim suggestion but would suggest that the entry level Nait5i is not really good enough for such estimable speakers. Regards, Frank. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 297 Registered: Jun-05 | Frank the 805s is over twice the price as the 805n and twice as analylical I doubt thats the sound he is looking for.As far as the Pro Acs being bright I dont think most people will agree with you on that.The Naim Nait intergrated amp is on the top systems list in the Absolute sound powering a pair of Wilsoon Audio Sophias $11,700,so what makes you think they cant power a speaker $8000 cheaper and smaller,that does not make any sence. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 1117 Registered: Feb-05 | Frank, I have heard that complaint about ProAc's before. It makes me think that perhaps they are very sensitive to the electronics that are used with them and also to placement. Believe me when I heard them with the Naim and Simaudio (especially the Naim) gear at Stereotypes in Portland they sounded fabulous. Not one bit bright. They had a transparent sound with imaging and sounstaging unlike anything I had heard in that price range. As you can clearly see I was impressed. I agree with you about Krell. I have not yet enjoyed a listening session with Krell electronics. Perhaps I have not been in the right circumstances. I heard their latest and greatest integrated with Martin Logan speakers and it left me completely unimpressed. It didn't sound offensive, it just had no life. On my last trip to Stereotypes in Portland I heard a speaker that was jaw dropping. I always forget to mention it. The Naim Ariva. I know...I have never been very impressed with their speakers but this one, especially paired with Nait 5i, was spectacular. Acoustic jazz and jazz vocal were palpable. |
Bronze Member Username: Cousin_itPost Number: 26 Registered: May-05 | I think a good combo would be a Manley Stingray with the ProAcs. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 309 Registered: Jun-05 | Yeah Stingrays are great it would be pretty hard for them to make anything sound bad.the Naim Nait 5 is a increadible value they can rival some very expensive amps,the ony thing they lack is lots of power,although the new is now 50 watts and the review with the Wilson Sophia was the old one and it was only 30 watts,and the newer model is better than the old one in every way.You cant say that feat with the Wilsons arent amazing considering the price difference and power ratings. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 1119 Registered: Feb-05 | Hey I'll take damn near anything Manley makes. Unfortunately I will not likely be able to afford it. Naim is at least attainable in my mind. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 314 Registered: Jun-05 | Ill take Naim all day and then some,Manley ahh man they will make you dream about them long into the night. |
New member Username: Eieiei0101xPost Number: 6 Registered: Jul-05 | Knowledgable Friends: Could you please explain in basic terminology what do you mean by N805 been "analytical" Is that the same as been "neutral"? I listened today to Totem Raimakers vs Contour S1.4 with a KAV400 and Arcam FMJ CD player at a dealer. Even thouhg they are not comparable in price, I found the sound of the Rainmaker more detailed, like as if each instrumet was isolated from the others. Is that a more analytical sound? Is the 805 more like the Contour or the Rainmaker?? Thanks a lot Eduardo |
Bronze Member Username: Cousin_itPost Number: 33 Registered: May-05 | Analytical speakers are ones that give you lots of info, but no emotional connection to the music. Not necessarily neutral. Rainmakers do have detail, but they are not analytical. I think of them as quite "colored" - lots of bass and bright - they're kind of fun (wow listen to all of that bass from a small box) - but detracts from the music, for me. |
New member Username: Eieiei0101xPost Number: 8 Registered: Jul-05 | Cousin it. Thanks a lot, now i am more confused. So Totems are colored, that means they are more like Dynaudios than B&W 805???? Correct??? And how isthe music supposed to be played to sound as "it should"? Analytical or colored? Thanks a lot |
Silver Member Username: Joe_cOakwood, Ga Post Number: 584 Registered: Mar-05 | Cousin I really disagree about the rainmakers over powering sound with bass. I f anything they are more neutral than colored. Thats my op. |
Bronze Member Username: Cousin_itPost Number: 34 Registered: May-05 | And Eduardo, confused you should. None of this will make sense until you hear it for yourself. Best thing to do is go out and listen as much as possible (both live music and on various stereos). A lot of this is up to the listener, the definition of neutral is very wide. As you can see, Joseph thinks of them as neutral, but I don't. It doesn't discount his perception, it's just one person's opinion. I liked the Totems more before I heard the Ohms, so one's experience really comes into play (keep in mind, I DO like Totem). I think my mention of the Stingray above sums it up for me. It's a piece of gear that will give you that detail, but not at the expense of an emotional connection to the music. Atleast that's how I see it, and what I always look for in audio gear. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 320 Registered: Jun-05 | I like Totems,but T dont think they are as detailed as the Dynaudio Contour s 1.4 Na but they are very analytical,not quite as much as B&W 805s,he has to learn what kind of sound he wants. |
TigerTed Unregistered guest | I just have B&W 805s love them, very detail ( in a superb way) If you learn to listen to these speakers, you will never listen to any other speakers ever. |
