Best place to buy hk receiver online?


andy h
Unregistered guest
I've been planning to buy a harman kardon hk-3480 receiver for a few months now and until yesterday thought I knew where the best place to get it was. Because of their low prices and the fact that they are an authorized dealer I was going to buy the reciever from J&R. But just recently I made a smaller purchase from their website and after two weeks of not getting any information I received a letter in the mail saying there was a problem with billing. The letter was vague and confusing and there was no way of finding anything out throught the website.
Does anyone have any good or bad experience with this company? Should I stick with them or try ordering elsewhere? I've ordered stuff through BandH before. They have the hk-3480 for 30 dollars more, which I would gladly pay for the quickness and reliability that they always offer.

Silver Member
Username: Eramsey

South carolina United States

Post Number: 201
Registered: Feb-05
Thats very strange Andy! I ordered my HK AVR335 from J&R and it was delivered in about 4 days in perfect condition. Perhaps you should check with your bank or credit card company. From what I know of them and have heard from others, their service is prompt, prices low and return policy is very good. They are also authorized for everything they sale including HK. Another option is They are excellent also.

andy h
Unregistered guest
okay thanks, if no one else has had a problem with them then I'll feel better about ordering the receiver there. Hopefully the problem I had was just a fluke. I understand if there was a problem with the credit card, but it would have been nice to be informed about it earlier, instead of waiting for my order to be shipped and getting a letter in the mail two weeks later. A simple email would have been nice.

Silver Member
Username: Dmwiley

Post Number: 800
Registered: Feb-05
BHphoto&video has always been reliable in my experience over many years of patronage. You can check store ratings and prices at

Silver Member
Username: Edster922

Abubala, Ababala The Occupation

Post Number: 889
Registered: Mar-05

really surprised to hear that---I've ordered lots of stuff from over the years and never had a problem. I consider them among the creme de la creme of Internet dealers, often with the best prices around if you do a search.

Maybe it's because I always preferred to use their 1-800 number, never tried using their website directly. This is mainly because I find that they will often go lower than their posted online price if you haggle with the phone...not by any huge amount, maybe $20-40 usually, just enough to make up for shipping costs.

Try calling them, I have a feeling you'd get a better experience. Also make sure you write down the order number, they are pretty good about putting all that in their computer so next time you call any of their operators can look up your file.

BTW you can get the 3480 for closer to $200 from Harman Direct on's refurb but you do get the full original HK warranty.
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