Bronze Member Username: ShahrukhdMumbai, Maharashtra India Post Number: 48 Registered: Nov-04 | Anyone know of any good compact floorstanders at the budget level? How's Tannoy's Fusion3? |
Silver Member Username: TwebbzAnn Arbor, Michigan USA Post Number: 116 Registered: Apr-04 | |
bumblebee Unregistered guest | mordaunt-short ms914. great sound, good looks. |
Bronze Member Username: Stu_pittNYC, NY Pakistan Post Number: 90 Registered: May-05 | Check out PSB image series. Haven't heard Tannoy's |
New member Username: QuadstarPost Number: 10 Registered: Jul-04 | How about Mission M73i? |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 162 Registered: Apr-04 | Wharfedale's new Diamond series. Kevlar drivers and a very nice laid back sound with incredible fit and finish. |
Bronze Member Username: ShahrukhdMumbai, Maharashtra India Post Number: 49 Registered: Nov-04 | And Polk? Is the Polk Monitor 50 any good?? |
Silver Member Username: MixneffectOrangevale, Ca. USA Post Number: 158 Registered: Apr-05 | We had a tonnoy V12 in our church as our FOH monitor, and I was not impressed. For one: It has a 12" dual concentric driver. This is supposed to solve phase alignment issues, but it actually made things worse. Due to the fact that the tweeter is located in the center of the 12" cone woofer , it horn-loads the tweeter. So basicly now you have exactly what they wanted to avoid. Another thing is that for a 12" driver it really lacks in the bass department. I do not consider 70 Hz to be an acceptable cutoff for a 12" woofer in a 38 liter vented box. It is housed in a 5/8" birch plywood enclosure with a 5/8" mdf front baffle. For a driver of this size with an efficiency of 95-99 dB, it needs a better built enclosure. I would expect 1" mdf at least. IMO: This seems to be a theory-engineers design. It has all the bells and whistles that a modern technology speaker should have, but it lacks functionability. I understand that this is a monitor and some people think that monitors should be more efficient and therefore it requires a lighter cone, which elliminates low bass, but, I beg to differ. If a company designs a speaker that is designed to be used in a recording studio, and it lacks in dynamics: What would we get during playback if the original recording is limited? Sounds like the upper management got involved, and screwed it all up again. |
Silver Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 574 Registered: Sep-04 | mixneffect, The 12" dual concentric unit harks back to the seventies. It is not a new design. Horn loading the tweeter unit has no effect on phase alignment. It does help efficiency however. Mounting the tweeter in the throat of the main drive unit does phase align the two. However, in order to keep the price down many Tannoy models did suffer from cabinets that didn't make the most of the drive unit. The ones that worked better were the larger cabinets with folded quarter wave horns built-in. These were made from birch (IIRC) and the horn gave lots of internal strengthening to the cabinet. The problem with them was that they were huge speakers. Incidentally, even these did not go particularly low in the bass. This was part of the design since the Tannoys were designed to be placed in the corners of a room where they were expected to benefit from a 9db lift in the bass. Shahrukh, the Warfedale Diamond 9.2 is an inexpensive floorstander, but I get a lot of cabinet colouration from it as you'd expect for a floorstander about the same price as a half reasonable standmount. Another alternative is the Acoustic Energy Aegis EVO3. At full whack this isn't a 'cheap' floorstander, but the price has been cut to shreds in the last year so you should be able to pick a pair up for reasonable money. They're well made and lead lined so they're heavy and can be placed near a TV. The only caveat is that they like power so if you've got a 30w/ch integrated they might be a bit of a push for the amp. Regards, Frank. |
Silver Member Username: MixneffectOrangevale, Ca. USA Post Number: 160 Registered: Apr-05 | I am aware that there were alot of ground breaking designs in the 60's and 70's. But these designs were on the most expensive high end equipment that most of us regular joes were not even exposed to until just recently. In the 80's is when it all happened. If you can find a quality speaker made in the 80's from a respectable manufacturer, you got something. In the 90's comapnies sold out to Corporations and most of the intriquite designs were almost obsolete. I am sorry that you feel offended Frank. It sounds like you own a Tannoy system. |
Bronze Member Username: ShahrukhdMumbai, Maharashtra India Post Number: 50 Registered: Nov-04 | Thanks guys. Frank, as far as I know, the 9.2 is a standmount. More like the bigger brother of he 9.1.. And mixneffect... I only wanted to know about the Fusions. Don't think I'll be able to afford any of the other Tannoy models. But hey, it's always good to learn more. Edward, is Mission M73i good for jazz? |
Silver Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 577 Registered: Sep-04 | mixneffect, I'm not offended. I'm sorry if my post sounded like that! I don't own a Tannoy system - they don't really do it for me in terms of presentation. I only took issue with your assessment of the dual concentric driver which I feel is a better solution than KEF's UniQ drive unit, and which has a great deal more application than the KEF unit, being in 10, 12 and 15 inch variants. If I wasn't clear, the entry level dual concentric units certainly didn't enjoy decent cabinets. Tannoy had spent a great deal of money developing the dual concentric driver and needed to move more units along. Unfortunately, since the crossover and drive unit were pretty much fixed, the only place to lower cost was the cabinet. There was a fair old market in DIY cabinetry for the Tannoys in the UK to get the best out of them without paying for a Kingston or Glastonbury. Certainly in the 80s there was a real dumbing down of the brands as economics started to bite deeply into their traditional markets. In the nineties, the Chinese money started to pour in and companies began farming out to Far East manufacturing (China and Malaysia come to mind). There were a few good ones in there such as B&W's DM series (DM10s and DM100s were very strong budget speakers), but there was a general lowering of quality in a bid to improve profit figures. Shahrukh, sorry my brain was in dual concentric mode as opposed to info-retrieval mode. I meant the Wharfedale Diamond 9.4s. Regards, Frank. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 197 Registered: Apr-04 | I did not hear the cabinet colouration you mentioned for the 9.4. Could you explain your experience? |
Silver Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 943 Registered: Feb-05 | Paradigm Esprit is a fine little floorstander. |
Bronze Member Username: ShahrukhdMumbai, Maharashtra India Post Number: 51 Registered: Nov-04 | Has anyone heard Dali Blue 3003?? |
Silver Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 945 Registered: Feb-05 | I have not heard that specific Dali speaker but I did hear Dali speakers at Spealerlab in Seattle and I was very impressed. One of the better speakers that I have heard. |
Silver Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 586 Registered: Sep-04 | Danman In my old age, I have become quite susceptible to cabinet colourations. Therefore I tend to have problems with most ported speakers (which honk) and poorly braced cabinets (which wheeze). The 9.4 has a combination of these 'features'. It's not particularly well braced so the cabinet has a tendency to sound like a drum (which it shouldn't) and the ports have a tendency to honk too. Therefore, I prefer the musicality of the 9.1 on a decent stand, which costs more money than a pair of 9.4s. That said, at almost the same money I'd choose the B&W DM600 on stands because it's a more balanced sound. Even the 9.1's bass is a little fruity for my taste. Regards, Frank. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 201 Registered: Apr-04 | My 9.6's don't sound like this! My AXIOMS did however! Also, the 9.6 is pretty heavy and after comparing them directly in the store with about 10 pairs ranging from 1000$ to 4000$, I chose this one because of the best balance for the money. Heck, even my salesman was surprised! To each his own. What we all have to remember is that each of us have our own ears. B&W is nice but not powerful enough for my use. 9.1's more expensive??? Not what I saw! |
Silver Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 588 Registered: Sep-04 | Danman I have not heard the 9.6, onnly the 9.1 and 9.4. For all I know the 9.6 sounds great. The 9.4 costs £230. A pair of 9.1s cost £180. A decent stand is £95 minimum (Partington Ansa). So 9.1 on stand is about £300 or more. Regards, Frank. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 202 Registered: Apr-04 | Sorry, I misunderstood you were calculating the stand! |
New member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 4 Registered: Jun-05 | Yeah the Diamond series is great from top to bottom even the 8s were i still have my 8.1s.The diamonds are the best thing out there in budget gear stuff like Athenas and paridgm most of it is crap with a shrill top end and very boxy sounding with little midrange resolusion |