Silver Member Username: Joe_cOakwood, Ga Post Number: 686 Registered: Mar-05 | I am not sure what you mean by "if you learn to listen to these speakers you will never listen to any other speakers ever"??? |
Silver Member Username: GmanMt. Pleasant, SC Post Number: 688 Registered: Dec-03 | I own an older pair of ProAc Response 2's. I've owned mnay other speakers before and since and the ProAc's are still my fave speakers. It offers a truly amazing image and soundstage ---not to mention the fact that the high end is incredibly silky and the bass is amazing for a bookshelf speaker (partyicularly if coupled with a lead shot or sand loaded speaker stand). On my best recordings (both live and memorex) they sound superb. Of course, they are rather expensive in their category. I would recommend buying a used pair at, unless price isn't a big objection. But there are a number of very good to excellent speakers available. No substitute for listening to your favorite albums/cd's on various speakers. Although there is many a slip between the cup and lip on listening to speakers at a dealership and then in your home. The interaction of the speakers with the room can often be more important than the speaker itself--and is certainly far more important than your electronics (at least as long as they aren't deficient). |
Anonymous | I own a pair of Proac Response 2's. They are old but good. I went to buy new speakers, and listened to speakers as B&W 805. I ended up with the very old Proacs instead. I use them with Kenwood L-A1 and a High End CD-player, Linn K400 speaker cable and Van Den Hul the second. It sounds superb, nearly High-End for the Low-End money. Buy used and use the money you saved to buy music or have a nice party! ;) |
New member Username: SomphonPost Number: 4 Registered: Jul-05 | Please compare Revel M20 and B&W 805. I read the reviews and both are quite nutural and great mids. Revel seems to roll off on the hi's and low's. Is this true? What about 805s? I've listen to both at the shop, but experiences at the shop and extended listening at home is quite different. |
Silver Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 675 Registered: Sep-04 | Tawaun, Regarding the B&W speakers, you're wrong I'm afraid. The new 805S is about half the price of the N805 which is in the Nautilus range. The 'S' replaces the 805 and is part of the 800 series which is not as high as the Nautilus range. The N805 is a fairly analytical, or clinical, speaker. It has excellent resolution and is fairly pacey, but it always left me a little cold, never quite connecting. As to the Naim Nait5i driving expensive speakers, the question is not just of cost, it's about matching the components. A Nait5i will drive a pair of Carfrae horns 24x7 for 30 years before giving up the ghost since they're so efficient. Wilson Sofias are pretty efficient too. Of course, the problem here is that the Nait5i doesn't have the resolution, clarity or fidelity to make those speakers sound good (it works that way round remember, since a speaker can't fix anything an amp has broken). I can't figure where TAS are coming from if they reckon a Nait5i is an appropriate companion to a pair of $11700 speakers! My extensive experience with all Naim kit as a dealer says otherwise. Then again, perhaps it's just a happy matching of components. Closer to home, I do know the Totems, B&Ws, ProAcs and ARCs pretty well, so my comments above stand. Incidentally, if the review was with the old Nait (30 watts means it was the Nait3 or Nait3i), then you shouldn't apply it to the Nait5i blindly. The Nait5i has a fairly different presentation to the Nait3's. It has a lot more power of course, but this is just a side issue to the difference in presentation. The Nait3 swung very hard, it was a great deal of fun and engaged totally. The Nait5i has an altogether more balanced presentation with far greater resolution and more measured pace. As to Totem versus Dynaudio, the Rainmaker is a fine speaker for the money but it's not really in the same price bracket or performance envelope of the Contour 1.4s. I do not get the bass lift that you have experienced. Perhaps this is something to do with stands - I use Partington Super Dreadnoughts with them generally. The Contours are fine speakers if a bit rich in the bass for my liking. I prefer the liughter touch of Totems in general. The Model-1 is closer to the performance of the Contour without the bloated bass and with far greater speed and similar detail. A cracking speaker, but once again, not one that a Nait5i can drive easily. Eduardo, All speakers are coloured to a greater or lesser extent. It's a matter of choosing a happy marriage of appropriate speakers and amp. jc, I think TigerTed simply loves his 805s and won't ever be looking at another speaker - or at least not for a very long time. He is one very lucky person since this should mean he simply be happy with his system or he can concentrate on building his system around the 805s without having to worry about them as a variable to change. I was like that with my Audio Notes and ochanged them after 11 years of happy ownership. I changed them partly because I couldn't live with theirphysical size any more, but it still took 3 years for me to find a speaker that truly eclipsed them in every way! (My new Totem Mani-2 Signatures which are still running in after 3 weeks.) Art, A lot of people think ProAc are spellbinging speakers. I don't get where they are coming from. I think they're a touch mechanical, a little bright and artifical. I've heard them in several