so, i think i made one of my greatest garage sale purchases ever today - Hafler DH-220 amp and Adcom GTP-350 - for a grand total of $35!
Plugged em in and they both work.
Only caveat: the Hafler has this slight audible hum when I turn it on. Does anyone have an idea how I can get rid of this? Could it have something to do w/ the power strip its plugged into?
Dude, I bow in mock supplication towards your purchase! I love these stories. Now did they have an old Corvette in the barn out back? Too much to hope for. Post your progress for me, please, and check with Jan V. on the Haff.
If the amp has a humming/buzzing sound coming from the amp and not through the speakers, it is most likely the power transformer that is making the noise. You'll have to get on a Hafler forum or something that discusses the ins and outs of your new amp to find out if this is considered normal behaviour for that amp. Possibly some reviews might indicate whether this is common.
The Hafler gear was made to a price point without the additional "sonic upgrades" such as a 3/4" face plate and 8 gauge steel bottom plate. A buzzing transformer may be one of the traits of that amplifier. If the noise is quiet enough that it can't be heard from your listening position, then there is probably nothing wrong with the amp other than it didn't cost ten times its actual retail pricing. If the noise is audible through the speakers, that is another matter.
Heh Nuck, they actually had a killer $2 waffle iron too!
Jan V:
The hum comes from the amp. I opened up the Hafler and confirmed that the noise is coming from the transformer. I even tried tightening some of the nuts holding the laminations together.
At least the hum doesn't manifest itself through the speakers. The hum, however, is audible when the music off.
Oh well, I think I'll just deal with it Thanks for the info guys!