Silver Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 999 Registered: Mar-05 | Tawaun, you have GOT to be pooh-pooh Athenas and then promote Wharfedale DIAMONDS??? Hah! A friend of mine bought the 8.2 Diamonds because he found them really cheap on Amazon, something like $150 a pair but they sound horrible...completely muffled treble and mids, and dull muddy lows. The crappy $80/pair Polk R20s I have in my bedroom sound better than those. |
New member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 10 Registered: Jun-05 | 8.1s are way better than the 8.2 but even the 8.2 are better than any of the Athenas so are getting tricked by that tipped up top end another thing that makes the Diamonds better than the Athenas is how they respond to better electronics and not just cheap as av receiverst they are in a totally different league than the Athenas. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1001 Registered: Mar-05 | oooooooh-kay, if you say so... I find it interesting though that the only big glowing professional review the Diamonds ever get is from the exact same source year after year, What HiFi? magazine. The Athenas have definitely had better professional reviews from a much wider range of sources, which to me is a very encouraging sign. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 203 Registered: Apr-04 | An encouraging sign is what your ears tell you not what YOU say is good or not! You like Athena because that is what you own. I like them too but like my 9.6 much more. Does that make me better than you? NO! Wharfedale is by no means the pinnacle of speakers but maybe you would change your mind if you listened to the OPUS line! Wharfedale has been around something like 60 years.....THAT IS ENCOURAGING! Go to AVguide for a review of the 9.6.........they seem to love them! |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 204 Registered: Apr-04 | By the way Edster......what do you own? Your bio says eyes, ears, brain, genitalia! In that order? Never heard of those brands! I suppose if you own them they must be good! |
Bronze Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 13 Registered: Jun-05 | What do you think he owns its a shame that he doesent even have courage to by them in your bio if they are so great.But hey maybe thats why you have ears in your bio.You really know the truth dont you?Im sure Athena is glad that endorse them.Its to bad you keep it a secret behind those eyes of yours. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1009 Registered: Mar-05 | Danman, I'm surprised since you are not a newbie around here like Tawaun, surely you've heard me rave about Ascend Acoustics speakers? Some people even thought I was working for them! BTW I listen to music with ALL of my self, which naturally includes genitalia and all that good stuff. As for the Wharfedale Opus line, I'm sure they are good---at their price point they darn well better be. The Diamonds that I've heard (the 8.2 of my friend's, and the 9.2 in a shop) were however pretty atrocious. And obviously there's nothing like listening to gear with your own ears to truly form an opinion but since few of us have the time or chance to listen to the hundreds of speakers out there, professional reviews can be very useful to narrow down the field a bit. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 211 Registered: Apr-04 | I have been very lucky to have had the chance to listen to many speakers and systems over the years and if you want hype I can tell you that buying that nice shiney 1/2 inch thick aluminum amp with 3000$ bookshelf speakers is not always the model sound system! I am in agreement with you and your opinions with budget hi-fi gear that is actually much closer to audiophile than most would think! HOWEVER, your approach to one or two brands confirms your remark that you have NOT had either the chance or time to listem to many brands regardless of price. Personally I don't like Ascend Acoustics but will never say they are "atrocious!" I know a guy that owns a Viper and after trying it, I thought it was terrible! Cool maybe! I would still like to know what you own! By the way, listening to music with your genitalia is not healthy! |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1019 Registered: Mar-05 | OK Danman, if you are absolutely dying to know, here's what I have---no big secret, I've mentioned my setup in several threads here before. I never posted it in the "profile" section because frankly I think the very idea of a "personal profile" on an Internet forum is ridiculous to begin with. Marantz 5400 receiver NAD 2200 PE amp NAD 1240 pre/pro NAD 4225 tuner Sony ES cd player (hopefully to be upgraded to a NAD c542 in a few months) Panasonic DVD player Panasonic 20" TV Ascend Acoustics CMT-340s L/C/R JBL e150 sub (the most obvious weak link of the system next to the prehistoric TV) As for speakers, I don't pretend to have listened to EVERYthing out there. Here are some brands that I have heard: JBL E series Paradigm Monitor series Klipsch Synergy series & other models I can't remember Monitor Audio Bronze & Silver series PSB (can't remember models, they were about mid-level) Triangles --- these I liked the most but very pricey NHT (can't remember models) Athenas Wharfedale Diamonds junk speakers: Sony, KLH, Bose, etc. I call the Wharfies "atrocious" mainly due to all their inch-thin hype compared to their performance. If you go look at the reviews you'll find that they have received their share of mixed reviews, while the Ascend 170s have not---telling, because while it's conceivable that a company might post shill positive reviews, it's impossible for that company to prevent disgruntled customers from posting negative reviews. > By the way, listening to music with your genitalia is not healthy! hey don't knock it till you try it! ; ) |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1028 Registered: Mar-05 | Oh, and some other speakers I'd forgotten about that I've listened to: Mordaunt Short (MS05s) Polk (R series and RTi series) Infinity (Primus and Beta series) |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 1420 Registered: Jan-05 | really need to consider losing that 20"er. |
Bronze Member Username: ShahrukhdMumbai, Maharashtra India Post Number: 52 Registered: Nov-04 | Heylo... anybody in here remember me? If you don't just scroll up and see who started this thread. Danman, Edster, Tawaun, take a peek at my very modest system. WHARFEDALE DIAMOND 8.1 (Yeah, they fitted my budget and aren't that bad with my listening distance of 7 feet. Marantz SR4400 receiver. Cheap Chinese Cables (I've single wired my Diamonds A Cyber Home DVD player.... eeeps! Now I need an aptly priced floorstander. The 9.6 becomes a bit large in my circumstances. Not that I'm unhappy with the Diamonds but it's just that I wanna use them in the bedroom. Someone please tell me how you liked the Dali Blue 3003. It's the perfect size. |
Bronze Member Username: ShahrukhdMumbai, Maharashtra India Post Number: 53 Registered: Nov-04 | Also, does anyone think adding a Cerwin Wega sub is a good idea. Yeah, I definitelty plan to change the cbles to QED Silver anniversary Bi-wire. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 214 Registered: Apr-04 | Well Edster, your NAD gear is great. Some of your other stuff I would pass on but that is ME! To me ASCEND is like AXIOM (which I owned until recently). They are an internet based company that usually have great service and a wonderful return policy that no one really uses because they listen to them at home alone without comparing. I should know because I did this! The difference is that I was lucky enough to have listened to many speakers before and noticed that they were okay but lacking in other areas. You obviously have a budget system and like what you own which is a step in the right direction compared to many that are NEVER happy with what they got. To knock other makes before directly comparing however, is not being objective. Second, if you only believe in reviews,you will never get anywhere with audio. Wharfedale is one of the biggest sellers of speakers in the world and like I said have existed for a long time. This does not make them the best! Neither do any of the other makes you mention. I would like to own other brands like Pro-Ac in the futurea as these are fantastic to my ears but I am careful to change for the better and not just go with something that I cannot see an improvement. Get that C542 and will notice a big difference in sound. |
Gold Member Username: Paul_ohstbucksPost Number: 1424 Registered: Jan-05 | Adding any sub would make a difference. I cant recommend the CV subs though because I've never heard them. |