circumstances including Naim but also including other types of equipment. Then again, perhaps it's my failing, who knows? Without you and me being in the same room at the same time listening to stuff, we'll never know. ![]() Somphon, Revel is a very respectable brand and the M20s have had very good reviews here in the UK. You say you've listened to them int he shop. Did you form an opinion there? Once you've gone into the shop, the opinions of the reviewers count for little. After all, if you've heard that a Mercedes E class is a great car, but it leaves you cold when you drive it, you wouldn't buy it just because the reviewers said it was great now would you? If you don't like it you don't like it. End of story. The 805 has been superceded by the 805S - a friend of mine says it's very good indeed and quite a step up from the 805. As to extended listening, I suggest you could try to decide on a speaker and then ask if you could borrow the demo speakers over a weekend. Most good dealers will do this (you'll have to offer suitable security). You need the demo pair because they'll be run in already. A new pair would not be a sensible option. Ask the dealer about extended listening at home - I'm sure he'll be able to do something for you if he's any good. Regards, Frank. |
New member Username: SomphonPost Number: 5 Registered: Jul-05 | Frank, that's good advice. I'll see if they'll let me take it home for a weekend. I listen to both and like both. M20 is more open while 805 has better stage. Unless you listen to both for a period of time, its hard to decide. I got another question. I see the price of B&W is quite good on Is this the normal price you can bargain at most hi-fi shops in the US? Here in my country, its msrp and they never discount unless it old stock. What is the price of 805S at your local dealer? |
Silver Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 684 Registered: Sep-04 | Somphon, I am in the UK. We do not have the 800 account at my shop so I do not have accurate prices, but my recollection is that the new 805S is around £1300. The 805N is more like £2500 (inc stands). The Revels are more like £2200 if I remember correctly. I've just looked at the link you suggested and the prices of the 805S and Nautilus is half that over here! That's amazing! At those prices the speakers would be flying out of our doors (if we had the account). Regards, Frank. |
Silver Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 685 Registered: Sep-04 | By the way, when I say 'my shop' it's not mine - it's just a shop where I play Saturday lad...![]() Regards, Frank. |
New member Username: SomphonPost Number: 6 Registered: Jul-05 | Frank, didnt think it was your shop. just wondering how much we're being rip off here. that's why i wanted to know the normal prices in the us for these speakers. Regards, Somphon |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 391 Registered: Jun-05 | Frank,when the 805s came out for the first couple of months the 805n were still in production here.The 805s $4700 they were first targeting the price for $3500 and that was the price in all the buyers guides but as soon as the first review came it was $4700.The 805n was $2000 a pair I heard both of them the S was that much better,but it also was that much more analytical.As far as the Nait5 I heard and the CD5 on a pair of Thiel 1.6cs and it was great I have spent lots of time with both Naims and think somewhere on this forum I stated about thier new talents to go with their old skills in this very thread now that I think about it. |
Silver Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 711 Registered: Sep-04 | Tawaun, My apologies - I'm getting confused by what you're saying I think. The B&W 805S is a new speaker introduced about 3 months ago which replaced the 805. Its price is around £1600 (not £1300 that I mentioned above). The 805N is quite a different speaker and more expensive. Its full name is the 805N Signature and this retails for around £2500 inc stands. Although it looks similar, it's a substantially different model which has been around for some 2 years or so and remains in production. Now you may prefer the 805S over the 805N but the hierarchy remains as I described. Somphon, I've given up trying to figure out price differences in various countries. Regards, Frank. |
New member Username: SomphonPost Number: 9 Registered: Jul-05 | Frank, Now you got me confuse. I though 805N is the regular Nautilus that is no longer in production. The 805 Signature is another model the high quality exterior paint. While the 805S is the new model that replace the 805N. Best, Somphon |
Silver Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 714 Registered: Sep-04 | Somphon, It appears you may be right. The 805S does seem to replace the 805N. The Signature differed from the original 805N by having the Balanced Mode of operation which you can now find in the 805S too. I guess the only diffeence between the two now would be the paint job, but I'm not sure about that. Tawaun, sorry if I misled you. Regards, Frank. |
J the Kop Unregistered guest | Frank, Have you heard Naim with Sonus faber Cremona or New Grand Piano Domus? I have all Naim CDX2/XPS, 282, and 250.2 with B&W N804. I am looking for a new pair of speakes. I try B&W803s. It sounds great to me but a bit bright. I like bass. I think B&W 803s is OK but not the best match with Naim!!! J the Kop |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 508 Registered: Jun-05 | J,you you might wanna try the Vienna Strauss,extremly imppressive in every way.Gothca Frank. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 1416 Registered: Feb-05 | Naim Audio Ariva or the Spendor S8e. Both of which I have listened to recently at Stereotypes in Portland, Or. and both of which just received raves in "The Absolute Sound". |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 514 Registered: Jun-05 | Legacy audio Classic A true full range speaker at around $3000 us |
