ok its a couple years old, but here it is. Model 985, 110x5. The amp adds punch, way past what the h/k 55 had. Not a whole lot louder, but the psb's are so mch faster that before. The h/k is preamp now, and let the Rotel suck up the power. Nice response. The speed of this amp is a big change.
Cyrus; thank you for your quick response, although I must ponder your activities.It does seem odd that you would dredge up such an old entry to enjoy insulting a member for the personal pleasure. It makes me wonder about the condition of your keyboard, seeing that you seek personal pleasure so much. As to my understanding of the English language, I might suggest that my post was short and directed to the members with whom I share emails, as well as being offered for forum consumption. Should you wonder about my linguistc abilities, I would be happy to wander on at length. However, for this forum, I would bow to Jan for enjoyable and informative reading. I am a 15yr field service technician with international experience, and passably speak 3 languages. Not fluant, but passable. Now, Indiana, I cannot listen to John Mellancamp without thinking he may have shaken your limp, unsavory and possibly infectious hand, and shudder again at the condition of your milf infected keyboard. Have a nice day, sir.