Shinner Unregistered guest | I had the Warfendals Diamonds and replaced them with the Athena's which I liked much, much better. Thank God AudioAdvisor has such a great return / home audition policy! To each his own I guess! |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 218 Registered: Apr-04 | Never heard if "Warfendals"!!! I don't like Athena so you are right, everybody has their own liking! What amp and source do you have? |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 219 Registered: Apr-04 | ooops! not "if" but "of"!!! |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1029 Registered: Mar-05 | Well that's the thing, Danman---after my Ascends came in I actually DID take them to a local shop where I had purchased the Marantz receiver, and put them up against their stock of Klipsch, PSB, Triangle, NHT, and Monitor Audio. (An experience I've mentioned several times on this forum, BTW.) The closest competitor was Triangle but at about twice the price, the others in the same pricepoint were not even close...even the salesguy had to admit that, and he had eagerly accepted my request for an in-store comparison because he said that just the week before one of his customers had ended up sending back a whole 5.1 Axiom setup after doing the same in-store comparison! So I don't think Axiom is actually in the same league as Ascend---at least for people like me who dislike brightness in speakers. The Triangles are described as bright by some people but they're bright in a very organic and interesting way, totally unlike the Klipsch for example. What I don't like are MUFFLED sounding speakers---and that's exactly what the Wharfedale Diamonds that my friend has sound to my ears. Ditto with most of the Polk speakers I've listened to. My gear is mainly for music, so the Ascends and the NAD stuff do make me very happy. HT is really not a high priority for me since most of the movies I watch are not big on sound FX anyways, or even visual FX...that's how I can put up with a 20 incher for so long, lol. As I said I'm sure that Wharfedale's higher model lines must be pretty good considering their prices, it's just the Diamonds I heard were very disappointing, especially when their website quotes Ken Kessler calling them "the greatest loudspeakers of the past 25 years"---can you blame me for feeling hugely LET DOWN with hype like that? |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 223 Registered: Apr-04 | It is hype to you as a let down but your views are yours. I find AXIOM and ASCEND as hype after listening to them especially if you say they beat all those name brands!!!!!! |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1044 Registered: Mar-05 | > It is hype to you as a let down but your views are yours. uh, I think it's a little self-evident that both of us, and everyone else on every other Internet forum, are simply trafficking in personal opinions/ why belabor the point? > I find AXIOM and ASCEND as hype after listening to them especially if you say they beat all those name brands!!!!!! You misread my post. Again: I do not put Axiom in the same league as Ascend. Also I never said Ascend were the world's best. Just the best compared to brands within the price range up to twice their price, that I have personally heard myself. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 227 Registered: Apr-04 | To each his own! It is just the approach you use to try and make me feel my decision was the wrong one! You made a point of bringing your stuff to a local shop to compare! Why would anyone do this unless they had doubts? Choose your equipment based on your needs and qualities but don't try and make me feel I made a bad choice! As long as you feel good about what you buy that is all that counts. I was going to upgrade to NAIM recently until I realised that there is a difference but not enough to tell me my NAD setup is no good! Like I said, I have the luck of visiting high end shops on a regular basis and listen to all sorts of equipment. Some I like, some I don't......NO matter what price tells me BUT I would not say that ASCENDS are the best in their price range when you have only heard 5 brands! get out there and listen, you will see! |
Silver Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 880 Registered: Feb-04 | There are no high end stores where I live and I never enjoyed the experience in stores in high end Quebec City either. There are exactly two audio stores here and they make sure they carry different brands so that they don't have to compete directly on price. One of them carries Klipsch (Dumoulin). The most expensive Klipsch speaker in the store is the RF-25 at about C$1200 a pair. I asked about the RF-7 and the store manager mumbled "I'll see if we have the RX-7 on the computer inventory". You know, the Mazda RX-7... not the Klipsch RF-7. So, back to the RF-25... They were setup in the middle of the large store room next to Paradigm Monitor 7 or 11 (I can't remember) immediately on either side of an audio rack. The speakers were placed 2 or 3 feet apart. What's the point? The other is better (Tanguay Electronique) and they carry Energy, Canton and a few others. |
Zorro Unregistered guest | Edster, Which Polk models did you listen too? The RTi and LSi series are great speakers with little recognition and cannot understand how they could sound muffled to you ! |
Bronze Member Username: BritthoFrisco, TX USA Post Number: 31 Registered: May-05 | It may be hard to find them but Rega R3's are good entry level floorstanders for only $795. They sound clean and they can be powered with a modest source. Everyone has their opinion but for the 500-1000 range they are my favorite so far. |
Silver Member Username: TwebbzAnn Arbor, Michigan USA Post Number: 166 Registered: Apr-04 | I have little RT3s in the kitchen and they sound muffled even with my bright Yamaha RX-595. Never a sparkle in their treble. |
Silver Member Username: TwebbzAnn Arbor, Michigan USA Post Number: 167 Registered: Apr-04 | ...well not "muffled", just dull. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 231 Registered: Apr-04 | Peter if ever you go to Montreal, I will give you the names of places to go. Some of the stuff is outrageous and the salesmen are really cool. However, there are a couple that you should avoid. I am lucky that when I go on business to be able to have time to visit these places and educate myself. Problem is, it gives you that terrible sickness.......upgradeitis! |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1048 Registered: Mar-05 | Danman, sheesh, you need to seriously take a GIANT chill pill. I don't know how you pulled that one out of your @ss that I've tried to make you feel you "made the wrong decision or a bad choice." Look, I don't know you from Adam so frankly LOL I can't imagine what on earth makes you think I could possibly give a flying f*ck what speakers you choose. A little self-preocccupied aren't we? All I can say is, if you come to an Internet forum and are too thin-skinned and weak-minded to stand hearing strong disagreeing opinions then you need to find a good therapist. > You made a point of bringing your stuff to a local shop to compare! Why would anyone do this unless they had doubts? Doubts...why not? Only a religious nutcake or a complete retard has ZERO doubts about ANYTHING. And BTW are you totally unfamiliar with the concept of "curiousity?" > NO matter what price tells me BUT I would not say that ASCENDS are the best in their price range when you have only heard 5 brands! Jesus H. Christ, not only are you hysterical but you can't even count, LOL... I only A/Bed 5 brands but have heard at least 15 that I listed in this thread. Bottom line is this, Danman: I'm very happy with what I have...are YOU? Doesn't sound like you are...otherwise why would you get your knickers in such a wad over a some meaningless comments in some meaningless little Internet forum like this? |
Anonymous | Yeah b1tch! Whose your daddy now. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1049 Registered: Mar-05 | Zorro, I would apply "muffled" mainly to the R-series, of which the R15 was surprisingly the best of the lot. I thought the RTi8 was the strongest of the RTi series, then the RTi10; the RTi12 was actually kind of a letdown. The RTi4 and 6 that I heard were horrible, got distorted and screechy very quickly when I cranked the volume even a little. For the price of the RTi8 and up though, I'd definitely go Paradigm if I were buying locally. Still, I honestly think that the much less expensive Athena F2s could hold their own against the RTi10. All of the RTi series though didn't have the same midrange richness of the Ascends or the same control of the highs. They do of course have far better bass extension, no question there. (NOTE: for anyone who's so thin-skinned and clueless as to not already assume this---all that I've written above are just MY PERSONAL SUBJECTIVE OPINION...duh!!!) |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Bournemouth, Dorset United Kingdom Post Number: 501 Registered: May-05 | Hallo there Edster922 What makes you think it a good loudsperker.... |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1055 Registered: Mar-05 | andy, care to elaborate on what "it" you are referring to? |
Bronze Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 23 Registered: Jun-05 | Well i see everyone on here is at each others necks,but the Diamonds being muffled i have never heard that Danman those 9.6 are great for the money dont let anyone tell you differnt.See we have different sounds it seems that Edster likes speed as he said he really liked the Triangles you seem like you value more warmth and mid range richness which the Diamonds have in spades.Its all choices i prefer a little bit of both so my choice and its now became a very easy one for me the SDAT SB 639d |
