8 track players,tapes,etc.


Bronze Member
Username: Kester

Post Number: 15
Registered: Oct-04
hi all, yeah, 8 track...maybe i'm old, anyway.

anybody have an idea on what to use in place of the backing material on the 8 track tapes to provide support for the playback head on a 8 track player? would like to record some 8 tracks to cd, but the backing material has turned to mush.
hey, in it's day, 8 track was the thing... except for the channel changes. LOL! later.

Bronze Member
Username: Dvautier

Bellevue, Wa Usa

Post Number: 19
Registered: Feb-05
I hear you man. Loved that 8-track. Got my first speeding ticket listening to "Rocky Mountain High" on my 8-track.. What a rush. That's what I told the cop but I still got the ticket. Jirk!!

I suggest that you take some of the material from any tape cassette and glue it into your player backplate. It may be just a bit skinny but if you take it 90 degrees and glue it you may get the right padding to keep the playhead against the mylar.

Good luck. 8 track lives!!!

Jim W
Unregistered guest
try katestrackshack.com
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