J the Kop Unregistered guest | Tawaun, Art, I have to see if any dealers here carry Vienna speakers or Spendor. I did try Naim Ariva. I think Ariva is not bad, but they sound thin and less dynamic to me. May be it just me!! thank for suggestions !! J the Kop |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 1418 Registered: Feb-05 | Perhaps you might also ask to hear the Naim's differently because I thought they were quite full bodied. I would be interested in whether they were broken in, what electronics they were used with, what was the music, what were the characteristics of the room etc. I can understand not liking them but thin is something that I did not experience and that Jeff Dorgay of "The Absolute Sound" only experienced before break in. I still like the Spendor better and it has very good bass response. Hopefully you'll get an opportunity to hear the Spendor's. Be sure to take some good recordings that you are familiar with to the audition. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 522 Registered: Jun-05 | Well,Art if Im not mistaken Naim spaekers have long pioneered thier designs on being close to the wall and the new model is probably no exception.Its probaby the way they were set up,I know Ive heard the smaller Naims sound very full bodied when they were close to the wall. |
J the Kop Unregistered guest | I agee with Tawaun that Naim Speakers should be very close to the wall, in order to get the bass and dynamic. I live in a condo which most of the walls are glass/window. I have added soft funiture to my room to make sound softer but Putting speakers close to the wall is not an option for me.. Art, I listen mostly Jazz, Vocal Jazz. I shall try Spendor. J |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 526 Registered: Jun-05 | J, what is your pricerange? |
J the Kop Unregistered guest | 4000-5000 USD |
J the Kop Unregistered guest | 4000-5000 USD |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 527 Registered: Jun-05 | The Strauss may be out of your range try the Aerial accustic 7b and Dali Helicon 400,and I think you guys have Odyssey dealer over there and ,look into the Odyssey Loriel its $2700 over here, Im gonna get it in a few months its actually the same speaker as another one that retails for over $7000us they may be the best deal in HiFi speakers go to: you should be able to find a distribbutor in the UK off of the site. |
bigruff Unregistered guest | Forget about price the best bargain in the speaker world is the Usher x719 at half the price of either speaker that you have mentioned so far I have personally owned b&w 805's,revel m20,vonsweikert vr1's,totem model 1's and I have found that ushers have tha best bass and is equally nuetral as any speaker that i have owned and as far as appearance they cant be touch especially with those beautiful stands. so take it from a speaker fanatic save your money and by the usher!!! |
bigruff Unregistered guest | Forget about price the best bargain in the speaker world is the Usher x719 at half the price of either speaker that you have mentioned so far I have personally owned b&w 805's,revel m20,vonsweikert vr1's,totem model 1's and I have found that ushers have tha best bass and is equally nuetral as any speaker that i have owned and as far as appearance they cant be touch especially with those beautiful stands. so take it from a speaker fanatic save your money and by the usher!!! |
Silver Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 723 Registered: Sep-04 | The Naim Ariva is unique in the Naim range in that it does not need to be placed near a rear wall. In fact I think it gets too bassy when near a wall. I also found on Saturday that having them toed in can make them sound bright and a little harsh. By having them near square to the back wall, they filled out and balanced up just nicely. All that said, apart from one or two models B&W speakers are quite big in the bass so I'm wondering if J is looking for a richer balance than is usual for a Naim owner. In combination with Naim, I've heard good things said about ATC, PMC, Spendor (although we tried the S5es and thought they were awful) and Neat. I would love to suggest my favourite - the Totem Mani-2 - but I don't think the 250.2 is really man enough for the job. Those Mani-2s are such inefficient speakers. Fabulous bass though! As to the Sonus Fabers, I haven't heard the Domus range and am unlikely to do so. Traditionally, the Sonus Faber presentation is quite rich so it may be what you're after, but they're not particularly hot on timing which is what the Naim buyer is usually after, so I'm not sure they'll do the trick for you! If you buy a set of speakers that can actually time properly, we might be able to wean you off all that jazz (like the pun?) and get you onto some rock'n'roll! ![]() Regards, Frank. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 1456 Registered: Feb-05 | The Magnepan 3.6 is in your price range and should be considered. It is the lowest cost Maggie with the true ribbon tweeter. Great for jazz and classical. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 599 Registered: Jun-05 | Art, which Maggie did you have? |
J the Kop Unregistered guest | Thank! Frank, Tawaun, Art |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 1460 Registered: Feb-05 | The MG12. |