Bronze Member Username: ShahrukhdMumbai, Maharashtra India Post Number: 55 Registered: Nov-04 | I wish I could add my bit about the Axioms and Ascends but unfortunately here in India I have heard either. The polks I have, and must say I wasn't that impressed with their sound! |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Bournemouth, Dorset United Kingdom Post Number: 523 Registered: May-05 | Man this crazy, where all acting like a pack of wild savage dogs..... At each others that cracked me up, keep them coming Tawaun A.Williams |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1069 Registered: Mar-05 | Shahrukh, surely with India being a former British colony you can get British speakers there? |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1070 Registered: Mar-05 | Andy, well WOOF WOOF to ya too, mate! ; ) |
Somed00d Unregistered guest | Id try the Infinity Prims 360, or some Vandersteen 2's. Ive heard neither of these, but if I were to get a second pair of cheap floorstanders, id give both of these a listen. |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Bournemouth, Dorset United Kingdom Post Number: 541 Registered: May-05 | Easy Lassie down girl... WOOF WOOF ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Thx_3417Bournemouth, Dorset United Kingdom Post Number: 542 Registered: May-05 | Sorry I couldn't resist such a classic American icon like Lassie.... |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 237 Registered: Apr-04 | That is a great picture of Edster! You are such the smart one on this board and know it all! Remember all, Edsters stuff is the best! |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 238 Registered: Apr-04 | By the way........the topic here is entry level floorstanders! I thought I was on the right track until I got an "Ascend sidewinder" up my a$$! Last comment on this topic Edster...I really love my equipment and if you could read you would have noticed that I said I was going to upgrade but did not because I was not convinced of a major difference. Boy you certainly get bent out of shape easily don't you? I don't buy your comment about curiousity. Anybody that brings a 548$ pair of Ascend speakers to a dealer to try and prove he has something better than major brands in a store, is only trying to justify his purchase. That is fine but it shows some misconception and doubt! You are willing to support all internet based companies like AXIOM, ASCEND and even a small company like ATHENA and then tell us they are better than anything out there for the price and try to prove it at a local store!!LOL! WHY? You have been the only one on this thread that has tried really hard to convince us all that your stuff is the best and that everybody else owns crap and then you tell me to calm down LOL!!! Re-read your posts Mr. Audiophile 2005! I think we should try and get back on track for Shahrukh D's sake. This is fun isn't it? LOL! |
Bronze Member Username: ShahrukhdMumbai, Maharashtra India Post Number: 57 Registered: Nov-04 | Edster... dude!??!!! The last time India was a British colony was on 14th August, 1947, 11:59 PM!!! We've come a loooooongg way since then. Today, we have nothing to do with the Brits. Danman! You're my main man! Advice on good, compact, entry level budget floorstanders please!! |
Silver Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 889 Registered: Feb-04 | Danman, Thanks for the forthcoming Montreal advice. BTW, Athena aren't really small, are they? They are held by the same parent company and co-located with Energy and Mirage in Toronto. |
Silver Member Username: TwebbzAnn Arbor, Michigan USA Post Number: 169 Registered: Apr-04 | Audio Products International of Toronto, Ontario Canada produces ENERGY, MIRAGE and ATHENA. They've been in business for 20 years. |
Silver Member Username: TwebbzAnn Arbor, Michigan USA Post Number: 170 Registered: Apr-04 | DANMAN...Do you have a suggestion of what would compare to the Series One Athena AS-F1 floorstander, 1" man made silk dome tweeter & 8" injection molded poly woofer in a 35.5" tall front ported cabinet at 41 Lbs @ $139 each? A speaker that YOU have direct experience with? I want to go listen to it. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 239 Registered: Apr-04 | Well, if you are talking of DIRECT comparison, than it would be the Wharfedale 9.4 or 9.5. The 9.6 has 2 8" woofers, a 3 inch dome mid-range, and a 1" dome tweeter. They are laid back and NOT bright the way I like them (ok with you Edster?). HOWEVER........they cost more than 139$ each! That is a good price. My suggestion is to listen to both and make up your own mind if you can have a chance to do that. NEVER listen to one persons opinion and let them say anything is crap. Today, audio gear is very much competative especially in the budget level where most of us on this board fit in. This becomes an adavantage because there is a lot of really good stuff out there that compares well with higher end gear. Trust your own ears first. Rick and Peter, I did not know that Athena was affiliated with those companies. I don't think this line up has existed for 20 years but I am not sure. I am still sorry but I am not a fan of theirs even though I liked some of the models from Energy and Mirage. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 240 Registered: Apr-04 | Shahrukh........I would like to know a couple of things. What equipment do you have or going to get as your source? What is your budget? What access do you have to hi-fi shops or are you willing to only go with our advice? Edster needs a serious history course!!!!!LOL! That was pretty funny Shuhrukh! Blimey!LOL! Hey remember, he listens to music with his genitalia.......I didn't say this, he did! I would NOT like to be at his house for a demo! LOL! |
Silver Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 891 Registered: Feb-04 | Danman, Athena Technologies hasn't existed for 20 years and the parent company has exsited for over 30. I see them as the budget one of the three. |
Silver Member Username: TwebbzAnn Arbor, Michigan USA Post Number: 172 Registered: Apr-04 | Yes, MIRAGE and ENERGY are upmarket. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 243 Registered: Apr-04 | Ok. Thanks for the info. Like I said however, they are not for me and YES I did audition them before Edster asks! They are pretty good but I found them bloated with my gear in the bass area and not as smooth in the treble as my 9.6 BUT then again, I am partial to any kind of brightness as it fatigues my ears something crazy like my AXIOMS used to do! Hey.....these are my ears only and not a shot at those that like ATHENA. I thought the newer models were very well made for that price no doubt! |
Silver Member Username: TwebbzAnn Arbor, Michigan USA Post Number: 175 Registered: Apr-04 | Different strokes for different folks...That's what Ecoustics is all about! |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 244 Registered: Apr-04 | Yupper! That's what is interesting about all of this..........everyones opinion! |
Silver Member Username: TwebbzAnn Arbor, Michigan USA Post Number: 178 Registered: Apr-04 | DANMAN...To me the Athena towers sound "FAT", and I like that. Kind of reminds me of my Rock n' Roll days with my Marshall guitar amp and Gibson Flying-V guitar. You can make the Athenas "THIN" too with the bass tone control with out loosing the "I don't know what". They are very flexible. |
Bronze Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 54 Registered: Jun-05 | I actually owned the Athena AS F1 for about a week while my JM Lab Cobalts were having their woofer replaced.They did have impressive bass a little boxy but switching to the kimber Timber interconnects.The bass did tightened up but i could never get rid of the brightness,if a Unison Unico couldn't cure the problem i dont know what would have.Needless to say I was glad to get my Labs back,hey cant say i didnt try. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 249 Registered: Apr-04 | I did not like the sound of them. I found them boxy. Tawaun those Cobalts are nice eh? |
Bronze Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 63 Registered: Jun-05 | Yeah they are after i heard the Electra 926s i couldn,t listen to them anymore it such a difference and could not afford them at the time because i was getting all my Musical Fidelity gear at the time so i got rid of them and got all of the X-Ray setup and bought a pair of Epos EL-S 3s and listened to my 8.1s for a while until i saved some more money and auditioned some more speakers under $2000.And that is when i bought the Mordaunt-Short Avant 908s and saved a little money.At times i wished i didnt hear the Electras but im glad i did now i have the electronics i wanted i always lusted for Musical Fidelity gear,so im glad because you know the hardest thing to get is your electronics for some reason.I guess its because speakers are so special to us like getting a new car"god....d long road but it was sure fun and it always will be. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 253 Registered: Apr-04 | MF has some great stuff I agree. I listened to the Grand Utopias last year with YBA pro gear and I had a multiple org@sm many times over! I have never heard music like that unless it was live. Man 100grand will buy you some great stuff! |
