Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Bournemouth, Dorset United Kingdom Post Number: 419 Registered: May-05 | This thread is for best sound and sound effects editing films on laserdisc & DVD... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() In no order of category I'll start of with "Star Wars" with a tremendous score opening by "John Williams" soaring across the screen and around the cinema, with a "Flash Gordon" type style opening, with the camera tilting downwards upon a planet with the string movement and the sound of what appears to be a spaceship blasting from the right side of the screen, closely followed by a huge spaceship filling the screen with thundering "Baby Boom" sub bass sound pounding you in the chest and shaking the seats. ![]() If the opening had failed to grab the audience at that point, the films impact may have been flatted, how ever as it turned out it was, a crowning achievement that would gain 7 Academy awards best, sound achievement, sound effects editing, music, costumes, art-decoration, editing and visual effects. "Star Wars" was one of the first successful "Dolby stereo" films released in three types one was a Dolby stereo" optical 35mm release print which was a new matrix format the second one was a mono mix for cinemas that had not made the upgrade change, where differences like deleting parts of sound effects or dialogue. The third was a 70mm six-track Dolby stereo road show release, this was sent to the cinemas capable of showing wide format film star wars was the first Dolby stereo film to use what was called "Baby Boom" this sub bass track played over two of the magnetic tracks on the 70mm print, with four tracks for left centre right screen channels where the dynamic range gave greater realism with sound effects, music sounded more natural, the last remaining track the mono surround gave flybys swooping over the audiences heads and ducking for cover, a whole new meaning to motion picture sound. |
Silver Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 961 Registered: Feb-05 | Blackhawk Down. |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Bournemouth, Dorset United Kingdom Post Number: 425 Registered: May-05 | Thanks Art. That's right it took the Oscar 2002, got it, and though it never sounds bright on the weaponry sound effects, which in real warfare would be like the part in the film, stop firing that next to me, WHAT! A real machine gun would be around 115 120dbA weighting, there about that's holding the weapon near.... It's great that Michael Minkler and Myron Nettinga kept the sound balance under control and easy to follow the story too. The low end use on the film was fantastically brutal when the black hawk helicopter ditched KABOOM, felt like the floorboards where going to rip apart. |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Bournemouth, Dorset United Kingdom Post Number: 458 Registered: May-05 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "The Right Stuff" winner of 4 academy awards 1983 film, best sound effects editing, best achievement in sound, best film editing, and best musical score, this has got the right stuff of sound mixing too it and not even dated, with the Bell X-1 with test pilot Chuck' Yeager, USAF, became the first pilot to fly faster than sound, and blasting across the screen from left to right from centre and softly in the mains though to the centre back surround and down the sides left front to the left side surrounds and feeling the sonic boom on the all channels including the L.F.E, this film just keeps pushing the outside of the envelope. ![]() Bill Conti's Oscar winning score is moving, with artistic use of "Holst the planets" edited into this American classic also liked by us British folks too. ![]() And the first test pilots chosen for the space program or the race between the USSR was indeed on, with problems tying to get the rockets to fly was a engineering challenge, and for the test pilots looking at what they will be flying was a nervous thing seeing them exploded on the launch pad or partly into flight. Any way this is a total classic that makes you want to go on but running in at 184mins is long enough, and there are a plenty of demonstration scenes in this film well the whole film from quite sounds with lots of details in the mix to loud sounds with huge rockets launching off the pad into outer space. ![]() "No bucks no buck Rogers"... The cast of actors Dennis Quaid Gordon Cooper Lance Henriksen Walter Schirra Scott Glenn Alan Shepard Ed Harris John Glenn Jeff Goldblum Recruiter Sam Shepard Chuck Yeager Fred Ward Virgil Grissom Veronica Cartwright Betty Grissom Kathy Baker Louise Shepard Barbara Hershey Glennis Yeager Kim Stanley Pancho Barnes, Owner of Pancho's Happy Bottom Riding Club Pamela Reed Trudy Cooper Harry Shearer NASA Recruiter Scott Wilson Scott Crossfield Philip Kaufman Director Chuck Yeager Cameo Sound Re-recording mixers, Mark Berger, Tom Scott, Randy Thom, David MacMillan The film had exclusive presentation in 70mm six-track Dolby stereo A type with split-stereo surrounds at around the time THX cinemas where getting geared up. |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Bournemouth, Dorset United Kingdom Post Number: 486 Registered: May-05 | "Aliens" Oscar winner for best sound effects editing "Don Sharpe" took the 1986 award home along with visual effects that went to "Stan Winston" who will as worked for Jim many times. The 70mm Dolby stereo A Type six-track mix is something special with lots of scary moments and the usage of sound played the roll very well keeping you tense and your hearing picking up all the small sounds with an uneasy feeling. The cocoon chamber where all the colonists have been captured by the Alien warriors, nasty and the chest busting scene presented hare as a lot more low end to it than the first film did, it will make you curl up, or in my case makes my skin crawl it does. The drop ship scene as a jolt in it and the magic of "James Horners" score ups the stakes with one powerful showdown, "James Cameron" and "Gale Anne Hurd", have had a good work partnership with film making and there works are very creditable to there names and the talents of lots of artists in this industry to bring the magic to the silver