Tips for connecting speaker wire!!


Unregistered guest
errg, i think im gonna pull my hair out lol. The speaker terminals on the back of my receiver are so damn close together i cant plug the DAMN WIRE IN! ive been sittn here lol for the past like hour, trying to slide the wire in the TINY little slot then screw the termina. Yea, Right! as soon as i start turning the terminal the wire pops out, so if i hold te wire in, i cant turn the termina because my fingers are too damn big! i cant fit the damn wires in the slots plain and simple lol.

Anyone have ANY tips for making this easier, or how the hell i can do this.

Silver Member
Username: Dakulis

Spokane, Washington United States

Post Number: 101
Registered: May-05

Go get banana clips or a similar attachment and you won't have to hassle with it. I'm sure others that are much brighter and more knowledgeable can point you to the best connection type/brand, etc. I'd probably just buy Monster becuz that's what's available here.

Silver Member
Username: Edster922

Abubala, Ababala The Occupation

Post Number: 955
Registered: Mar-05
I would NOT buy Monster under any circumtances, they are the Bose of audio accessories...ridiculously overpriced for what you're getting.

You can find dirt cheap banana plugs on eBay and while they are often side-loading twist-screw types which are not as good as soldering or even screw-in types, they should be at least as good as using bare wire with your speaker terminals, but will be much easier to connect and disconnect.

Other good places:

Gold Member
Username: Paul_ohstbucks

Post Number: 1332
Registered: Jan-05
You need Na'nner plugs dewd.

Either order the discount stuff from the web, or overpay like me, and just buy the monster stuff so you can get your system working "NOW".
HEH...(waiting is for the birds)

The nanners' plug right into your receiver. Hopefully there will be somebody present who can show you how easy it is and the proper method of jacking them in.

Good luck....

Bronze Member
Username: Dodgedifferent2

Sarnia, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 37
Registered: May-05
Hit the nearest radio shack and ask them for solderless banana plugs, not monster stuff. They should pull out a set for $2.99. Your life will be much easier and you will end up with a big smile on your face. The solderless ones are easy to put together and you can change the wires if you make a mistake instead of splicing wires.

Gold Member
Username: Paul_ohstbucks

Post Number: 1338
Registered: Jan-05
Their cheap solderless plugs dont look like they're capable of holding a firm connection. If you bump or tug the wire ever so slightly, it looks like the thing would fall apart. That's atleast how it looked to me. I wouldnt use those cheapos unless you intend to solder them anyway.(in spite of their solderless claim)

Silver Member
Username: Claudermilk

Post Number: 175
Registered: Sep-04
If you want to go the solderless route, try Orange County Speaker. I have a set of their locking ones & am quite happy with them; I preferred these as they are rear loading, not side loading. Made hooking up the receiver 1000% easier. They can be found on ebay as well as their own site.

Bronze Member
Username: Dodgedifferent2

Sarnia, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 38
Registered: May-05
Actually they hold up pretty well. As cheap as they look they actually are really good.

Unregistered guest
Hey, thanx guys! I was trying last night untill 9pm, seriously 3 hours of trying to screw in the damn terminals, and finally got it. Funny thing. Wow, lol, but i gotta do it allll over again. As i was getting frustrated and started fumbling around in the back, i plugged in the left speaker into the right terminals, and the right speaker to the left.. oh my god!

I went to radio shack before i got wire, and i said ok i need banana plugs. They didnt have any. All they had was bits and peices! im gonna buy cables with banana plugs attached to them. Im actually trying to buy speaker wire and stuff, BUT the only places here sell Monster! and im not Buying that crap

Unregistered guest
dude don't worry about 'nana plugs...all beings are already connected. You just gotta reach out and touch them, that's all.

Gold Member
Username: Paul_ohstbucks

Post Number: 1360
Registered: Jan-05

If you're in the US, buy your speakerwire from "Lowes" or similar store. The HiFi places sell the exact same copper, but for ripoff prices.

Lowes sells 12AWG wire for 35cents/foot. If you're looking for 14-16AWG wire, it's even much cheaper.

Unregistered guest

Do you personally use "Lowes" copper wire for your speakers? if not, why instruct me to do so? Lol, i might buy into the big hype and get Bettercables, or Blue jeans.

Silver Member
Username: Artk

Albany, Oregon USA

Post Number: 913
Registered: Feb-05
I had the same trouble with getting my speaker cable to go in (and stay in) so I used some bananas. I don't even remember where I got them but they were cheap. Radio Shack probably has them and they would be fine even if you have better cable (inclding Bettercables).

Gold Member
Username: Paul_ohstbucks

Post Number: 1376
Registered: Jan-05
Yes, I bought my 12AWG speakerwire at Lowes. Blue Jeans and some of the others are quite reasonably priced too.

So long as you dont buy into the 'snake oil' ripoffs and spend several dollars a foot, you'll be OK.

Unregistered guest
Yeah, i rather like blue jeans cables.. i think im gonna pick some of those up. should i grab the video cables from them too? so really get all the cables i need from them?

Silver Member
Username: Kano

Post Number: 519
Registered: Oct-04
"Wow, lol, but i gotta do it allll over again. As i was getting frustrated and started fumbling around in the back, i plugged in the left speaker into the right terminals, and the right speaker to the left.. oh my god!"

Instead of reversing the connections on the reciever is it possible to just reverse all the runs of cable to the speakers?

Unregistered guest
Makes sense kano, yeah i thought of it, but the cable i was given by a buddy arent the same length. so i cant do it that way.

New member
Username: Chadnew

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jul-05
You guys are saying monster cables suck? What are better alternatives?

Okay, I just bought my first new stereo receiver in over 20 years -- and it does not have the speaker wire connections that you simply push the speaker wires into. (And, yes, I have already realized that CDs have replaced vinyl records.) There are red knobs (it is a Sony STR-DE898) on this one and I cannot figure out how to connect the speaker wires (and the included manual does not help). Anyone out there who can help? Thanks in advance.

The speaker terminals on the STR-DE898 are fairly standard ones.
They should unscrew to allow you to push the wire into the base of the terminal.
They should also have holes in the top for banana leads. If you live in Europe then these will be blanked off with a piece of plastic - you can usually remove this by firm application of a small screwdriver.
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