Silver Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 896 Registered: Feb-04 | Wow, and I cabn even email you one Danman! ;-) |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1075 Registered: Mar-05 | > That is a great picture of Edster! You are such the smart one on this board and know it all! Why thank you Danman but I thought Andy posted a picture of YO MAMMA after she rode cowgirl on a German shepherd!!! ROTFLMAO...sorry, couldn't resist. > Remember all, Edsters stuff is the best! all, finally a little wisdom drools out of Danman's mouth...congrats! |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1076 Registered: Mar-05 | > Last comment on this topic Edster...I really love my equipment and if you could read you would have noticed that I said I was going to upgrade but did not because I was not convinced of a major difference. Boy you certainly get bent out of shape easily don't you? oh poor poor boy, don't try to rewrite history. Just admit it, you got your p anties all in a wad, I laughed my @ss off at you and now you're trying to save face. How sad. Don't you know when to just crawl away after you've taken an @ss-whuppin'? > I don't buy your comment about curiousity. Anybody that brings a 548$ pair of Ascend speakers to a dealer to try and prove he has something better than major brands in a store, is only trying to justify his purchase. That is fine but it shows some misconception and doubt! You are willing to support all internet based companies like AXIOM, ASCEND and even a small company like ATHENA and then tell us they are better than anything out there for the price and try to prove it at a local store!!LOL! WHY? Like I said, if you're too dull-witted to understand the concept of curiousity, what more can I say? Maybe a lobotomy might help...oops too late! lol > You have been the only one on this thread that has tried really hard to convince us all that your stuff is the best and that everybody else owns crap and then you tell me to calm down LOL!!! Re-read your posts Mr. Audiophile 2005! I suggest you learn how to READ first and foremost, numbnuts. I never said my stuff was "best" nor would I EVEr "try really hard to convince" ANYbody that it was---see, unlike you I am quite happy and secure with what I have, so I am unaffected by other people's opinions one way or another. I certainly wouldn't be such a dumbf*ck as to take somebody's criticism of my gear PERSONALLY like you obviously have! Danman, just go home, grow up, and eat more fiber. A lot more. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1077 Registered: Mar-05 | Shakruh, > Edster... dude!??!!! The last time India was a British colony was on 14th August, 1947, 11:59 PM!!! Duh. You didn't see that I wrote *FORMER* British colony? > We've come a loooooongg way since then. Today, we have nothing to do with the Brits. Not from many of the Indian people I've met. The Christian ones I've known speak almost BBC-type English and are certified Anglophiles. One of my old college buddies married a girl from New Delhi and her side of the family were more English than most English people I met in London. Of course the Christian Indians are a small minority within that extremely populous subcontinent, but I don't think ANY country shakes off the influence of its former colonizers so quickly...58 years of independence is two blinks of the eye in the context of history. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1078 Registered: Mar-05 | > Well, if you are talking of DIRECT comparison, than it would be the Wharfedale 9.4 or 9.5. The 9.6 has 2 8" woofers, a 3 inch dome mid-range, and a 1" dome tweeter. They are laid back and NOT bright the way I like them (ok with you Edster?). Really Danman, you don't need to ask for my approval. How old are you for God's sake? For the record I have heard that the Diamond 9 series are much much better than the 8s, but since I have never heard them, I'll withhold comment. Shouldn't be too hard to surpass the 8s though, heh! |
Bronze Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 72 Registered: Jun-05 | I dont know Edster you are selling the 8 series real short the ony one tat wasn't that good was 8.2 the rest were real strong at their real price points unlike the Athenas which their price had to be slashed to be competitive. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1084 Registered: Mar-05 | OK Tawaun, if you've listened to the entire 8 series then I'll defer to your opinion since I haven't. That comment I made in the previous post about the 8s was mainly intended as a poke at Danman, I confess---I'm hoping to become an agent of Darwin and encourage him to evolve a few extra layers of skin. Must be hard walking around as one big exposed nerve with legs! |
Bronze Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 74 Registered: Jun-05 | Well as you know things have been pretty tense today everyones been upset today including myself,but enough of that Edster lets some good old hi fi disputes.NOW THAT IS FUN! |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1087 Registered: Mar-05 | Actually I didn't know that, I've been away from my computer most of the day. Oh well, a little tension is not necessarily a bad thing. On a forum like this it's part of the fun actually---I find that strictly moderated forums like the AVS Forum can get a little dull sometimes. Ecoustics = the wild wild (cyberspace) West! : ) |
Bronze Member Username: ShahrukhdMumbai, Maharashtra India Post Number: 59 Registered: Nov-04 | 1. Edster - "FORMER" colony doesn't mean that our shops sell all things Brit. And as far as talking goes... hey we're good in the language. Hey the Russians are awesome at Chess which is an Indian game but that doesn't mean anything does it?? Whatever we have in India is through the regular sales channels. Distributors, dealers and stuff. Just like everywhere else. Sure we get Brit speakers here but that has nothing to do with us being a "FORMER" English colony. We even get JM LABS, DALIs, JAMOs JBLs. Different brands from different countries. So no fish n' chips on our streets! 2. Danman: My setup is mentioned a little earlier in this same thread. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 258 Registered: Apr-04 | are a strange little man! I already have three children that are more advanced than you and have no more interest in continuing this topic. Shahrukh, it is hard to give you advice on an entry level floorstander as I don't know your budget. Also,your source equipment may not allow you to get the best out of them. Do you plan on upgrading this area soon? |
New member Username: RikizzyMontrealCanada Post Number: 7 Registered: Feb-04 | Hello Danman, earlier in this thread you said you knew all the cool places in Montreal to shop, I'm from Montreal and I only know of a couple of places, I would really appreciate it if you could PM some of them to me. Thanks in advance. |
Bronze Member Username: QuadstarPost Number: 13 Registered: Jul-04 | Shahrukh D, the Mission M73i is fine in jazz. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 267 Registered: Apr-04 | Rikizzy here are 4: Radio St.Hubert Audio d'Occasion Audio Centre Filtronique I went to all all these over the years and the service is wonderful. You did not specify certain brands but you could check out their websites or just go visit and look around. |
Somed00d Unregistered guest | Danman, Could you please be more specific as to why you didnt like the Ascend's? |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 270 Registered: Apr-04 | I just thought they were not for my style. I found them coloured like the Athenas. However, I will not say they are no good....just not my style of sound. I am more of a floorstander guy than a bookshelf speaker. The last time I owned a smaller speaker was my PSB 2b's and they were quite nice but still a small speaker. I have a lot of spare power and small speakers are not my kind of sound except maybe the B&W 600 series....sweet! |
Anonymous | Yeah screw you Edster. |
Somed00d Unregistered guest | Yeah, they weren't my style either, they didn't sound musical to my ears. They were way too analytical. I wanted to know why your disliked them, to maybe see if we had the same taste. It's funny because I also owned the PSB Image 2b's , and thought they were more musical than the Ascends, but also had serious problems. For one, they had some nasty lower midrange cabinet resonances that gave me headaches. This was my reason for getting rid of them. And no, the resonances weren't why I thought they were "musical", cabinet problems and musicality are two different things. The dealer I bought the PSB's from lied to my face about this problem, and it was so prevalent that I become offended when he denied it. The soundstage review of these speakers confirms what I was hearing, so does other peoples reviews ( someone on the Ascend forum heard this also). The Ascends were much cleaner by comparison, so was the Stratus Mini. |
