ADA PTM-6150 Chrome...can someone varify this?


Bronze Member
Username: Disco_stan


Post Number: 92
Registered: Dec-03
I was just browsing around and came across this amp and thought it might be worth the research. Heres the link where I came arcoss it:

I have no idea how it sounds or anything so I'll probably email they and get more imforation on. But if anyone doesn't mind doing outside research on this that would be great! Thanks.

and heres a pdf:

Bronze Member
Username: Rick_b

New york Usa

Post Number: 29
Registered: Dec-03

ADA is a very good high end manufacturer. The amp in question (PTM-6150) in good condition would be a good buy at say up to $1000.00 .


Bronze Member
Username: Disco_stan


Post Number: 93
Registered: Dec-03
Well thanks a lot, I'm looking to go into seperates or buying a 6 channel amp, either way I'll still be happy with what I end up with.
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