Adcom, Hafler, or B&K with my JBL XPL-200 speakers?


New member
Username: Villagepotter

Goleta, CA Usa

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jun-05
Hi. I'm looking for advice on a good used amp and preamp for my speakers.

I havent been into this stuff since the early 90s when I couldn't afford anything. I remember going to the 1990 CES in vegas and really liking the Adcom GFA-555, Hafler DH-220 and B&K ST-140. (Or maybe I don't remember and those were just the closest to my price range.)

I recently acquired a pair of JBL XPL-200 4 way towers (6 Ohm, 90dB). I understand they were a $3000 pair of speakers in their day...not sure what the audiophiles think of them however.

Anyway, Now I'm looking at some of these amps used and I'm delighted to find them in the $300-400 price range. Are these Amps still good quality and value and can someone offer advice on which of these (or another) would be a good match for my JBLs?



Silver Member
Username: Edison

Glendale, CA US

Post Number: 704
Registered: Dec-03
These are power amps - in need of pre amps - unless your cd player has a volume control, and you want to skip the pre amp.

You can do that - but make sure the volume is turned way down, before hooking them up !

Your speakers are still good - you might want to go with aragon amp or a Krell (ksa line) for about a grand on or

These amps will sound better.

Gold Member
Username: Artk

Albany, Oregon USA

Post Number: 1051
Registered: Feb-05
I have an 8 yr old Hafler 9505 and it sounds wonderful.

Unregistered guest
I have clean Hafler 110, 220 and the EQ that goes with it. I am original owner. I would not be selling except for the fact that we are moving into smaller digs. Outstanding, trouble free gear. Make me an offer I can't refuse. Also selling my time-aligned Altec 604E Studio Monitors. Easily blow the socks off your JBL's in terms of sound stage. Comes with dual 15" Altec 515 subwoofer. -Bob
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