Anonymous | Lets face it though, the Ascends suck, and pretty bad too. They aren't even pretty like Bose, which at least has that as an excuse. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1108 Registered: Mar-05 | > Yeah screw you Edster. I know you want to Anon, especially now that Andy turned you down...poor baby boy, awwwwwwwwww! ROTFLMAO! homeboy you just can't stop revealing yourself now can you! or is that what you WANT to do? Look, if it'll make it any easier how about if I hold the closet door open for you? Don't worry, nobody will laugh at you! Can you still walk after what you did with Mr. Ten last night? LOL |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1109 Registered: Mar-05 | > Lets face it though, the Ascends suck, and pretty bad too. They aren't even pretty like Bose, which at least has that as an excuse. Gosh golly geez, Anon, you never stop SURPRISING me do you? Maybe I'll rename you "Rabbit Leaping Out Of Hat." Or is it "Out of Closet?" LOL, LOL, LOL! |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 271 Registered: Apr-04 | Hey.....I never said those things! Anon has a problem! They do NOT suck just not my tatse. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 272 Registered: Apr-04 | Somed00d you are right about the mid range being muffled on the PSB's but I likedthem over all. They were a good combo with my 320BEE at the time. |
Bronze Member Username: ShahrukhdMumbai, Maharashtra India Post Number: 61 Registered: Nov-04 | My budget? $500. Want the best bang for that buck! Have heard the Mission m73i on a Yamaha receiver. Thought they had a slightly muffled midrange. They didn't exactly shine in the higher frequencies either. Dunno how they'll sound with my Marantz SR4400 receiver and QED silver anniversary cables though. Edster! let it go man. Anon's a F****n coward who's too s**t scared to tell us his name. Not man enough. Actually I wonder if he's a man at all. Anon, this is a forum for people with opinions. Atleast Edster, Danman and the rest of us here have the balls to say who we are. Plus you haven't said anything of any use to anyone in here. Edster what does ROTFLMAO mean??? |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 119 Registered: Jun-05 | Im no B&W fan and I Know you want a floorstander,but you might want to check out the 602 s3 they are big and they will play louder than the 2 way floorstanders in this price range.They are $600 but they are far superior to the $500 floorstanders in resolution and detail,they are trully one of the great deals in hifi |
Bronze Member Username: QuadstarPost Number: 15 Registered: Jul-04 | yeah, the B&W 602 s3 is much better than the Mission M73i. I have M73i paired with the NAD C320BEE some time ago. I agree that it doesn't shine in higher frequencies> At least I think I can listen to it for hours without hurting my ears, which I cant for some other speakers. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 122 Registered: Jun-05 | I do hear real good things about the new M73,they have a 5 star review in this months What HI FI mag.I know they quite handsome speakers and that could be part of your decsion also. |
Bronze Member Username: ShahrukhdMumbai, Maharashtra India Post Number: 63 Registered: Nov-04 | Reviews don't mean much to me. Anyway am definitely gonna give the m73i a second listen. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 123 Registered: Jun-05 | Thats the only thing I can go on for the Missions they dont do very well in the us most people dont like their sound.I worked at which was achain store H.H.Gregg of all places sold them,but that is the only place i have ever seen some Missions and that was about 7 years ago.I liked them though. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 288 Registered: Apr-04 | Mission is not a bad speaker but they are a little flat sounding. Edster I have an honest question for you.......You said you did not like the 9.1 Wharfedale and have called my speakers crap on numerous occasions however, have you auditioned the 9.6 or are you basing your "crap theory" on a small speaker only? |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 128 Registered: Jun-05 | Ill tell you what if he is he is really wrong those 9.1s are one of the best budget speakers i've ever heard as good as 8.1s are they are head and shoulders above them. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 292 Registered: Apr-04 | No they're not....they are crap! I can just here it now! Crap, crap crap! Mine are the best and only the best! There I go again....can't stop myself today! I am trying to figure out how he can relate my 9.6's to the 9.1's if he has only listened to the 9.1!!!? |
Unregistered guest | Get a hold of yourself, man. You need a drink, lots of drinks, it's a Holiday. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 294 Registered: Apr-04 | Sorry........its been a great day for me. As for the holiday well, I'm Canadian BUT since my daughter was born early this morning, I guess I can celebrate a little. |
Unregistered guest | Greatest news of the day. Best of health to you and yours! Matter of fact, kind of jealous; wish I'd had another. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 295 Registered: Apr-04 | Thank you.........I appreciate it. All kidding aside and all. Can't help you with your "want" but maybe you and the misses should have a little chat. If you can't convince her, threaten a complete new audio system from a to z.......maybe she'll go for it. This is my third and last child and I already have 2 boys so a girl was a real God send! Cheers all because I am actually having a cold one right now! |
Bronze Member Username: ShahrukhdMumbai, Maharashtra India Post Number: 68 Registered: Nov-04 | Hey congrats Danman! Bring on the Cigars!! What you gonna name her?? Tawaun, you saying the 9.1 is leagues ahead of the 8.1?? Honestly, I din't find much of a difference except for a marginal extension of the lower frequencies (which I must say my 8.1s lack). |
New member Username: EpixsterRaleigh, N,C. U.S.A Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-05 | Congrats Danman, from what I have read from here we have about the same taste as far as speakers go. I like the DIAMOND 9.6 because of the high efficiency this is very important to me because my system is entry level at the moment but i like it for the applications i use it for. i have a denon AVR-485,Velodyne DPS-12, believe it or not Logitech z680 speakers because subwoofer blew(not bad but not good either), I'm looking for speakers that are good for music listening so they have to be fast and accurate but also be detail for movies I am going to get the inifinity beta50 for music with hk stereo receiver(very laid back system for music)what other recommendations do you give me for movie/music for my preference at the moment? preferly something that has voice matched center. thanks for your time. av runs through my mind 23.9/7 the rest of the time i think about owning what i think about |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 299 Registered: Apr-04 | Well, the 9.6 would definately answer your bill for what you are looking for in sound since you like a sound that is not bright. Have you tried them? What brands do you have access to in your region? |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 142 Registered: Jun-05 | They are much better I still own my 8.1s had them since they came out in 2001 factory direct the first person in Ohio to buy some.I love the 8.1s but the 9.1s have amore focused image,much deeper bass,detailed,smoother top end,a little more midrange weight which the 8.1 was better than any bookshelf up under $500.I bought 9.5s for the front on my home theater system and i plan on buying the 9.1s for the rear.Not to mention that they look better. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 300 Registered: Apr-04 | Sorry Shahrukh I did not answer all of your questions. Her name is Amanda and the only cigars I aim for are chocolate ones as I am of the sportive type and don't believe in smoke! I agree Tawaun, the fit and finish of the new diamond 9 series is quite stunning for its price range. This is one thing the dealer also noticed and they are light years ahead of what my AXIOMS were in this area. |
New member Username: EpixsterRaleigh, N,C. U.S.A Post Number: 2 Registered: Jul-05 | well im going to hear them friday i have heard infinity beta 50 and jbl e80 klipsch rf25 polkaudio lsi15 and the rti8 and linn from out of all of them i like the infinity beta 50 they're really laid back and i want to use my sub which is very accurate and smooth and i got it for a very very good deal also there aren't many stores here so i want to keep my current hardware but speakers is very important NOW! |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 301 Registered: Apr-04 | I don't use my sub anymore with the 9.6's.....don't need to wqith 2 8" woofers. Nice tight bass. Much better for music only situations. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 150 Registered: Jun-05 | Whats your budget Hector? Floorstander or bookshelf?,I know what the thread is but its all relivent. |
New member Username: EpixsterRaleigh, N,C. U.S.A Post Number: 3 Registered: Jul-05 | my buget for the moment would be 1500 floorstands I have some old pioneer bookshelfs in my den with my old marantz stereo. but the floorstands have to have a matching voice match center or comprable to it so thats another thing that and be high eff. of 89db and above only because of my current receiver will upgrade later to seperates tho 1st speakers then pre-amp amp |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 154 Registered: Jun-05 | Well,Hector you have lots of choices.What can you go audition? |
