Floor standing speakers on wood floors over pier and beam


Bronze Member
Username: Okiecaver

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma USA

Post Number: 17
Registered: Feb-04
Do I use spikes, cones, or steel bases (like the Lovan)



Bronze Member
Username: Rick_b

New york Usa

Post Number: 26
Registered: Dec-03

Brass isolation cones are the best IMHO. Check out the ones at www.mapleshaderecords.com .
They are massive, and relatively inexpensive. Good luck.

Silver Member
Username: Gman

Mt. Pleasant, SC

Post Number: 289
Registered: Dec-03
I wouldn't use anything metal on the bottom of a tower speaker on wood floors. Rubber or plastic screw-ins or stick-ons is the way to go. If you can't get those use BLU-TAK, a silly putty-type substance that you can put on four corners of each speakers.

Metal cones or metal spikes are for coupling speakers to carpets or rugs. Metal will just ring and vibrate on wood and also destroy your wood flooring.

Bronze Member
Username: Rick_b

New york Usa

Post Number: 27
Registered: Dec-03

I have always enjoyed your posts. I most respectfully have to disagree with you on this one.
If the purpose is to dampen, or channel internal vibration from the speaker, brass cones are the material of choice. I swear it makes a very audible improvement. I have all my components on brass isolation cones. I urge you to try them. I'ts a great tweak. I found the ones at www.mapleshaderecords.com to be the best.

Silver Member
Username: Gman

Mt. Pleasant, SC

Post Number: 290
Registered: Dec-03

I have two systems and on my downstairs system I have a pair of PSB Stratus Gold i towers. I have wood floors in a very large room (25 x 30 x 16 feet). The last thing I want to do is mate the speakers to the wood floor by either sitting them directly on the floor or having metal carrying sonic waves to interact with the floor. I put down a large rug, but it is in front of the speakers to help dampen the acoustics in the room. Have tapestries on walls and drapes I close when listening to music because I found without these additions the acoustics in the room were awfully coarse, too lively, and had too many reverberations.

PSB supplied me both both screw-in spikes (for rugs or carpetting) and screw-in rubber feet for hard floors. I used the rubber feet, but found they even carried information to the wood floor and caused vibration that was undesirable. The answer to me was BLU-TAK, which I bought from Audio Advisor online.I bet childrens clay or Play-do might do just as well. It absorbed all the sound waves from the speaker and yet it is sticky enough to mate the speaker to the floor. Now that might be problematic for people who want to move their speaker around, but I have already used an SPL meter and have them placed exactly where I want them. The next time I move them is when I get rid of them or sell my house and buy a beach house.

Now it is possible some people like the floor interaction with the speaker. I don't, as it can start some odd sounding harmonics and rattles in the room.

You may like your tweak, but having checked out their site, I found myself dismayed by the claims they made on various products. It reminded me of the green magic marker on cd tweak craze. All there are on CD's is "1's" and "0's", just like on a computer hard drive. For them to offer two or three different cd sprays that they claim make smoother sounds is such BS it makes me not want to buy anything from them and certainly makes me leery of anything they say regarding audio products. Your cd or dvd pick-up doesn't touch the cd. It isn't like LP treatments. The pick-up either reads the info or it doesn't. No spray or roll-on product can make that situation better--it can only make it worse or do nothing at all.

Obviously this has nothing to do with the product you bought. But it certainly makes me discount them in my mind---heck, I think they even were selling bricks for components.

$10...............someones having a laugh!!!! It's 99pence over here.

Bronze Member
Username: Rick_b

New york Usa

Post Number: 28
Registered: Dec-03
It sounds that, you, like me, have been at this for a lot of years. Now, we both know snake oil when we see it, and identify it as such. I do not endorse Mapleshade products across the board. I only stated that their brass iso-cones were the best, that I have found. I only recommend or endorse products that I use, and have made a noteable improvement. I swear by these cones to control internal vibrations.
If I remember correctly, you like me, have an Aragon amp. Try putting a set of them under it, and tell me what you think. With a 30 day back guarantee-what the heck. Keep up the good work.

Bronze Member
Username: Okiecaver

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma USA

Post Number: 21
Registered: Feb-04

Maybe one of these products might work?

http://www.partsexpress.com/webpage.cfm?webpage_id=3&SO=2&&DID=7&CATID=48&Object Group_ID=139


Bronze Member
Username: Rick_b

New york Usa

Post Number: 30
Registered: Dec-03

Sorry we got a little carried away. Hopefully you got enough info to experiment, and see what works for you. As you can see, sometimes all we can agree upon, is to respectfully disagree. That's what makes this stuff fun sometimes. Good luck.

P.S. You can always trust Gmans comments and opinions. I have always thought of him as one of the "Good Guys" on this board.
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