screen. |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Bournemouth, Dorset United Kingdom Post Number: 487 Registered: May-05 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Aliens" Oscar winner for best sound effects editing "Don Sharpe" took the 1986 award home along with visual effects that went to "Stan Winston" who will as worked for Jim many times. The 70mm Dolby stereo A Type six-track mix is something special with lots of scary moments and the usage of sound played the roll very well keeping you tense and your hearing picking up all the small sounds with an uneasy feeling. ![]() The cocoon chamber where all the colonists have been captured by the Alien warriors, nasty and the chest busting scene presented hare as a lot more low end to it than the first film did, it will make you curl up, or in my case makes my skin crawl it does. The drop ship scene as a jolt in it and the magic of "James Horners" score ups the stakes with one powerful showdown, "James Cameron" and "Gale Anne Hurd", have had a good work partnership with film making and there works are very creditable to there names and the talents of lots of artists in this industry to bring the magic to the silver screen. |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Bournemouth, Dorset United Kingdom Post Number: 564 Registered: May-05 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Apocalypse now" with dozens of helicopters getting ready for the morning raid, it was going to be no surprise that this will all turn out to be a classic event in the film, along with awesome sound design work created by "Walter Murch" and the use of the popular split-stereo surround now getting wider attention. As the fleet of helicopters near the approach they blaring music of "Richard Wagner's" "Die Walküre" "Ride of the Valkyries." This a powerful scene in the film with so much happening visually with intense gun fire explosions and the line in the film "I love the smell of napalm." Click on this hope you have a strong stomach? Any it's only a film, that's all I have to say on that now after reading an seeing that suffering baby in that picture. |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittNYC, NY Pakistan Post Number: 196 Registered: May-05 | Andy - Hallo There!!! Apocalypse Now Redux is a great one. It's definately got my vote. |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Bournemouth, Dorset United Kingdom Post Number: 572 Registered: May-05 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" is that well, special something of a film where the young boy called "Elliot" befriends the lonely terrified, friendly alien with some rather extraordinary powers. Sound mixing was rather low key in this film, but that's what Oscar like that year and though if you carefully listen to it, it never goes to far as some films have to a degree, the real power of it, is in the score a tour de force musical. Winner of 4 Oscars best achievement in sound, sound effects editing, visual effects and score. The special edition with its added scenes visual effects remixed six-track Dolby stereo mix with its use of surround-EX, though I think deleting the guns for walky-talkies was a poor choice decision which, well takes the tension away and with dual versions of the film on dvd there is still a choice for the viewers, which one is still powerful, the original one of course. But nothing can still be said about the same with "John Williams" score which totally engrosses in its powerful moments of joyfulness for the whole family and the young at heart as well, to enjoy time again. |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Bournemouth, Dorset United Kingdom Post Number: 573 Registered: May-05 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Bali Ha'i Means, I am your special island. "South Pacific" is set around the war in pacific, between the United States and the Japanese empire, with a wonderful love story set all in between this. In this classic Rodgers & Hammerstein's musical classic of the late 1958, this was a time when musicals where magical and colours of dazzling wonders where rich in detail's. And this hasn't lost the magical touch, with so many musical numbers, "Some Enchanted Evening" "Nothing like a Dame" "Younger than springtime" and winner of the Pulitzer Prize, Academy award winner for best sound "Fred Hynes, Todd-AO Sound Department," as well as nominated for musical score, cinematography. Much of the original Todd-Ao six-track stereo magnetic fronts are intact with this mix, dialogue panning movements giving the since of being there and more... So add this one to your dvd collection you will not be disappointed in this at all, ![]() I'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair, I'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair, I'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair "And send if on his way" Get the picture? |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Bournemouth, Dorset United Kingdom Post Number: 574 Registered: May-05 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The jets are coming, the sharks are coming too have a rumble tonight... Natalie Wood & Richard Beymer star in this musical love story of the timeless romantic Romeo & Juliet, fairytale setting between two gangs in the Westside of New York the "Jets" all and all Americans & the Sharks, Puerto Ricans, immigrants... Tony & Maria are in love and are caught between the war of the street gangs each wanting a piece of the street for them self's, only to all end in a tragic ending... With some memorable songs "Maria, "America, "Somewhere tonight" the choreographic moments of the performances played out against the backdrop of stunning set-decoration colours richly lighting up the screen... The mix on this new version is lively and bright, jazzy tempo style, instruments and placements of softness then suddenly going into a loud and uneasy feeling surround you, the front stage setting is close to the original 70mm six-track stereo magnetic release, Low Frequency Effects is used to great impact on songs like "America" wow that is some jaw dropping song when played in THX. Winner of best picture, Robert Wise, producer, supporting actor "George Chakiris" supporting actress Rita Moreno Director Robert Wise - Jerome Robbins original score