Panasonic SA-XR70S...your thoughts?


New member
Username: Pookieguy

Post Number: 10
Registered: May-05
Thanks to some replies to some threads I've posted here, I've been toying with the idea of purchasing the Panasonic SA-XR70S receiver.

This is the lowest priced receiver I can find with HDMI suppport. (if anyone knows of any others, please let me know).

It only has one HDMI input so I'm wondering if the following setup would be ok with it?

2005 Samsung DLP w/HDMI
Samsung HD-950 w/HDMI

I use a cableCARD to get HD channels and don't use an HD receiver. (don't want one either)

Would one HDMI from this audio receiver be ok then? Meaning, do I simply connect the DVD player via HDMI? If so, would there be an HDMI out port to run back to the TV?




Silver Member
Username: Edster922

Abubala, Ababala The Occupation

Post Number: 907
Registered: Mar-05
You might want to wait a couple of weeks for the Panasonic sa-xr55 to come out, I think it does have HDMI too but it has more audiophile features and finally does away with those annoying speaker push-pin connections.

Check it out at which has it on pre-order, you could probably call them and ask for a release date.

Also go to the and do a search for "list of digital receivers" which will land you a MASSIVE (+40 pages) thread on this subject.

Bronze Member
Username: Pookieguy

Post Number: 11
Registered: May-05

Thank you much for the reply. Wow, I was actually hoping for a black finish model and this one will certainly do. However, where did you read it supported HDMI? I've just done some research and all the spec I find do not state it has HDMI input.

I sure hope it does and can certainly wait for it.



Silver Member
Username: Edster922

Abubala, Ababala The Occupation

Post Number: 917
Registered: Mar-05
I may well be wrong on the HDMI bit, I think I read that on some other audio forum, probably

Why is HDMI so important for you? Just curious.

Bronze Member
Username: Pookieguy

Post Number: 12
Registered: May-05

Well, the reason being that I would like to eliminate the need to control devices with more than one remote. I honestly have never owned an A/V receiver simply because of the hassle and the fact that you have another component to worry about. Right now, since I own a Samsung 2005 DLP and the new Samsung upconverting DVD player, I have one remote that controls both.

I may be wrong, but I would hate to have another component that would require me to control it via another remote.

The only reason I considered this Panasonic HDMI receiver is because it did support HDMI, meaning that I could at least control the receiver and DVD player from one remote.

Hope I'm making sense here...


Silver Member
Username: Edster922

Abubala, Ababala The Occupation

Post Number: 919
Registered: Mar-05
oh if it's just a matter of wanting one remote, that's very easy: buy a universal remote control.

However, most AV receivers above the entry level super-cheap ones will have a "learning remote" which can be programmed to operate other components too.

I don't know a whole lot about HDMI but from what I gather it's mainly supposed to provide better video quality if you have a TV with an HDMI input. Never heard of anyone wanting HDMI for the reason you listed...

hdmi will of course provide the best picture.but in the sa-xr70 the main advantage is you can hook up your panasonic dvd-audio player using the hdmi cable and you can play your dvd-audio discs using a direct digital connection to the receiver and you can use the bass management facilities in the receiver.since dvd-audio is apparently a format that's dying this may not have much usefullness in the future-which is probably why there apparently is NOT an hdmi connector in the new sa-xr55 receiver-I have assumed panasonic would either be coming out with a new receiver to replace the sa-xr70 sometime in the future but know I'm not so sure.

one more thing!!I read somewhere(I think in the listing for the sa-xr70,or the other products we're talking about, on the website)that the sa-xr70 will not recognize the dvd-a and/or sacd stream from the 950(via hdmi,not the reg 5 ch rca output).

Silver Member
Username: Edison

Glendale, CA US

Post Number: 793
Registered: Dec-03
Might want to hear onkyo tx-lr552 - it's also digital but also is discreet - making it sound smoother.

I have a panny and happy with it - might get the onkyo.

Both are great value in amp right now - sounds way better than others at the price.

By the way, the onkyo can be had for $200 on the web - google it, and you will see (50% off).

Bronze Member
Username: Pookieguy

Post Number: 15
Registered: May-05

I went to the Onkyo site and saw the pics on the tx-lr552. Looking at the rear of the unit, it doesn't seem to have HDMI though?


Silver Member
Username: Edison

Glendale, CA US

Post Number: 807
Registered: Dec-03
Sorry about that - missed that part.

You will like the sound of a digital receiver - I am listening to one now. I like their smoothness - definitely a good value on audio now.
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