Archive through May 10, 2005

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MB Quart vs JLjoseph coulson11
Which one Banana, or straight plug. Maybe even....Jan Vigne2
Best sub under $2,000???Paul1
JBL PSW112gurvir shahota1
JL vs InfinitySubfanatic8
Pioneer CS-G404 3- way home speakers.Scotty4
Need help from ThailandSubfanatic12
Eclipse SW8100 Al seriesSubfanatic3
Sub recommendation for chevy Subfanatic2
Velodyne SPL-800 Subwoofer?? Paul T1
Build your own ht subjoseph coulson7
Quick question- adding 2nd subwoofer...joseph coulson3
Car sub setuptrevor foster1
Anyone ever built the "House Wrecker" from HFEC?nathank1
There's another forum for car subwoofersChristopher Lee5
Completely new...please helpSubfanatic4
Do I need a sub for music onlyPeter Galbraith3
Subwoofer advicelt2
Help! sub dont work lt2
Where can i find a 15 inch subwoofer box?Subfanatic12
Quesion about Subwoofers from MissionLior1
Musical Sub for $1000DS6
Which Woofer?BMW4
Parts?trevor foster2
Yamaha YST SW1500 any goodBrown3
Best subwoofers for Dodge ram extended cab?Subfanatic4
Good Subwoofer?Javier Morales3
Splscott DeBaker9
Sub questionTom F8
Should i use rca cable or speaker wire to connect the sub to receiver?Dale M. Wiley2
Question about shelf systemCriah5632
Is It Worth It To Repair or Just Buy New??Anonymous1
Audiobahn AW1206T's any goodShane S3
Looking for a 6x9 subwooferArthur Kyle12
Testing SubDale M. Wiley3
Subwoofer to FL & FR Connection...How?swajan3
Surround sound with mirage subwooferTanyia Cooper1
Front firing subScott Mc9
Is it a good amp or badscott DeBaker4
Boxesscott DeBaker5
Calibrating my subBob Fortin1
JBL SCS150 Getting my sub to workTrevorMerlin1
Shaker ApplicationTed Thedford1
Cubic feetAnonymous1
New kenwood typhoon subs???car_system_in the ma1
Matching subs with an amp?Subfanatic5
What sounds bettaSubfanatic2
Both a ported and sealed sub enclosure in the same room -- sound qu...maximustexas1
2 subwoofers?Anonymous1
My parcel shelfAdie_306_gti5
Building a Home Theater SubDru P.1
HSU VTF Comes Only W/Spikes...How About My Hardwood Floor?JAW4
Please help with proper connections for definitive subrobert johnson2
Lanzar vibeChristopher Lee2
"boomy" base on new ported boxesmaximustexas4
Cerwin vega subsblare holz3
Subwoofer noiseNittany300!13
Klipsch Vs. VelodyneChristopher Lee6
Adding new compenents to old systemAnton Treuenfels1
HSU STF-2 vs Definitive Technology PF15David B2
Dealers..Jan Vigne3
SUB ADVICEArthur Kyle3
Too many choices... HELP!Scott Mc3
Subwoofer for my B&W705Briz vegas10
Anyone got a KENWOOD 103SW sub?jas1
Should I invest in a subwoofer? (sorry if posted twice)edster9224
Onkyo SKW 320thomas bajor1
Subwoofer enclosures??Subfanatic5
Need to find best amp for subsSubfanatic2
Does the sub have to 'match'?budget minded3
Good loud movie and rock powered subSubfanatic3
SVS vs HSUedster9228
Onix Rocket UFW-10; best sub...EVER!?Christopher Lee8
Sunfire True Sub EQ or Def Tech Super Cube IJames P16
My theories.....mehChris1
M&K V-2B-Any Specs? Comparing to AthenaJayne Ami1
Sub for Yamaha HTR-5550?Scott Spencer1
Technical queries chvyzl12
Budget Subwoofer for small roomWarped Corp2
Acoustic Research Sub hummingAnon 121
Athena AS-P400 An Upgrade From JBL Arc Sub???Jayne Ami1
Is 250 watts + 250 watts = 500 watts?Anonymous2
Mirage LF-150 vs Athena AS-P400cej221
How many watts, should i use a 2 ch ampMichael Cristofski3
BuzzingMichael Cristofski2
Which subwoofer?Javier Morales6
Subwoofer on it's side??James P3
Mirage MS-12Eytan2
Second Subwooder desired.Ahmed Khalifa1
Athena as-p300 subwoofer questionsAnonymous2
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