music Leonard Bernstein best sound Fred Hynes (Todd-AO SSD), and Gordon Sawyer (Samuel Goldwyn SSD), film editing - Thomas Stanford. |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Bournemouth, Dorset United Kingdom Post Number: 581 Registered: May-05 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Raiders of the Lost Ark" winner of 5 1981 Academy Awards Best Sound Achievement,Bill Varney,Steve Maslow,Gregg Landaker,Roy Charman. Sound Effects Editing,Ben Burtt,Richard L. Anderson. Set-Decoration, Norman Reynolds,Leslie Dilley,Michael Ford. Visual Effects,Richard Edlund,Kit West,Bruce Nicholson, Joe Johnston.and Film Editing,Michael Kahn. ![]() The dashing archaeologist "Indiana Jones," always getting his neck in deep trouble, and by some miracle getting out of it, the based on the Saturday morning serials that we liked when we where kids, is a thrill ride loaded with great stunts and story we watch are hero travel the world looking for the "Lost Ark." ![]() With goose stepping morons, the Naz!s on the trial too, time is running out for "Indiana" taking with him on the ride is "Marion" a girl with an impeccable drinking disorder, and knack for getting her self into trouble. So with visual effects also lighting up the screen with dazzling delights, tight film edition score music by "John Williams" master of motion picture scores in my opinion, sound design also takes this movie many steps further creating a gritty realism and completing it as a whole, "sound is 50% of the motion picture experience" --George Lucas... ![]() So if you haven't yet got these classic films in the dvd collection, whip out and hunt them down... Check out the new Skywalker sound web page with virtual camera movement and focus too, very cool. Get the picture... |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 135 Registered: Jun-05 | Braveheart,Mel is the greatest,sorry i dont hqave a picture. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 136 Registered: Jun-05 | Apollo 13 |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 137 Registered: Jun-05 | U.S. Marshalls best plane crash ever! |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Bournemouth, Dorset United Kingdom Post Number: 583 Registered: May-05 | Thank you, Tawaun. Happy 4th of July to you "U.S. Marshals" best plane crash ever! however this film was never nominated for the academy award for best sound or sound effects editing, I do appreciate you like the film, as it predecessor "The Fugitive" was nominated for sound Michael Herbick, Scott D. Smith and sound effects editing Bruce Stambler, and boy did that train crash scene work, very effective too, and "Just Bl00dy Loud" "JBL." Check out "Skywalker Sounds" new web page with virtual camera movement, and focus too... Get the picture... |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Bournemouth, Dorset United Kingdom Post Number: 584 Registered: May-05 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Apollo 13" is a real treat waiting to lift of the lunch pad 39A, and boy I must have seen this film around 14 to 15 times at the cinema, back in 1995 and knew this would take best sound at the Oscars, as it had rocket potentials written all over it. ![]() Re-recording mixers Rick Dior, Steve Pederson, Scott Millan, David MacMillan. ![]() Tight film editing by Mike Hill and Daniel P. Hanley give the film incredible movement and spectacular wow, especially with the lunch. Though I have two discrete six-track versions of the film on DVD and Laserdisc, the Laserdisc dts THX is the only one I run often, with its high bit rate blowing the region 2 dvd total out of the water, and leaving it still on the lunch pad? James Horner score left my breathless in need of oxygen, wow that score building up to the lunch, got me so excited. And I remember seeing the early days on TV of the docking of Apollo and the soyuz, two nations coming together on a mission of peace, was something only now left in the history books.... |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Bournemouth, Dorset United Kingdom Post Number: 629 Registered: May-05 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Braveheart" the story of "William Wallace" is a compelling story of love and betrayal, with the rebel running around the Scottish highlands with a army at is side to overthrow the English and run them out of Scotland for good never to return, after what they did to his wife. ![]() "Soundelux" mixers Lon Bender, Per Hallberg take the sound effects editing Oscar for 1995 wow, 10 years, the battle at "Stirling" is a hand to hand combat with swords and arrows being shot into the air, as they come down throw the air and hitting into the legs arm body too and wooden shields just barely, shielding them self's it's a rather disturbing re-enactment of that event. ![]() The sadist part in this film is the torturing of "William Wallace" and the wickedness and cold heartiest of the King, not granting him mercy, "James Horner's" score is beautiful played out hear with the "LSO London Symphony Orchestra", and the choristers of Westminster abbey gives the film a soul of warm heart. ![]() "Shawn Murphy" does a mastering score mix, with textures of colours and instrument placement too, violins violas bassoons cellos harps timpani, and lots more giving it a grandness that should last for a long time. ![]() |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 198 Registered: Jun-05 | My prayers go out to you and evryone in the UK. |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Bournemouth, Dorset United Kingdom Post Number: 728 Registered: May-05 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() George Lucas, didn't see this matrix coming and took all the technical awards that evening Best Achievement in Sound John T. Reitz, Gregg Rudloff, David E., Campbell David Lee. Sound Effects Editing Dane A. Davis, Visual Effects John Gaeta, Janek Sirrs, Steve Courtley, Jon Thum, Flm Editing Zach Staenberg. ![]() This is loaded with so, so, so much sound effects and sounding very realistic as well as the hyper Foley is some parts of the film works very well and some are often very soft which needs a room with a low NC rating. ![]() Lots of 20Hz to 20Hkz to hear though 16Khz is about the top range for me to day, which isn't bad at all... |