Ubid, Refurb - anyone with experience?


Bronze Member
Username: Guygadois

Post Number: 24
Registered: Apr-05
uBid has the receiver (Denon 3805) I want for a good price ($689). Has anyone bought from Ubid? Any opinions? Has anyone bought a refurbed Denon? Any opinions about those?

Quite a good savings.

Unregistered guest
I bought my Marantz 8400 from UBID and had a good experience. It is new with the 3 year warranty. The only problem I see is that the dummies don't double box the heavy expensive equipment they ship. The stupid UPS guy left my $1000 receiver on the porch with the marantz logo clearly on the side!!!!!!! Double boxing would protect the identitiy of it's contents not to mention more physical protection from being dropped. That is the only gripe I have. Also, the shipping charges are A LOT high, maybe to offset the low prices. They charged $39 to ship from chicago (them) to Milwaukee, which is 100 miles away!
Otherwise, no problems. Arrived fast in good condition.


Bronze Member
Username: Guygadois

Post Number: 25
Registered: Apr-05
shipping this is $75 which seems inline with others, doesn't it? Ship to CA.

Unregistered guest
With that price, it seems worth it. I generally consider the shipping into the total cost when comparing. I think $75 is a lot for shipping. The price plus the shipping seems reasonable.

You should be able to ship a small safe for that $75:-)


Silver Member
Username: Chitown

Post Number: 169
Registered: Apr-05
Guy there are a lot of us on this board who jumped on about 5 Marantz units that they dumped through UBid. The only complains came from the people who missed the deals and the ones who overpayed in the bidding. Otherwise only one person noted that their unit was slightly damaged and then he reported that they sent him another one. So it was all good here.


Silver Member
Username: Chitown

Post Number: 170
Registered: Apr-05
Sorry I meant 500 Marantz units not 5.


Bronze Member
Username: Rikmeister

Hometown, Pa Usa

Post Number: 23
Registered: Jun-05
i just got my denon 3805 from ubid i paid 651.00 plus 39.95 shipping and i am on the east coast so 75.00 is high. no problem at all. it was stamped on box has a cosmetic scratch but i has no scratch anywhere so figure that out. i think they are just dumping excess inventory. i would buy again. only think ubid never sent me an email that i won one. so i almost bought another one.

Bronze Member
Username: Guygadois

Post Number: 26
Registered: Apr-05
Anyone knows what happens on Ubid when the lot goes unsold? Do they lower the price. Sorry if this is off topic but I can't seem to find the answer on the uBid site but people here say they have had experience with uBid.

8 left with one day remaining.

Silver Member
Username: Edison

Glendale, CA US

Post Number: 746
Registered: Dec-03
They sometimes extend the days, without lowering the price.

Silver Member
Username: Chitown

Post Number: 178
Registered: Apr-05
Guy if you watch over a longer period of time (say 2-4 months) you will see either a price drop or else some items that are listed as a no-bid going on a regular bid auction that generally goes for lower price.

UBid seems to monitor the general prices on the internet and tries to stay below them.


Bronze Member
Username: Rikmeister

Hometown, Pa Usa

Post Number: 25
Registered: Jun-05
i waited they had them for 699.00 ubut it now and only two were sold. so about 5 days later they were back with 1.00 no reserve bidding. that can be good and bad. if you have people who just have to win and keep bidding it could go even higher than the 689.00 that is the chance you take. i waited and saved about 48.00 that was like gettin the shipping for free. if you wait for the no reserve open bidding set a price and do not go over it. set the auto bid so you do not have to watch it and then pray they send you an email that you one.

Bronze Member
Username: Jet2001

Post Number: 64
Registered: Mar-05
I just bought a Denon 885 from Ubid. It was a very good experience, it was delivered on time...no problems with the unit. The only thing wrong was the remote had gotten cracked, but not in a place that hurt anything.

I have no problem giving a recommendation for Ubid.

Unregistered guest
Ubid sent us a ViewSonic w/dead pixels.....totally unhelpful when asked to give a 1 day grace period for their 14 day return policy (we were gone for 5 days). Never again!
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