New member Username: EpixsterRaleigh, N,C. U.S.A Post Number: 4 Registered: Jul-05 | what do you mean what can i go audition? as far as brands or stores? if its brands all that is here is infinity,jbl,polkaudio,linn,b&w,acoustic research,revel,and wharfdale, i like the infinitys because theyre real laid back good midrange tight midbass but treble sounds off to me which i dont care for when it comes to music but for movies you know thats why im looking for speakers that'll sound great for music and movies later on in the future im just going to start all over stereo seperates and surround sound seperates. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 304 Registered: Apr-04 | Well, the Wharfedales would fit your tastes in sound so would B&W and Linn in my opinion. |
Bronze Member Username: ZiggyzoggyoioiOutside Philadelphia, PA Post Number: 38 Registered: Jun-05 | Hector... since you're in Raleigh, check out: AUDIO VIDEO EXCELLENCE 8601-R GLENWOOD AVE RALEIGH , NC 27612 USA Tel: 919-781-9906 Fax: 919-781-9904 and listen to a pair of Energy C-5s and their CC-3 Center channel. The center and the fronts are timbre-matched (exact same drivers). And you can buy 2 floorstanders and the center for much less than $1500. Energy also just released their Reference Connoisseur series, which I have yet to hear, but those should be even better. I would imagine that the series should range from ~$1200-1700 but I haven't seen any prices yet. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1140 Registered: Mar-05 | Danman, > Edster I have an honest question for you.......You said you did not like the 9.1 Wharfedale and have called my speakers crap on numerous occasions however, have you auditioned the 9.6 or are you basing your "crap theory" on a small speaker only? Danman, you really need to learn how to read properly. I never said a thing about your 9.1s or any of the Diamond 9s, the Wharfedales that I slammed were the 8.2s which my friend has (yes, I repeat they sound like crap) and I have already said on at least one of these threads that I have never heard the Diamond 9s but have read that they are supposed to be much better than the 8s. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 307 Registered: Apr-04 | As for the Wharfedale Opus line, I'm sure they are good---at their price point they darn well better be. The Diamonds that I've heard (the 8.2 of my friend's, and the 9.2 in a shop) were however pretty atrocious. Maybe you should read your own posts again!!!!!! Once again, I own the 9.6!!!! |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 308 Registered: Apr-04 | Go back and read your quotes! |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 311 Registered: Apr-04 | By the way Ed.......we heard that your cyber girlfriend broke up with you! We can now sympathise with your comments! I suppose you could always go back on the chat forums and find another! I heard that desperate women like short strange little men with superiority complexes just like yours! |
Bronze Member Username: ShahrukhdMumbai, Maharashtra India Post Number: 77 Registered: Nov-04 | I finally heard the Diamond 9.6. Great laidback sound but a little too... well...LARGE... for what I had in mind. |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 174 Registered: Jun-05 | Ttry the 9.5s they should be just right for you.The Evo 30 might be another option,I have the 9.5 they are very good and still laidback you may even prefer their sound to the 9.6. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 312 Registered: Apr-04 | Yeah they are big. There is also the new 9.3 which is a bookshelf that is rather big. It houses one 8" woofer and puts out some amazing bass for a smaller speaker. I know it is offered in North America but not sure in your neck of the woods. The 9.5 may also fit the bill but they are not much smaller. What equipment did you listen to the 9.6 with? |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 179 Registered: Jun-05 | I dont think the 9.3 will be sold in the states.Check out the 9.4 they may have the best soundstage out of all the Diamonds. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 314 Registered: Apr-04 | It is listed on the website for the U.S. If not the 9.4 would be a great smaller tower like Tawaun says. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1173 Registered: Mar-05 | Danman, whoa, that IS really strange...I have NOT ever heard the 9.2s at all, why would I claim to have? In fact when I was speaker shopping, I actually tried (unsuccessfully) to find a local dealer who carried the 9 series because I'd heard good things about them. Whelp, this time I'll have to concede that you got me fair and square. I honestly have no idea what that was all about...a typo, or a brain f art, or both maybe. Mea culpa! Still, why would you take such personal offense at me (apparently) bashing the 9.2 when you actually own the 9.6? One's a bookshelf and one's a tower, they are bound to have different sound characteristics. |
Bronze Member Username: ShahrukhdMumbai, Maharashtra India Post Number: 87 Registered: Nov-04 | The 9.4s aren't available here. ![]() |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 329 Registered: Apr-04 | I took offense not at my speakers in general Ed but only because it seemed you were trying to say that your speakers were the only ones that were good and ours were nothing but wasted wood! I hope I am wrong as that proves only a lack of audio knowledge and breaks the golden rule of being an audiophile in this fun (however expensive) hobby we all commonly share. I was not trying to prove you wrong, only quote what you mentioned in the past and not really following up with any facts. If you are only comparing your speakers on the older model Diamond 8's I can understand that they are an older technology however very budget speaker that was developed in an era before what we both own now. I have a hard time understanding people that are constantly trying to prove that their decisions are the only ones that are right and take it personally sometimes so I guess I am guilty also! I guess that this time, it is a draw! "Brain f"rt"???? Maybe Brain fade! |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 1183 Registered: Mar-05 | > I took offense not at my speakers in general Ed but only because it seemed you were trying to say that your speakers were the only ones that were good and ours were nothing but wasted wood! > I have a hard time understanding people that are constantly trying to prove that their decisions are the only ones that are right Totally untrue, I never said anything of the kind. My speaker decision (Ascends) CANNOT possibly be "the only right" one because I would never claim to have listened to every speaker on the face of the planet. If you look at my posting history you'll see that I never comment on gear I've never heard myself, except to pass along hearsay which I clearly state as hearsay---along the lines of "I've been told that Speaker X is kind of bright." Are (for example) Totem Arros better than Ascend 170s? I have no idea, I have never heard them AND I have never read any consumer or professional reviews of them. When someone comes to this forum and asks "what should I buy, I have $10K to spend on a system" I just skip to the next thread. I'm fully aware that I'm a strictly budget-limited audio enthusiast, so I tend to respond to people with similar financial limitations. If their usage patterns and musical tastes are similar to mine, I make it a point to suggest the Ascends because I do believe that they offer the best bang for the buck by far, but also because they are unlikely to even know about Ascend's existence otherwise. You now know the roughly 15 speaker brands I've heard and I stand by my statement that NONE of their models I heard that were anywhere near the same price range as the Ascends could touch them. Just my opinion, obviously. However since this is a forum I think it's pretty self-evident that 90% of everything we say is subjective opinion, so why should we be expected to attach a "just my opinion" disclaimer every thirty seconds? |
Bronze Member Username: ShahrukhdMumbai, Maharashtra India Post Number: 89 Registered: Nov-04 | Your opinions on these speakers: Dali - Blue 3003. One of the smallest floorstanders I've ever seen. Tannoy: Fusion3. Mission M73i: Mission says say it's an "archived product" but are they really worth it? |
Silver Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 215 Registered: Jun-05 | Na I dont think the blues are worth it I love Dali but their budget end just cost to much,I love the Suite series are they better than the rest of the budget speakers yes but the price makes it not a bargain. |
Bronze Member Username: ShahrukhdMumbai, Maharashtra India Post Number: 91 Registered: Nov-04 | Thanks Tawaun. Somehow I just loved the way the Blue 3003 looked. Perfect! U'r right, they do cost a lot to be budget floorstanders |
Anonymous | Over here, Diamonds are the 'entry level' speakers not really because of their sound quality but because of their price. Here are some samples in US$: 9.1 = $97 9.2 = $120 9.4 = $169 9.6 = $304 These are not black/gray market prices. I'm not sure why they're this cheap (could be the distance between China and the Philippines). However, other brands such as B&W, Dali, Monitor Audio, Mordaunt Short etc. that are supposed to be in the same price range are DOUBLE of the Wharfes. Whether the Diamond 9 series don't sound well sort of becomes irrelevant for a country with a minimum wage of US$5/day. I think they sound pretty good, but if I were to pay sticker price in the US/UK, I would get other brands. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 376 Registered: Apr-04 | Where is "over here"? That is pretty cheap! I have the 9.6 and compared it to many brands and they are also quite simular to the newer Quad series since they are a sister company. Even the new subwoofer from Quad is the same as the SW300 from Wharfedale! The only difference is the cabinet structure and finish. The new drivers in the 9 series are the same as many Quad uses except for the crossover and a few cosmetic and construction differences. |
