Cambridge 540A best recommendations for bookshelf speakers


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Username: Malco49

Post Number: 3
Registered: May-05
i am trying to determine the best bookshelf speakers
for my cambridge AZUR 540A.
my price range would max out around 500 per pair.
B&W DM600s3
JM labs 705s or 706s
also would welcome other advise.

New member
Username: Malco49

Post Number: 4
Registered: May-05
re above post that is $500 USD
(cambridge and best bookself)

Silver Member
Username: Valeem

Post Number: 163
Registered: Dec-03
I had that amp on demo for a while and was using it with a pair of Mission speakers and they went together very well, certainly not fatigueing in any way. I see though they are quite hard to find in the states but if you can source them I would also add them to your shortlist. There are others of course....

New member
Username: Malco49

Post Number: 6
Registered: May-05
valeem thanks for the reply
i actually went and demo'ed the following
1.psb b25
2.kef q1
3.jmlab 706
i chose the psb thought they had the warmest sound of the three punchy bass.
close second were the kef's
jm labs to bright for my taste.

Silver Member
Username: Valeem

Post Number: 165
Registered: Dec-03

I've heard PSB speakers although with NAD seperates and liked them allot and I can see them going well with Cambridge as neither stray too far forward or have excessive warmth to be uncomfortable. You demo'd and picked the ones you liked and that's all that really matters in this game. Enjoy!

Unregistered guest
i highly recommend wharfedale diamond 9.1 as they are stonking speakers!!!! get them, DEFO

Silver Member
Username: Danman


Post Number: 137
Registered: Apr-04
I agree with ollyb. The new Wharfedales are a force to be taken seriously.

New member
Username: Malco49

Post Number: 7
Registered: May-05
thanks for the advise.i pick up my PSB B25 this saturday.will let you know how they sound.
final system
cambridge AZUR 540A amp
PSB B25 bookshelf speakers
pro-ject debut 3 turntable(to be delivered next wk.)
and still using my sony 5cd disc player.
will upgrade at some point to the cambridge 540cd player. or to a newer sony 5cd.i like multi disc players for CD as it seems to "fit" the format.
malco 49

Unregistered guest
Someone please reply to this...

I have a JVC shelf system, like a home stereo or whatever...I was wondering, can I buy subwoofers that are made for cars, the kind that already have a box, and hook them up to my home stereo? that would be awesome to have subs for a car in my room. please reaply asap and if its possible could i have some simple instructions :D

For Example, Could I hooks these up to my home shelf system... ryId=cat03081&id=1099396976115

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