Bronze Member Username: ShahrukhdMumbai, Maharashtra India Post Number: 95 Registered: Nov-04 | >I'm not sure why they're this cheap (could be the distance between China and the Philippines) I guess Anon is from the Phillipines. I too heard the designer of the 9 series is the same guy who designed the Quad L series. |
FootballerFan Unregistered guest | Not to stir the pot but in the UK most of us laugh at the Warfies; they are a joke. The only good review I have even seen for one of these speakers is from What HI-FI?, a British Butt Kissing publication that gives good ratings to any company that advertises through them. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 1148 Registered: Feb-05 | Ouch! |
bumblebee Unregistered guest | "Not to stir the pot but in the UK most of us laugh at the Warfies; they are a joke. The only good review I have even seen for one of these speakers is from What HI-FI?, a British Butt Kissing publication that gives good ratings to any company that advertises through them." The Absolute Sound gave a review. So did AudioEnz. Even CNET. WHF gave the 9.4 3 of 5 stars so my guess this model isn't part of the advertising package. But, hey, if you can get the 9.1's for $97... |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 381 Registered: Apr-04 | Mine sound fine no matter what any person tells what does that tell you. Many people that heard mine, wnat them real bad. |
bumblebee Unregistered guest | "Audiophiles" tend to be snobby. No Sony, no Bose, no Monster. No matter how good the product. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 382 Registered: Apr-04 | "Audiophile"......What is that? If I would of listened to reviews only, I would own something completely different and probably a lot drier than what I own now! The problem is too many people think they are "Audiophiles"! |
Bronze Member Username: ShahrukhdMumbai, Maharashtra India Post Number: 97 Registered: Nov-04 | Yeah Danman! There's an audiophile born every minute. I love My 8.1s too. I'd be lying if I said I didn't read the reviews but I bought them after listening to the sound. I don't care if the Brits laugh at the Wharfies. I think they're good and that's what matters. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 383 Registered: Apr-04 | They ARE good and are one of the biggest selling makes in the market. The Brits can laugh all they want but I do find it ironic that they would find a homemade successful company amusing that has over 60 years of experience! I suppose they say the same about Quad!?? Hope they know that the drivers of the new Diamond 9 series are the same!!!! |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 1165 Registered: Feb-05 | -Bose- We find a homemade successful company amusing why can't they? "The Absolute Sound" gave a pair of Wharfies a good review. If you like them who cares what others think. Wharfedale is no different than many other speaker makers that span the budget spectrum they have some models that are better than others. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 387 Registered: Apr-04 | I have listened to the new OPUS line and it is incredible. They are quite expensive but in a league of their own. Absolutely beautiful finish and big sound. I don't care what anybody says at all but it is only that too many people become biased in their own thinking and can't see farther than the end of their noses! With audio, you have to open to many factors but many forget to use their ears to judge and rely on reviews or price to decide for them and actually convince themselves that is the only way to go! I have a friend that has a 35000$ system with an 11000$ CD player that I found really dry. To him it is important to upgrade by price however, that is not my theory.........I would never spend that kind of money for a CD player! |
Anonymous | You're missing out then Danman. Then again, your tastes point you to crap brands like Wharfedale. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 388 Registered: Apr-04 | Hi Bose Man! |
Silver Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 659 Registered: Sep-04 | In the UK, the Diamond 9.4 MSRP is £300 or about $500! The 9.1 is £180 or about $400. At anonymous's prices, they'd be literally flyng off the shelves. As it is they're fighting (and losing) against B&W, AE,... Strange thing - The UK only has the 9.1 and 9.4. The 9.2, 9.5 and 9.6 are not available. Regards, Frank. |
Bronze Member Username: ShahrukhdMumbai, Maharashtra India Post Number: 98 Registered: Nov-04 | The 9.3 and 9.4s aren't available in India!! Go figure. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 389 Registered: Apr-04 | In Canada you can also get the 9.3........BIG bookshelf with an 8" woofer. I heard them and they are really big in sound with wonderful bass. In the UK they may be slow selling bu here they are going really fast. |
Silver Member Username: ShahrukhdMumbai, Maharashtra India Post Number: 101 Registered: Nov-04 | Isn't the 9.3 a bit too big? I mean isn't it wiser to go for a floorstander than a huge bookshelf like the 9.3? |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 390 Registered: Apr-04 | Well yes but that is up to you. I would go for the 9.4 or 9.5 in your case since you said the 9.6 is too big and the 9.3 too big also (as a bookshelf) Those are the only 2 left! |
Silver Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 667 Registered: Sep-04 | Danman, The 9.3 is not just slow selling. It, along with the 9.5 and 9.6, is not available in the UK - period. I think they missed a trick. Regards, Frank. |
Somed00d Unregistered guest | come on guys, the Wharfedales are not anywhere near same quality of Axioms let alone Ascends which I dont even like much. The Brits are right to laugh at them, there are much better English speakers. |
Silver Member Username: DanmanQUEBEC CANADA Post Number: 391 Registered: Apr-04 | I got rid of AXIOM M60's for my 9.6 Wharfedales! The Axioms are too bright and the fit and finish is NO where near the quality of the 9.6. They have less quality bass and were very "tinny". My ears would bleed after an hour at high volume. Like I said, a lot of people listened to my 9.6's and would like to buy them for thier warm sound. To me, they sound like live music and I have heard a few bands.........but these are my ears. Axiom is overated and I can say that because I had them! I also had the M3i which I actually believed was better sounding than the M60! Frank that is odd they don't have those models! I like them and Quad as well. Kevlar to me is good sounding. I also demoed the new REVEL Concerto this week! WOW! Very nice. A little flat on treble however. |
Random Observation Unregistered guest | I'm seeing a Giant rift between those that like bass and those who don't. basically what it boils down to is do you want your bass coming from your mains or from some box in the corner (read: sub). When Floorstanders are discussed, isn't it a given that the original poster likes his/her bass from the mains? Thus, those who like the little bookshelf speakers should go find a different thread to rave about their bookshelves. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 1187 Registered: Feb-05 | I'm not sure one should assume that considering how few truly full range speaker there are of any kind. If you want the the full range of music you will likely need a good sub regardless of whether you have floorstanding or bookshelf speakers. BTW my ex wife wanted floorstanders because she didn't like how stands looked. That's a battle that she lost. |
New member Username: EpixsterRaleigh, N,C. U.S.A Post Number: 5 Registered: Jul-05 | Revels are nice i also am going to demo them later. I swear I love reading customer reviews because i like to laugh at the stupid people that think their equipment is the best out there and message boards...HA.....almost makes me drop to the floor laughing. |
Somed00d Unregistered guest | "come on guys, the Wharfedales are not anywhere near same quality of Axioms let alone Ascends which I dont even like much. The Brits are right to laugh at them, there are much better English speakers." omg I didn't write this. This guy is a loser. Today he's harassing people on forums, 10 years from now what killing hitchhikers? And I never heard Axioms, but I doubt I'd like them. Aluminum woofers + titanium tweeters in a budget design = ear bleeding sound im guessing. I can see how people like this sound though, as it's all about taste. |
Silver Member Username: ShahrukhdMumbai, Maharashtra India Post Number: 105 Registered: Nov-04 | Random Observation, you're right. I do want a "fuller" sound from my mains. But, on the other hand, I tend to agree with Art too. One needs a good sub regardless. Haven't yet heard a floorstander with the same impact a good sub (REL/ Velodyne) can give you. |